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Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                        WHO SAID THIS?

                                                                      Today just happened to be a more
                                                                      than usual hot and humid day, making
                                                                      my already uncomfortable state even
                                                                      more uncomfortable. I could feel the
                                                                      arthritis in my fingers more intensely
                                                                      today and not long into my walk on
                                                                      campus, I begin to feel my fingers
                                                                      starting to swell, making my grip on
                                                                      my walker harder to control. My slow
                                                                      steps felt heavy and I knew that
                                                                      before long I would need to sit down
                                                                      to catch my breath and rest my
                                                                      aching joints. Unfortunately, on
                                                                      Scholar's Walk, I only noticed              She did!
                                                                      swinging benches, nothing stable         A 21 year old,
                                                                      enough for an elderly woman like me           able
                                                                      to sit down on         …. I kept         bodied, INDS
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy

                                                                        EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION
                                                                          & NARRATIVE WRITING:
                                                                       GATEWAY TO USER EMPATHY

                                                                      Jennifer Blanchard Belk, IIDA, IDEC, LEED AP
                                                                      Skylar Spies (Undergrad Research Assistant)

                                                                               WINTHROP UNIVERSITY
                                                                          INDS PROGRAM, DEPT. OF DESIGN
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                          ORIGINAL RESEARCH AGENDA

                                                                           Exploration of the use of narrative writing as a way of
                                                                       “challenging students to examine their own ways of thinking
                                                                         about themselves, their beliefs, and their preconceptions
                                                                                            about others” (Bird).
                                                                      The inclusion of experimental narrative writing opportunities throughout a design
                                                                      educational program is a way to interject critical thinking and to emphasize the user
                                                                      centered design experience. The instructional development presented here is
                                                                      meant to create opportunities in interior design classes for writing, development of
                                                                      critical thinking skills, and advancement of user empathy. Activities were developed
                                                                      based on an exploration of autobiographical narrative writing.

                                                                      Utilize simulations and narrative writing in Interior Design (Junior level)
                                                                      Codes & Standards course to assist in:
                                                                           • Development of student empathy and a multiplistic view of design
                                                                           • Reaching of course objectives
                                                                           • Cross-curricular application of course content

                                                                      ….. rather than simply being a venue for memorizing building codes!
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                              REASONS FOR INQUIRY….

                                                                      University Touchstone Program: Student Goals
                                                                      To communicate clearly and effectively in standard English.

                                                                      To acquire and appreciate quantitative skills.

                                                                      To use critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a variety
                                                                      of research methods.

                                                                      To recognize and appreciate human diversity (both past and
                                                                      present) as well as the diversity of ideas, institutions,
                                                                      philosophies, moral codes, and ethical principles.

                                                                      To understand scientific knowledge in terms of its methods or acquisition, its specific
                                                                      quantitative nature, and its dynamic and contingent character.

                                                                      To understand aesthetic values, the creative process, and the interconnectedness of
                                                                      the literary, visual, and performing arts throughout the history of civilization.

                                                                      To examine values, attitudes, beliefs, habits which define the nature/quality of life.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                        REASONS FOR INQUIRY….

                                                                            University’s Global Learning Initiative

                                                                      Students must be
                                                                      exposed to all
                                                                      levels of
                                                                      Social and
                                                                      Cultural Diversity

                                                                       …. and be able to apply that understanding in a substantial
                                                                                   way in their chosen area of study.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                            REASONS FOR INQUIRY….

                                                                                                  Writing 465
                                                                                   (Preparation of Oral and Written Reports )

                                                                      Improved student:
                                                                      • Technical nature of upper level student work

                                                                      Remaining issues:
                                                                      • Fail to connect with user information and exploit those connections
                                                                      • Right-or-wrong mentality
                                                                      • Want a scripted path they need to succeed.
                                                                      • Believe they should receive an “A” because they followed instructions
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                             REASONS FOR INQUIRY….

                                                                      PREVELENCE OF DISABLED STUDENTS ON WU CAMPUS
                                                                      • Why? - Support structure and word of mouth within the disabled community
                                                                      • More wheelchair bound students than ever!
                                                                      • Although disabilities represented on our campus are varied, most public written
                                                                        and visual resources related to accessibility focus on the wheelchair access.
                                                                      • As our campus enrollment and new physical facilities become more inclusive, so
                                                                        too must our methods of communicating and teaching empathy and diversity.

