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18 June 2012.

Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper
Parliament House, Ottawa

Prime Minister Harper,

Within the short time that you have been at the helm of the country, you have annihilated every
right and liberty enshrined in the Canadian Charter and have advanced a hidden agenda that is
antidemocratic, divisive, destabilizing and perverse and that has no relevance to Canada, being
entirely a British imposition that your government has adopted in secret and without the
knowledge or consent of the Canadian people.

You have achieved this by committing Canada to the British conceived counter-radicalization
strategy; a strategy born out of fear and hatred after the London subway attack in 2005 and that
subsequently hardened into anger and vengeance after prominent British Muslims drafted a
public letter to Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) in 2006. An embassy cable released by
Wikileaks1 offers insight into how the counter-radicalization policy acquired punitive and
ideological overtones:

     “Frustrated by the bruising that their community has taken after 24 UK-born Muslims were
     arrested in connection with the recently-thwarted air terrorist plot…

     Prominent British Muslim leaders sent an open letter to PM Tony Blair August 12 stating that his
     policy on Iraq and the Middle East offers "ammunition to extremists" and puts British lives "at
     increased risk." Appearing as a full page advertisement in newspapers August 13, the letter was
     signed by three of the four Muslim MPs, three of the five Muslim members of the House of Lords,
     and 38 Muslim organizations.

     HMG reacted sharply to the letter.

     That said, the Muslim community is not the only element in Britain blaming HMG's foreign policy
     for inciting radical elements; the left in particular but even the mainstream press has expressed the
     belief, reportedly wide-spread, that homegrown terrorism is an "inevitable" response to the UK's
     involvement in Iraq and reluctance to call for an "immediate ceasefire" in the Middle East.”

Within months of this conflagration, the UK government adopted a revised strategy for
preventing violent extremism and began controlling the public message to ensure that neither the
media nor academia diverge from the UK foreign policy message despite the fact that 90% of the
British public adamantly opposed the invasion of Iraq and that the vast majority of Britons
disagree with the way Palestinians are treated in their own country, not to say anything about the

    US Embassy cable, sent 14 August 2006,

bank bailout and other corporate abuses. Such expressions however were deemed radical by the
newly redesigned CONTEST policy, which is the name the UK gave to its “strategic response to
the threat from international terrorism”.

As a slap in the face of all British Muslims, the government assigned the post of ‘independent
reviewer of the terrorism legislation’ to a British Jew, Lord Carlisle.2 Not surprisingly, this has
added insult to injury to Britain’s Muslims who have clearly and rightfully identified the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict and HMG’s lopsided support of Israel as the primary source of Muslim
frustration leading to extremism. The embassy cable from August 2006 clearly reveals the rift
between the Muslim community and the British government, as well as the mistrust British
Muslims feel towards the government’s counter-radicalization program because it ignores their
views and recommendations.

    Labour MP Sadiq Khan said the community feels "let down" by HMG efforts to date, particularly
    the "Preventing Extremism Together" task forces, which the Home Office created after the 7/7
    attacks. Very few of the 64 measures recommended by Muslim leaders on the task force have been
    implemented, Khan said, creating an "air of despondency" and leading the community to believe
    that the entire exercise was just a publicity stunt.

In 2009, following renewed Israeli incursions into Gaza and the use of disproportionate force,
leading Muslim counter-extremism advisers have signed a joint letter to Gordon Brown to warn
that Israeli actions in Gaza are shattering the British government's efforts to fight religious
extremism at home.3 Despite the letter and the general public’s uproar, the British Government
changed neither its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict nor its pro-Israeli propaganda or
its counter-terrorism strategy. These foreign policy positions offend the British mainstream as
much as they offend the Canadian mainstream.

Nevertheless, before long, the British Muslim and the British mainstream viewpoints (which are
one and the same but in clear contradiction to the government’s position) were drowned by the
Prevent strand of the CONTEST policy, whose stated task is to purportedly defend Britain’s
“shared values” and “community cohesion”, the so-called “mainstream”, so as to prevent the
radicalization of vulnerable individuals. And in deference to British foreign policy objectives

  That Lord Carlisle accepted the position knowing the offence it would cause Britain’s Muslims shows a complete
lack of judgment on his part that should have immediately disqualified him from holding the office. Of course,
causing offence was the government’s intention, which is why a British Jew was given the position in the first place.
And this demonstrates that the true intent of the government’s counter-radicalisation policy was never to prevent the
radicalization of vulnerable individuals but to inflame the animosity the general public felt towards Muslims after
the 7/7 attack and then use those negative feelings to gag the will and voice of the people with their own prejudices.
 “We are witnessing a time of great danger”, The Guardian, 8 January 2009:

your administration, Prime Minister Harper, adopted the ideological approach of the British
government as Canada’s position; a position that offends over 90% of Canadians.

To get away with this your government has adopted Britain’s method of manufacturing consent
and stifling criticism, namely the counter-radicalization deception, to stoke racist sentiments
among the general populace so the government can divert the public’s rage from its own
antidemocratic actions and from policies that are subservient to foreign and corporate interests.

In the UK, the media was subdued through D-Notices and, more importantly, by self-imposed
censorship to refrain from publishing any opinions that run counter to the government’s official
foreign and domestic policy line. The media has dutifully complied lest it should be accused by
the government of encouraging radicals. By twisting any criticism of government policy into an
act of radicalism worthy only of Islamic fundamentalists, the British government has stifled the
greater bulk of legitimate political dissent in the once free press. Gradually, all criticism of
government policies became discredited as dangerous acts of radicalism that any good Briton
should refrain from. Racism and discrimination have become the criteria by which news are
selected or discarded. In an environment hypersensitive to populist Islamophobic opinions, the
media has learned to filter news that could offend the public’s prejudices and therefore affect
sales. An economic element was thus added to the political barriers to freedom of expression in
and by the press. Even so, the complete silence of the media on the covert and illegal aspects of
the counter-radicalization agenda and its many victims can only be explained by latent racism
within the ranks of Britain’s journalists, which equals that of the population at large.

The manufacturing of consent in universities, just as in the media, has also become part and
parcel of the British government’s strategy to control the message and shape public opinion. But
denying the people and especially students the right to express their honest opinions could not be
achieved through legal means so illegal means were duly adopted with the secret collaboration of
university chancellors and select academics willing to betray their students’ trust and to pervert
the sanctity of the academic environment where free speech and freedom of conscience are by
law to be encouraged and defended not curtailed and controlled. In fact, the European
Convention and other international covenants unequivocally demand that freedom of expression
“shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without
interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers”.

To bypass the law, a covert program of surveillance and censorship (SAC) was introduced in
British universities in 2007. I was the first to expose it in 2009 when I published The Great
Secret and became an instant enemy of Britain’s government and its intelligence community.4

 “The Great Secret: Surveillance and Censorship in Britain and the EU”, 25 October 2010, available at: and at

SAC works by circumventing, ignoring or blatantly violating both national and international
laws. Government agents operating from within and outside the country – should the course be
offered virtually - are assigned to specific universities where they enroll in programs and courses
as regular students, paying tuition fees out of pocket. This allows universities to play innocent
should anyone cry foul and to avoid legal repercussions for violating privacy rules, data
protection laws, expressional rights, freedom of conscience, education law and the trust of their
students. Once embedded, the spies masquerade as legitimate students while secretly
collaborating with the course tutors.

The embedded SAC agents gather information on students, test their allegiance to the system,
assist the course tutors in deflecting and diverting the discussions away from subjects the
government deems taboo when the opinions expressed by students run counter to Britain’s
foreign or domestic policies, manipulate and coerce students into toeing the politically correct
line, manufacture consent and, should that fail, provoke students to commit netiquette breaches
or simply create an environment so harassing as to cause targeted students to quit their studies of
their own accord.

The overall effect is to brainwash the young and the impressionable to hold biased views in line
with the British government’s foreign and domestic policies and to squash dissenting opinions
that challenge the status quo before they reach a larger audience.

Whether deliberate or accidental, the government of the UK imposes positions that are contrary
to reason, factually incorrect, and antithetical to the values, background and experience of
foreign and even domestic students, positions that fly in the face of academic freedom, violate
free speech and cause the retreat of reason, endemic dishonesty, and the corruption of public
debate; enchaining intellectual discourse and political analysis to preconceived notions derived
from a toxic mix of political correctness, manufactured consent and hidden agendas.

As a result, entrenched discrimination towards foreigners who do not share British values, and
towards natives who do not accept received wisdom and collective denial, and who do not show
unquestioned respect for British institutions and policies, is the order of the day in British
universities that collaborate with the government on SAC and allow government agents to define
the terms and parameters of intellectual debate.

Data release by Universities UK, the umbrella organization representing Britain’s higher
education institutions (HEI), reveals that 2/3 of Britain’s HEIs assist the government in spying
on and censoring students.5

Unbeknown to me, I became a victim of SAC in 2009, while attending an online political
philosophy course at Oxford from my home in Canada. A few months later, I suffered the same
 “Freedom of Speech on Campus: rights and responsibilities in UK universities”, online at:

indignity of being thrown out of school on trumped up charges at Leicester University, six weeks
into my first course in a two-year Master’s program in International Relations and Global Order.

Offended by the underhanded and dishonest ways in which my rights were violated, I took my
case from one adjudication body to another until I reached the European Court of Human Rights,
but at every judicial level I encountered the same perversion of the law and refusal to accept that
any violations of my rights had occurred despite clear evidence to the contrary.

This judicial corruption and the media’s refusal to publish my story and findings about the covert
spy program I had uncovered only committed me to the struggle of seeing to it that not only I but
all other students thus violated will receive the compensation they deserve for having their lives
ruined. In order to achieve this goal I went to France in April 2011 to engage in a hunger strike
at the Council of Europe, but despite my public suffering during 30 days of hunger and the six
articles I published during that time I was ignored by Europe’s technocrats and politicians, by the
press and by the NGO community.

This unified front of silent witness to gross violations of our expressional rights convinced me
that the Western world is engaged in a war of civilizations against the Islamic world and that
Huntington’s dire warning of civilizational rifts has become the reality of the day; for if this is
what happens in universities, God only knows what happens elsewhere. It also pointed me to the
legislative axel that keeps the wheel of racism turning, the British initiated Resolution 1624
passed by the UN Security Council in 20056. Under the guise of countering radicalism, the UK
has handed the world’s tyrannies the global legislation they needed to legitimize the brutal attack
on any and all political or social dissent by merely stating that radicals are involved. It did this in
order to pave the way for its own unlawful acts at home.

Not surprisingly, this global free ticket to repress and imprison anyone in the name of countering
radicalization has caused the demise of democracy throughout the world and the annihilation of
human rights and civil liberties even in the previously liberal democracies of the West. In
countries without the rule of law, like Turkey under President Erdogan, the counter-
radicalization policy is used as an excuse to imprison students, journalists and countless other
innocent people in troves.7

Incidentally, Turkey is Britain’s partner-in-crime in annihilating the powers of the European
Court of Human Rights, and this is no coincidence. Turkey is the most violent and repeat
offender of the European Convention in the east of Europe and the UK in the west. The UK and

 Resolution 1624 (2005):

  Turkey and human rights: Home thoughts from abroad: . In Turkey
the right to free speech is being lost:

Turkey have finished gang raping the European Court at Brighton, a month ago, after a failed
attempt at Izmir last year, and have thus robbed Europe and the world of a court of last resort
where individuals violated by state parties could seek justice. To do maximum harm is how the
UK chose to use its six months presidency of the European Union.

I have predicted this outcome in 2009 in my article The Great Secret. What I did not foresee is
the speed at which democracy and the rule of law have collapsed throughout the West or the
violent and extrajudicial attack that was planned in Canada and whose victim I was to become as
soon as I stopped my hunger strike and returned home on 13 May 2011.

Your government’s attempt to label me as “delusional”, Prime Minister Harper, after altering
my medical records8 and manufacturing a false hospital discharge9 are well documented, as are
the many false arrests and malicious and politically motivated prosecutions I have been subjected
to by corrupt police constables and equally corrupt Crown prosecutors, lawyers and judges10 in
order to saddle me with a criminal record and thus curtail my freedom of movement, bankrupt
me and destroy my credibility11. What exposes you and your government as the most criminal
and immoral administration in Canada’s short political history is the harm you have done to my
children and the manner in which you used them as collateral damage and have shattered their
world to achieve the hidden political objective of silencing me.

Since you are a Prime Minister blinded by Crown loyalty, devoid of any respect for the
multicultural nature of Canada, contemptuous of the Canadian people’s wish to see justice done
in the Middle East, bent on imprisoning Canadians for being poor and helpless with your fascist
crime bill (Bill C-10), and adamantly opposed to the humane and rational redistribution of
wealth and labour I publicly advocate12, you have chosen to set yourself above the law and above
majority opinion in order to punish me for the courage and sincerity with which I defended the

 “A Conspiracy of Racists and Crown Loyalists: The Kingston Hillbillies”, 18 December 2011, online at: and
also at
  “Doctors for Sale: How Canada Uses Psychiatry for Political Purposes”, 5 September 2011, online at: and at
  “Response to David Sinnett”, 23 October 2011, online at:
  “Kevin Galalae’s Response to the Investigation by the Law Society of Upper Canada into the Misconduct of
Criminal Attorney David Sinnett”, 21 May 2012, online at:
  “OM Principles” in English, online at:
of-the-99. “OM Principles” in French, online at:

people’s fundamental rights, the world’s economic security, and students’ freedom of speech and

Conscious of the fact that the counter-radicalization policy you have secretly committed Canada
to is antithetical to the interests of democracy, illegal, un-Canadian and pathetically deferential to
the British monarchy, and that your government could not openly punish me for exposing it, you
delegated the institutions of state to use unlawful and criminal methods to discredit and destroy
me in retaliation for taking centre stage against a policy that has become crucial to the
entrenchment of autocracy and racism. Moreover, you have done this in response to British
requests that I be silenced and to admonitions that you better control your citizens and that I be
stopped before I expose more subversive British policies to EU cohesiveness, to the rule of law,
and to the authority of the European Court of Human Rights, all of which are acts of geopolitical
Machiavellianism the British government would rather the world and especially continental
Europe remain unaware of.

