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sEPiEMtER2015 96.99
Jim Parco's academic
and military background guides
the business principles upon which
Mesa Organics was founded
Iessor, published
p.inciples b€hind owning and operating
a successful business, and he's puning
his own €ducarion ro rhe re$ by opcninS
Mesa OrSanics. a naleJicensed cannabis
retail storc in Pueblo. ( olorado.
Jim and his wife. Pam. folk)qcd a
very di$erent path and busincss modcl
than mosl mariuana entrepreneurs. Al-
ter rctinng thc U.S. Air Force as a
licutcnam colonel. Jim moved his lbmily
back to their home state of Colorado
to take a position a. a professor
ofbusineis and cconomics at
Colorado College. Thcy
ino the cannabis industry in 201.1. $hen
Jim went on sabbatical. making cannabis
the research focus of his professorship.
Neirher ofthe Parcos had any prelious
exp€rience qith cannabis, so Jirn took a
job at a medical dispensary to leam ev-
crything he could.
His 2o-year Air Force career included
tcaching. working on theNalional S€curi-
ty Councilduring the Clinton administra-
tion. and scrving as a diplomal in lsrael.
ln addirion ro his highly decoraied mili-
lary career. be has a Ph.D. in management
and economics from the Univcrsily of
Now he was doing grunt work lbr a
medical mari juana cnlcrprise.
''I swcpt Roors. washed buckels.
trimmcd. managcd invenbry and simul-
tancously lcamcd aboutlhe cannabis laws
in Colorado, he says.besan their excurcion
ww,m.rlluln4nrcd,.on | 51
lri' ttr
: i.'j
lust rht
r,.LLiLl rlr.LL . rtr trnr . rrL r1rr."e(L
llrrrrJ,Lr..r h( !l 1., i..Lrjir'rl'.1 r.,r'1.
f, r l f rr  , .: . ., Lj,,LLl'r Ltrr. tr
lt. ..1r ,: rtr ,,t ,:r
f., ,i. :J . . L r.Lr lr. .r, |r. i '!Ll
.,. f.r s,,,Lr i!. ', h( , i r.(l r,, l'.
. ,,. .r f.,l ..1
I i,.,r ,.1f,, .i , lr ir .rrL 1,, r !: .t. ,.r
r. rILj:ht.,, r. ',,, .,I'l!..'.. ,,.1
1,i!rr .1't,,Ll,.LtJf lifI . r'tr(J
LL|  L r 1lr. ..r rrr. '
rrr'  1.,, :(.rr ,,1 rr, r rJ  rr
..rrr[r1,,' hu( nr. .x r,] ,rir rllJ ,i(r ,1.,
r rl .1.. .'l ..1,1.: rr,,1
", I r.rl {, 1.'l
rilrr''.,r1 lr..1rL!i ,. :.1
,,.1r, 1 . . r ,
. 1 , : I r . . L , r ' I (.,!,,1 r.
r l! rr r,,rrr(((l l, rr 1,, t)ti.n N t, r..LlJ
(Lr,,rr'.r: !r. ,,trri.,r ,'ir 'fr!: fr , rL: i.
lr...L ,rirl.r' ,,rLLLr'Lr rti,lir  Ln f r,,
.if ( 1,, .tr1i ! rrif | . rr r.s L ri ,f
l||,tI .,1 rl,.L lir I rir iLr,,f,,fr.
!, ,r ., r. rrr,. r,, ,1rr. ,, . l N : rr'
. rir!r,i,irr..r rr.Lir{l i,,,lqrL.Ll L
lMesa organrcs
J rn and Parn Parco
Pueblo Colorado
Retarl store,
grow operation and
exkact on faciltty
www mesaorganics corn
www.B.njuanav€nture iom | 53

The historic G.eenwood's Cafi buildinB war
a pictu.esqlesiceof Americana in 1954
(abow), but had falei into a state ofdisrepair
prior to the Mesa Or8a.ics rcvivat{ieft).
Using laur gft)" lcnls with sixlccn
plants ir .!ch. Jim controlled lhe srrain.