                                                                                  Comparison of Percentage of Self-Identified as Visually




                                                                                   National Collegiate Average            Winthrop Student Body
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                            REASONS FOR INQUIRY….

                                                                      CODES CLASS is boring 
                                                                      • More engaging lessons
                                                                      • Out of classroom experiences
                                                                      • Utilization of additional campus facilities
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                       THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review)

                                                                              The goal of major studies should be to move students from
                                                                        “dualistic absolutes to a more contextual understanding of knowledge
                                                                                   …..students approach knowledge as a collection of
                                                                                         known facts that are right and wrong….
                                                                            and thereby demonstrate an over reliance on the instructor”

                                                                      Based on the highly referenced scholarly article, “Humanizing Design through
                                                                      Narrative Inquiry” (Danko), we understand that a way to interject a more critical
                                                                      thinking and user centered design experience is the inclusion of narrative writing
                                                                      opportunities throughout the design program. This happens in three typical ways :
                                                                      • Heightening User Empathy
                                                                      • Enhancing Multi-Sensory Conceptualization and Visualization
                                                                      • Facilitating Holistic Thinking

                                                                                Teaching contextual and multiplistic thinking,
                                                                         critical analysis of design scenarios, and narrative writing
                                                                      shifts the responsibility of success and knowledge acquisition
                                                                                               onto the student.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                       THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review)

                                                                       “the ability to employ creative problem solving was second
                                                                              only in importance to critical thinking skills.”
                                                                                        (CIDA Future Vision Forum )
                                                                       ‘‘Entry-level designers must have a global view and weigh design decisions within
                                                                             the parameters of ecological, socio-economical and cultural contexts’’

                                                                      Student’s biased, uninformed, prejudiced, or dualistic beliefs must be challenged.

                                                                      Critical thinking
                                                                      Sound research and reasoning
                                                                      Sensitivity to diversity
                                                                      Thoughtful examination of users
                                                                      These skills cannot be implanted in students in the Touchstone program and then
                                                                      abandoned within their major coursework. They must be systematically cultivated
                                                                      and continually reinforced to prepare graduates for professional or graduate work.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                         THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review)

                                                                         “Writing is a very important component in the designer’s professional life. It creates a
                                                                         bridge between the visual and verbal communication; it emphasizes a communication
                                                                           method with which clients are familiar; and it is a method of efficient expression.”
                                                                                                           (Denise Guerin)

                                                                         “Reading (and writing) stories engages people in active exploration of causal links to
                                                                      personal experience providing a mechanism for exploring opposing views and promoting an
                                                                        understanding of how others form meaning in their own unique ways …. People aren’t
                                                                                                characters until stories make them so”

                                                                         “Moving beyond absolute right and wrong, design problems and processes necessarily
                                                                       involve critical thinking and multiple perspectives to frame and arrive at fully formulated
                                                                          solutions…..development of critical thinking requires a thoughtful balance between
                                                                      challenge and support. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills should be emphasized in
                                                                      order to help students see a step beyond their current perceptions, thus propelling them to
                                                                                                     the next level of development”

                                                                      “Project work (within INDS and the field of design) is increasing in complexity, scale, context
                                                                             and content….. without a well-thought out conceptual and/or research-based
                                                                                                 foundation, projects lack substance”
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                      THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review)

                                                                        “Narrative writing, creative and persuasive in nature, creates opportunities for
                                                                      students to connect with varied user groups and identify with personas they have
                                                                         researched in order to create. It allows them to step outside of themselves to
                                                                        identify and evaluate interactions between users and their social, natural, and
                                                                                                    designed surroundings “

                                                                      They create “counter stories – narratives which give voice to society’s out-groups
                                                                       and underrepresented minorities” and these stories have the unique ability to
                                                                       unite people on a passionate plane providing the needed inspiration to boost
                                                                                                performance and originality

                                                                      “Design narrative theory addresses the true complexity of human experience as a
                                                                           prevailing factor in design. It provides a comprehensive framework for
                                                                               understanding the internal human response to interior space”
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                       THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review)

                                                                      Autobiographical accounts of people create empathy rather than
                                                                      judgment, and help designers understand the world in different ways
                                                                      rather than relying on predispositions or preconceived ideas, moving
                                                                      students away from the position of being a detached observer to a
                                                                      position of significance and engagement.

