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eZ Summer Camp. Setp 2012

eZ Publish Caching
              // WORKSHOP

  Gilles Guirand - CTO Kaliop / eZ Publish board member @gandbox
  Gilles Ballini – Lead engineer Kaliop
  Stephane Sobecki - Lead engineer Kaliop
  Jerome Lecocq - Lead engineer Kaliop
:~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS

   AGENDA                            (1)

      Concept / exploring the VAR
      Ex : HOWTO compile a set of template from a TXT file list

      Concept / exploring the VAR
      Ex : HOWTO use dynamic settings with shared compiled templates

      Concept / exploring the VAR
      Ex : HOWTO log the viewcache activity

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   AGENDA ( 2 )
       Concept / exploring the VAR
       Ex : HOWTO expire a named cache-block, related to the homepage
   expiry, or a contentclass, or whatever else
       Ex : HOWTO expire a set of cache-block using a shell script
       Ex : HOWTO build the perfect pagelayout

       Concept / exploring the VAR

       Concept / exploring the VAR
       Ex : HOWTO create a custom ezcache.php --id=myid

       Ex : HOWTO generate a PHP based cache file
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   Common questions :
    ➔Is it possible to never expire the ENTIRE viewcache ?
   … and which actions actually expire the ENTIRE viewcache ?

    ➔   Is it possible to reduce the I/O (template-blocks) ?

    ➔   Is it possible to expire a specific set ot template-block files ?

    ➔   Is it possible to develop a better pagelayout.tpl ?

    ➔   Is something to improve on high-trafic websites ? Or Websites
        factory ( 100 siteaccess... )

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   Final questions :
    ➔ How all these cache mechanisms really work ?
   … I mean in details... algorithms, I/O, triggers, exceptions,
   undocumented features & settings, unknown bugs, unknown
   fixes... and ezfs, ezfs2, ezdfs, ezdb...

   Final solutions :
    ➔   READ THE KERNEL / TEST THE KERNEL... ( be brave )

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   Copy cache & cache2 extension folders
   Activate extension (site.ini.append.php)
   Generate autoloads
   Clear the cache-all

   Add user / login policy for anomymous ( site
   access cache & cache 2 )

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      Concept / exploring the VAR
      Ex : HOWTO compile a set of template from a TXT file list

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   What for ?
      ➔ Compile your .tpl files to .php files
      ➔ Reduce the RAM / CPU (use the stored compiled version)

   How to set ? site.ini [templatesettings]
      ➔   TemplateCompile=enabled
          ➔   Store compiled version {varDir}/cache/template/compiled/

      ➔   NodeTreeCaching=enabled ( disabled by default )
          ➔   Store pre-compiled version {varDir}/cache/template/tree/

   Common mistake
      ➔   TemplateCache=enabled → template-block

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    DESIGN                  {varDir}/cache/template/tree   {varDir}/cache/template/compiled

    page_mainarea.tpl         {hash}-page_mainarea.php          page_mainarea-{hash1}.php

                            ( disabled by default )


   Why eZ generates several
   compiled files for the same .tpl?

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   How eZ stores the final compiled files ?

   {VarDir}/cache/template/compiled/, not clusterized

   Filenames : {templatename}-{hash}.php

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   How eZ calculates the hash ?
   $sharedTemplates = false


   Filenames : {templatename}-{hash}.php

     Md5( filepath ) / internalCharset / language / useFullUrlText /
      accessText / pageLayoutVariable / indexFile / extraName

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   How eZ calculate the hash ?
   $sharedTemplates = true


   Filenames : {templatename}-{hash}.php

                     Md5( filepath ) / language

                 No more siteaccess inside the key...
                Ezini operator → 'dynamic' parameter
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   How to pre-compile a set of template files
   (to avoid : on the fly generating) ?
    ➔   Force the compilation of 2 template files
        php bin/php/eztc.php -s mysiteaccess --force

    ➔   Force the compilation of all template files starting with « page » :
        find extension/ezdemo/ -name "page_*.tpl" | xargs php bin/php/eztc.php
        -s eng --force

    ➔   Force the compilation of all template files from a TXT file :
        cat templates.txt | xargs php bin/php/eztc.php -s eng --force

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   The **** layout module
    ➔   By default ( $shareTemplates = false ), the 'layout' value is used by the
        final compiled filename
    ➔   So if you are using this module with 3 other layouts, you'll produce 4
        compiled files (instead of 1)
    ➔   eztc.php script does not manage the layout parameter

   Your 3 additional compiled files ( for each layout ) will
   be procude « on the fly », and cannot be pre-compiled
   with eztc.php
    ➔   Suggestion : improve eztc.php, add the –layout=... parameter

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      Concept / exploring the VAR
      Ex : HOWTO use dynamic settings with shared compiled templates


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   When eZ generates the INI cache ?
     ➔   On the fly (if the cache file does not exist) – from an API call
         (ezini PHP class), a template call (ezini operator)

     ➔   By default, eZ automatically check if an INI file has been
         changed or not, depending of this setting (config.php)

   //define( 'EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK', false ) ;

   /* Set EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK constant to false to improve performance
   ( 10% ~ 15% on I/O ) by not checking modified time on ini files. You can also set it to
   a string, the name of a ini file you still want to check modified time on, best example
   would be to set it to 'site.ini' to make the system still check that but not the rest. */

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   How eZ stores the INI cache ?
    ➔   var/cache/ini ( and not /{varDir}/ini ), not clusterized

    ➔ {inifilename}-{hash}.php

         FileName / RootDir / DirectAccess / overrideDirs /

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   How to expire the INI cache ?
   ➔php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=global_ini
    ➔ Remove var/cache/ini

   ➔php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=ini
    ➔ Remove var/cache/ini &


   ➔php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=ini
    ➔ Nothing (bug) : try to recursively delete INI files in


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   How to not compile the INI value ?

   function eZINI( $fileName = 'site.ini', $rootDir = '', $useTextCodec = null, $useCache
   = null, $useLocalOverrides = null, $directAccess = false, $addArrayDefinition = false,
   $load = true )
 Dynamically load the INI values inside your compiled templates :

    site.ini [eZINISettings] / DynamicTemplateMode=enabled
                Ezini operator → 'dynamic' parameter

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   HOWTO use dynamic settings with shared compiled templates

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      Concept / exploring the VAR
      Ex : HOWTO log the viewcache activity


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                         What for ?
                           ➔   Viewcache = content cache, content
                               viewcache, …

                           ➔   Viewcache is an HTML (or other) cache of the
                               $module_result.content outpout, for a node
                               view call ( content/view/... )

                         ← Illustration : Łukasz Serwatka

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   How eZ stores the viewcache ?