The attack that you and likeminded Crown loyalists in the city of Kingston have unleashed on
me represents the most vicious and surreptitious act of structural violence in modern history and
is unparalleled in its violations and violence in any and all liberal democracies13. To achieve this
you have empowered the Attorney General of Ontario, John Gerretsen, and the former Speaker-
of-the-House-of-Commons, Peter Milliken, to corrupt the judiciary and the police who have in
turn manipulated public servants and doctors to perjure themselves and to betray the Hippocratic
Oath, as well as their consciences. More egregiously, you have allowed the authorities to use
my wife’s mental and emotional feebleness to charge me with crimes I did not commit, and to
use my children as pawns and hostages to force me to abandon my conscience and human rights
work in return for my children.

The crimes you are directly and indirectly responsible for make those of President Nixon during
the Watergate scandal pale by comparison and will certainly lead to your downfall and disgrace
and eventually to your imprisonment.

Clearly I have become a real threat to the status quo because the evidence I have presented is too
convincing to be disproved by government propaganda or by personal attacks on my intellect,
mental health, and qualities as a father and husband.

I have spent the last three years of my life proving that what in 2005 was sold to the world as
counter-radicalization, by 2009 had morphed into a counter-resistance ploy to quell any backlash
against the spread of corporate capitalism and Western interests to places where they are neither
welcomed or beneficial nor fit the character and needs of the people. And of course Islam,

 “Petition to the UN”,

which frowns upon profit taking and lending at interest, is the only remaining impediment to the
world’s enslavement to Judeo-Christian corporate capitalist greed.

I have shown that those who want to graduate from Western universities and have a place in
society are forced to espouse only the economic and political ideas that suit the enforcers of the
New World Order, which is necessary to create false consensus so as to ensure that the interests
and policies of the global nexus of power behind the New World Order meet with no opposition.
In the process of imposing this narrow western worldview of the 1% on the 99%, all identities,
national or otherwise, are raised off the face of the earth and the intelligentsia’s loyalty and
allegiance is locked in step with the interests of the elites and not those of the people.

I have also shown that any New World Order directive has multiple facets – one for public
consumption, one for allied support and the cooperation of civil society, and one for deep
interests – in order to deceive the people into working against their own best interests and that
counter-radicalization is one such directive; one that preys on people’s prejudices and fears. The
result is a worsening of the lines of division between religions and cultures and universal
mistrust between people and towards their governments. The only “consensus” reached is at the
top, between the elites, and it is at the expense of democracy itself and solely for the economic
profit of the few.

I have shown that the counter-radicalization policy is a British deception that embodies
imperialist aspirations to control the world from the top down by corrupting, bullying and
indoctrinating the young and by perverting the institutions of civil society. That it has poisoned
the world and that monarchies are not to be trusted because they embody aristocratic conceits
that are by their very nature anti-democratic and will always try to usurp the principle of equality
between men.

I have shown that the freedom of the press, the impartiality of NGOs, and the independence of
the judiciary – from the lowest national courts to the highest international courts – have been
annihilated and that for all intents and purposes we now live without the rule of law and fully at
the mercy of global tyranny because the counter-radicalization excuse gives governments of all
colors and orientations the tools and the cover necessary to destroy their people’s democratic
aspirations and to kill legitimate dissent without fear of being called to account.

Civil society has been placed in a straightjacket and the media, the courts and NGOs watch
impotently as freedom and democracy throughout the world have been reduced to mere shadows
of their former selves.

What the West’s policies of surveillance, censorship and control are primarily trying to achieve
is not our safety from terrorist attacks and extremist influences, which is merely an excuse, but
the preservation of a global system of greed and inequality that is obsolete and immoral and that
can only be sustained through lies and deception and through the scapegoating of others for its
abuses and failures.

These are inconvenient truths that fly in the face of the global propaganda we are surrounded
with and that in the meantime no one believes anymore but is nevertheless being force-fed to us
in a never-ending stream.

The fact that you, Prime Minister, have succeeded in manipulating the system, perverting the
rule of law, and corrupting the judiciary to commit serious crimes speaks volumes about the
weakness of Canada’s civil, democratic and legal institutions and reveals structural and systemic
flaws that beg to be remedied if Canada is to survive as a nation and if it can call itself a
democracy once again. As it stands, Canada is well on its way to being a dictatorship and can
only be described as a failed and illusory democracy.


The primary flaw revealed is Canada’s lack of leadership. Canada has never outgrown the
mentality of a colony and has yet to be self-determined; its foreign policy having always been
dictated by the UK and its economic policy determined by the US. Canada, with very few
exceptions, has not elected leaders to office, but only messengers. Our leaders have always
either parroted British or American positions and you, Prime Minister, are yet another
subservient messenger of British interests and policies.

What you fail to realize is that Canada’s population is no longer overwhelmingly British, but a
multicultural tapestry and that Britain’s interests and policies are as a result often antithetical to
those of Canada and offend the values and norms of Canadians. Britain’s counter-radicalization
agenda is a case in point, as it seeks to defend Britain’s “shared values” and “community
cohesion”, values that are understood to be those of the Church of England and cohesion that is
understood to be the racial bond of British Caucasians. Never mind that the British policy
ignores the fact that immigrants now account for 10% of the British populace and that all
religions and ethnicities on earth have substantial diasporas on British soil, Britain’s
multiculturalism pales by comparison to that of Canada, which is a nation of immigrants.

Canada’s cohesion rests on mutual respect and equal rights for every Canadian, regardless of
background, culture, creed or color. Canada is a nation that prides itself on peaceful and equal
coexistence, not on the artificial and forced imposition of British bigotry and prejudices on non-
British people. Canadians have struggled long and hard to establish this as the core of our
national identity, and have succeeded despite constant British sabotage, and you have destroyed
Canada’s hard-won achievement.

In adopting the British counter-radicalization policy – which is clearly discriminatory and
divisive, not to mention illegal and immoral – without the knowledge and consent of the
Canadian people you have betrayed not only the trust of Canadians but also the values on which
Canada stands. However admirable your Crown loyalism may have been to past generations of

British-stock Canadians, it is utterly inappropriate to the multi-religious, multi-colored, and
multi-cultural Canada of today. Of course, you and your administration are aware of this, which
is why you have gone behind the backs of Canadians.

Your government is as a result vulgar and perverse; vulgar because it embodies the ugly biases
and prejudices of a minority of white and ignorant Canadians and perverse because in order to do
so while preserving the façade of a liberal and enlightened nation you covertly suspended the
rule of law along with equality under the law, silenced the press and rendered all rights and
privileges enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms conditional on your secret
deals and undeclared prejudices.

I have warned you in 2009 – when I sent you my passport to inform you that I no longer want the
Canadian citizenship because I am ashamed of your leadership and decisions and chastised you
for knowingly and secretly committing Canada to policies that are illegal and immoral – that you
have overstepped your rights by making political decisions without the people’s knowledge and
consent and that you must pull out of the counter-radicalization coalition. You did not and have
instead instigated an extrajudicial attack on me to make sure that Canadians do not find out about
your deception and betrayal. As a result of your petty, despotic and criminal actions, I wrote to
you on 22 January 2012 to inform you that I “no longer recognize the legitimacy of your
Government, or subject myself to more kangaroo courts and their predetermined legal outcomes,
and [that] I will lead the Canadian people to indict you for crimes against the constitution and
for setting yourselves above the law.”14

I will conclude the subject of lack of leadership, by pointing out the irony that your government,
which is incapable of accomplishing the simple task of balancing its books, should deem itself
capable of predicting a man’s actions before they occur and of knowing his thoughts before they
guide his actions; which are the stated goals of the counter-radicalization agenda. If bureaucrats
and politicians were capable of such wizardry they could certainly be trusted to balance the
nation’s books, eliminate unemployment, and feed the 25% of Canada’s children who live in
poverty and do not have enough to eat. Alas everyone knows that bureaucrats are by and large
an incapable lot derelict in their basic duties and that politicians are first and foremost interested
in lining their own pockets and serving their own interests. For why else would our country,
which sits on unimaginable natural wealth, be in such a mess?

It is becoming increasingly clear that Canada has nothing left to learn from the UK and that
Canada’s membership in the Commonwealth of Nations must come to an end if Canada is to be
self-determined and free of Britain’s destructive influence. The time has come for Canada to
become a Republic and break all connections to the British Crown. The norms and values of
Canadians, which embody the world, are no longer compatible to those of Britain, which

  “Letter to the Canadian Government”, 22 January 2012, online at:

embody the ossified and antiquated institution of the monarchy and the blue blooded and
moneyed elites that surround it.


In Harper’s Canada criticizing the government or its allies will result in the confiscation of your
children and property and, astonishingly, civil society and the media will watch in silence as the
courts, the police and the law are used as instruments of injustice.

The evidence I have presented to the international courts15 show that Canada has no viable
separation between the three branches of government – the executive, the legislative and the
judiciary – and that therefore Canada can no longer be considered a democracy. It shows also
that the Canadian media is a willing accessory to constitutional crimes, structural violence and
institutional racism.

The Canadian system is a fraud from top to bottom and nothing in it functions as it should.

In Harper’s Canada an executive order trumps the rule of law and sets in motion a chain of
illegalities that will stop at nothing because there is nothing and no one to stop it. In Harper’s
Canada judges can order the police to beat defendants in court if they try to speak, they can deny
habeas corpus and the presumption of innocence, and they have no compulsion about doctoring
court transcripts and holding kangaroo courts whose outcomes are dictated by political orders.
In Harper’s Canada lawyers are ordered to pass on evidence about their clients to the Crown, to
collaborate with Crown prosecutors in withholding exonerating evidence, and to deny their own
clients access to the Crown Disclosure. In Harper’s Canada doctors and psychologists working
for the government are obligated to issue false discharge summaries and medical reports and
family doctors are coopted to falsify medical records as a favour to the government. In Harper’s
Canada children are objects to be used and abused as pawns and as hostages if political
objectives are at stake. In Harper’s Canada the police carry out false arrests, access private
property without a warrant, confiscate and steal intellectual property, deny a defendant access to
a lawyer, and steal property and evidence from police custody. In Harper’s Canada vulnerable
women are manipulated to turn against their husbands and to put their prejudices before the love
of their children. In Harper’s Canada the secret service, the Canadian Security and Intelligence
Service (CSIS), is used to conduct illegal surveillance, to open phony investigations to prevent
the release of files through the Freedom of Information Act, to destroy electronic and physical
evidence and to hide its criminal acts while innocent Canadians are convicted for CSIS’ crimes.
In Harper’s Canada the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUP) is used to cover up the

  “Petition to the UN by Kevin Galalae”,

government’s crime scenes and to keep the judiciary corrupt and corruptible, while the Canadian
Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and the Canadian Centre for International Justice (CCIJ)
watch its back to make sure no one sees what is happening.16 In Harper’s Canada those who
abandon their consciences are rewarded and those who do not have their careers destroyed. In
Harper’s Canada good men hide like cowards.

These acts of executive lawlessness and judicial corruption bear of course the imprint of Her
Majesty’s Government. Following Britain’s example Harper’s Canada uses the law as a cover to
pursue political attacks and objectives that cannot be pursued either legally or openly because
they represent blatant attacks on our fundamental rights that would expose our country for what
it is, a fraudulent democracy.

The weakness of the Canadian political system, like England’s, comes best to the fore in the
cross-party collaboration and the lack of opposition to policies that offend the masses but on
which the establishment depends to keep the status quo alive and well so it can continue to stall
the country’s evolution towards a more egalitarian and just society; a society that benefits the
99% not the 1%. For though I have appealed to the leaders of each of Canada’s major political
parties and asked them to defend our sovereignty and to condemn the destruction of our
fundamental rights in the name of countering radicalization, I have been completely ignored.
More than this, once I became a threat to the status quo, the Conservative Party, which sits in
power in Ottawa, collaborated with the Liberal Party, which controls the Province of Ontario, to
make possible their extrajudicial attack on me and my family. The Conservative and Liberal
parties are thus fully and equally complicit in serious constitutional crimes, while Canada’s other
parties remain silent.

Her Majesty’s Government is dragging the world towards immorality and lawlessness to justify
racist policies, imperialist greed and British cultural supremacy as surely as Europe’s fascists did
in the 1930s. The only difference is the lower level of cruelty employed, at least so far. The
most frightening parallel is the ease with which civil society, the judiciary and the press have
abandoned their duties and succumbed to the status of accessories to constitutional crimes,
structural violence and institutional racism.

As in Hitler’s Germany so in Harper’s Canada the good men and women have hung their heads
in shame, shut their mouths and sold their consciences because they are petrified of what the
government can and will do to them if they stand up for truth and justice. The abdication of their
dignity and freedom shows that Canadians are besotted with such fear and cynicism that they
have lost all hope in themselves and in their leadership.

  “Kevin Galalae’s Response to the Investigation by the Law Society of Upper Canada into the Misconduct of
Criminal Attorney David Sinnett”, 21 May 2012, online at:

That is your legacy, Prime Minister. That is what history will remember you for. And this has
happened because you have tied Canada to the British chain.

To undo Prime Minister Harper’s damage and the cumulative effects of political apathy and lack
of true sovereignty, Canadians will have to adopt drastic reform measures to rethink the
country’s entire system.