                                                                      Creating a persona (Faculty)
                                                                      • Integral to the oneness needed for a realistic engagement with the client or
                                                                         character. Personas help establish an “empathetic focus in the design process”
                                                                         (Williams, K).
                                                                      • Empathetic character development can be used “to engage interior design
                                                                         students in a dialogue about the importance of adopting a socio-cultural
                                                                         perspective for insight into the social fabric, attitudes and
                                                                         behaviors, perceptions, beliefs, history, etc. in interior design” (Williams, S).
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                       THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review)

                                                                      Often design clients are not necessarily a person with whom a student
                                                                      can associate. They are often organizations and corporations into which
                                                                      the designer must theoretically place himself in order to understand client
                                                                      needs and motivations. A narrative method can be a tool for investigating
                                                                      concepts and guiding conclusions, a method of informing design
                                                                      programming, and a way a student can begin to understand corporate
                                                                      vision and values. This understanding can be subsequently conveyed in
                                                                      the development process and final environmental product (Danko).

                                                                      Writing the Narrative (Students)
                                                                      • These experiences emphasize “how humans interact with the physical world as
                                                                        agents of change and meaning” and writing descriptions of second hand
                                                                        experiences “would be limited to functional meaning, without the emotional-
                                                                        volitional quality of direct experience” (Fiore).
                                                                      • In-class sharing can give classmates exposure to an array of human experiences
                                                                        they would not have the time to explore individually, as well as creates another
                                                                        opportunity to practice oral communication skills, another goal of our
                                                                        Touchstone Program.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy               GOALS FOR IMPLIMENTATION

                                                                                       Goals for students:

                                                                                    Filter out personal biases

                                                                      Understand the role of feelings in shaping the human
                                                                      experience in relation to their physical environment

                                                                        Create a sensitive and user centered vocabulary

                                                                                Increase tactical decision making

                                                                                     Enhance writing skills

                                                                        … all while learning about the accessibility codes
                                                                              as required by course competencies!
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                                     THE STEPS

                                                                      The simulation and writing activities discussed were implemented within a
                                                                      junior level Interior Design Codes and Standards course.

                                                                      The process included:
                                                                      • Literature review performed regarding narrative writing, empathy and design.
                                                                      • Pretests were created and administered to students re:
                                                                        understanding, exposure, empathy, and critical thinking in design as it relates to
                                                                        different user groups.
                                                                      • Determine implications and best practices for course integration
                                                                      • Simulation equipment was researched and purchased (and stored!)
                                                                      • Assignments, student instructions and user profiles were created for simulation
                                                                        activities based on the information gathered from pretests and research.
                                                                      • Creative/critical writing rubrics were developed from industry/university samples.
                                                                      • Students performed campus based simulation activities, writing
                                                                        assignments, class discussions, and reflections as well as had training regarding
                                                                        respect and professionalism prior to the onset of assignments.
                                                                      • Grade assignments, debrief with students, and modify as needed
                                                                      • Post tests were administered and evaluated to assess the success of narrative
                                                                        focused activities. The success of student development (via assessment of
                                                                        narrative reflections) was tracked through the course and was compared to
                                                                        previous years’ final grades and course/instructor evaluations.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                                               PRE-TESTS and ASSESSMENTS

                                                                                                                       Student Comfort Level
                                                                                Sexual Orientation
                                                                                Mental Disabilities
                                                                               Physical Disabilities
                                                                                Political/Religious                                                           = Lowest
                                                                                  Weight/Obesity                                                            Comfort Levels
                                                                      Higher/Lower Economic Class

                                                                                                       0           1          2       3         4       5

                                                                                                                       Student Exposure Level
                                                                                     Sexual Orientation
                                                                                     Mental Disabilities
                                                                                                                                                               = Lowest
                                                                                    Physical Disabilities                                                   Exposure Levels
                                                                          Higher/Lower Economic Class

                                                                                                              0         1         2       3         4   5
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                               PRE-TESTS and ASSESSMENTS

                                                                                                   Importance of Cultural Consideration
                                                                               Sexual Orientation
                                                                               Mental Disabilities
                                                                               Physical Disabilities
                                                                      Higher/Lower Economic Class

                                                                                                       0      1         2         3       4                      5

                                                                                                                                                   = Most
                                                                                                                                              Important Roles
                                                                                                                                              Consideration in
                                                                                                                                               Interior Spaces
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                                         PRE TEST

                                                                       Knowledge of users with                                      1= very low
                                                                                 various                                            2= low
                                                                      mobility, aging, vision, hearin                               3= neutral
                                                                       g, language, behavioral…                                     4= above average
                                                                                                                                    5= high
                                                                            Comfort level with
                                                                       integrating universal design
                                                                          within your projects?