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   How eZ stores the viewcache ?

       nodeID / viewMode / layout / language (view.p.) / offset
                       (view.p.) / indexFile
  optionnal                            +
   roIeIDList / limitValueList / discountList / cacheNameExtra /
           pr_user / viewParameters / userPreferences

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   How to know the exact matching between a
   viewcache file & my URLs ?
   {nodeid}-{hash}.php → deduce the nodeID

   At the end of file :

   Should be URL : /(test)/2

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   How eZ expires a set of viewcache ?
   Alteration of cache states - Depending of the filehandler ( file.ini )

     ➔   Ezfsfilehandler : UNLINK file
     ➔   Ezfs2filehandler : TOUCH file (25/25/1977) ← Star Wars day
     ➔   Ezdbfilehandler : "ezdbfile" (UPDATE expired=1)
     ➔   Ezdfsfilehandler : "ezdfsfile" (UPDATE expired=1)

   Comparison of cache states - Depending of the filehandler ( file.ini )

     ➔   Ezfsfilehandler : file does not exist, or is older than the content-view-cache
     ➔   Ezfs2filehandler : file is older than the content-view-cache timestamp
     ➔   Ezdbfilehandler : "ezdbfile" (expired=1)
     ➔   Ezdfsfilehandler : "ezdfsfile" (expired=1)

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   How eZ expires the ENTIRE viewcache ?
       ➔   eZ does not recursively update / delete the files (too many files... unsafe)

      eZ set a global timestamp expiry value :

    {VarDir}/cache/expiry.php ← 'content-view-cache' ( current timestamp)

   Each time the expiry.php is updated, the ENTIRE viewcache will
   ➔ Ok, but my ENTIRE viewcache expires all the
   time... i did nothing special ! Don't know why !

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   Which event / trigger expires a set of
   cache ?
   By default : on object publication (or back-end feature)
    ➔ the related nodes & parent node

   Willingly, using a script :
    ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-node=2

    ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-node=2,46,63

    ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-node=/company/about

    ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-subtree=/company/about

    ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-subtree=/company/about,/news

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   Smart viewcache & cacheThreshold : a set
   of cache → the ENTIRE view cache
   Automatically, if using the smart view cache / viewcache.ini :

    ➔   The smart view cache populates a list of related « node_id » viewcache files
        to expire, depending of your settings. If this node_id list is larger than the
        CacheThreshold limit value (250 by default) → eZ expires the ENTIRE
        viewcache !

    ➔   Some settings could increase the node_id list count & excede the
        CacheThreshold limit : ALL, siblings, KeywordNodesCacheClearLimit

    ➔   Advice : Set KeywordNodesCacheClearLimit = 0, never use ALL, avoid
        siblings, log out the CacheThreshold (ezpEvent)

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   How to log the viewcache activity ? &
   prevent the CacheThreshold limit...

     Add an ezpEvent : site.ini.append.php


     # log = your PHP class name
     # logviewcache = the static method

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   Log the viewcache node_id list to expire,
   prevent the CacheThreshold limit...
        ➔    Create a PHP class / generate autoloads
   // extension/extension-name/classes/log.php

   class log
       static public function logviewcache( $nodeList )
                 $uri = $GLOBALS['_SERVER']['REQUEST_URI'];
                 eZLog::write('node_id count : '. count( $nodeList ). ' / node_id list : ' . implode(', ', $nodeList ) . ' / URI : '.$uri,

                 return $nodeList;

        ➔    Generate autoloads : php bin/php/ezpgenerateautolaods.php

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   Log the viewcache node_id list to expire,
   prevent the CacheThreshold limit...
    ●   Edit / publish contents in the administration backend

    ➔   Log output : var/log/cachethreshold.log
        [ Sep 03 2012 17:37:33 ] node_id count : 14 / node_id list : 74, 73, 75, 76,
        79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 78, 77, 82, 72, 100 / URI :

        [ Sep 05 2012 13:44:54 ] node_id count : 7 / node_id list : 89, 88, 90, 91, 2,
        1, 87 / URI : /administration/content/edit/87/2/eng-GB

        [ Sep 05 2012 13:45:34 ] node_id count : 2 / node_id list : 2, 1 / URI :

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   Log the viewcache node_id list to expire,
   prevent the CacheThreshold limit...
    ●   Edit / publish contents in the administration backend

    ➔   Log output : var/log/cachethreshold.log
        [ Sep 03 2012 17:37:33 ] node_id count : 14 / node_id list : 74, 73, 75, 76,
        79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 78, 77, 82, 72, 100 / URI :

        [ Sep 05 2012 13:44:54 ] node_id count : 7 / node_id list : 89, 88, 90, 91, 2,
        1, 87 / URI : /administration/content/edit/87/2/eng-GB

        [ Sep 05 2012 13:45:34 ] node_id count : 2 / node_id list : 2, 1 / URI :

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   My ENTIRE viewcache still expire...
   Maybe you invoked one of these features (back-end, API)  :

    ➔   Create a new content class ( BUG ? )
    ➔   Update / delete an existing content class ( or attributes )
    ➔   Update / delete and existing role ( & policies ) OR role assignement
    ➔   Section assignement
    ➔   Update an ezshop rule ( discount rules, currency... )

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       Concept / exploring the VAR
       Ex : HOWTO expire a named cache-block, related to the homepage
   expiry, or a contentclass, or whatever else
       Ex : HOWTO expire a set of cache-block using a shell script
       Ex : HOWTO build the perfect pagelayout

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   ...                   What for ?
                           ➔   Template-block cache = cache files related to
                               cache-block, also called « template cache »
                               ( common mistake with the template
                               compilation )

                           ➔   Template-block cache is an HTML (or other)
                               cache of a template part ( cache-block )

                         ← Illustration : Łukasz Serwatka

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   Impact of common parameters
   The « keys » parameter :

   Please AVOID :
   {cache-block keys=$uri_string}     1 template-block file for
   ...                                each URI !!!