       1. To address the lack of leadership and political engagement, Canada needs to broaden
          political participation and stimulate interest in self-determination and public service as a
          right and responsibility of citizenship. It can do so by making voting compulsory,
          outlawing public office for more than one term on the provincial and one on the federal
          level, and legislating that Parliament and the Senate must represent a cross section of
          society by profession, gender and race17. Canadians will never become interested in
          politics so long as the political realm is monopolized by career politicians and lawyers.
          Political office must be a real possibility and a duty for every able Canadian. The
          revolving door between politics and big business must also be closed shut and individuals
          who have served their one term in public office can only continue to be involved in
          politics in advisory and unpaid roles. That is the only way government and governance
          can be returned to the people.

       2. To address the abysmal lack of courage and independence in the Canadian media,
          journalists must be bound by law to publish and broadcast cases of structural violence,
          institutional discrimination, systemic abuse and economic exploitation, all of which have
          become taboo subjects that are suppressed either by corporate interests or by political and
          bureaucratic interests. The Canadian media is utterly subservient to corporate and
          political interests and does not give the Canadian public the duty of care it has to act as a
          counterforce to political power and economic interests, as the fourth estate it was
          designed to be. A Good Samaritan law must come into effect to force journalists to speak
          truth to power or else lose their licences and even face prison terms for collusion,
          complicity and tacit suppression of information that affects the public good and exposes
          individuals to victimhood, but to also defend them from loss of jobs in retaliation for
          speaking truth to power. Media owners who interfere with editorial independence will
          have their newspaper, radio or TV stations confiscated and the ownership transferred to
          the employees and the community they serve. The stranglehold of corporate censorship
          of the media will thus be loosened.

       3. To address the feebleness of Canada’s NGOs, legislation must be put in place to ensure
          that any non-profit organization receiving donations from the Canadian public and/or
          funds and support from the government in whatever form has a duty of care to defend the
          rights and liberties of Canadians first and foremost. Canadian NGOs are very good at
     Religion cannot be a criterion for public office as the separation of church and state must be strictly adhered to.

standing up for victims in the developing world but are nowhere to be found when it is
       time to stand up for victims at home or in the developed world. This is completely
       unacceptable and Canada’s NGOs should be severely punished in the future for such self-
       serving double-standard. Failing to serve Canadians should automatically result in the
       loss of their licenses to collect donations and to act as non-profit organizations.

These simple measures will ensure that the Canadian system is biased towards truth and justice
not against it, as is currently the case.


Canada’s laws are a disgrace and their application a tragedy. The legal system itself is a
decaying corpse in whose desiccated veins flows only greed and hypocrisy. Its primary function
is to serve the economic interests of lawyers and politicians and the bureaucracies built around
the industry of incarceration. How any self-respecting man or woman could work in this system
is beyond my comprehension. The notion that justice is possible at $300 to $400 an hour when
the vast majority of Canadians earn between $10 and $30 per hour is clearly a grand delusion
than only a deeply flawed society can justify. That is why at a time of decreasing crime the
prison population is growing and the government has just instituted the most draconian criminal
laws in our country’s history (Bill C-10).

Under your leadership, Prime Minister Harper, an already deeply flawed system needed only a
nudge in the wrong direction to become a full-fledged instrument of injustice. Laws passed to
keep lawyers overfed, like the domestic abuse legislation and divorce law that eschews automatic
joint custody of children, are now used in select cases to mask politically motivated attacks, as in
my case, and economically motivated society-wide theft, as in the case of tens of thousands of
Canadians who rot in prison and who are being bankrupted by the parasitical social class that
controls the law.

Without executive direction and in the absence of independent oversight, lawyers have turned the
law into a tool of extortion and are holding every branch of the economy at ransom, treating their
clients as their personal banks. Their power is unchecked because as a group they have
monopolized the executive, judiciary and legislative branches of government. They are therefore
the Mandarins of our times and in full control of the institutions of state. Lawyers are in the only
profession that has no oversight and is not accountable to anyone other than their brethren. Not
surprisingly the countries that have inherited the common law system of justice from the British,
and which rely on precedent and tradition set by Britain’s legal history, have become hopelessly
rigid and dangerously litigious.

Lawyers have excluded themselves from the free-market law of supply and demand, even though
they are the main defendants of the free-market forces that regulate the value of goods and

services in a competitive environment. The excess of lawyers in a free market system would
mean that lawyers should be relatively cheap, but because lawyers artificially defend their
economic interests and turf they are dictating their own pay scales and consequently the price of
lawyers and their true value is totally devoid of any connection to the market.18

In my short encounter with Canada’s legal system I have yet to meet a single lawyer who is
worth $50 let alone $400 an hour and more often than not a reasonably intelligent person is
better off defending himself/herself than entrusting his/her rights and property to the negligent
and greedy ways of the Canadian legal class.

The Canadian “justice” system has the ability to ruin a man’s life in a fortnight but lacks the
means to restore it through compensation for judicial negligence or corruption even a decade
later. To add insult to injury, lawyers are paid to ruin a man’s life and then paid again ten times
more to correct their own mistakes and crimes. As an example of the system’s fraudulence, one
has only 30 days to appeal a conviction but the courts have 90 days to provide court transcripts,
without which filing an appeal is impossible. Only a professional class of social deviants could
justify such legal paradoxes.

The judiciary under Harper’s leadership has become an instrument of injustice and the law is
used to bully Canadians into submission. Canadians feel beaten by the system, which has put us
all in a straightjacket. We scream and kick and complain but no one in our government is
listening and no politician cares, because they are all lawyers and are too busy looking after their
own and their brethren’s interests.

Canada’s domestic laws are not only a reflection of deep-seated Anglo-Saxon class-bias and
prejudices, they are also the result of the fact that Canada’s system is controlled and dictated by
lawyers who put their interests first and who by virtue of the stranglehold they have on all
branches of government are arrogantly abusing their power and authority for naked and
unashamed self-interest and class-interest. Canada’s lawyers represent the most dangerous and
entrenched criminal organization in the country, an organization that holds the entire country at

A glut of lawyers at a time of decreasing crime rates and economic hardship should mean
increasing competition and decreasing hourly wages for lawyers. To offset this trend, the layers
who control the legislative branch of government pass laws that artificially create more work
and new income streams for lawyers in practice, laws that criminalize formerly accepted
behavior or that increase punishment, force police to automatically lay charges and take away
their discretionary powers, and prolong prison sentences and probation conditions; all of which
vastly increase the crime rates and fill the prisons with dire effects on families, the fabric of

  There are over 120,000 lawyers in Canada, though statistics are conspicuously lacking. By comparison there are
only 70,000 physicians. By all accounts Canada suffers from a glut of lawyers yet their median income in 2005 was

society and the common good. This is the origin of the “tough on crime” dogma, which has
become the legal paradigm of all Anglo-Saxon nations that are also operating according to the
British common law system. This is also the true motivation of Harper’s crime bill, which is an
affront to all Canadians and an unprecedented assault on our rights and liberties.

What Canada needs in order to reform its abysmal laws and judiciary is less England and more
France. Better yet, Canada ought to adopt the many laudable features of the Canadian aboriginal
justice tradition, which is far more humane and honourable and does not depend on money.

Until such day, I suggest six urgent reform measures that will allow Canadians to take control
over their justice system rather than continue to ape that of England as a poor and provincial

     1. Restricting through legislation the number of lawyers in government at all three levels
        (executive, judicial and legislative branches) to a proportion that is not far above the
        numbers of lawyers relative to the general population. Therefore, if lawyers account for
        roughly 0.5 % of the population, then only a maximum of 10% of government should be
        lawyers19. If Canada is to be a representative democracy than our government must be
        composed of a cross-section of Canada’s population. Until such time Canada will never
        achieve democracy and lawyers will continue to usurp the nation’s interests for their own.

     2. The fees lawyers charge must be restricted to reflect the incomes of Canadians. Justice
        cannot be subverted by the rapacious and greedy ways of lawyers. Legislation should be
        passed to force lawyers to charge clients no more than triple the client’s hourly income
        and to accept clients as they come in without selecting the wealthy and discarding the
        poor. If a client earns $10 an hour a lawyer cannot charge that client more than $30 an
        hour for his services. If a client earns $50 an hour he/she cannot be charged more than
        $150 an hour by his/her lawyer. This will ensure that justice is equally accessible to
        everyone, is not dependent on wealth and is affordable, and that it is rooted in the
        economic abilities of the nation.20 The profit motive will be taken out of the equation of
        justice and the administration of justice will be able to breathe freely and to concentrate
        on serving justice not profit. This will also ensure that the right people pursue a career in
        the law and that the legal system has a symbiotic and not a parasitical relationship to the
        society at large. As it is the law has become the refuge of crooks and scoundrels.

  I grant that lawyers are needed in government in a larger proportion than any other profession by virtue of their
skills, which is why 10% is an appropriate compromise. The number of lawyers currently in Canada’s three levels
of government is unknown but well in excess of 70%.
   Legal Aid is underfunded, susceptible to state interference, and is not working. Furthermore, it does not establish
a level playing field.

3. To ensure that lawyers and the judiciary are subjected to true democratic oversight the
        people must have recourse to an ad hoc judicial body that is controlled by the people and
        not by lawyers and the government and that can be constituted locally to hear one case
        and one case only. Lawyers cannot stand in judgement over lawyers no more than
        criminals should stand in judgment of criminals. The People’s Protection Court21 must
        therefore be given the authority to correct judicial abuse, corruption and negligence and
        to award victims proper compensation and exoneration. As it is, the system destroys and
        impedes any victim who seeks redress for institutional and systemic mistakes committed
        by the system. That is why Canada’s judiciary has become utterly unaccountable and
        totally self-serving and abusive. Compensation awarded by The People’s Protection
        Court or existing higher courts must be paid not from the public trough but from the
        incomes of the lawyers, judges and public servants who are directly and indirectly
        responsible for the damage caused to the victim. The Canadian taxpayer should not be
        liable for judicial incompetence, greed, negligence and corruption. This will ensure that
        self-interest is put to work for justice not against it. Lawyers and judges will be far more
        circumspect with the law and with the powers they have once this is the case.

     4. The government has no business in our bedrooms or in our families. Couples wishing to
        separate must be referred to mediation not to courts. Equal and shared child custody
        rights must be automatic as in the EU. Parents cannot be arbitrarily separated from their
        children by flawed authorities and institutions that have their own economic interest at

     5. Given the lawlessness and injustice with which the Canadian judiciary has turned large
        numbers of innocent Canadians into criminals it is necessary to grant a general amnesty
        to all Canadians serving time for non-violent crimes and to wipe their records clean
        through pardons so that Canada can start a new life and begin healing after 50 years of
        judicial abuse. During this time of empty prisons the Canadian government should
        convert the great majority of prisons into healing and detoxification centres and Canada
        must pursue of policy of minimal incarceration so that the current rates are brought down
        to the level of nations that are most kind with their citizens. Instead of gearing Canada to
        reach America’s incarceration rate (at 740 prisoners per 100,000 being the highest in the
        world and nearly as high as that of the Soviet Union under Stalin, at 823), Canada should
        aim to reach India’s level of civilized behaviour (at 21 prisoners per 100,000).22

     6. No law student should graduate without first spending 30 days in prison, half of which in
        solitary confinement, so they can know and appreciate the power and responsibility

   “The People’s Protection Court”, online at:
   Canada’s incarceration rate stands at 107 per 100,000 citizens as of 2006.

society is about to entrust them with. No lawyer or judge now in practice should
         continue unless spending a week in prison every five years, lest they should forget the
         awesome responsibility and power they wield over our lives and so that they may use that
         power compassionately. Crown prosecutors must spend a week in prison (and in solitary
         confinement to ensure their security) every two years as a reminder not to abuse their
         power by calling for outrageously long sentences, as is currently the case.

I am certain that the Canadian public will welcome these laws and that once they are adopted
they will change Canada’s legal landscape for the better and will propel Canada’s justice system
into the 21st century as a model for the world to follow. That is so because the system will be
biased towards justice and the common good, as it should be, and not towards injustice and class
interest, as currently is the case. These new laws will give the system the structure necessary to
be self-correcting and accountable before not after mistakes and abuses occur.


The British system treats citizens as subjects not free men. To exclude the underprivileged from
the political process and thus keep the elites entrenched, prisoners are not allowed to vote23,
peerages carry the personal right to sit and vote in the House of Lords, and the vast majority of
key positions in civil service and the three branches of government are held by the members of
the upper class24.

Worse of all, the British system treats children without regard for their needs and sensibilities
and throughout its history has used children to achieve political and economic objectives.
Britain has a long and dark history of child abuse, from the exploitation of children in the
Victorian era and in the dismal factories of the Industrial Revolution to the wholesale abduction
of native children from their parents throughout Canada and elsewhere to be culturally purged,
psychologically destroyed, and ideologically brainwashed into accepting Anglo-Saxon
supremacy over their own culture.

The policies of assimilation propagated by the British Empire have caused more suffering,
destroyed or crippled more cultures and sown more division over the course of history than those
of any other nation, Nazi Germany included.

   The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has recently ordered the UK to grant prisoners the right to vote,
which is a constitutionally protected right. Cognisant of the fact that this will change the elitist landscape of British
politics, the government has refused to comply and has instead intensified its assault on the European Court of
Human Rights to ensure that it annihilates its power and jurisdiction. The UK has succeeded to achieve just that in
   A study done by the Oxford University student newspaper in 2010 reckoned that nearly 90% of all key positions
in the UK are held by members of the upper class. That study disappeared from the record a month later.

The counter-radicalisation policy now propagated from the UK is in the same tradition as the
Gradual Civilization Act of 1857 and the Gradual Enfranchisement Act of 1869, which have
justified cultural genocide on Canada’s native population and have turned the residential school
system that forcibly removed 150,000 native children from their parents into de facto
concentration camps where children were sterilized, sexually abused, beaten, tortured and
murdered by the finest representatives of Christian society, the clergy, which killed half of these
helpless children. The same policy was applied in Australia on the aboriginal population, in
South Africa on the Boer women and children and in just about every other place where the
British have robbed and pillaged and have “civilized the savages”.