$arcr, nurrienl leels.
lighting. IcmNrrlure. hunlidir! lnd plt
lsee sidebxr on l,asc 60). The onl) arF
ibles in cach tcnl !ere iso dilt-erenr
namc br nd nurrienrs rnd rhc lighring
n{trcc (hrgh-inr€nsir} dirchargc enus
lighrcnriting ceramics). SuhscqLrenr
quililv lcsls and econonretric {na1}ses
rccaled thar ]ield and qMln $ere es-
scntjall! rhe same rcgardlcss ol rhe dit-
lcrenl ,rriables This sold bitn on thc
less epcnsie nurricnt line nnd encF
sy eficier)r lighting He elentuLrlly pi!-
otcd to strle-ol-rhe-an Ll:D teehnolog)
Nirh 65[$.r l.umicros lixturcs aftcr
discoverins drat rhc loc letecrric urit,
jr) as ollcrirg rcb cs tbr I FI)s. Thc
Lumicrow lights gi!c Jin the rbilir] lo
chnnSe the lighr frcqucncr Nith drc rouch
ol-a smart phone o. tablel.
Mcsa Organics also lrlns to be on lhe
culling edge ol- etr clion lcchnol()!:
using snpcrerilicnl aO: ro p()duce coD
cenlratcs- ropicals a d ediblcs. Jnn hr
liees hldroe.rrbon elndion $.ould bc
contrarJ to l'lesa Orgrnics lllission to
improc qu lilr- ofliic.
Otcr lhe ncI ]ear. lhe Pdreo! ortcd
to ohlain all the{ry pennits lar a
comme.cinl crnnabis operariotr.
The) bought the historic Oreenrodd r
Cai'd huilding. locared nexl door to rheir
fanril hmr. in the lall ofl0l.r The ti,r-
mcr rcsrauranr had bccn ibudoned tbr
ycrrs: il $as an easy ta.gct lbr gralfi-
ti and in desperate nccd ol ir ronrplelc
s4 | Marijo.n. v€nture // sepr€nb€r 2015
NO Marijuana
n The Mesa
Topto bottom: Mes3 OrCanics avoided the ' cveryrh,ng
to everyone approach" n tavoroffocu5 ng speohcJ lyon r
prim a ry demogra phic, c!stome6 olderthan 40rProtest groups
s!.h as Cihzens for a Healthv Pueb o have conhnued toflghr !g!'n(
commerc a .ainab s bus ne$es
ocrh!ul. lhr 1.s. rcno.lron
qds r tunning t..rti)nnrtion larthe lo-
Becausc ol the P.reo! drcp res ro
PLreblo -rin] and Pirr $ere high ichool
$eerheans. and Jlor sas aledictori!n
of Pu.hlo HLgh School dr. s.nt.d
to makc ntre rhe reach.d our l() Pu(hlo
r.slderl' iirr inpur berir. opcnin!r
I Jrnuar l0li. le(ers $ere Drailed
s6 Marijua.a Venture //september 20rG
ro rll' ilhin i onc-nrlc rrdru.
ol rhc fhtr.(l lcsa ()rgrnie loelri( .
ill irlng ro r corrNrurrt) n)cclitg Io
discLrrs rh. rLc.ntl l.!rll/cd crrtlrpr..
( rnnxhrs nrfforlcrs rrd
!likL rll.ndLLl rhe n)cerrg. Th. li,l
lo$i S $lcl. tn'rr.rch t,ot.{l r si!rr
icror rlc lronr 1c{ ()r1rrnr(s
rc.rdi S o lnrliuafn or rhc l(sr.'
complet. ith thc ..ll fhonc nu rhcrs
of thrcc count coun(rl nlcnrbcr5 The
frncsl rllerrlnl rcporrcdl h!cklired:
rh. nrutort) ol eu ll ro rhc.ouD(il $ere
rr sunporl ol 1lru
''. hr! rlr srrl. I c. $ilhrD lhe cllo'
r.hi in(t0rry i! o$n.r lrirr8 lo otcn
r husillc's un(br rhc rrdxr. .lifr su
''Srlre! crnn.bis l sueI r.,)Dt'ocAirl
1,,pi(- il rcrll) r hcller 1o h. tis rrL'nsprr
cnl ls |osihlc lionr the gcclro. lhNr'
$hxt e dirl rt Nlc' orgltnit. Nnd rl
i-.------ --:" :
llrf Prr(o s.,. r, i Lr( .r i,$ tr,
rr rr,i.t.rr irr I'Lr,r,r t,r :1)lar h
r.LfL,.,, l1r:lJ llrr r.,(l .1,, rIrLl 1lr. , 
i(!tL i.l rri :rr^. nN 1!