                                                                      Willingness to put user needs                                      Pre Test
                                                                      above your personal design

                                                                         Awareness of the growing
                                                                         need/issues pertaining to
                                                                         design for aging in place?

                                                                                                        0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                        THE PROCESS

                                                                                          Discussions and


                                                                                              Reflections and

                                                                           Post Surveys
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy   PUTTING IT INTO CAMPUS CONTEXT…..
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                                                     THE PERSONAS

                                                                      Ms. Smith Goes to College
                                                                      You are a new returning student to the university. However, you are elderly, use a
                                                                      walker, and have multiple age related issues. There is a lot you have to do for
                                                                      admissions, enrollment and Welcome Week. You have come to campus to perform the                              Aging
                                                                      tasks of a normal freshman and will return home to perform the tasks of a normal home                      Population

                                                                      Why can’t things just be like they used to be?....
                                                                      You will experience a day in the life as WU student who was just recently
                                                                      paralyzed/injured and now requires the use of a wheelchair. Acting as this student, “live”   Wheelchair-
                                                                      your first day back on campus since the accident, reflecting on how the experience felt        Bound
                                                                      and your personal experiences from the perspective of this newly wheelchair confined

                                                                      WU Alumnus Experiences WU Preview Day
                                                                      Experience WU Preview Day as one of WU’s alumni who became blind after graduating;                          Vision
                                                                      however, they are now a parent who is with their child to see what WU has to offer. As an                  Impaired
                                                                      alumnus of WU, they will experience a different context between their old experiences
                                                                      and the new campus.

                                                                      A temporary, and unexpected, loss of hearing
                                                                      In this scenario, you are yourself … a junior, Interior Design major; however, you are        Hearing
                                                                      experiencing temporary hearing loss due to developing middle ear infections. The             Impaired
                                                                      pressure from the fluid has caused your ear drums to rupture; thus, impairing your
                                                                      hearing ability. Continue to go about your life as you need to; however, you have
                                                                      temporary lost your hearing.

                                                                      Psychological/Mental Impairments                                                                            Mental
                                                                      You are your INDS Contract Documents Project 3 client, 40 year old couple with a special                    Illness
                                                                      needs relative suffering from an Anxiety disorder, Attention-deficit disorder, Autism and
                                                                      development disorder, Mood disorder, Depression disorder, Eating
                                                                      disorder, Communication or Tic disorder.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy               SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT COMPONENTS

                                                                      INTRODUCTION &
                                                                                            WU Alumnus Experiences WU Preview Day
                                                                                       Experience WU Preview Day as one of WU’s alumni who became blind
                                                                                       after graduating; however, they are now a parent who is with their child
                                                                                       to see what WU has to offer. As an alumnus of WU, they will experience a
                                                                                       different context between their old experiences and the new campus.

                                                                                       Visual Impartment Equipment List: Blindfold & Blind Cane


                                                                                       •Partner up to determine how you will tackle your simulation.

                                                                                       •Partner responsibilities:
                                                                                             •Assist your partner as a Winthrop Ambassador telling the parent
                                                                                                    about WU buildings as they travel on campus.
                                                                                             •Photograph his/her interactions, document their responses from
                                                                                                    others, note difficulties
                                                                                             •“Call them” on cheating but protect them from harm
                                                                                             •Maintain notice of time & coordinate exchange of equipment for
                                                                                                    take home activity

                                                                                       •Go as a group go to the West Center. Split into pairs for remainder of

                                                                                       •Discussion about respect, dignity and decorum
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                        SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT COMPONENTS

                                                                          ON CAMPUS                 As a parent, I want the right college
                                                                          ACTIVITIES               experience for my daughter. I need to
                                                                                                    hear from Winthrop students about
                                                                                                       their first hand experiences on
                                                                                                         campus to make sure I feel
                                                                                                   comfortable with my child attending
                                                                                                    WU for college. I need to attend the
                                                                                                      College Experience small group
                                                                                                    discussion at Markey’s Food Court.
                                                                                                    Prior to lunch in Thomson Hall, Jane
                                                                                                      and I will go on an ambassador
                                                                                                   building tour of Kinard Hall since my
                                                                                                     daughter will be sociology major.