Like its predecessors, the Prevent strand of Britain’s counter-radicalisation policy is aimed at
children and the young, assumes the inherent superiority of British ways and commits cultural
genocide, this time on British Muslims. Judging by the cruelty of Britain’s Christians and the
arrogance with which they have soiled history one could easily argue that it is Britain’s Muslims
who need to do the civilizing and the native Brits who need to be civilized.

How could this happen? How could Britain, given its abysmal record and nasty history, dare to
infect the world once again with its conceits and its culture of abuse and perversion? Part of the
explanation can be found in the way the British upper class treats its children, or rather in the
way it mistreats its children, by locking them up in boarding schools from an early age and
causing them “profound developmental damage” since “early rupture with home has a lasting
influence on developmental patterns”.25 The wider social impact of the British upper class
manner of raising their offspring through abandonment in institutions is that power is transferred
from one generation of repressed and traumatised individuals unable to connect emotionally with
others onto another generation of equally repressed and traumatized individuals. Britain is
caught in a vicious psychological cycle. Not surprisingly the political and social decisions
Britain’s elites make are illustrative of a social class in which practices of the most callous
inhumanity are accepted as the natural order of events and even more importantly as the proper
English way. Not surprisingly the British upper class has little in common with the common
Britons. Not surprisingly the policies and declarations emanating from the British Government
rarely reflect the will or the interests of the people. Not surprisingly the elites who make up the
British government need a pretext to control and manipulate public opinion and to manufacture
consent, which is what the counter-radicalization policy is. Not surprisingly, the Prevent strand
of CONTEST is not looking for social cohesion but for social suppression; the suppression of the
will and sentiments of the majority to the will and interests of the elite minority that controls and
always has controlled the British government.

  Dr. Joy Schaverien, “Boarding School Syndrome: Broken Attachments a Hidden Trauma”, British Journal of
Psychotherapy, 28 March 2011.

The same elite conceits and need for social suppression animates the Harper government and
consequently the rift between the policies adopted by his administration and the norms and
values of Canadians is growing wider by the day. Not surprisingly he has abrogated parliament
twice, reneged Canada’s commitment to the Kyoto Protocol, adopted a wholly unholy pro-Israeli
position, cut social services, increased military spending, pushed his fascist crime bill (Bill C-10)
down the throats of Canadians, and covertly committed Canada to the British counter-
radicalization policy which flies in the face of everything Canadian.

Not surprisingly, the Conservative Party of Canada now and in the past has masked the social ills
created through their rapacious and self-serving policies through a tough on crime stance. This is
all the more criminal given that in the past 20 years Canada’s conservative elite has sold our
nation’s resources to foreign interests and has exported our jobs to the developing world without
making any social provisions for the hardship that was to inevitably ensue. So after first
impoverishing us to enrich themselves, this shameless group of men are now criminalizing our
poverty, for that is the objective of Prime Minister Harper’s crime bill. I think it is fair to say
that they have asked for severe punishment and we, Canadians, are about to teach them a lesson
they will never forget by giving them a taste of their own medicine and indicting and convicting
them with the full harshness of Bill C-10, their own creation. I have provided more than
sufficient evidence through my case alone to put Prime Minister Harper and Justice Minister
Nicholson behind bars for a very long time.

But their treachery goes even further for it does not stop with their attack on us adults it extends
to an attack on our children and families.

In the same fashion they have attacked us economically, they are now attacking us through the
judiciary by using our children to exploit us and to transfer what little wealth we have left into
the pockets of lawyers and judges, in other words in their own pockets. They do this through the
so-called zero tolerance domestic violence law and by subjecting family matters and divorce
procedures to legal decisions because Canadian law has been conveniently designed not to
automatically award joint custody rights to parents, but leaves that to the discretion of the
judicial system as their ultimate financial extortion method. This is judicial theft and systemic
class war by the relatively rich on the relatively poor. It is, pure and simple, the newest
incarnation of class war.

Canada’s laws have no consideration for children and families because we are aping the English
tradition and the English have never had much kindness for children. Here is but one example
from their dismal history:

   “In 1828 The Lion, published the history of Robert Blincoe, one of eighty pauper-children sent off
   to a factory at Lowdham. The boys and the girls – they were all about ten years old – were
   whipped day and night, not only for the slightest fault, but to stimulate their flagging industry. And
   compared with a factory at Litton where Blincoe was subsequently transferred, conditions at
   Lowdham were rather humane. At Litton the children scrambled with the pigs for the slops in the

trough; they were kicked and punched and sexually abused; and their employer, one Ellice
      Needham, had the chilling habit of pinching the children’s ears until his nails met through the
      flesh. The foreman of the plant was even worse. He hung Blincoe up by his wrists over a machine
      so that his knees were bent and then he piled heavy weights on his shoulders. The child and his co-
      workers were almost naked in the cold of winter and (seemingly as a purely gratuitous sadistic
      flourish) their teeth were filed down!”26

Today, the British savagery towards children lives on in the current family laws and in the
boarding schools, of which the UK has 600. Canadians of British stock embody that savagery
and impose it on Canada through laws that are antithetical to the Canadian psyche, a psyche that
has long ago ceased to be of British descent and that is a healthy global hybrid.

Anglo-Saxons, in their indifference to children, judge it acceptable to separate children and
parents, for they have no regard and no conception that the rest of the world is bound by
unbreakable emotional ties between parents and children. Anglo-Saxons think nothing of
committing their children from infancy in institutions to be raised and educated by strangers in
total absence of parental love. Much of the rest of the world considers this practice cruel and

Anglo-Saxons, at the mercy of their litigious societies, think nothing of separating children and
parents for years on end so that lawyers, the profession of the British and Canadian upper class
by excellence, can profit from children’s misery. In a sadistic way, they seek comfort from their
own mistreatment as children by mistreating the children of others.

And that is the model that Canada follows and that now permeates the judicial and legislative
branches of Canada’s government, which have no connection whatsoever to the norms and
values of Canadians.

No other race has perpetrated or continues to perpetrate more atrocities on children than Anglo-
Saxons. The Canadian legal system, based as it is on British common law, has inherited the
callous disregard for children’s rights visible throughout Britain’s history and society. As a
result, Canadians live in a legal system that is not only harsh and cruel but that rationalizes its
cruelty under the guise of domestic criminal law which legitimizes interference in family matters
as the state’s responsibility.

That in of itself is not a bad thing, but how the Canadian state fulfills its responsibility to protect
the weak is what is troublesome and damaging. For at the slightest sign of aggression or frayed
nerves – a raised voice, a push, a slap, or a harsh word – the state swoops down on families and
separates its members arbitrarily, without recourse and without regard for the feelings and
opinions of husbands and wives.

     Robert Heilbronner, “The Worldly Philosophers”, pp. 85-86, Simon and Schuster, 1963.

One parent, usually the father, is arrested, incarcerated, charged with harassment or domestic
violence and upon release on bail thrown out of his own home and given minutes to pick up a
few clothes. His ties to his children are broken forever. A parent thus treated is instantly labeled
a social outcast, will most likely lose his job and be financially ruined at the time when the legal
costs pile up without end in sight. When he can no longer pay child support his driver’s licence
is then cancelled and he is crippled even further, which then allows the government to label him
a deadbeat father. What could have been resolved between husband and wife within minutes at
no financial and at little psychological and emotional cost will take the legal system years at a
crippling emotional, psychological and financial cost. The family will have been destroyed
forever and its wealth transferred to lawyers.

By taking away the rights of husbands and wives to forgive and forget, to move on, to patch up
their differences in privacy and without outside interference, the state, with its blunt legal means
and its patronizing and rigid legal system inherited from England, ends up committing far graver
crimes on families than the minor or major infraction that set it in motion in the first place. And
the damage, without exception, is irreversible and crippling on families, committing them to
economic desperation and plunging children into poverty and perpetual emotional conflict.

That is the British legacy on Canadian law and the judiciary. Once again, what Canada needs is
less England if we are to ever become a civilized nation in the spirit of the world’s great souls,
the Mahatmas that we in the West no longer listen to because we conduct our affairs along
Realpolitik cruelties and callous profiteering rather than in accordance to the noble heritage of
European humanism.

But that is what happens when a man like you, Prime Minister Harper, a conservative born-again
Christian and ideologue blinded by Crown loyalty, takes over the reins of our multicultural
country and paints it with a sallow brush dipped in British interests. That is what happens when
Canada’s political class decides to impose British conceits on Canadians.

The United Kingdom – flagging as it is in most scientific, industrial, manufacturing and
technological domains – is relying increasingly more on exporting its treachery and
Machiavellianism to the world’s despots, monarchs and hoodlums in positions of power and
even to the impressionable democracies of continental Europe. The UK peddles fraudulent
financial instruments to gullible buyers, surveillance software to tyrants and autocrats, and anti-
democratic policies of censorship and control to innocents worldwide.

Lord Carlisle, in his 2011 review of the Prevent strategy, in a display of unsavory arrogance, has
the gull to demand that the US follows the UK’s lead to curtail freedom of speech on the Internet
along the ideological, unconstitutional and prejudicial lines of Britain’s Prevent strategy. He

   Of course, in order to be fully effective in dealing with extremism on the internet we require the co-
   operation not only of the internet service providers, but also of the countries from which they

operate. International co-operation in this context is vital, especially with the United States, from
      which a great many offending sites originate. Internet ‘flags of convenience’ should not be
      permitted to undermine public safety.27

The UK wants the right to censor the entire world and the Internet of anything that offends
British sensibilities or, more accurately, undermines Britain’s self-awarded right to rape and
pillage others. Freedom of speech and conscience, which are rooted in every nation’s culture,
history and environment are far more important than British sensibilities and British interests and
should never be subjected to British censorship. I hope President Obama and Secretary of State
Clinton told Lord Carlisle to take his policy and stick it where the sun don’t shine, to use a
humble Canadian expression that everyone understands.


Beholden to British political control and to American economic influence, Canada has developed
deeply ingrained inferiority complexes and is unable and unwilling to take the lead on the global
arena on anything. We are a nation of followers despite our unparalleled natural advantages: a
geography that protects us from foreign aggression, unequalled natural wealth, and a low
population splurged on vast territories, to name but a few.

This self-defeatist feature of the Canadian character became evident to me shortly after I
immigrated to Canada as a nineteen-year-old lad. Yet Canada has tremendous talent and great
human resources because Canadians are well-educated, moderate, practical and rational and
because by virtue of the fact that we come from all corners of the world we embody the
knowledge and cultures of mankind. But we Canadians are not using either our talents or our
nation’s natural advantages. Instead we have succumbed to a poverty of soul, an inability to
dream, and a dangerous meekness that have arrested Canada’s development and evolution.

You, Prime Minister Harper, embody these inferiority complexes more than any other leader
Canada has ever had and consequently are dragging our country down to the bottom of the pack
of nations and to the status of an inconsequential country.

Complacency and apathy have annihilated our ability and will to fight for our future and for our
children. We have become prisoners and victims of the system we have created and have
allowed to decay. And we are squandering our splendid resources and the precious little time we
have left to save our country and the world from certain collapse.

Canada needs to be at the forefront of the world’s transition from national to global governance
and needs to help the 99% impose democratic control and oversight on the existing Bretton

     See p. 8 in “Report to the Home Secretary of Independent Oversight of Prevent Review and Strategy”, 2011.

Woods institutions, which in the absence of democratic checks and balances serve only the
interests of the 1%. Unless Canada forges relationships with countries that have already imposed
the will of the majority on the minority and works in concord with them to advance democracy
to the global governance arena, we do not have a chance in hell of saving our own country let
alone the world.

To get us there, I have done what our political leaders should have done a long time ago, drafted
a vision and a plan for the future of the world in 15 simple principles that everyone can
comprehend and that I have called the OM Principles and which to date are available in 7

It is to suppress the ideas contained in the OM Principles that the censors in the UK and Canada
have expelled me from university and hounded me in the hope of destroying my life before the
world has a chance to know that there is a solution to all our wows. And as any honest person
will see once he or she reads the OM Principles, there is nothing radical or impossible contained
therein.     They do however threaten the entrenched moneyed, political and religious
establishments that are leading mankind to perdition and our planet to certain environmental

I ask my fellow Canadians to get behind the OM Principles and show the world what Canada is
made of and that Canadians are not only capable but also willing to lead mankind to a better

As a first act of geopolitical leadership, I ask my fellow Canadians that we become the first
nation to pull out of Resolution 1624 (2005) and thus restore not only our sovereignty but the
world’s peaceful and equal coexistence. Racist and autocratic policies have no place at the
global governance level and we Canadians must show courage and determination to safeguard
international covenants and national prerogatives.

 OM Principles in English,
OM Principles in French,
OM Principles in Italian,
OM Principles in Arabic,
OM Principles in Russian,
OM Principles in Romanian,
OM Principles in Albanian,

As my concluding words, I have this to say.

You, Prime Minister Harper, and your colleagues in the UK have crucified me under the cover of
darkness, but I continue to speak without fear from my tear-drenched cross God’s truth and no
force on earth will stop me from it.

I ask my fellow Canadians to rise up and speak with one voice that we are a nation which does
not tolerate criminals at the helm of our country. I ask my fellow Canadians to rise up and
speak with one voice that we want to live in a free, kind and democratic country. I ask my
fellow Canadians to rise up and speak with one voice that Stephen Harper must step down and
face our judgement for the crimes he has committed.