r.r.', rr .!rJ,i .rr. r.f rr., r.,rl .rrd r...rJ
h r lL r.l: ir.,,r I. rf.r:.|..l:
, .L.trl rrr! rf r. r t,! I r tr. !..
t,,,rtrrtlc. h(., ni r.L[. ff rln nr] I1! rr
lhe l,nc [1.] L)rLrr..r ,r Iri' rllr dlhr Li
''Dmcler rcr|inl u rhere r[e ofl to
rlrngs in busin.s: $ orlh fr) ing anerrliolr
ro: in onuon tln(l rrtrk.linS.- Ilm $r
''I el]drirg e1.e  houeleefing '
l)ue ro regrl.l()r) concenri- ()r
g.rnici has for ..tixrcd rri nredical l
ceoie. buI rls Inrgcl custourcr is slill the
''ernnabls nebie. fcolile ho :re .lr)
ilrd older uiifs rlrrriiLlnnr li)r nredicul
''som.rhin! I .. r Inr in buriners
r .r rr) t() hc LLrlhifg'ro..rlotc
ipprox.h- JiDr sxls -lho. ttrrjuing
rhi nrod.l cnd uf bcing nolhing to
hcn busincss s.lllc on lheir
rirg.l D rlcl. Lhc slrould li).us rrl ser-
iDg lhosc specilic c!5tr)nrcrs b.ner lhar
rhcl conlp.lrl(rrr. Jrnr n l)rlce lhal-s
hcLn .cconrpllthed. rI.n h!.,n,r*.' ..n
kcct opcn li,r $.i  l(, rcc,rnr'
nr,Lr. r broxder denrostxthre.
lcsr Orsafics Uscs color ch.nrc.
frir. Ibelins. lilrhlir]g rn(t efrploce
lrnifin{ lo crerle iust Ih. riSlrl lc.l lar its
lnrgcl .rLl(Irrer. I-en th. ' hlorl
n d(!rSrr.d lo rela .ortotlcr
''. r{llt $ant.d t(, nrrle rhir nc$
c.nnrhr eontrnr.r conrli,rlrhl.. n' e
rncd ro nule our ihi)p rrrlLL$ l{)
.lhcr rellil .fcicnces.--.lirr . :. lhc
hud hrr llr shopfers bro'c our .]c.
tiof ot llo$ rrs hclirre lalking $ lh 3 bud
L.rder..iUsl lil'. ]l olher stor.s $ hi. I o!
crn look xl trodtrcri b.ti)r. lxllin! lo r
Mesa Organics a ms to be
on thecuttjnS edge wth
both tsgrowoperano.
tYt m0tan
?eNtcl0i ntQulrr0
Grow Research
In order to determine the best equrpment
land setup for growrng cannabrs, Mesa
Organics owner Jim Parco set up an exper_
iment to test different lighting and nutrient
Using a set of control variables and gro!r/
tents, he tested four different nulrient and
liqhting combinations.
Based on his mekics of yield and quality,
all four combinations turned out virlually the
same, leading him to choose the cheaper
brand of nutrients and more energy-effr-
cient lighting.
Trcatment Variables
HID Liohis
1.000-watl Hydrolux Blue melal halide
1,000-watl Xtrasun high-pressure sodium
Enerov-eff liohts
63o'watt SunSystems light-€mitling cercmic
General Hydroponics
Control Variables
Sta,in: Gorilla Glu€ *r4
Medrum: Growstones
Hydropanic Canttols: Oxygen Pol Systems
i{€le,: Ambienl 50 ppm
Nulnent Evels Followed lhe nulrient
manufaclurer's guidelines
WgqkslL5 Vegetalive:
18 hours oflighU6 hours ofdafiness
lllgeks lii!!l: Flowerins:
12 hours ot lighu'|2 hours ol darkness
Tenperaturcl 77 degtees avetage
Mjlhqq: 68 degrees
Maximum: 84 degrees
Hrmidily:45% avercge
F€€dlrg schedu/e: Ev6ry six hours
F/rsh: Once a week tor 12 houls
50 | M.iliu.n. v.ntoE // nber 2015
Nlesa organics hosled its
grand opening on APril 20. 2016.