   Use instead :
   {cache-block keys=$my_custom_limited_range_key}
                        Only possible states of your content
                        inside your block
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   Impact of common parameters
   The « URI key » parameter : stupid but signifiant simulation

    ➔   A classic Web site, with 1000 nodes, news folder ( year, month archives ),
        products catalog ( filters ), calendar, forum...
    ➔   Could generate 10 000 « indexable » several URI ( google bot )
    ➔   A cache-block ( only 1 URI key ) to cache the global menu, who is
        generating 300 SQL queries
    ➔   No « expiry » or « ignore_content_expiry » parameters : so the cache-block
        expires every 2 hours (or on content publication)

    ➔   So... 300 SQL queries * 12 expiration per day * 10 000 URI = 36 millions of
        SQL queries per day...

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   Impact of common parameters
   The « expiry » parameter :

   If possible, always set a custom expiry value & ignore content
   expiry :
   {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=86400}

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   Impact of common parameters
   The « sutree_expiry » parameter : no more expiry /
   ignore_content_expiry needed

   {cache-block subtree_expiry='news/'}

   {cache-block subtree_expiry=142}

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   Impact of common parameters
   The « sutree_expiry » parameter : tip of the « magic » node

    ➔   To expire a cache-block, depending of a custom rule ( per content class, per
        PHP algorithm ... )

    ➔   Create a {cache-block subtree_expiry=$magic_node_id}

    ➔   Create a node somewhere ( safe location, without FULL view )

    ➔   Create a workflow or customedithandler to include your custom rules on
        publication, and update the content object related to the magic node by the

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   Cache-block imbrication
   {cache-block expiry=3600}
       {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=86400}

            ... {* you save … SQL Queries each hours *}

         {cache-block subtree_expiry='news/'}

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   I need a « real time » block ( TTL=1m )
   A cache-block may not be the solution, use instead :

    ➔   ESI ( Edge Side Include ) : better for front-end loading & google
        bot indexing. But reverse-proxy required ( varnish, squid,
        akamai... )

    ➔   AJAX : easier to implement

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   How eZ stores the template-block cache



                           subtree_expiry=159                    CRC32
                                                             Complex... The
                                                          pathname doesn't help

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   How eZ stores the template-block cache

                                                      CRC32 ( 32-bit polynomial checksum )

      Cache-block position in the .tpl file / template path / keys /


          78 = {cache-block... } line start
          1 = {cache-block... } column start (a simple ' ' before...)
          78 = {cache-block... } line end
          94 = {cache-block... } column end
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   How to expire the ALL of the template-
   block cache files ?
   php bin/php/ezcache.php –clear-id=template-block

    ➔   Expires all the template-block files, by updating the global
        cache-block expiry time ( global-template-block-cache ) in the
        {varDir}/expiry.php file

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   How to expire a set of specific template-
   block cache files ?
    ➔   Not really possible... exept by searching a specific string inside
        each files, and deleting matching files ( ezfs / ezFS2 )

    ➔   find var/ezdemo_site/cache/template-block/ -name "*.cache" -exec grep -iHl
        "string-to-search" {} ; -delete

        {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=0}
            <!-- string-to-search -->

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      {cache-block id=myfolder ignore_content_expiry expiry=0}
      <!-- ID:BLOCK1 -->


   So... to expire your cache-block :
   mv myfolder myfolder-to-remove
   nice -n 20 rm -r myfolder-to-remove
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   Ex : HOWTO expire a named cache-block, related to the
   homepage expiry, or a contentclass, or whatever else

   Ex : HOWTO expire a set of cache-block using a shell

   Ex : HOWTO build the perfect pagelayout

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      (not so) funny quiz


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   $Timestamps = array (
                                                       What for ?
     'state-limitations' => 1321010927,
     'user-info-cache' => 1323788789,
     'content-view-cache' => 1326299075,
     'class-identifier-cache' => 1326298969,
     'global-template-block-cache' => 1325856140,
     'content-tree-menu' => 1326298969,
     'image-manager-alias' => 1323788788,
     'active-extensions-cache' => 1325668728,
     'ts-translation-cache' => 1323788789,
     'content-complex-viewmode-cache' => 1325780763,
     'template-block-cache' => 1326298969,
     'user-class-cache' => 1326298969,
     'sort-key-cache' => 1326298969,

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      Concept / exploring the VAR
      Ex : HOWTO create a custom ezcache.php --id=myid

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    php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=[ID]
    php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=[ID] --purge
    php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=[TAG]
    php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=[TAG] --purge
    php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all
    php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all --purge

    NEED SOME HELP                             Does it do something
    php bin/php/ezcache.php --help                    special ?
    php bin/php/ezcache.php --list-ids        Superstitious parameter
    php bin/php/ezcache.php --list-tags
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   TAG    ID
   content            content / classid / sortey / urlalias / rss_cache /
                      content_tree_menu / state_limiations / template-block /

   template           template / template-block / template-override /
                      texttoimage / design_base / ezjscore-packer

   ini                ini / global_ini / active_extensions

   user               user_info_cache
   I18n               translation / chartrans
   codepage           codepage
   image              imagealias
   rest               rest / rest-routes

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    Hardcoded in kernel/classes/ezcache.php.
    For each ID :

    'id' => ID
    'tag' => array( TAG LIST )
    'enabled' => Cache enabled or not
    'is-clustered' => Use the current filehandler or not ?
    'path' => Path to purge, if purging (is-clustered=false)
    'expiry-key' => Key to set inside the expiry.php file if needed
    'function' => Function to apply only on clearing (not purging)
    'function-purge' => Function to apply only on purging (not clearing)

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    Add your own ID for your extensions ( site.ini.append.php )

    # Cache item entry (for eZ Publish 4.3 and up)

    name=eZJSCore Public Packer cache

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   How to create a custom ID cache
   expiration  ?

   Use the ezbashcompletion extension :

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    php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=ini

    array( 'name' => ezpI18n::tr( 'kernel/cache', 'INI cache' ),
            'id' => 'ini',
            'tag' => array( 'ini' ),
            'enabled' => true,
            'path' => 'ini' ),

    Why is it not working ?