Canadians do not want an incarcerator and a censor in power intent on crushing our son’s and
daughter’s souls and spirits behind bars and their self-worth in universities and schools, but a
facilitator capable of lifting our children’s spirits higher than they could go on their own. We do
not want a messenger of foreign orders who creates divisions within our multicultural society,
but a visionary who can fire up our native abilities and can unite us in common purpose. We do
not want a dictator and a lawbreaker who usurps our rights and liberties behind our backs, but an
honorable man of whom Canadians can be proud and in whose hands our freedom and
democracy are safe. You fail on all accounts.

For the sake of our country and to spare Canada the indignity of having to indict and imprison its
Prime Minister, I ask that you resign.


Kevin Mugur Galalae


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In Harpers Canada Kevin Galalaes Plea That Prime Minister Stephen Harper Resigns

  • 1. 18 June 2012. Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper Parliament House, Ottawa Canada Prime Minister Harper, Within the short time that you have been at the helm of the country, you have annihilated every right and liberty enshrined in the Canadian Charter and have advanced a hidden agenda that is antidemocratic, divisive, destabilizing and perverse and that has no relevance to Canada, being entirely a British imposition that your government has adopted in secret and without the knowledge or consent of the Canadian people. You have achieved this by committing Canada to the British conceived counter-radicalization strategy; a strategy born out of fear and hatred after the London subway attack in 2005 and that subsequently hardened into anger and vengeance after prominent British Muslims drafted a public letter to Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) in 2006. An embassy cable released by Wikileaks1 offers insight into how the counter-radicalization policy acquired punitive and ideological overtones: “Frustrated by the bruising that their community has taken after 24 UK-born Muslims were arrested in connection with the recently-thwarted air terrorist plot… Prominent British Muslim leaders sent an open letter to PM Tony Blair August 12 stating that his policy on Iraq and the Middle East offers "ammunition to extremists" and puts British lives "at increased risk." Appearing as a full page advertisement in newspapers August 13, the letter was signed by three of the four Muslim MPs, three of the five Muslim members of the House of Lords, and 38 Muslim organizations. HMG reacted sharply to the letter. That said, the Muslim community is not the only element in Britain blaming HMG's foreign policy for inciting radical elements; the left in particular but even the mainstream press has expressed the belief, reportedly wide-spread, that homegrown terrorism is an "inevitable" response to the UK's involvement in Iraq and reluctance to call for an "immediate ceasefire" in the Middle East.” Within months of this conflagration, the UK government adopted a revised strategy for preventing violent extremism and began controlling the public message to ensure that neither the media nor academia diverge from the UK foreign policy message despite the fact that 90% of the British public adamantly opposed the invasion of Iraq and that the vast majority of Britons disagree with the way Palestinians are treated in their own country, not to say anything about the 1 US Embassy cable, sent 14 August 2006, 1
  • 2. bank bailout and other corporate abuses. Such expressions however were deemed radical by the newly redesigned CONTEST policy, which is the name the UK gave to its “strategic response to the threat from international terrorism”. As a slap in the face of all British Muslims, the government assigned the post of ‘independent reviewer of the terrorism legislation’ to a British Jew, Lord Carlisle.2 Not surprisingly, this has added insult to injury to Britain’s Muslims who have clearly and rightfully identified the Israeli- Palestinian conflict and HMG’s lopsided support of Israel as the primary source of Muslim frustration leading to extremism. The embassy cable from August 2006 clearly reveals the rift between the Muslim community and the British government, as well as the mistrust British Muslims feel towards the government’s counter-radicalization program because it ignores their views and recommendations. Labour MP Sadiq Khan said the community feels "let down" by HMG efforts to date, particularly the "Preventing Extremism Together" task forces, which the Home Office created after the 7/7 attacks. Very few of the 64 measures recommended by Muslim leaders on the task force have been implemented, Khan said, creating an "air of despondency" and leading the community to believe that the entire exercise was just a publicity stunt. In 2009, following renewed Israeli incursions into Gaza and the use of disproportionate force, leading Muslim counter-extremism advisers have signed a joint letter to Gordon Brown to warn that Israeli actions in Gaza are shattering the British government's efforts to fight religious extremism at home.3 Despite the letter and the general public’s uproar, the British Government changed neither its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict nor its pro-Israeli propaganda or its counter-terrorism strategy. These foreign policy positions offend the British mainstream as much as they offend the Canadian mainstream. Nevertheless, before long, the British Muslim and the British mainstream viewpoints (which are one and the same but in clear contradiction to the government’s position) were drowned by the Prevent strand of the CONTEST policy, whose stated task is to purportedly defend Britain’s “shared values” and “community cohesion”, the so-called “mainstream”, so as to prevent the radicalization of vulnerable individuals. And in deference to British foreign policy objectives 2 That Lord Carlisle accepted the position knowing the offence it would cause Britain’s Muslims shows a complete lack of judgment on his part that should have immediately disqualified him from holding the office. Of course, causing offence was the government’s intention, which is why a British Jew was given the position in the first place. And this demonstrates that the true intent of the government’s counter-radicalisation policy was never to prevent the radicalization of vulnerable individuals but to inflame the animosity the general public felt towards Muslims after the 7/7 attack and then use those negative feelings to gag the will and voice of the people with their own prejudices. 3 “We are witnessing a time of great danger”, The Guardian, 8 January 2009: 2
  • 3. your administration, Prime Minister Harper, adopted the ideological approach of the British government as Canada’s position; a position that offends over 90% of Canadians. To get away with this your government has adopted Britain’s method of manufacturing consent and stifling criticism, namely the counter-radicalization deception, to stoke racist sentiments among the general populace so the government can divert the public’s rage from its own antidemocratic actions and from policies that are subservient to foreign and corporate interests. In the UK, the media was subdued through D-Notices and, more importantly, by self-imposed censorship to refrain from publishing any opinions that run counter to the government’s official foreign and domestic policy line. The media has dutifully complied lest it should be accused by the government of encouraging radicals. By twisting any criticism of government policy into an act of radicalism worthy only of Islamic fundamentalists, the British government has stifled the greater bulk of legitimate political dissent in the once free press. Gradually, all criticism of government policies became discredited as dangerous acts of radicalism that any good Briton should refrain from. Racism and discrimination have become the criteria by which news are selected or discarded. In an environment hypersensitive to populist Islamophobic opinions, the media has learned to filter news that could offend the public’s prejudices and therefore affect sales. An economic element was thus added to the political barriers to freedom of expression in and by the press. Even so, the complete silence of the media on the covert and illegal aspects of the counter-radicalization agenda and its many victims can only be explained by latent racism within the ranks of Britain’s journalists, which equals that of the population at large. The manufacturing of consent in universities, just as in the media, has also become part and parcel of the British government’s strategy to control the message and shape public opinion. But denying the people and especially students the right to express their honest opinions could not be achieved through legal means so illegal means were duly adopted with the secret collaboration of university chancellors and select academics willing to betray their students’ trust and to pervert the sanctity of the academic environment where free speech and freedom of conscience are by law to be encouraged and defended not curtailed and controlled. In fact, the European Convention and other international covenants unequivocally demand that freedom of expression “shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers”. To bypass the law, a covert program of surveillance and censorship (SAC) was introduced in British universities in 2007. I was the first to expose it in 2009 when I published The Great Secret and became an instant enemy of Britain’s government and its intelligence community.4 4 “The Great Secret: Surveillance and Censorship in Britain and the EU”, 25 October 2010, available at: and at Great-Secret-Surveillance-and-Censorship-in-Britain-and-the-EU. 3
  • 4. SAC works by circumventing, ignoring or blatantly violating both national and international laws. Government agents operating from within and outside the country – should the course be offered virtually - are assigned to specific universities where they enroll in programs and courses as regular students, paying tuition fees out of pocket. This allows universities to play innocent should anyone cry foul and to avoid legal repercussions for violating privacy rules, data protection laws, expressional rights, freedom of conscience, education law and the trust of their students. Once embedded, the spies masquerade as legitimate students while secretly collaborating with the course tutors. The embedded SAC agents gather information on students, test their allegiance to the system, assist the course tutors in deflecting and diverting the discussions away from subjects the government deems taboo when the opinions expressed by students run counter to Britain’s foreign or domestic policies, manipulate and coerce students into toeing the politically correct line, manufacture consent and, should that fail, provoke students to commit netiquette breaches or simply create an environment so harassing as to cause targeted students to quit their studies of their own accord. The overall effect is to brainwash the young and the impressionable to hold biased views in line with the British government’s foreign and domestic policies and to squash dissenting opinions that challenge the status quo before they reach a larger audience. Whether deliberate or accidental, the government of the UK imposes positions that are contrary to reason, factually incorrect, and antithetical to the values, background and experience of foreign and even domestic students, positions that fly in the face of academic freedom, violate free speech and cause the retreat of reason, endemic dishonesty, and the corruption of public debate; enchaining intellectual discourse and political analysis to preconceived notions derived from a toxic mix of political correctness, manufactured consent and hidden agendas. As a result, entrenched discrimination towards foreigners who do not share British values, and towards natives who do not accept received wisdom and collective denial, and who do not show unquestioned respect for British institutions and policies, is the order of the day in British universities that collaborate with the government on SAC and allow government agents to define the terms and parameters of intellectual debate. Data release by Universities UK, the umbrella organization representing Britain’s higher education institutions (HEI), reveals that 2/3 of Britain’s HEIs assist the government in spying on and censoring students.5 Unbeknown to me, I became a victim of SAC in 2009, while attending an online political philosophy course at Oxford from my home in Canada. A few months later, I suffered the same 5 “Freedom of Speech on Campus: rights and responsibilities in UK universities”, online at: UKuniversities.pdf. 4
  • 5. indignity of being thrown out of school on trumped up charges at Leicester University, six weeks into my first course in a two-year Master’s program in International Relations and Global Order. Offended by the underhanded and dishonest ways in which my rights were violated, I took my case from one adjudication body to another until I reached the European Court of Human Rights, but at every judicial level I encountered the same perversion of the law and refusal to accept that any violations of my rights had occurred despite clear evidence to the contrary. This judicial corruption and the media’s refusal to publish my story and findings about the covert spy program I had uncovered only committed me to the struggle of seeing to it that not only I but all other students thus violated will receive the compensation they deserve for having their lives ruined. In order to achieve this goal I went to France in April 2011 to engage in a hunger strike at the Council of Europe, but despite my public suffering during 30 days of hunger and the six articles I published during that time I was ignored by Europe’s technocrats and politicians, by the press and by the NGO community. This unified front of silent witness to gross violations of our expressional rights convinced me that the Western world is engaged in a war of civilizations against the Islamic world and that Huntington’s dire warning of civilizational rifts has become the reality of the day; for if this is what happens in universities, God only knows what happens elsewhere. It also pointed me to the legislative axel that keeps the wheel of racism turning, the British initiated Resolution 1624 passed by the UN Security Council in 20056. Under the guise of countering radicalism, the UK has handed the world’s tyrannies the global legislation they needed to legitimize the brutal attack on any and all political or social dissent by merely stating that radicals are involved. It did this in order to pave the way for its own unlawful acts at home. Not surprisingly, this global free ticket to repress and imprison anyone in the name of countering radicalization has caused the demise of democracy throughout the world and the annihilation of human rights and civil liberties even in the previously liberal democracies of the West. In countries without the rule of law, like Turkey under President Erdogan, the counter- radicalization policy is used as an excuse to imprison students, journalists and countless other innocent people in troves.7 Incidentally, Turkey is Britain’s partner-in-crime in annihilating the powers of the European Court of Human Rights, and this is no coincidence. Turkey is the most violent and repeat offender of the European Convention in the east of Europe and the UK in the west. The UK and 6 Resolution 1624 (2005): 7 Turkey and human rights: Home thoughts from abroad: . In Turkey the right to free speech is being lost: erdogan-crackdown. 5
  • 6. Turkey have finished gang raping the European Court at Brighton, a month ago, after a failed attempt at Izmir last year, and have thus robbed Europe and the world of a court of last resort where individuals violated by state parties could seek justice. To do maximum harm is how the UK chose to use its six months presidency of the European Union. I have predicted this outcome in 2009 in my article The Great Secret. What I did not foresee is the speed at which democracy and the rule of law have collapsed throughout the West or the violent and extrajudicial attack that was planned in Canada and whose victim I was to become as soon as I stopped my hunger strike and returned home on 13 May 2011. Your government’s attempt to label me as “delusional”, Prime Minister Harper, after altering my medical records8 and manufacturing a false hospital discharge9 are well documented, as are the many false arrests and malicious and politically motivated prosecutions I have been subjected to by corrupt police constables and equally corrupt Crown prosecutors, lawyers and judges10 in order to saddle me with a criminal record and thus curtail my freedom of movement, bankrupt me and destroy my credibility11. What exposes you and your government as the most criminal and immoral administration in Canada’s short political history is the harm you have done to my children and the manner in which you used them as collateral damage and have shattered their world to achieve the hidden political objective of silencing me. Since you are a Prime Minister blinded by Crown loyalty, devoid of any respect for the multicultural nature of Canada, contemptuous of the Canadian people’s wish to see justice done in the Middle East, bent on imprisoning Canadians for being poor and helpless with your fascist crime bill (Bill C-10), and adamantly opposed to the humane and rational redistribution of wealth and labour I publicly advocate12, you have chosen to set yourself above the law and above majority opinion in order to punish me for the courage and sincerity with which I defended the 8 “A Conspiracy of Racists and Crown Loyalists: The Kingston Hillbillies”, 18 December 2011, online at: and also at 9 “Doctors for Sale: How Canada Uses Psychiatry for Political Purposes”, 5 September 2011, online at: and at for-Sale. 10 “Response to David Sinnett”, 23 October 2011, online at: 11 “Kevin Galalae’s Response to the Investigation by the Law Society of Upper Canada into the Misconduct of Criminal Attorney David Sinnett”, 21 May 2012, online at: Upper-Canada-Into-the-Misconduct-of-Criminal-Attorney-David-Sinnett 12 “OM Principles” in English, online at: of-the-99. “OM Principles” in French, online at: 6