Nith the local chamber of com
mercc and more thrn 60 pcople
in .rltendancc. Tbe lulurc looks
good lbr Mcsa organics. bur Jim
admits that
tace an unccdain lulure. El'en
loday, anti-lnarijuana aclit'ists
ha'e circulated petilions lo shut-
rer$e cannabis industry in Pueb-
lo Counry. Citizens for a Heahhy
Pueblo is attempting to put an
iniri.rive on ihe Novcmbcr ballot
thar would ban marijuana rerail
sbres, manuhcturing faciliries.
rcsling labs and gros operalions
''lfs going to take a whilc for
ccrything to gcl scttled in lhis
ncu industD." Jim says. "owners
gctting inio thc crnnrbis business
should bc prcparcd lo lace chal-
lcngcs ,nd delelop solutions- es-
pecially in markering. outsidc of
shar ma-vNork in morc lradilion-
al business models. Bu1 clentu-
ally. like olher ind stries. things
{ill se(l€ down. '
while martuana busincsscs
fac€ a unique ser of obstaclcs.
all slartups have challcnges theY
must lacklc if thcy rc going to
survivc and succeed. Jim $ys h€
has a phrase lhat he onen repeats
to his srudenc lhat dennitely ap-
plics ro cannabis: "Thcrc arc cn-
trcprcncurs and iantrcprenetrs.
Nike srys it best: Just do it!"

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MV-Mesa Organics (Sep 2016)

  • 3. IN THE CANNABIS INIIUSTRY Jim Parco's academic and military background guides the business principles upon which Mesa Organics was founded ucation Iessor, published p.inciples b€hind owning and operating a successful business, and he's puning his own €ducarion ro rhe re$ by opcninS Mesa OrSanics. a naleJicensed cannabis retail storc in Pueblo. ( olorado. Jim and his wife. Pam. folk)qcd a very di$erent path and busincss modcl than mosl mariuana entrepreneurs. Al- ter rctinng thc U.S. Air Force as a licutcnam colonel. Jim moved his lbmily back to their home state of Colorado to take a position a. a professor ofbusineis and cconomics at Colorado College. Thcy By LUKAS BARFIELD ino the cannabis industry in 201.1. $hen Jim went on sabbatical. making cannabis the research focus of his professorship. Neirher ofthe Parcos had any prelious exp€rience qith cannabis, so Jirn took a job at a medical dispensary to leam ev- crything he could. His 2o-year Air Force career included tcaching. working on theNalional S€curi- ty Councilduring the Clinton administra- tion. and scrving as a diplomal in lsrael. ln addirion ro his highly decoraied mili- lary career. be has a Ph.D. in management and economics from the Univcrsily of Now he was doing grunt work lbr a medical mari juana cnlcrprise. ''I swcpt Roors. washed buckels. trimmcd. managcd invenbry and simul- tancously lcamcd aboutlhe cannabis laws in Colorado, he says.besan their excurcion ww,m.rlluln4nrcd,.on | 51