                                                                        On Campus Activities:
                                                                          Choose one of the
                                                                      following four profiles to
                                                                       complete within the 50
                                                                          minute timeframe.
                                                                       Immediately document
                                                                          your experiences!
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy               USING THE ENTIRE CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT

                                                                        My daughter is extremely excited about college and would like nothing
                                                                      more than to attend WU; however, I need to ensure about the workings of
                                                                      financial aid at WU to make my daughter’s dream possible. I am attending
                                                                       the Financial Aid discussion in DIG’s room 114. My daughter, Sally, will be
                                                                       a business major and prior to lunch in Thomson Hall our ambassador will
                                                                                              show us Thurmond Building.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                        SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT COMPONENTS

                                                                          OFF CAMPUS

                                                                      Off Campus Activity:
                                                                      Do at least one of the following activities with a partner while using the visual impartment
                                                                           •Make the trip to your local supply store such as Hobby Lobby or Staples and navigate
                                                                           your way to the office supplies section.
                                                                           •Visit a local restaurant, place your order, and eat a meal
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT COMPONENTS

                                                                      FINAL REFLECTION   Reflection Activity:
                                                                                         Once you have completed both assignments, reflect on your
                                                                                         day’s experiences. Write a FIRST PERSON NARRATIVE ACCOUNT
                                                                                         of your day (on campus and off) as a visually handicapped
                                                                                         citizen, trying to lead a productive life, dealing with the
                                                                                         navigational issues of visual impairment and the
                                                                                         psychological/social issues they entail. This could be written as
                                                                                         if it were a journal entry to yourself or as a letter to a close
                                                                                         family member or friend.

                                                                                         Some things to consider:
                                                                                             •What were your difficulties? What were your successes?
                                                                                             •How did you feel (physically and emotionally) and what
                                                                                             were your needs/wishes?
                                                                                             •What significance did your experiences have? Why?
                                                                                             •How did people respond to you (this may come from
                                                                                             observing your partner)?
                                                                                             •Was the built environment helpful or stressful to you?
                                                                                             •How did you use your other senses to help you?
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                                        ASSIGNMENT RUBRIC

                                                                      Narrative Reflection Rubric                                                   Name:_______________
                                                                      Concrete Examples:                                                            5   4   3   2   1 x 4 = ______
                                                                         ·     Indication of chosen activity (on-campus & off-campus)
                                                                         ·     Observation of the reactions of others
                                                                         ·     Reaction of the built environment

                                                                      Evidence of Reflective Thought:                                               5   4   3   2   1 x 8 = ______
                                                                          ·    Description of feelings (physical & emotional)
                                                                          ·    Utilization of other senses/Description of use of other senses
                                                                          ·    Comparison of difficulties and successes

                                                                      Personal/Narrative Development:                                               5   4   3   2   1 x 4 = ______
                                                                          ·    Development of character and ability to empathize
                                                                          ·    Personal thoughts and reactions
                                                                          ·    Significance of this experience has on character’s new school life

                                                                      Grammar & Sentence Variety:                                                   5   4   3   2   1 x 2 = ______
                                                                         ·    Sentence structure and variety
                                                                         ·    Spelling, punctuation, capitalization
                                                                         ·    Word choice and usage

                                                                      Attention to Directions:                                                      5   4   3   2   1 x 2 = ______
                                                                          ·     Respectful participation in on-campus & off-campus activities
                                                                          ·     Reflection written in first person
                                                                          ·     Minimum 600 words; Posted on

Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                 SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES

                                                                      When I began my college career at Winthrop, I
                                                                      was able to experience the beauty and small feel of
                                                                      the campus. Today, I am left with only my
                                                                      memories of this great place. The last time I
                                                                      visited campus, I still had my vision. It’s strange
                                                                      thing, going to places that you feel you know as if
                                                                      they were the back of your hand, all the while
                                                                      feeling trapped in darkness. It’s difficult to
                                                                      explain the defeat of relying solely on your other
                                                                      senses, mainly by touch and smell. Being a mother
                                                                      through the years and being unable to see my sons
                                                                      grow up and age as they mature has been difficult
                                                                      for me. They were only toddlers when I lost my
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                 SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES

                                                                      As we approached the entrance, I noticed by the
                                                                      feel of my cane that there was some sort of tile
                                                                      flooring. Sometimes, this type of flooring bothers
                                                                      me because my cane can easily (and frequently
                                                                      does) get caught in the groves of the grout. As
                                                                      James held the door open for me, I could easily
                                                                      tell by the sounds that this was a large, open
                                                                      space. Chitter chatter echoed and voices of
                                                                      dozens of people murmured in the background. At
                                                                      this point, I really felt like I was missing out on
                                                                      seeing this. My recollection of Dinkins, the old
                                                                      student center, did not sound like this, nor were
                                                                      there ever this many people inside. I knew I was
                                                                      the parent all of the students were
                                                                      watching, holding my cane and latched onto my
                                                                      husband for guidance. As we sat down in the
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                 SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES

                                                                      We started the long trek over to Thurmond. The
                                                                      farther we went from the central hub around Digs
                                                                      the less confident I was. I quickly learned to
                                                                      prepare myself for nuts and debris on the sidewalks
                                                                      when I felt shade because big trees were scattered
                                                                      all along the campus. The sidewalks were also a bit
                                                                      uneven, which made me terrified of falling. There
                                                                      were vehicles traveling along this route, and in the
                                                                      distance I could hear lots of traffic. The campus
                                                                      had handicap ramps with transition pads at every
                                                                      crosswalk we came to, which gave me a bit more
                                                                      independence when crossing the streets. However,
                                                                      at one point there were two traffic stops close
                                                                      together and so irregularly placed that I was
                                                                      confused by their sounds and lost my direction.
                                                                      After lunch, I started to pay more attention to
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                 SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES

                                                                      My cane soon hit a metal ping and I brought my
                                                                      hand upwards to feel what I had hit. I could feel
                                                                      cool glass and a handle, so I knew I was at the
                                                                      beverage coolers, and that these lined the left
                                                                      wall. Using my hand on the coolers as a guide, and
                                                                      my cane, I walked straight until the coolers ended
                                                                      and my hand dropped to a shelf. I felt around and
                                                                      felt the texture of a notebook, which let me know
                                                                      we were in the office supplies.
                                                                      We got in the car, and continued home. During the
                                                                      remainder of the drive, I began to realize how
                                                                      much sound and textures played a big role in my
                                                                      life now. Before I was blind, I never noticed the
                                                                      “sounds” of the buildings, or the different textures
                                                                      that let me know where I was or what I was
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                 SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES

                                                                      What I thought was going to be a walk down
                                                                      memory lane was altogether a new experience for
                                                                      me, a very humbling one. At times I felt timid and
                                                                      self-conscious, but the more time I spent on
                                                                      campus the more assured I felt in my journey. It
                                                                      is such a shame I took my sight for granted when I
                                                                      did have it. Would life be easier and would it help
                                                                      me if I had memorized things: for example, the
                                                                      placement of all the old trees at WU? Probably
                                                                      not, but I should have stopped and appreciated the
                                                                      vision of them more often.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                        SENSORY SPATIALITY

                                                                            Environmental multi-sensory information=
                                                                                   fundamental for orientation

                                                                      The ability to establish and maintain an awareness of one’s
                                                                      position in space and is dependent upon gathering and
                                                                      interpretation of available sensory information.

                                                                      Info may be:
                                                                                           Visually impaired travelers are taught to
                                                                      • Visual
                                                                                           recognize and anticipate the regularities
                                                                      • Auditory
                                                                                           of the environments in which they travel.
                                                                      • Kinesthetic
                                                                                               ….They become landmarks which a
                                                                      • Tactile
                                                                                             traveler can use to pinpoint his or her
                                                                      • Thermal
                                                                                                    exact location in space.
                                                                      • Olfactory
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                        SENSORY SPATIALITY

                                                                      Multi-sensory signifiers – Tangible items

                                                                      Passive echolocation – ID by externally
                                                                      made sounds

                                                                      Biogram – Memory of movements
                                                                      shaped by senses

                                                                      Keynote Sounds – Background noises

                                                                      Sound signals - Foreground warning

                                                                      Soundmark - Unique community
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy   SENSORY SPATIALITY
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy   SENSORY SPATIALITY

                                                                                                           Ms. Smith Goes to College
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy

                                                                      You are a new returning student to the university. However, you are elderly, use a walker, and have
                                                                      multiple age related issues. There is a lot you have to do for admissions, enrollment and Welcome Week.
                                                                      You have come to campus to perform the tasks of a normal freshman and will return home to perform the
                                                                      tasks of a normal home owner.