  • 7. people’s fundamental rights, the world’s economic security, and students’ freedom of speech and conscience. Conscious of the fact that the counter-radicalization policy you have secretly committed Canada to is antithetical to the interests of democracy, illegal, un-Canadian and pathetically deferential to the British monarchy, and that your government could not openly punish me for exposing it, you delegated the institutions of state to use unlawful and criminal methods to discredit and destroy me in retaliation for taking centre stage against a policy that has become crucial to the entrenchment of autocracy and racism. Moreover, you have done this in response to British requests that I be silenced and to admonitions that you better control your citizens and that I be stopped before I expose more subversive British policies to EU cohesiveness, to the rule of law, and to the authority of the European Court of Human Rights, all of which are acts of geopolitical Machiavellianism the British government would rather the world and especially continental Europe remain unaware of. The attack that you and likeminded Crown loyalists in the city of Kingston have unleashed on me represents the most vicious and surreptitious act of structural violence in modern history and is unparalleled in its violations and violence in any and all liberal democracies13. To achieve this you have empowered the Attorney General of Ontario, John Gerretsen, and the former Speaker- of-the-House-of-Commons, Peter Milliken, to corrupt the judiciary and the police who have in turn manipulated public servants and doctors to perjure themselves and to betray the Hippocratic Oath, as well as their consciences. More egregiously, you have allowed the authorities to use my wife’s mental and emotional feebleness to charge me with crimes I did not commit, and to use my children as pawns and hostages to force me to abandon my conscience and human rights work in return for my children. The crimes you are directly and indirectly responsible for make those of President Nixon during the Watergate scandal pale by comparison and will certainly lead to your downfall and disgrace and eventually to your imprisonment. Clearly I have become a real threat to the status quo because the evidence I have presented is too convincing to be disproved by government propaganda or by personal attacks on my intellect, mental health, and qualities as a father and husband. I have spent the last three years of my life proving that what in 2005 was sold to the world as counter-radicalization, by 2009 had morphed into a counter-resistance ploy to quell any backlash against the spread of corporate capitalism and Western interests to places where they are neither welcomed or beneficial nor fit the character and needs of the people. And of course Islam, 13 “Petition to the UN”, Un-Human-Rights-Committee 7
  • 8. which frowns upon profit taking and lending at interest, is the only remaining impediment to the world’s enslavement to Judeo-Christian corporate capitalist greed. I have shown that those who want to graduate from Western universities and have a place in society are forced to espouse only the economic and political ideas that suit the enforcers of the New World Order, which is necessary to create false consensus so as to ensure that the interests and policies of the global nexus of power behind the New World Order meet with no opposition. In the process of imposing this narrow western worldview of the 1% on the 99%, all identities, national or otherwise, are raised off the face of the earth and the intelligentsia’s loyalty and allegiance is locked in step with the interests of the elites and not those of the people. I have also shown that any New World Order directive has multiple facets – one for public consumption, one for allied support and the cooperation of civil society, and one for deep interests – in order to deceive the people into working against their own best interests and that counter-radicalization is one such directive; one that preys on people’s prejudices and fears. The result is a worsening of the lines of division between religions and cultures and universal mistrust between people and towards their governments. The only “consensus” reached is at the top, between the elites, and it is at the expense of democracy itself and solely for the economic profit of the few. I have shown that the counter-radicalization policy is a British deception that embodies imperialist aspirations to control the world from the top down by corrupting, bullying and indoctrinating the young and by perverting the institutions of civil society. That it has poisoned the world and that monarchies are not to be trusted because they embody aristocratic conceits that are by their very nature anti-democratic and will always try to usurp the principle of equality between men. I have shown that the freedom of the press, the impartiality of NGOs, and the independence of the judiciary – from the lowest national courts to the highest international courts – have been annihilated and that for all intents and purposes we now live without the rule of law and fully at the mercy of global tyranny because the counter-radicalization excuse gives governments of all colors and orientations the tools and the cover necessary to destroy their people’s democratic aspirations and to kill legitimate dissent without fear of being called to account. Civil society has been placed in a straightjacket and the media, the courts and NGOs watch impotently as freedom and democracy throughout the world have been reduced to mere shadows of their former selves. What the West’s policies of surveillance, censorship and control are primarily trying to achieve is not our safety from terrorist attacks and extremist influences, which is merely an excuse, but the preservation of a global system of greed and inequality that is obsolete and immoral and that can only be sustained through lies and deception and through the scapegoating of others for its abuses and failures. 8
  • 9. These are inconvenient truths that fly in the face of the global propaganda we are surrounded with and that in the meantime no one believes anymore but is nevertheless being force-fed to us in a never-ending stream. The fact that you, Prime Minister, have succeeded in manipulating the system, perverting the rule of law, and corrupting the judiciary to commit serious crimes speaks volumes about the weakness of Canada’s civil, democratic and legal institutions and reveals structural and systemic flaws that beg to be remedied if Canada is to survive as a nation and if it can call itself a democracy once again. As it stands, Canada is well on its way to being a dictatorship and can only be described as a failed and illusory democracy. LACK OF LEADERSHIP The primary flaw revealed is Canada’s lack of leadership. Canada has never outgrown the mentality of a colony and has yet to be self-determined; its foreign policy having always been dictated by the UK and its economic policy determined by the US. Canada, with very few exceptions, has not elected leaders to office, but only messengers. Our leaders have always either parroted British or American positions and you, Prime Minister, are yet another subservient messenger of British interests and policies. What you fail to realize is that Canada’s population is no longer overwhelmingly British, but a multicultural tapestry and that Britain’s interests and policies are as a result often antithetical to those of Canada and offend the values and norms of Canadians. Britain’s counter-radicalization agenda is a case in point, as it seeks to defend Britain’s “shared values” and “community cohesion”, values that are understood to be those of the Church of England and cohesion that is understood to be the racial bond of British Caucasians. Never mind that the British policy ignores the fact that immigrants now account for 10% of the British populace and that all religions and ethnicities on earth have substantial diasporas on British soil, Britain’s multiculturalism pales by comparison to that of Canada, which is a nation of immigrants. Canada’s cohesion rests on mutual respect and equal rights for every Canadian, regardless of background, culture, creed or color. Canada is a nation that prides itself on peaceful and equal coexistence, not on the artificial and forced imposition of British bigotry and prejudices on non- British people. Canadians have struggled long and hard to establish this as the core of our national identity, and have succeeded despite constant British sabotage, and you have destroyed Canada’s hard-won achievement. In adopting the British counter-radicalization policy – which is clearly discriminatory and divisive, not to mention illegal and immoral – without the knowledge and consent of the Canadian people you have betrayed not only the trust of Canadians but also the values on which Canada stands. However admirable your Crown loyalism may have been to past generations of 9
  • 10. British-stock Canadians, it is utterly inappropriate to the multi-religious, multi-colored, and multi-cultural Canada of today. Of course, you and your administration are aware of this, which is why you have gone behind the backs of Canadians. Your government is as a result vulgar and perverse; vulgar because it embodies the ugly biases and prejudices of a minority of white and ignorant Canadians and perverse because in order to do so while preserving the façade of a liberal and enlightened nation you covertly suspended the rule of law along with equality under the law, silenced the press and rendered all rights and privileges enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms conditional on your secret deals and undeclared prejudices. I have warned you in 2009 – when I sent you my passport to inform you that I no longer want the Canadian citizenship because I am ashamed of your leadership and decisions and chastised you for knowingly and secretly committing Canada to policies that are illegal and immoral – that you have overstepped your rights by making political decisions without the people’s knowledge and consent and that you must pull out of the counter-radicalization coalition. You did not and have instead instigated an extrajudicial attack on me to make sure that Canadians do not find out about your deception and betrayal. As a result of your petty, despotic and criminal actions, I wrote to you on 22 January 2012 to inform you that I “no longer recognize the legitimacy of your Government, or subject myself to more kangaroo courts and their predetermined legal outcomes, and [that] I will lead the Canadian people to indict you for crimes against the constitution and for setting yourselves above the law.”14 I will conclude the subject of lack of leadership, by pointing out the irony that your government, which is incapable of accomplishing the simple task of balancing its books, should deem itself capable of predicting a man’s actions before they occur and of knowing his thoughts before they guide his actions; which are the stated goals of the counter-radicalization agenda. If bureaucrats and politicians were capable of such wizardry they could certainly be trusted to balance the nation’s books, eliminate unemployment, and feed the 25% of Canada’s children who live in poverty and do not have enough to eat. Alas everyone knows that bureaucrats are by and large an incapable lot derelict in their basic duties and that politicians are first and foremost interested in lining their own pockets and serving their own interests. For why else would our country, which sits on unimaginable natural wealth, be in such a mess? It is becoming increasingly clear that Canada has nothing left to learn from the UK and that Canada’s membership in the Commonwealth of Nations must come to an end if Canada is to be self-determined and free of Britain’s destructive influence. The time has come for Canada to become a Republic and break all connections to the British Crown. The norms and values of Canadians, which embody the world, are no longer compatible to those of Britain, which 14 “Letter to the Canadian Government”, 22 January 2012, online at: to-the-Canadian-Government. 10
  • 11. embody the ossified and antiquated institution of the monarchy and the blue blooded and moneyed elites that surround it. WEAK INSTITUTIONS In Harper’s Canada criticizing the government or its allies will result in the confiscation of your children and property and, astonishingly, civil society and the media will watch in silence as the courts, the police and the law are used as instruments of injustice. The evidence I have presented to the international courts15 show that Canada has no viable separation between the three branches of government – the executive, the legislative and the judiciary – and that therefore Canada can no longer be considered a democracy. It shows also that the Canadian media is a willing accessory to constitutional crimes, structural violence and institutional racism. The Canadian system is a fraud from top to bottom and nothing in it functions as it should. In Harper’s Canada an executive order trumps the rule of law and sets in motion a chain of illegalities that will stop at nothing because there is nothing and no one to stop it. In Harper’s Canada judges can order the police to beat defendants in court if they try to speak, they can deny habeas corpus and the presumption of innocence, and they have no compulsion about doctoring court transcripts and holding kangaroo courts whose outcomes are dictated by political orders. In Harper’s Canada lawyers are ordered to pass on evidence about their clients to the Crown, to collaborate with Crown prosecutors in withholding exonerating evidence, and to deny their own clients access to the Crown Disclosure. In Harper’s Canada doctors and psychologists working for the government are obligated to issue false discharge summaries and medical reports and family doctors are coopted to falsify medical records as a favour to the government. In Harper’s Canada children are objects to be used and abused as pawns and as hostages if political objectives are at stake. In Harper’s Canada the police carry out false arrests, access private property without a warrant, confiscate and steal intellectual property, deny a defendant access to a lawyer, and steal property and evidence from police custody. In Harper’s Canada vulnerable women are manipulated to turn against their husbands and to put their prejudices before the love of their children. In Harper’s Canada the secret service, the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS), is used to conduct illegal surveillance, to open phony investigations to prevent the release of files through the Freedom of Information Act, to destroy electronic and physical evidence and to hide its criminal acts while innocent Canadians are convicted for CSIS’ crimes. In Harper’s Canada the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUP) is used to cover up the 15 “Petition to the UN by Kevin Galalae”, Kevin-Galalae-to-the-Un-Human-Rights-Committee 11
  • 12. government’s crime scenes and to keep the judiciary corrupt and corruptible, while the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and the Canadian Centre for International Justice (CCIJ) watch its back to make sure no one sees what is happening.16 In Harper’s Canada those who abandon their consciences are rewarded and those who do not have their careers destroyed. In Harper’s Canada good men hide like cowards. These acts of executive lawlessness and judicial corruption bear of course the imprint of Her Majesty’s Government. Following Britain’s example Harper’s Canada uses the law as a cover to pursue political attacks and objectives that cannot be pursued either legally or openly because they represent blatant attacks on our fundamental rights that would expose our country for what it is, a fraudulent democracy. The weakness of the Canadian political system, like England’s, comes best to the fore in the cross-party collaboration and the lack of opposition to policies that offend the masses but on which the establishment depends to keep the status quo alive and well so it can continue to stall the country’s evolution towards a more egalitarian and just society; a society that benefits the 99% not the 1%. For though I have appealed to the leaders of each of Canada’s major political parties and asked them to defend our sovereignty and to condemn the destruction of our fundamental rights in the name of countering radicalization, I have been completely ignored. More than this, once I became a threat to the status quo, the Conservative Party, which sits in power in Ottawa, collaborated with the Liberal Party, which controls the Province of Ontario, to make possible their extrajudicial attack on me and my family. The Conservative and Liberal parties are thus fully and equally complicit in serious constitutional crimes, while Canada’s other parties remain silent. Her Majesty’s Government is dragging the world towards immorality and lawlessness to justify racist policies, imperialist greed and British cultural supremacy as surely as Europe’s fascists did in the 1930s. The only difference is the lower level of cruelty employed, at least so far. The most frightening parallel is the ease with which civil society, the judiciary and the press have abandoned their duties and succumbed to the status of accessories to constitutional crimes, structural violence and institutional racism. As in Hitler’s Germany so in Harper’s Canada the good men and women have hung their heads in shame, shut their mouths and sold their consciences because they are petrified of what the government can and will do to them if they stand up for truth and justice. The abdication of their dignity and freedom shows that Canadians are besotted with such fear and cynicism that they have lost all hope in themselves and in their leadership. 16 “Kevin Galalae’s Response to the Investigation by the Law Society of Upper Canada into the Misconduct of Criminal Attorney David Sinnett”, 21 May 2012, online at: Upper-Canada-Into-the-Misconduct-of-Criminal-Attorney-David-Sinnett 12