  • 5. I : i.'j '/,:4iI, 1"n .l .,s. P lust rht fAGIS r,.LLiLl rlr.LL . rtr trnr . rrL r1rr."e(L llrrrrJ,Lr..r h( !l 1., i..Lrjir'rl'.1 r.,r'1. f, r l f rr , .: . ., Lj,,LLl'r Ltrr. tr lt. ..1r ,: rtr ,,t ,:r f., ,i. :J . . L r.Lr lr. .r, |r. i '!Ll .,. f.r s,,,Lr i!. ', h( , i r.(l r,, l'. . ,,. .r f.,l ..1 I i,.,r ,.1f,, .i , lr ir .rrL 1,, r !: .t. ,.r r. rILj:ht.,, r. ',,, .,I'l!..'.. ,,.1 1,i!rr .1't,,Ll,.LtJf lifI . r'tr(J LL| L r 1lr. ..r rrr. ' rrr' 1.,, :(.rr ,,1 rr, r rJ rr ..rrr[r1,,' hu( nr. .x r,] ,rir rllJ ,i(r ,1., r rl .1.. .'l ..1,1.: rr,,1 ", I r.rl {, 1.'l rilrr''.,r1 lr..1rL!i ,. :.1 ,,.1r, 1 . . r , . 1 , : I r . . L , r ' I (.,!,,1 r. r l! rr r,,rrr(((l l, rr 1,, t)ti.n N t, r..LlJ ' (Lr,,rr'.r: !r. ,,trri.,r ,'ir 'fr!: fr , rL: i. lr...L ,rirl.r' ,,rLLLr'Lr rti,lir Ln f r,, .if ( 1,, .tr1i ! rrif | . rr r.s L ri ,f l||,tI .,1 rl,.L lir I rir iLr,,f,,fr. !, ,r ., r. rrr,. r,, ,1rr. ,, . l N : rr' . rir!r,i,irr..r rr.Lir{l i,,,lqrL.Ll L CO[4 PANY: lMesa organrcs OWNERS: J rn and Parn Parco LOCATION: Pueblo Colorado EMPLOYEES: 8 OPERATIONS: Retarl store, grow operation and exkact on faciltty GROW LIGHTS: LED WEBSITE: www mesaorganics corn www.B.njuanav€nture iom | 53
  • 6. il 't The historic G.eenwood's Cafi buildinB war a pictu.esqlesiceof Americana in 1954 (abow), but had falei into a state ofdisrepair prior to the Mesa Or8a.ics rcvivat{ieft). THE FORMER RESTAURANT HAD BEEN ABANDONED FOR YEARS Using laur gft)" lcnls with sixlccn plants ir .!ch. Jim controlled lhe srrain. gro$ 'rledium. $arcr, nurrienl leels. lighting. IcmNrrlure. hunlidir! lnd plt lsee sidebxr on l,asc 60). The onl) arF ibles in cach tcnl !ere iso dilt-erenr namc br nd nurrienrs rnd rhc lighring n{trcc (hrgh-inr€nsir} dirchargc enus lighrcnriting ceramics). SuhscqLrenr quililv lcsls and econonretric {na1}ses rccaled thar ]ield and qMln $ere es- scntjall! rhe same rcgardlcss ol rhe dit- lcrenl ,rriables This sold bitn on thc less epcnsie nurricnt line nnd encF sy eficier)r lighting He elentuLrlly pi!- otcd to strle-ol-rhe-an Ll:D teehnolog) Nirh 65[$.r l.umicros lixturcs aftcr discoverins drat rhc loc letecrric urit, jr) as ollcrirg rcb cs tbr I FI)s. Thc Lumicrow lights gi!c Jin the rbilir] lo chnnSe the lighr frcqucncr Nith drc rouch ol-a smart phone o. tablel. Mcsa Organics also lrlns to be on lhe culling edge ol- etr clion lcchnol()!: using snpcrerilicnl aO: ro p()duce coD cenlratcs- ropicals a d ediblcs. Jnn hr liees hldroe.rrbon elndion $.ould bc contrarJ to l'lesa Orgrnics lllission to improc qu lilr- ofliic. Otcr lhe ncI ]ear. lhe Pdreo! ortcd to ohlain all the{ry pennits lar a comme.cinl crnnabis operariotr. The) bought the historic Oreenrodd r Cai'd huilding. locared nexl door to rheir fanril hmr. in the lall ofl0l.r The ti,r- mcr rcsrauranr had bccn ibudoned tbr ycrrs: il $as an easy ta.gct lbr gralfi- ti and in desperate nccd ol ir ronrplelc s4 | Marijo.n. v€nture // sepr€nb€r 2015