                                                                      Elderly Simulation Equipment List (discuss):
                                                                      • 12 lb weight vest; Set of 3lb wrist weights with extensions (muscle weakness; discuss stroke victims!)
                                                                      • Adhesive bandages for fingers (joint issues); Walker (mobility and support)

                                                                      On Campus Activities:
                                                                      Choose 4 of the following activities/tasks to complete . Between tasks, take a restroom break. After your
                                                                      two tasks, come back to our meeting place to trade equipment. Immediately document your experiences!
                                                                      • Go get your WU ID and then go pay on your WU account
                                                                      • Go get an immunization shot and then go pick up information about internships
                                                                      • Go change your major to the Arts & Sciences and then go to a show at Byrnes Auditorium
                                                                      • Go buy a soda at Markley’s and then go pick up an application from Res Life
                                                                      • Go to the locker room at the gym and then go make an appointment with a personal trainer
                                                                      • Go watch a lecture at the Amphitheater and then go to a recital at Barnes Recital Hall

                                                                      Off Campus Activity:
                                                                      Without assistance from a family member, do at least one of the following activities in full equipment. This
                                                                      activity should take at least 30 minutes.
                                                                      • Prepare a meal
                                                                      • Get yourself ready for class (hair drying, dressing, etc.)
                                                                      • Clean a space in your home
                                                                      • Outdoor maintenance (gardening?) or indoor maintenance (laundry?)

                                                                                             Why can’t things just be like they used to be?....
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy

                                                                      You will experience a day in the life as WU student who was just recently paralyzed/injured and now
                                                                      requires the use of a wheelchair. Acting as this student, “live” your first day back on campus since the
                                                                      accident, reflecting on how the experience felt and your personal experiences from the perspective of this
                                                                      newly wheelchair confined student.

                                                                      Mobile Impairment Equipment List: A Wheelchair
                                                                      On Campus Activities: Choose one of the following profiles to complete within the 50 minute timeframe.
                                                                      Immediately document your experiences!
                                                                      • My name is Allison Rode and I was a dance major until an accident left me wheelchair bound. Although I
                                                                         no longer dance, most of my friends are still dance majors. I plan to travel from my room in Courtyard to
                                                                         Johnson Hall to support my friends and watch their performances.
                                                                      • My name is Sally Joe and I am a business major. I was on a soccer scholarship for the WU team but I
                                                                         became paralyzed in training. I spend most of my time in Carroll Hall for classes and studying. I want to
                                                                         continue my love for sports and soccer by writing for the Johnsonian and covering WU sporting events.
                                                                      • My name is Blakely Reynolds and I love the outdoors and activities; however, I blew out my knees skiing
                                                                         on spring break. I’m a double major in education and mathematics. The majority of my classes are in
                                                                         Withers and I work at the Math Tutorial Center.
                                                                      • My name is Sydney Bright and I am an art history major who was an avid runner before my car accident.
                                                                         I want to continue my work at the West Center help desk with all my friends as well as working at the
                                                                         Academic Success Center three times a week tutoring in art history.
                                                                      Off Campus Activity:
                                                                      Without assistance from a family member, roommate, or friend, do at least one of the following activities in
                                                                      the wheelchair:
                                                                      • Prepare a meal or actively use various kitchen appliances such as oven, refrigerator, pantry, etc.
                                                                      • Make a short errand to a local drug store, post office, or other “walkable” errand you typically make.

                                                                                         A temporary, and unexpected, loss of hearing
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy

                                                                      In this scenario, you are yourself … a junior, Interior Design major; however, you are
                                                                      experiencing temporary hearing loss due to developing middle ear infections. The
                                                                      pressure from the fluid has caused your ear drums to rupture; thus, impairing your
                                                                      hearing ability. Continue to go about your life as you need to; however, you have
                                                                      temporary lost your hearing.

                                                                      Impartment Equipment List: Set of Ear plugs & Headphones

                                                                      Hearing Impartment Activity:
                                                                      Wear headphones and earplugs for at least 5 hours during the following week.
                                                                      The majority of this time must be done in the presence of others
                                                                      (cafeteria, library, apartment, public space, etc) but you must not verbally

                                                                      Reflection Activity:
                                                                      Once you have completed the assignment, reflect on your day’s experiences. Write
                                                                      a FIRST PERSON NARRATIVE ACCOUNT of your day as a hearing impaired citizen
                                                                      trying to lead a productive life. Reflect on your feelings of separation and seclusion
                                                                      as well as your typical understanding and attention to your senses and the built

                                                                                                     Psychological/Mental Impairments
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy

                                                                      You are your INDS Contract Documents Project 3 client, 40 year old couple with a special needs relative
                                                                      suffering from an Anxiety disorder, Attention-deficit disorder, Autism and development disorder, Mood
                                                                      disorder, Depression disorder, Eating disorder, Communication or Tic disorder.