  • 13. That is your legacy, Prime Minister. That is what history will remember you for. And this has happened because you have tied Canada to the British chain. To undo Prime Minister Harper’s damage and the cumulative effects of political apathy and lack of true sovereignty, Canadians will have to adopt drastic reform measures to rethink the country’s entire system. 1. To address the lack of leadership and political engagement, Canada needs to broaden political participation and stimulate interest in self-determination and public service as a right and responsibility of citizenship. It can do so by making voting compulsory, outlawing public office for more than one term on the provincial and one on the federal level, and legislating that Parliament and the Senate must represent a cross section of society by profession, gender and race17. Canadians will never become interested in politics so long as the political realm is monopolized by career politicians and lawyers. Political office must be a real possibility and a duty for every able Canadian. The revolving door between politics and big business must also be closed shut and individuals who have served their one term in public office can only continue to be involved in politics in advisory and unpaid roles. That is the only way government and governance can be returned to the people. 2. To address the abysmal lack of courage and independence in the Canadian media, journalists must be bound by law to publish and broadcast cases of structural violence, institutional discrimination, systemic abuse and economic exploitation, all of which have become taboo subjects that are suppressed either by corporate interests or by political and bureaucratic interests. The Canadian media is utterly subservient to corporate and political interests and does not give the Canadian public the duty of care it has to act as a counterforce to political power and economic interests, as the fourth estate it was designed to be. A Good Samaritan law must come into effect to force journalists to speak truth to power or else lose their licences and even face prison terms for collusion, complicity and tacit suppression of information that affects the public good and exposes individuals to victimhood, but to also defend them from loss of jobs in retaliation for speaking truth to power. Media owners who interfere with editorial independence will have their newspaper, radio or TV stations confiscated and the ownership transferred to the employees and the community they serve. The stranglehold of corporate censorship of the media will thus be loosened. 3. To address the feebleness of Canada’s NGOs, legislation must be put in place to ensure that any non-profit organization receiving donations from the Canadian public and/or funds and support from the government in whatever form has a duty of care to defend the rights and liberties of Canadians first and foremost. Canadian NGOs are very good at 17 Religion cannot be a criterion for public office as the separation of church and state must be strictly adhered to. 13
  • 14. standing up for victims in the developing world but are nowhere to be found when it is time to stand up for victims at home or in the developed world. This is completely unacceptable and Canada’s NGOs should be severely punished in the future for such self- serving double-standard. Failing to serve Canadians should automatically result in the loss of their licenses to collect donations and to act as non-profit organizations. These simple measures will ensure that the Canadian system is biased towards truth and justice not against it, as is currently the case. POOR LAWS AND A SELF-SERVING JUDICIARY Canada’s laws are a disgrace and their application a tragedy. The legal system itself is a decaying corpse in whose desiccated veins flows only greed and hypocrisy. Its primary function is to serve the economic interests of lawyers and politicians and the bureaucracies built around the industry of incarceration. How any self-respecting man or woman could work in this system is beyond my comprehension. The notion that justice is possible at $300 to $400 an hour when the vast majority of Canadians earn between $10 and $30 per hour is clearly a grand delusion than only a deeply flawed society can justify. That is why at a time of decreasing crime the prison population is growing and the government has just instituted the most draconian criminal laws in our country’s history (Bill C-10). Under your leadership, Prime Minister Harper, an already deeply flawed system needed only a nudge in the wrong direction to become a full-fledged instrument of injustice. Laws passed to keep lawyers overfed, like the domestic abuse legislation and divorce law that eschews automatic joint custody of children, are now used in select cases to mask politically motivated attacks, as in my case, and economically motivated society-wide theft, as in the case of tens of thousands of Canadians who rot in prison and who are being bankrupted by the parasitical social class that controls the law. Without executive direction and in the absence of independent oversight, lawyers have turned the law into a tool of extortion and are holding every branch of the economy at ransom, treating their clients as their personal banks. Their power is unchecked because as a group they have monopolized the executive, judiciary and legislative branches of government. They are therefore the Mandarins of our times and in full control of the institutions of state. Lawyers are in the only profession that has no oversight and is not accountable to anyone other than their brethren. Not surprisingly the countries that have inherited the common law system of justice from the British, and which rely on precedent and tradition set by Britain’s legal history, have become hopelessly rigid and dangerously litigious. Lawyers have excluded themselves from the free-market law of supply and demand, even though they are the main defendants of the free-market forces that regulate the value of goods and 14
  • 15. services in a competitive environment. The excess of lawyers in a free market system would mean that lawyers should be relatively cheap, but because lawyers artificially defend their economic interests and turf they are dictating their own pay scales and consequently the price of lawyers and their true value is totally devoid of any connection to the market.18 In my short encounter with Canada’s legal system I have yet to meet a single lawyer who is worth $50 let alone $400 an hour and more often than not a reasonably intelligent person is better off defending himself/herself than entrusting his/her rights and property to the negligent and greedy ways of the Canadian legal class. The Canadian “justice” system has the ability to ruin a man’s life in a fortnight but lacks the means to restore it through compensation for judicial negligence or corruption even a decade later. To add insult to injury, lawyers are paid to ruin a man’s life and then paid again ten times more to correct their own mistakes and crimes. As an example of the system’s fraudulence, one has only 30 days to appeal a conviction but the courts have 90 days to provide court transcripts, without which filing an appeal is impossible. Only a professional class of social deviants could justify such legal paradoxes. The judiciary under Harper’s leadership has become an instrument of injustice and the law is used to bully Canadians into submission. Canadians feel beaten by the system, which has put us all in a straightjacket. We scream and kick and complain but no one in our government is listening and no politician cares, because they are all lawyers and are too busy looking after their own and their brethren’s interests. Canada’s domestic laws are not only a reflection of deep-seated Anglo-Saxon class-bias and prejudices, they are also the result of the fact that Canada’s system is controlled and dictated by lawyers who put their interests first and who by virtue of the stranglehold they have on all branches of government are arrogantly abusing their power and authority for naked and unashamed self-interest and class-interest. Canada’s lawyers represent the most dangerous and entrenched criminal organization in the country, an organization that holds the entire country at ransom. A glut of lawyers at a time of decreasing crime rates and economic hardship should mean increasing competition and decreasing hourly wages for lawyers. To offset this trend, the layers who control the legislative branch of government pass laws that artificially create more work and new income streams for lawyers in practice, laws that criminalize formerly accepted behavior or that increase punishment, force police to automatically lay charges and take away their discretionary powers, and prolong prison sentences and probation conditions; all of which vastly increase the crime rates and fill the prisons with dire effects on families, the fabric of 18 There are over 120,000 lawyers in Canada, though statistics are conspicuously lacking. By comparison there are only 70,000 physicians. By all accounts Canada suffers from a glut of lawyers yet their median income in 2005 was $126,632. 15
  • 16. society and the common good. This is the origin of the “tough on crime” dogma, which has become the legal paradigm of all Anglo-Saxon nations that are also operating according to the British common law system. This is also the true motivation of Harper’s crime bill, which is an affront to all Canadians and an unprecedented assault on our rights and liberties. What Canada needs in order to reform its abysmal laws and judiciary is less England and more France. Better yet, Canada ought to adopt the many laudable features of the Canadian aboriginal justice tradition, which is far more humane and honourable and does not depend on money. Until such day, I suggest six urgent reform measures that will allow Canadians to take control over their justice system rather than continue to ape that of England as a poor and provincial copy: 1. Restricting through legislation the number of lawyers in government at all three levels (executive, judicial and legislative branches) to a proportion that is not far above the numbers of lawyers relative to the general population. Therefore, if lawyers account for roughly 0.5 % of the population, then only a maximum of 10% of government should be lawyers19. If Canada is to be a representative democracy than our government must be composed of a cross-section of Canada’s population. Until such time Canada will never achieve democracy and lawyers will continue to usurp the nation’s interests for their own. 2. The fees lawyers charge must be restricted to reflect the incomes of Canadians. Justice cannot be subverted by the rapacious and greedy ways of lawyers. Legislation should be passed to force lawyers to charge clients no more than triple the client’s hourly income and to accept clients as they come in without selecting the wealthy and discarding the poor. If a client earns $10 an hour a lawyer cannot charge that client more than $30 an hour for his services. If a client earns $50 an hour he/she cannot be charged more than $150 an hour by his/her lawyer. This will ensure that justice is equally accessible to everyone, is not dependent on wealth and is affordable, and that it is rooted in the economic abilities of the nation.20 The profit motive will be taken out of the equation of justice and the administration of justice will be able to breathe freely and to concentrate on serving justice not profit. This will also ensure that the right people pursue a career in the law and that the legal system has a symbiotic and not a parasitical relationship to the society at large. As it is the law has become the refuge of crooks and scoundrels. 19 I grant that lawyers are needed in government in a larger proportion than any other profession by virtue of their skills, which is why 10% is an appropriate compromise. The number of lawyers currently in Canada’s three levels of government is unknown but well in excess of 70%. 20 Legal Aid is underfunded, susceptible to state interference, and is not working. Furthermore, it does not establish a level playing field. 16
  • 17. 3. To ensure that lawyers and the judiciary are subjected to true democratic oversight the people must have recourse to an ad hoc judicial body that is controlled by the people and not by lawyers and the government and that can be constituted locally to hear one case and one case only. Lawyers cannot stand in judgement over lawyers no more than criminals should stand in judgment of criminals. The People’s Protection Court21 must therefore be given the authority to correct judicial abuse, corruption and negligence and to award victims proper compensation and exoneration. As it is, the system destroys and impedes any victim who seeks redress for institutional and systemic mistakes committed by the system. That is why Canada’s judiciary has become utterly unaccountable and totally self-serving and abusive. Compensation awarded by The People’s Protection Court or existing higher courts must be paid not from the public trough but from the incomes of the lawyers, judges and public servants who are directly and indirectly responsible for the damage caused to the victim. The Canadian taxpayer should not be liable for judicial incompetence, greed, negligence and corruption. This will ensure that self-interest is put to work for justice not against it. Lawyers and judges will be far more circumspect with the law and with the powers they have once this is the case. 4. The government has no business in our bedrooms or in our families. Couples wishing to separate must be referred to mediation not to courts. Equal and shared child custody rights must be automatic as in the EU. Parents cannot be arbitrarily separated from their children by flawed authorities and institutions that have their own economic interest at heart. 5. Given the lawlessness and injustice with which the Canadian judiciary has turned large numbers of innocent Canadians into criminals it is necessary to grant a general amnesty to all Canadians serving time for non-violent crimes and to wipe their records clean through pardons so that Canada can start a new life and begin healing after 50 years of judicial abuse. During this time of empty prisons the Canadian government should convert the great majority of prisons into healing and detoxification centres and Canada must pursue of policy of minimal incarceration so that the current rates are brought down to the level of nations that are most kind with their citizens. Instead of gearing Canada to reach America’s incarceration rate (at 740 prisoners per 100,000 being the highest in the world and nearly as high as that of the Soviet Union under Stalin, at 823), Canada should aim to reach India’s level of civilized behaviour (at 21 prisoners per 100,000).22 6. No law student should graduate without first spending 30 days in prison, half of which in solitary confinement, so they can know and appreciate the power and responsibility 21 “The People’s Protection Court”, online at: 22 Canada’s incarceration rate stands at 107 per 100,000 citizens as of 2006. 17
  • 18. society is about to entrust them with. No lawyer or judge now in practice should continue unless spending a week in prison every five years, lest they should forget the awesome responsibility and power they wield over our lives and so that they may use that power compassionately. Crown prosecutors must spend a week in prison (and in solitary confinement to ensure their security) every two years as a reminder not to abuse their power by calling for outrageously long sentences, as is currently the case. I am certain that the Canadian public will welcome these laws and that once they are adopted they will change Canada’s legal landscape for the better and will propel Canada’s justice system into the 21st century as a model for the world to follow. That is so because the system will be biased towards justice and the common good, as it should be, and not towards injustice and class interest, as currently is the case. These new laws will give the system the structure necessary to be self-correcting and accountable before not after mistakes and abuses occur. BRITISH INFLUENCE The British system treats citizens as subjects not free men. To exclude the underprivileged from the political process and thus keep the elites entrenched, prisoners are not allowed to vote23, peerages carry the personal right to sit and vote in the House of Lords, and the vast majority of key positions in civil service and the three branches of government are held by the members of the upper class24. Worse of all, the British system treats children without regard for their needs and sensibilities and throughout its history has used children to achieve political and economic objectives. Britain has a long and dark history of child abuse, from the exploitation of children in the Victorian era and in the dismal factories of the Industrial Revolution to the wholesale abduction of native children from their parents throughout Canada and elsewhere to be culturally purged, psychologically destroyed, and ideologically brainwashed into accepting Anglo-Saxon supremacy over their own culture. The policies of assimilation propagated by the British Empire have caused more suffering, destroyed or crippled more cultures and sown more division over the course of history than those of any other nation, Nazi Germany included. 23 The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has recently ordered the UK to grant prisoners the right to vote, which is a constitutionally protected right. Cognisant of the fact that this will change the elitist landscape of British politics, the government has refused to comply and has instead intensified its assault on the European Court of Human Rights to ensure that it annihilates its power and jurisdiction. The UK has succeeded to achieve just that in Brighton. 24 A study done by the Oxford University student newspaper in 2010 reckoned that nearly 90% of all key positions in the UK are held by members of the upper class. That study disappeared from the record a month later. 18