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      Ex : HOWTO generate a PHP based cache file

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PHP & Performance毅 吕
Php extensions workshop
Php extensions workshopPhp extensions workshop
Php extensions workshopjulien pauli
Php on the Web and Desktop
Php on the Web and DesktopPhp on the Web and Desktop
Php on the Web and DesktopElizabeth Smith
How PHP Works ?
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How PHP Works ?Ravi Raj
Ansible : what's ansible & use case by REX
Ansible :  what's ansible & use case by REXAnsible :  what's ansible & use case by REX
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httpd — Apache Web Server
httpd — Apache Web Serverhttpd — Apache Web Server
httpd — Apache Web Serverwebhostingguy
Understanding PHP memory
Understanding PHP memoryUnderstanding PHP memory
Understanding PHP memoryjulien pauli

Mais procurados (20)

The why and how of moving to PHP 5.4/5.5
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How to deploy node to production
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How to deploy node to production
Site Performance - From Pinto to Ferrari
Site Performance - From Pinto to FerrariSite Performance - From Pinto to Ferrari
Site Performance - From Pinto to Ferrari
Ezobject wrapper workshop
Ezobject wrapper workshopEzobject wrapper workshop
Ezobject wrapper workshop
MySQL Presentation
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eZ Publish vs Drupal - technical battle
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eZ Publish vs Drupal - technical battle
PHP 7 new engine
PHP 7 new enginePHP 7 new engine
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Php Ppt
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Php Ppt
Die .htaccess richtig nutzen
Die .htaccess richtig nutzenDie .htaccess richtig nutzen
Die .htaccess richtig nutzen
PHP & Performance
PHP & PerformancePHP & Performance
PHP & Performance
Php extensions workshop
Php extensions workshopPhp extensions workshop
Php extensions workshop
Nginx pres
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Nginx pres
Php on the Web and Desktop
Php on the Web and DesktopPhp on the Web and Desktop
Php on the Web and Desktop
How PHP Works ?
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How PHP Works ?
Ansible : what's ansible & use case by REX
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Ansible : what's ansible & use case by REX
New PHP Exploitation Techniques
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New PHP Exploitation Techniques
httpd — Apache Web Server
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httpd — Apache Web Server
Centos config
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Centos config
Understanding PHP memory
Understanding PHP memoryUnderstanding PHP memory
Understanding PHP memory


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Improve the user experience
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Destaque (20)

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Han surgido sugerencias de parte de las compañeras para su blog
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Semelhante a Workshop eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms

phptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorial
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phptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorialWim Godden
eZ Publish Cluster Unleashed
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eZ Publish Cluster UnleashedBertrand Dunogier
Zend_Cache: how to improve the performance of PHP applications
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Zend_Cache: how to improve the performance of PHP applicationsEnrico Zimuel
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ phpBenelux 2011
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Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ phpBenelux 2011Wim Godden
Caching with Memcached and APC
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Caching with Memcached and APCBen Ramsey
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalabilityCaching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalabilityWim Godden
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalabilityCaching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalabilityWim Godden
eZ Publish cluster unleashed revisited
eZ Publish cluster unleashed revisitedeZ Publish cluster unleashed revisited
eZ Publish cluster unleashed revisitedBertrand Dunogier
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
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Caching and tuning fun for high scalabilityWim Godden
Automatic systems installations and change management wit FAI - Talk for Netw...
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php & performance
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Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ PHPTour
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ PHPTourCaching and tuning fun for high scalability @ PHPTour
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ PHPTourWim Godden

Semelhante a Workshop eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms (20)

phptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorial
phptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorialphptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorial
phptek13 - Caching and tuning fun tutorial
eZ Publish Cluster Unleashed
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eZ Publish Cluster Unleashed
Zend_Cache: how to improve the performance of PHP applications
Zend_Cache: how to improve the performance of PHP applicationsZend_Cache: how to improve the performance of PHP applications
Zend_Cache: how to improve the performance of PHP applications
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ phpBenelux 2011
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ phpBenelux 2011Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ phpBenelux 2011
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ phpBenelux 2011
Caching with Memcached and APC
Caching with Memcached and APCCaching with Memcached and APC
Caching with Memcached and APC
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
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Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalabilityCaching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
eZ Publish cluster unleashed revisited
eZ Publish cluster unleashed revisitedeZ Publish cluster unleashed revisited
eZ Publish cluster unleashed revisited
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalabilityCaching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
Automatic systems installations and change management wit FAI - Talk for Netw...
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Automatic systems installations and change management wit FAI - Talk for Netw...
php & performance
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Caching Data For Performance
Caching Data For PerformanceCaching Data For Performance
Caching Data For Performance
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Pecl Picks
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Configuration Surgery with Augeas
Configuration Surgery with AugeasConfiguration Surgery with Augeas
Configuration Surgery with Augeas
Augeas @RMLL 2012
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Augeas @RMLL 2012
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Vagrant for real codemotion (moar tips! ;-))Vagrant for real codemotion (moar tips! ;-))
Vagrant for real codemotion (moar tips! ;-))
Grâce aux tags Varnish, j'ai switché ma prod sur Raspberry Pi
Grâce aux tags Varnish, j'ai switché ma prod sur Raspberry PiGrâce aux tags Varnish, j'ai switché ma prod sur Raspberry Pi
Grâce aux tags Varnish, j'ai switché ma prod sur Raspberry Pi
PHP selber bauen
PHP selber bauenPHP selber bauen
PHP selber bauen
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ PHPTour
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ PHPTourCaching and tuning fun for high scalability @ PHPTour
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability @ PHPTour

Mais de Kaliop-slide

E z conference 2016 : The Next Generation of Innovative Applications: Powere...
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L'agilité au service de l'innovation
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[webinar du 26/02/2015] Magento / Prestashop : bien choisir sa solution e-com...
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[Webinar du 17/06/2014] Bien intégrer sa boutique e-Commerce à son système d'...
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Web performances : Is It not the right time to (re)consider CMS ?
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Bien choisir sa solution e-commerce
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Webinar : ezpublish pour vos projets e-tourisme
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How to deploy & optimize eZ Publish
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Optimisez vos flux commerciaux avec la marketing automation
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Tour de Contrôle (Kaliop E-Commerce Dataflow System)
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Redeploiement d’une plateforme eZpublish multisites internationale
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Mais de Kaliop-slide (20)