  • 7. NO Marijuana n The Mesa Topto bottom: Mes3 OrCanics avoided the ' cveryrh,ng to everyone approach" n tavoroffocu5 ng speohcJ lyon r prim a ry demogra phic, c!stome6 olderthan 40rProtest groups s!.h as Cihzens for a Healthv Pueb o have conhnued toflghr !g!'n( commerc a .ainab s bus ne$es ocrh!ul. lhr 1.s. rcno.lron qds r tunning t..rti)nnrtion larthe lo- Becausc ol the P.reo! drcp res ro PLreblo -rin] and Pirr $ere high ichool $eerheans. and Jlor sas aledictori!n of Pu.hlo HLgh School dr. s.nt.d to makc ntre rhe reach.d our l() Pu(hlo r.slderl' iirr inpur berir. opcnin!r I Jrnuar l0li. le(ers $ere Drailed s6 Marijua.a Venture //september 20rG ro rll' ilhin i onc-nrlc rrdru. ol rhc fhtr.(l lcsa ()rgrnie loelri( . ill irlng ro r corrNrurrt) n)cclitg Io discLrrs rh. rLc.ntl l.!rll/cd crrtlrpr.. ( rnnxhrs nrfforlcrs rrd !likL rll.ndLLl rhe n)cerrg. Th. li,l lo$i S $lcl. tn'rr.rch t,ot.{l r si!rr icror rlc lronr 1c{ ()r1rrnr(s rc.rdi S o lnrliuafn or rhc l(sr.' complet. ith thc ..ll fhonc nu rhcrs of thrcc count coun(rl nlcnrbcr5 The frncsl rllerrlnl rcporrcdl h!cklired: rh. nrutort) ol eu ll ro rhc.ouD(il $ere rr sunporl ol 1lru ''. hr! rlr srrl. I c. $ilhrD lhe cllo' r.hi in(t0rry i! o$n.r lrirr8 lo otcn r husillc's un(br rhc rrdxr. .lifr su ''Srlre! crnn.bis l sueI r.,)Dt'ocAirl 1,,pi(- il rcrll) r hcller 1o h. tis rrL'nsprr cnl ls |osihlc lionr the gcclro. lhNr' $hxt e dirl rt Nlc' orgltnit. Nnd rl
  • 8. I ! i-.------ --:" : I llrf Prr(o s.,. r, i Lr( .r i,$ tr, rr rr,i.t.rr irr I'Lr,r,r t,r :1)lar h r.LfL,.,, l1r:lJ llrr r.,(l .1,, rIrLl 1lr. , i(!tL i.l rri :rr^. nN 1! r.r.', rr .!rJ,i .rr. r.f rr., r.,rl .rrd r...rJ h r lL r.l: ir.,,r I. rf.r:.|..l: , .L.trl rrr! rf r. r t,! I r tr. !.. t,,,rtrrtlc. h(., ni r.L[. ff rln nr] I1! rr lhe l,nc [1.] L)rLrr..r ,r Iri' rllr dlhr Li THERE ARE ONLY TWO THINGS IN BUSINESS WORTH PAYING ATTENTION TO: INNOVATION AND MARKETING
  • 9. a ''Dmcler rcr|inl u rhere r[e ofl to rlrngs in busin.s: $ orlh fr) ing anerrliolr ro: in onuon tln(l rrtrk.linS.- Ilm $r ''I el]drirg e1.e houeleefing ' l)ue ro regrl.l()r) concenri- ()r g.rnici has for ..tixrcd rri nredical l ceoie. buI rls Inrgcl custourcr is slill the ''ernnabls nebie. fcolile ho :re .lr) ilrd older uiifs rlrrriiLlnnr li)r nredicul ''som.rhin! I .. r Inr in buriners r .r rr) t() hc LLrlhifg'ro..rlotc ipprox.h- JiDr sxls -lho. ttrrjuing rhi nrod.l cnd uf bcing nolhing to hcn busincss s.lllc on lheir rirg.l D rlcl. Lhc slrould li).us rrl ser- iDg lhosc specilic c!5tr)nrcrs b.ner lhar rhcl conlp.lrl(rrr. Jrnr n l)rlce lhal-s hcLn .cconrpllthed. rI.n h!.,n,r*.' ..n kcct opcn li,r $.i l(, rcc,rnr' nr,Lr. r broxder denrostxthre. lcsr Orsafics Uscs color ch.nrc. frir. Ibelins. lilrhlir]g rn(t efrploce lrnifin{ lo crerle iust Ih. riSlrl lc.l lar its lnrgcl .rLl(Irrer. I-en th. ' hlorl n d(!rSrr.d lo rela .ortotlcr ''. r{llt $ant.d t(, nrrle rhir nc$ c.nnrhr eontrnr.r conrli,rlrhl.. n' e rncd ro nule our ihi)p rrrlLL$ l{) .lhcr rellil .fcicnces.--.lirr . :. lhc hud hrr llr shopfers bro'c our .]c. tiof ot llo$ rrs hclirre lalking $ lh 3 bud L.rder..iUsl lil'. ]l olher stor.s $ hi. I o! crn look xl trodtrcri b.ti)r. lxllin! lo r OWNERS GETTING INTO THE CANNABIS BUSINESS SHOULD BE PREPARED TO FACE CHALLENGES AND DEVELOP Mesa Organics a ms to be on thecuttjnS edge wth both tsgrowoperano. tYt m0tan ?eNtcl0i ntQulrr0 SOLUTIONS