  • 19. The counter-radicalisation policy now propagated from the UK is in the same tradition as the Gradual Civilization Act of 1857 and the Gradual Enfranchisement Act of 1869, which have justified cultural genocide on Canada’s native population and have turned the residential school system that forcibly removed 150,000 native children from their parents into de facto concentration camps where children were sterilized, sexually abused, beaten, tortured and murdered by the finest representatives of Christian society, the clergy, which killed half of these helpless children. The same policy was applied in Australia on the aboriginal population, in South Africa on the Boer women and children and in just about every other place where the British have robbed and pillaged and have “civilized the savages”. Like its predecessors, the Prevent strand of Britain’s counter-radicalisation policy is aimed at children and the young, assumes the inherent superiority of British ways and commits cultural genocide, this time on British Muslims. Judging by the cruelty of Britain’s Christians and the arrogance with which they have soiled history one could easily argue that it is Britain’s Muslims who need to do the civilizing and the native Brits who need to be civilized. How could this happen? How could Britain, given its abysmal record and nasty history, dare to infect the world once again with its conceits and its culture of abuse and perversion? Part of the explanation can be found in the way the British upper class treats its children, or rather in the way it mistreats its children, by locking them up in boarding schools from an early age and causing them “profound developmental damage” since “early rupture with home has a lasting influence on developmental patterns”.25 The wider social impact of the British upper class manner of raising their offspring through abandonment in institutions is that power is transferred from one generation of repressed and traumatised individuals unable to connect emotionally with others onto another generation of equally repressed and traumatized individuals. Britain is caught in a vicious psychological cycle. Not surprisingly the political and social decisions Britain’s elites make are illustrative of a social class in which practices of the most callous inhumanity are accepted as the natural order of events and even more importantly as the proper English way. Not surprisingly the British upper class has little in common with the common Britons. Not surprisingly the policies and declarations emanating from the British Government rarely reflect the will or the interests of the people. Not surprisingly the elites who make up the British government need a pretext to control and manipulate public opinion and to manufacture consent, which is what the counter-radicalization policy is. Not surprisingly, the Prevent strand of CONTEST is not looking for social cohesion but for social suppression; the suppression of the will and sentiments of the majority to the will and interests of the elite minority that controls and always has controlled the British government. 25 Dr. Joy Schaverien, “Boarding School Syndrome: Broken Attachments a Hidden Trauma”, British Journal of Psychotherapy, 28 March 2011. 19
  • 20. The same elite conceits and need for social suppression animates the Harper government and consequently the rift between the policies adopted by his administration and the norms and values of Canadians is growing wider by the day. Not surprisingly he has abrogated parliament twice, reneged Canada’s commitment to the Kyoto Protocol, adopted a wholly unholy pro-Israeli position, cut social services, increased military spending, pushed his fascist crime bill (Bill C-10) down the throats of Canadians, and covertly committed Canada to the British counter- radicalization policy which flies in the face of everything Canadian. Not surprisingly, the Conservative Party of Canada now and in the past has masked the social ills created through their rapacious and self-serving policies through a tough on crime stance. This is all the more criminal given that in the past 20 years Canada’s conservative elite has sold our nation’s resources to foreign interests and has exported our jobs to the developing world without making any social provisions for the hardship that was to inevitably ensue. So after first impoverishing us to enrich themselves, this shameless group of men are now criminalizing our poverty, for that is the objective of Prime Minister Harper’s crime bill. I think it is fair to say that they have asked for severe punishment and we, Canadians, are about to teach them a lesson they will never forget by giving them a taste of their own medicine and indicting and convicting them with the full harshness of Bill C-10, their own creation. I have provided more than sufficient evidence through my case alone to put Prime Minister Harper and Justice Minister Nicholson behind bars for a very long time. But their treachery goes even further for it does not stop with their attack on us adults it extends to an attack on our children and families. In the same fashion they have attacked us economically, they are now attacking us through the judiciary by using our children to exploit us and to transfer what little wealth we have left into the pockets of lawyers and judges, in other words in their own pockets. They do this through the so-called zero tolerance domestic violence law and by subjecting family matters and divorce procedures to legal decisions because Canadian law has been conveniently designed not to automatically award joint custody rights to parents, but leaves that to the discretion of the judicial system as their ultimate financial extortion method. This is judicial theft and systemic class war by the relatively rich on the relatively poor. It is, pure and simple, the newest incarnation of class war. Canada’s laws have no consideration for children and families because we are aping the English tradition and the English have never had much kindness for children. Here is but one example from their dismal history: “In 1828 The Lion, published the history of Robert Blincoe, one of eighty pauper-children sent off to a factory at Lowdham. The boys and the girls – they were all about ten years old – were whipped day and night, not only for the slightest fault, but to stimulate their flagging industry. And compared with a factory at Litton where Blincoe was subsequently transferred, conditions at Lowdham were rather humane. At Litton the children scrambled with the pigs for the slops in the 20
  • 21. trough; they were kicked and punched and sexually abused; and their employer, one Ellice Needham, had the chilling habit of pinching the children’s ears until his nails met through the flesh. The foreman of the plant was even worse. He hung Blincoe up by his wrists over a machine so that his knees were bent and then he piled heavy weights on his shoulders. The child and his co- workers were almost naked in the cold of winter and (seemingly as a purely gratuitous sadistic flourish) their teeth were filed down!”26 Today, the British savagery towards children lives on in the current family laws and in the boarding schools, of which the UK has 600. Canadians of British stock embody that savagery and impose it on Canada through laws that are antithetical to the Canadian psyche, a psyche that has long ago ceased to be of British descent and that is a healthy global hybrid. Anglo-Saxons, in their indifference to children, judge it acceptable to separate children and parents, for they have no regard and no conception that the rest of the world is bound by unbreakable emotional ties between parents and children. Anglo-Saxons think nothing of committing their children from infancy in institutions to be raised and educated by strangers in total absence of parental love. Much of the rest of the world considers this practice cruel and barbaric. Anglo-Saxons, at the mercy of their litigious societies, think nothing of separating children and parents for years on end so that lawyers, the profession of the British and Canadian upper class by excellence, can profit from children’s misery. In a sadistic way, they seek comfort from their own mistreatment as children by mistreating the children of others. And that is the model that Canada follows and that now permeates the judicial and legislative branches of Canada’s government, which have no connection whatsoever to the norms and values of Canadians. No other race has perpetrated or continues to perpetrate more atrocities on children than Anglo- Saxons. The Canadian legal system, based as it is on British common law, has inherited the callous disregard for children’s rights visible throughout Britain’s history and society. As a result, Canadians live in a legal system that is not only harsh and cruel but that rationalizes its cruelty under the guise of domestic criminal law which legitimizes interference in family matters as the state’s responsibility. That in of itself is not a bad thing, but how the Canadian state fulfills its responsibility to protect the weak is what is troublesome and damaging. For at the slightest sign of aggression or frayed nerves – a raised voice, a push, a slap, or a harsh word – the state swoops down on families and separates its members arbitrarily, without recourse and without regard for the feelings and opinions of husbands and wives. 26 Robert Heilbronner, “The Worldly Philosophers”, pp. 85-86, Simon and Schuster, 1963. 21
  • 22. One parent, usually the father, is arrested, incarcerated, charged with harassment or domestic violence and upon release on bail thrown out of his own home and given minutes to pick up a few clothes. His ties to his children are broken forever. A parent thus treated is instantly labeled a social outcast, will most likely lose his job and be financially ruined at the time when the legal costs pile up without end in sight. When he can no longer pay child support his driver’s licence is then cancelled and he is crippled even further, which then allows the government to label him a deadbeat father. What could have been resolved between husband and wife within minutes at no financial and at little psychological and emotional cost will take the legal system years at a crippling emotional, psychological and financial cost. The family will have been destroyed forever and its wealth transferred to lawyers. By taking away the rights of husbands and wives to forgive and forget, to move on, to patch up their differences in privacy and without outside interference, the state, with its blunt legal means and its patronizing and rigid legal system inherited from England, ends up committing far graver crimes on families than the minor or major infraction that set it in motion in the first place. And the damage, without exception, is irreversible and crippling on families, committing them to economic desperation and plunging children into poverty and perpetual emotional conflict. That is the British legacy on Canadian law and the judiciary. Once again, what Canada needs is less England if we are to ever become a civilized nation in the spirit of the world’s great souls, the Mahatmas that we in the West no longer listen to because we conduct our affairs along Realpolitik cruelties and callous profiteering rather than in accordance to the noble heritage of European humanism. But that is what happens when a man like you, Prime Minister Harper, a conservative born-again Christian and ideologue blinded by Crown loyalty, takes over the reins of our multicultural country and paints it with a sallow brush dipped in British interests. That is what happens when Canada’s political class decides to impose British conceits on Canadians. The United Kingdom – flagging as it is in most scientific, industrial, manufacturing and technological domains – is relying increasingly more on exporting its treachery and Machiavellianism to the world’s despots, monarchs and hoodlums in positions of power and even to the impressionable democracies of continental Europe. The UK peddles fraudulent financial instruments to gullible buyers, surveillance software to tyrants and autocrats, and anti- democratic policies of censorship and control to innocents worldwide. Lord Carlisle, in his 2011 review of the Prevent strategy, in a display of unsavory arrogance, has the gull to demand that the US follows the UK’s lead to curtail freedom of speech on the Internet along the ideological, unconstitutional and prejudicial lines of Britain’s Prevent strategy. He writes: Of course, in order to be fully effective in dealing with extremism on the internet we require the co- operation not only of the internet service providers, but also of the countries from which they 22
  • 23. operate. International co-operation in this context is vital, especially with the United States, from which a great many offending sites originate. Internet ‘flags of convenience’ should not be permitted to undermine public safety.27 The UK wants the right to censor the entire world and the Internet of anything that offends British sensibilities or, more accurately, undermines Britain’s self-awarded right to rape and pillage others. Freedom of speech and conscience, which are rooted in every nation’s culture, history and environment are far more important than British sensibilities and British interests and should never be subjected to British censorship. I hope President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton told Lord Carlisle to take his policy and stick it where the sun don’t shine, to use a humble Canadian expression that everyone understands. INFERIORITY COMPLEX Beholden to British political control and to American economic influence, Canada has developed deeply ingrained inferiority complexes and is unable and unwilling to take the lead on the global arena on anything. We are a nation of followers despite our unparalleled natural advantages: a geography that protects us from foreign aggression, unequalled natural wealth, and a low population splurged on vast territories, to name but a few. This self-defeatist feature of the Canadian character became evident to me shortly after I immigrated to Canada as a nineteen-year-old lad. Yet Canada has tremendous talent and great human resources because Canadians are well-educated, moderate, practical and rational and because by virtue of the fact that we come from all corners of the world we embody the knowledge and cultures of mankind. But we Canadians are not using either our talents or our nation’s natural advantages. Instead we have succumbed to a poverty of soul, an inability to dream, and a dangerous meekness that have arrested Canada’s development and evolution. You, Prime Minister Harper, embody these inferiority complexes more than any other leader Canada has ever had and consequently are dragging our country down to the bottom of the pack of nations and to the status of an inconsequential country. Complacency and apathy have annihilated our ability and will to fight for our future and for our children. We have become prisoners and victims of the system we have created and have allowed to decay. And we are squandering our splendid resources and the precious little time we have left to save our country and the world from certain collapse. Canada needs to be at the forefront of the world’s transition from national to global governance and needs to help the 99% impose democratic control and oversight on the existing Bretton 27 See p. 8 in “Report to the Home Secretary of Independent Oversight of Prevent Review and Strategy”, 2011. 23
  • 24. Woods institutions, which in the absence of democratic checks and balances serve only the interests of the 1%. Unless Canada forges relationships with countries that have already imposed the will of the majority on the minority and works in concord with them to advance democracy to the global governance arena, we do not have a chance in hell of saving our own country let alone the world. To get us there, I have done what our political leaders should have done a long time ago, drafted a vision and a plan for the future of the world in 15 simple principles that everyone can comprehend and that I have called the OM Principles and which to date are available in 7 languages.28 It is to suppress the ideas contained in the OM Principles that the censors in the UK and Canada have expelled me from university and hounded me in the hope of destroying my life before the world has a chance to know that there is a solution to all our wows. And as any honest person will see once he or she reads the OM Principles, there is nothing radical or impossible contained therein. They do however threaten the entrenched moneyed, political and religious establishments that are leading mankind to perdition and our planet to certain environmental destruction. I ask my fellow Canadians to get behind the OM Principles and show the world what Canada is made of and that Canadians are not only capable but also willing to lead mankind to a better future. As a first act of geopolitical leadership, I ask my fellow Canadians that we become the first nation to pull out of Resolution 1624 (2005) and thus restore not only our sovereignty but the world’s peaceful and equal coexistence. Racist and autocratic policies have no place at the global governance level and we Canadians must show courage and determination to safeguard international covenants and national prerogatives. 28 OM Principles in English, OM Principles in French, OM Principles in Italian, OM Principles in Arabic, OM Principles in Russian, %D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9- %D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4-Russian-Translation OM Principles in Romanian, OM Principles in Albanian, 24
  • 25. As my concluding words, I have this to say. You, Prime Minister Harper, and your colleagues in the UK have crucified me under the cover of darkness, but I continue to speak without fear from my tear-drenched cross God’s truth and no force on earth will stop me from it. I ask my fellow Canadians to rise up and speak with one voice that we are a nation which does not tolerate criminals at the helm of our country. I ask my fellow Canadians to rise up and speak with one voice that we want to live in a free, kind and democratic country. I ask my fellow Canadians to rise up and speak with one voice that Stephen Harper must step down and face our judgement for the crimes he has committed. Canadians do not want an incarcerator and a censor in power intent on crushing our son’s and daughter’s souls and spirits behind bars and their self-worth in universities and schools, but a facilitator capable of lifting our children’s spirits higher than they could go on their own. We do not want a messenger of foreign orders who creates divisions within our multicultural society, but a visionary who can fire up our native abilities and can unite us in common purpose. We do not want a dictator and a lawbreaker who usurps our rights and liberties behind our backs, but an honorable man of whom Canadians can be proud and in whose hands our freedom and democracy are safe. You fail on all accounts. For the sake of our country and to spare Canada the indignity of having to indict and imprison its Prime Minister, I ask that you resign. Sincerely, Kevin Mugur Galalae 25