E z conference 2016 : The Next Generation of Innovative Applications: Powere...
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Comment créer, optimiser et monétiser vos contenus ?
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Web performance optimization
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How to deploy & optimize eZ Publish (2014)
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Utilisation d’eZ Flow sur le site
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Utilisation d’eZ Flow sur le site
Webinar e-tourisme : Créer une expérience utilisateur riche grâce à eZ Publish
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Bien choisir sa solution e-commerce
Bien choisir sa solution e-commerceBien choisir sa solution e-commerce
Bien choisir sa solution e-commerce
Webinar : ezpublish pour vos projets e-tourisme
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How to deploy & optimize eZ Publish
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Optimisez vos flux commerciaux avec la marketing automation
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Optimisez vos flux commerciaux avec la marketing automation
Tour de Contrôle (Kaliop E-Commerce Dataflow System)
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Tour de Contrôle (Kaliop E-Commerce Dataflow System)
Redeploiement d’une plateforme eZpublish multisites internationale
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eZ Publish & Deployment of a multi-site platform
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eZ Publish & Deployment of a multi-site platform


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Workshop eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms

  • 1. eZ Summer Camp. Setp 2012 eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // WORKSHOP Gilles Guirand - CTO Kaliop / eZ Publish board member @gandbox Gilles Ballini – Lead engineer Kaliop Stephane Sobecki - Lead engineer Kaliop Jerome Lecocq - Lead engineer Kaliop
  • 2. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS AGENDA (1) TEMPLATE COMPILATION Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO compile a set of template from a TXT file list INI CACHE Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO use dynamic settings with shared compiled templates VIEWCACHE Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO log the viewcache activity 2 / 61
  • 3. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS AGENDA ( 2 ) CACHE-BLOCK Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO expire a named cache-block, related to the homepage expiry, or a contentclass, or whatever else Ex : HOWTO expire a set of cache-block using a shell script Ex : HOWTO build the perfect pagelayout EXPIRY.PHP FILE Concept / exploring the VAR EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO create a custom ezcache.php --id=myid PHP CACHE Ex : HOWTO generate a PHP based cache file 3 / 61
  • 4. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CONTEXT Common questions : ➔Is it possible to never expire the ENTIRE viewcache ? … and which actions actually expire the ENTIRE viewcache ? ➔ Is it possible to reduce the I/O (template-blocks) ? ➔ Is it possible to expire a specific set ot template-block files ? ➔ Is it possible to develop a better pagelayout.tpl ? ➔ Is something to improve on high-trafic websites ? Or Websites factory ( 100 siteaccess... ) 4 / 61
  • 5. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CONTEXT Final questions : ➔ How all these cache mechanisms really work ? … I mean in details... algorithms, I/O, triggers, exceptions, undocumented features & settings, unknown bugs, unknown fixes... and ezfs, ezfs2, ezdfs, ezdb... Final solutions : ➔ READ THE KERNEL / TEST THE KERNEL... ( be brave ) 5 / 61
  • 6. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VM PREPARATION Copy cache & cache2 extension folders Activate extension (site.ini.append.php) Generate autoloads Clear the cache-all Add user / login policy for anomymous ( site access cache & cache 2 ) 6 / 61
  • 7. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS AGENDA TEMPLATE COMPILATION Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO compile a set of template from a TXT file list INI CACHE VIEWCACHE CACHE-BLOCK EXPIRY.PHP FILE EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT PHP CACHE 7 / 61
  • 8. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS TPL COMPILATION What for ? ➔ Compile your .tpl files to .php files ➔ Reduce the RAM / CPU (use the stored compiled version) How to set ? site.ini [templatesettings] ➔ TemplateCompile=enabled ➔ Store compiled version {varDir}/cache/template/compiled/ ➔ NodeTreeCaching=enabled ( disabled by default ) ➔ Store pre-compiled version {varDir}/cache/template/tree/ Common mistake ➔ TemplateCache=enabled → template-block 8 / 61
  • 9. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS TPL COMPILATION DESIGN {varDir}/cache/template/tree {varDir}/cache/template/compiled page_mainarea.tpl {hash}-page_mainarea.php page_mainarea-{hash1}.php NodeTreeCaching=enabled page_mainarea-{hash2}.php ( disabled by default ) page_mainarea-{hash3}.php Why eZ generates several compiled files for the same .tpl? 9 / 61
  • 10. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS TPL COMPILATION How eZ stores the final compiled files ? {VarDir}/cache/template/compiled/, not clusterized Filenames : {templatename}-{hash}.php page_head-49f4458d0b68aec3cf2de63a6918fd61.php page_head-ec3cf2de63a6918fd6149f4458d0b68a.php 10 / 61
  • 11. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS TPL COMPILATION How eZ calculates the hash ? $sharedTemplates = false {VarDir}/cache/template/compiled/ Filenames : {templatename}-{hash}.php pagelayout-49f4458d0b68aec3cf2de63a6918fd61.php Md5( filepath ) / internalCharset / language / useFullUrlText / accessText / pageLayoutVariable / indexFile / extraName /layout/set/... 11 / 61
  • 12. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS TPL COMPILATION How eZ calculate the hash ? $sharedTemplates = true {VarDir}/cache/template/compiled/ Filenames : {templatename}-{hash}.php pagelayout-aec3cf2de63a6918fd6149f4458d0b68.php Md5( filepath ) / language No more siteaccess inside the key... Ezini operator → 'dynamic' parameter 12 / 61
  • 13. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EXERCISE How to pre-compile a set of template files (to avoid : on the fly generating) ? ➔ Force the compilation of 2 template files php bin/php/eztc.php -s mysiteaccess --force extension/ezdemo/design/ezdemo/templates/page_head.tpl extension/ezdemo/design/ezdemo/templates/pagelayout.tpl ➔ Force the compilation of all template files starting with « page » : find extension/ezdemo/ -name "page_*.tpl" | xargs php bin/php/eztc.php -s eng --force ➔ Force the compilation of all template files from a TXT file : cat templates.txt | xargs php bin/php/eztc.php -s eng --force 13 / 61