  • 10. Grow Research In order to determine the best equrpment land setup for growrng cannabrs, Mesa Organics owner Jim Parco set up an exper_ iment to test different lighting and nutrient combinations. Using a set of control variables and gro!r/ tents, he tested four different nulrient and liqhting combinations. Based on his mekics of yield and quality, all four combinations turned out virlually the same, leading him to choose the cheaper brand of nutrients and more energy-effr- cient lighting. Trcatment Variables HID Liohis 1.000-watl Hydrolux Blue melal halide 1,000-watl Xtrasun high-pressure sodium Enerov-eff liohts 63o'watt SunSystems light-€mitling cercmic ludeds Canna General Hydroponics Control Variables Sta,in: Gorilla Glu€ *r4 Medrum: Growstones Hydropanic Canttols: Oxygen Pol Systems i{€le,: Ambienl 50 ppm Nulnent Evels Followed lhe nulrient manufaclurer's guidelines WgqkslL5 Vegetalive: 18 hours oflighU6 hours ofdafiness lllgeks lii!!l: Flowerins: 12 hours ot lighu'|2 hours ol darkness Tenperaturcl 77 degtees avetage Mjlhqq: 68 degrees Maximum: 84 degrees Hrmidily:45% avercge Nlinimum:20% Maximum:650/" pH:5.46.2 F€€dlrg schedu/e: Ev6ry six hours F/rsh: Once a week tor 12 houls 50 | M.iliu.n. v.ntoE // nber 2015 THERE ARE ENTREPRENEURS AND WANTREPRENEURS. NIKE SAYS IT BEST: JUST DO IT! Nlesa organics hosled its grand opening on APril 20. 2016. Nith the local chamber of com mercc and more thrn 60 pcople in .rltendancc. Tbe lulurc looks good lbr Mcsa organics. bur Jim admits that 'nanjuana business€s tace an unccdain lulure. El'en loday, anti-lnarijuana aclit'ists ha'e circulated petilions lo shut- rer$e cannabis industry in Pueb- lo Counry. Citizens for a Heahhy Pueblo is attempting to put an iniri.rive on ihe Novcmbcr ballot thar would ban marijuana rerail sbres, manuhcturing faciliries. rcsling labs and gros operalions ''lfs going to take a whilc for ccrything to gcl scttled in lhis ncu industD." Jim says. "owners gctting inio thc crnnrbis business should bc prcparcd lo lace chal- lcngcs ,nd delelop solutions- es- pecially in markering. outsidc of shar ma-vNork in morc lradilion- al business models. Bu1 clentu- ally. like olher ind stries. things {ill se(l€ down. ' while martuana busincsscs fac€ a unique ser of obstaclcs. all slartups have challcnges theY must lacklc if thcy rc going to survivc and succeed. Jim $ys h€ has a phrase lhat he onen repeats to his srudenc lhat dennitely ap- plics ro cannabis: "Thcrc arc cn- trcprcncurs and iantrcprenetrs. Nike srys it best: Just do it!"