  • 14. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS TPL COMPILATION The **** layout module ➔ By default ( $shareTemplates = false ), the 'layout' value is used by the final compiled filename ➔ So if you are using this module with 3 other layouts, you'll produce 4 compiled files (instead of 1) ➔ eztc.php script does not manage the layout parameter Your 3 additional compiled files ( for each layout ) will be procude « on the fly », and cannot be pre-compiled with eztc.php ➔ Suggestion : improve eztc.php, add the –layout=... parameter 14 / 61
  • 15. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS AGENDA TEMPLATE COMPILATION INI CACHE Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO use dynamic settings with shared compiled templates VIEWCACHE CACHE-BLOCK EXPIRY.PHP FILE EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT PHP CACHE 15 / 61
  • 16. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS INI CACHE When eZ generates the INI cache ? ➔ On the fly (if the cache file does not exist) – from an API call (ezini PHP class), a template call (ezini operator) ➔ By default, eZ automatically check if an INI file has been changed or not, depending of this setting (config.php) //define( 'EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK', false ) ; /* Set EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK constant to false to improve performance ( 10% ~ 15% on I/O ) by not checking modified time on ini files. You can also set it to a string, the name of a ini file you still want to check modified time on, best example would be to set it to 'site.ini' to make the system still check that but not the rest. */ 16 / 61
  • 17. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS INI CACHE How eZ stores the INI cache ? ➔ var/cache/ini ( and not /{varDir}/ini ), not clusterized ➔ {inifilename}-{hash}.php design-677247a49e428aa0837411b52777b920.php design-704216b4d0e3ea68c09742504bb366c8.php design-7333039e7e19aa411f8dd01836555861.php md5 FileName / RootDir / DirectAccess / overrideDirs / internalCharset 17 / 61
  • 18. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS INI CACHE How to expire the INI cache ? ➔php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=global_ini ➔ Remove var/cache/ini ➔php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=ini ➔ Remove var/cache/ini & var/cache/active_extensions_{hash}.php ➔php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=ini ➔ Nothing (bug) : try to recursively delete INI files in {varDir}/ini 18 / 61
  • 19. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS INI CACHE How to not compile the INI value ? lib/ezutils/classes/ezini.php function eZINI( $fileName = 'site.ini', $rootDir = '', $useTextCodec = null, $useCache = null, $useLocalOverrides = null, $directAccess = false, $addArrayDefinition = false, $load = true ) { ... } Dynamically load the INI values inside your compiled templates : site.ini [eZINISettings] / DynamicTemplateMode=enabled OR Ezini operator → 'dynamic' parameter 19 / 61
  • 20. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EXERCISE HOWTO use dynamic settings with shared compiled templates 20 / 61
  • 21. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS AGENDA TEMPLATE COMPILATION INI CACHE VIEWCACHE Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO log the viewcache activity CACHE-BLOCK EXPIRY.PHP FILE EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT PHP CACHE 21 / 61
  • 22. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VIEWCACHE What for ? ➔ Viewcache = content cache, content viewcache, … ➔ Viewcache is an HTML (or other) cache of the $module_result.content outpout, for a node view call ( content/view/... ) ← Illustration : Łukasz Serwatka part-3-of-3-practical-cache-and-template-solutions/(page)/2 22 / 61
  • 23. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VIEWCACHE How eZ stores the viewcache ? {VarDir}/cache/content/{siteaccess}/{number}/{number}/{number} {VarDir}/cache/content/{siteaccess}/ 2-ce182234bd70236c6a009578d2a34632.cache 20-ce182234bd70236c6a009578d2a34632.cache {VarDir}/cache/content/{siteaccess}/1 101-ce182234bd70236c6a009578d2a34632.cache 105-ce182234bd70236c6a009578d2a34632.cache {VarDir}/cache/content/{siteaccess}/5/2/1 52101-ce182234bd70236c6a009578d2a34632.cache 52144-ce182234bd70236c6a009578d2a34632.cache 23 / 61
  • 24. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VIEWCACHE How eZ stores the viewcache ? {nodeid}-{hash}.php 2-ce182234bd70236c6a009578d2a34632.cache md5 required nodeID / viewMode / layout / language (view.p.) / offset (view.p.) / indexFile optionnal + roIeIDList / limitValueList / discountList / cacheNameExtra / pr_user / viewParameters / userPreferences ViewCacheTweaks[<node_id>]=<setting>[;<setting2>] ViewCacheTweaks[global]=<setting>[;<setting2>] 24 / 61
  • 25. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VIEWCACHE How to know the exact matching between a viewcache file & my URLs ? {nodeid}-{hash}.php → deduce the nodeID At the end of file : "view_parameters";a:6: {s:6:"offset";b:0;s:4:"year";b:0;s:5:"month";b:0;s:3:"day";b:0;s:10:"na mefilter";b:0;s:4:"test";s:1:"2";}... Should be URL : /(test)/2 25 / 61
  • 26. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VIEWCACHE How eZ expires a set of viewcache ? Alteration of cache states - Depending of the filehandler ( file.ini ) ➔ Ezfsfilehandler : UNLINK file ➔ Ezfs2filehandler : TOUCH file (25/25/1977) ← Star Wars day ➔ Ezdbfilehandler : "ezdbfile" (UPDATE expired=1) ➔ Ezdfsfilehandler : "ezdfsfile" (UPDATE expired=1) Comparison of cache states - Depending of the filehandler ( file.ini ) ➔ Ezfsfilehandler : file does not exist, or is older than the content-view-cache timestamp ➔ Ezfs2filehandler : file is older than the content-view-cache timestamp ➔ Ezdbfilehandler : "ezdbfile" (expired=1) ➔ Ezdfsfilehandler : "ezdfsfile" (expired=1) 26 / 61
  • 27. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VIEWCACHE How eZ expires the ENTIRE viewcache ? ➔ eZ does not recursively update / delete the files (too many files... unsafe) eZ set a global timestamp expiry value : ➔ {VarDir}/cache/expiry.php ← 'content-view-cache' ( current timestamp) Each time the expiry.php is updated, the ENTIRE viewcache will expire. ➔ Ok, but my ENTIRE viewcache expires all the time... i did nothing special ! Don't know why ! 27 / 61
  • 28. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VIEWCACHE Which event / trigger expires a set of cache ? By default : on object publication (or back-end feature) ➔ the related nodes & parent node Willingly, using a script : ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-node=2 ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-node=2,46,63 ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-node=/company/about ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-subtree=/company/about ➔ bin/php/ezcontentcache.php –clear-subtree=/company/about,/news 28 / 61
  • 29. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VIEWCACHE Smart viewcache & cacheThreshold : a set of cache → the ENTIRE view cache Automatically, if using the smart view cache / viewcache.ini : ➔ The smart view cache populates a list of related « node_id » viewcache files to expire, depending of your settings. If this node_id list is larger than the CacheThreshold limit value (250 by default) → eZ expires the ENTIRE viewcache ! ➔ Some settings could increase the node_id list count & excede the CacheThreshold limit : ALL, siblings, KeywordNodesCacheClearLimit ➔ Advice : Set KeywordNodesCacheClearLimit = 0, never use ALL, avoid siblings, log out the CacheThreshold (ezpEvent) 29 / 61
  • 30. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EXERCISE How to log the viewcache activity ? & prevent the CacheThreshold limit... Add an ezpEvent : site.ini.append.php [Event] Listeners[]=content/cache@log::logviewcache # log = your PHP class name # logviewcache = the static method 30 / 61
  • 31. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EXERCISE Log the viewcache node_id list to expire, prevent the CacheThreshold limit... ➔ Create a PHP class / generate autoloads // extension/extension-name/classes/log.php <?php class log { static public function logviewcache( $nodeList ) { $uri = $GLOBALS['_SERVER']['REQUEST_URI']; eZLog::write('node_id count : '. count( $nodeList ). ' / node_id list : ' . implode(', ', $nodeList ) . ' / URI : '.$uri, 'cachethresold.log'); return $nodeList; }} ?> ➔ Generate autoloads : php bin/php/ezpgenerateautolaods.php 31 / 61
  • 32. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EXERCISE Log the viewcache node_id list to expire, prevent the CacheThreshold limit... ● Edit / publish contents in the administration backend ➔ Log output : var/log/cachethreshold.log [ Sep 03 2012 17:37:33 ] node_id count : 14 / node_id list : 74, 73, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 78, 77, 82, 72, 100 / URI : /administration/content/edit/72/2/eng-GB [ Sep 05 2012 13:44:54 ] node_id count : 7 / node_id list : 89, 88, 90, 91, 2, 1, 87 / URI : /administration/content/edit/87/2/eng-GB [ Sep 05 2012 13:45:34 ] node_id count : 2 / node_id list : 2, 1 / URI : /administration/content/edit/57/2/eng-GB 32 / 61
  • 33. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EXERCISE Log the viewcache node_id list to expire, prevent the CacheThreshold limit... ● Edit / publish contents in the administration backend ➔ Log output : var/log/cachethreshold.log [ Sep 03 2012 17:37:33 ] node_id count : 14 / node_id list : 74, 73, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 78, 77, 82, 72, 100 / URI : /administration/content/edit/72/2/eng-GB [ Sep 05 2012 13:44:54 ] node_id count : 7 / node_id list : 89, 88, 90, 91, 2, 1, 87 / URI : /administration/content/edit/87/2/eng-GB [ Sep 05 2012 13:45:34 ] node_id count : 2 / node_id list : 2, 1 / URI : /administration/content/edit/57/2/eng-GB 33 / 61
  • 34. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS VIEWCACHE My ENTIRE viewcache still expire... Maybe you invoked one of these features (back-end, API)  : ➔ Create a new content class ( BUG ? ) ➔ Update / delete an existing content class ( or attributes ) ➔ Update / delete and existing role ( & policies ) OR role assignement ➔ Section assignement ➔ Update an ezshop rule ( discount rules, currency... ) 34 / 61
  • 35. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS 35 / 61
  • 36. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS 36 / 61
  • 37. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS AGENDA TEMPLATE COMPILATION INI CACHE VIEWCACHE CACHE-BLOCK Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO expire a named cache-block, related to the homepage expiry, or a contentclass, or whatever else Ex : HOWTO expire a set of cache-block using a shell script Ex : HOWTO build the perfect pagelayout EXPIRY.PHP FILE EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT PHP CACHE 37 / 61
  • 38. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK ... What for ? ➔ Template-block cache = cache files related to cache-block, also called « template cache » ( common mistake with the template compilation ) ➔ Template-block cache is an HTML (or other) cache of a template part ( cache-block ) ← Illustration : Łukasz Serwatka part-3-of-3-practical-cache-and-template-solutions/(page)/2 38 / 61
  • 39. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK Impact of common parameters The « keys » parameter : Please AVOID : {cache-block keys=$uri_string} 1 template-block file for ... each URI !!! {/cache-block} Use instead : {cache-block keys=$my_custom_limited_range_key} ... {/cache-block} Only possible states of your content inside your block 39 / 61
  • 40. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK Impact of common parameters The « URI key » parameter : stupid but signifiant simulation ➔ A classic Web site, with 1000 nodes, news folder ( year, month archives ), products catalog ( filters ), calendar, forum... ➔ Could generate 10 000 « indexable » several URI ( google bot ) ➔ A cache-block ( only 1 URI key ) to cache the global menu, who is generating 300 SQL queries ➔ No « expiry » or « ignore_content_expiry » parameters : so the cache-block expires every 2 hours (or on content publication) ➔ So... 300 SQL queries * 12 expiration per day * 10 000 URI = 36 millions of SQL queries per day... 40 / 61
  • 41. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK Impact of common parameters The « expiry » parameter : If possible, always set a custom expiry value & ignore content expiry : {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=86400} ... {/cache-block} 41 / 61
  • 42. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK Impact of common parameters The « sutree_expiry » parameter : no more expiry / ignore_content_expiry needed {cache-block subtree_expiry='news/'} ... {/cache-block} {cache-block subtree_expiry=142} ... {/cache-block} 42 / 61
  • 43. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK Impact of common parameters The « sutree_expiry » parameter : tip of the « magic » node ➔ To expire a cache-block, depending of a custom rule ( per content class, per PHP algorithm ... ) ➔ Create a {cache-block subtree_expiry=$magic_node_id} ➔ Create a node somewhere ( safe location, without FULL view ) ➔ Create a workflow or customedithandler to include your custom rules on publication, and update the content object related to the magic node by the code 43 / 61
  • 44. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK Cache-block imbrication {cache-block expiry=3600} ... {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=86400} ... {* you save … SQL Queries each hours *} {/cache-block} ... {cache-block subtree_expiry='news/'} ... {/cache-block} ... {/cache-block} 44 / 61
  • 45. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK I need a « real time » block ( TTL=1m ) A cache-block may not be the solution, use instead : ➔ ESI ( Edge Side Include ) : better for front-end loading & google bot indexing. But reverse-proxy required ( varnish, squid, akamai... ) ➔ AJAX : easier to implement 45 / 61
  • 46. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK How eZ stores the template-block cache {VarDir}/cache/template-block/1/2/3/12345678.cache {VarDir}/cache/template-block/5/5/5/555666888.cache {VarDir}/cache/template-block/subtree/1/5/9/cache/1/2/3/12345678.cache subtree_expiry=159 CRC32 Complex... The pathname doesn't help 46 / 61
  • 47. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK How eZ stores the template-block cache {VarDir}/cache/template-block/1/2/3/12345678.cache CRC32 ( 32-bit polynomial checksum ) Cache-block position in the .tpl file / template path / keys / siteaccess 78_1_78_94_extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/pagelayout.tpl 78 = {cache-block... } line start 1 = {cache-block... } column start (a simple ' ' before...) 78 = {cache-block... } line end 94 = {cache-block... } column end 47 / 61
  • 48. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK How to expire the ALL of the template- block cache files ? php bin/php/ezcache.php –clear-id=template-block ➔ Expires all the template-block files, by updating the global cache-block expiry time ( global-template-block-cache ) in the {varDir}/expiry.php file 48 / 61
  • 49. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK How to expire a set of specific template- block cache files ? ➔ Not really possible... exept by searching a specific string inside each files, and deleting matching files ( ezfs / ezFS2 ) ➔ find var/ezdemo_site/cache/template-block/ -name "*.cache" -exec grep -iHl "string-to-search" {} ; -delete {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=0} <!-- string-to-search --> ... {/cache-block} 49 / 61
  • 50. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS CACHE-BLOCK PULL REQUEST IDEA : {cache-block id=myfolder ignore_content_expiry expiry=0} <!-- ID:BLOCK1 --> ... {/cache-block} {VarDir}/cache/template-block/myfolder/1/2/3/12345678.cache So... to expire your cache-block : mv myfolder myfolder-to-remove nice -n 20 rm -r myfolder-to-remove 50 / 61
  • 51. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EXERCISE Ex : HOWTO expire a named cache-block, related to the homepage expiry, or a contentclass, or whatever else Ex : HOWTO expire a set of cache-block using a shell script Ex : HOWTO build the perfect pagelayout 51 / 61
  • 53. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EXPIRY.PHP FILE <?php $Timestamps = array ( What for ? 'state-limitations' => 1321010927, 'user-info-cache' => 1323788789, 'content-view-cache' => 1326299075, 'class-identifier-cache' => 1326298969, 'global-template-block-cache' => 1325856140, 'content-tree-menu' => 1326298969, 'image-manager-alias' => 1323788788, 'active-extensions-cache' => 1325668728, 'ts-translation-cache' => 1323788789, 'content-complex-viewmode-cache' => 1325780763, 'template-block-cache' => 1326298969, 'user-class-cache' => 1326298969, 'sort-key-cache' => 1326298969, ); 53 / 61
  • 54. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS AGENDA TEMPLATE COMPILATION INI CACHE VIEWCACHE CACHE-BLOCK EXPIRY.PHP FILE EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT Concept / exploring the VAR Ex : HOWTO create a custom ezcache.php --id=myid PHP CACHE 54 / 61
  • 55. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT FAMOUS EZSCRIPT php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=[ID] php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=[ID] --purge php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=[TAG] php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-tag=[TAG] --purge php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all --purge NEED SOME HELP Does it do something php bin/php/ezcache.php --help special ? php bin/php/ezcache.php --list-ids Superstitious parameter php bin/php/ezcache.php --list-tags 55 / 61
  • 56. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT TAG ID content content / classid / sortey / urlalias / rss_cache / content_tree_menu / state_limiations / template-block / ezjscore-packer template template / template-block / template-override / texttoimage / design_base / ezjscore-packer ini ini / global_ini / active_extensions user user_info_cache I18n translation / chartrans codepage codepage image imagealias rest rest / rest-routes 56 / 61
  • 57. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT MAIN ALGORITHM Hardcoded in kernel/classes/ezcache.php. For each ID : 'id' => ID 'tag' => array( TAG LIST ) 'enabled' => Cache enabled or not 'is-clustered' => Use the current filehandler or not ? 'path' => Path to purge, if purging (is-clustered=false) 'expiry-key' => Key to set inside the expiry.php file if needed 'function' => Function to apply only on clearing (not purging) 'function-purge' => Function to apply only on purging (not clearing) 57 / 61
  • 58. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT MAIN ALGORITHM Add your own ID for your extensions ( site.ini.append.php ) # Cache item entry (for eZ Publish 4.3 and up) [Cache] CacheItems[]=ezjscore [Cache_ezjscore] name=eZJSCore Public Packer cache id=ezjscore-packer tags[]=content tags[]=template path=public isClustered=true 58 / 61
  • 59. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EXERCISE How to create a custom ID cache expiration  ? Use the ezbashcompletion extension : etion 59 / 61
  • 60. :~$ eZ Publish Caching Mechanisms // SPICY DETAILS EZCACHE.PHP SCRIPT A BUG HELPS TO UNDERSTAND php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=ini array( 'name' => ezpI18n::tr( 'kernel/cache', 'INI cache' ), 'id' => 'ini', 'tag' => array( 'ini' ), 'enabled' => true, 'path' => 'ini' ), Why is it not working ? 60 / 61