                                                                      Reflection Assignment:
                                                                      • Your reflection is in the voice of the primary client from the project having a heart-felt discussion with
                                                                          the designer about the clients’ concerns about accommodating the psychological / mental disability
                                                                          within the new environment. This might be an email written to the designer as follow up your more
                                                                          informational initial programming meeting.
                                                                      • You are NOT a designer (and therefore you do not have a designer vocabulary). You are simply a parent,
                                                                          child or sibling who wants the best for their family.
                                                                      • Talk about what your goals are for the space, your family, and their future? What should this space allow
                                                                          your family to do, be, feel, etc.?
                                                                      • Reflect on your concerns for your relative functioning in the new built environment; include specific
                                                                          knowledge (from your research) of impairments tied to your concerns.
                                                                      • The writing should represent your knowledge of the “worst case scenarios” of the occupants of the
                                                                          space, your understanding of the impairments, and your empathy for ALL occupants (not just the one
                                                                          with accommodations).
                                                                      • As before, lean on your senses and the less “tangible” aspects of the experiences.
                                                                      • Discuss the issues of your previous home and its worst case scenarios. Discuss how you hope the new
                                                                          home accommodates and improves your family’s lifestyle.
                                                                             • Some things to consider when comparing your previous home vs new home:
                                                                                    • If the special needs occupant is new, what are your fears and trepidations about them
                                                                                         working (and thriving) in the space? If they are not new, what were your difficulties? What
                                                                                         were your successes? Was the built environment helpful or stressful to your family? Why?
                                                                                    • Consider functionality, inclusion, aesthetics, independence of occupants, etc.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                                               POST-TESTS and ASSESSMENTS

                                                                                                                        Student Comfort Level
                                                                                Sexual Orientation
                                                                                Mental Disabilities
                                                                               Physical Disabilities
                                                                                Political/Religious                                                          = Growth
                                                                      Higher/Lower Economic Class

                                                                                                       0            1          2       3         4       5

                                                                                                                        Student Exposure Level
                                                                                     Sexual Orientation
                                                                                     Mental Disabilities
                                                                                                                                                             = Growth
                                                                                    Physical Disabilities
                                                                          Higher/Lower Economic Class

                                                                                                              0          1         2       3         4   5
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                            PRE-TESTS and ASSESSMENTS

                                                                                                Importance of Design Consideration
                                                                                Sexual Orientation
                                                                                Mental Disabilities
                                                                               Physical Disabilities
                                                                      Higher/Lower Economic Class

                                                                                                       0    1        2       3       4                  5

                                                                                                                                         = - = GROWTH
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                                           POST TESTS

                                                                         Knowledge of users with
                                                                                  various                                                 1= very low
                                                                      mobility, aging, vision, hearing,                                   2= low
                                                                      language, behavioral abilities?
                                                                                                                                          3= neutral
                                                                          3.29 to 4.57 = Change of 1.29
                                                                                                                                          4= above average
                                                                       Comfort level with integrating                                     5= high
                                                                        universal design within your
                                                                          4.14 to 4.71 = Change of .57
                                                                                                                                           Week 1 - Pre Test
                                                                       Willingness to put user needs                                       Week 15 - Post Test
                                                                       above your personal design
                                                                           3.29 to 4.29 = Change of 1

                                                                           Awareness of the growing
                                                                           need/issues pertaining to
                                                                           design for aging in place?

                                                                          2.86 to 4.71 = Change of 1.86
                                                                                                          0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                            STUDENT COMMENTS

                                                                         “Reflection assignments, real world examples, and the stimulation
                                                                       activities were very effective. I came to understand the heightening of
                                                                                                    other senses.”

                                                                      “Our discussions, activities and reflections helped me to understand how
                                                                         to design for an elderly or disabled person… It was eye opening!”

                                                                         “Really enjoyed the empathy exercises… I feel that accessibility is a
                                                                                       factor that is grossly misrepresented.”

                                                                       “I have a greater respect for not only the disabled community but also
                                                                      for the interior designer’s role in the creation of the built environment”

                                                                         “I would recommend this for all emerging designers …. I feel more
                                                                                      capable now of designing for equality”

                                                                        “ I realize frustration is the main emotion for those who struggle in
                                                                      public spaces. I do not pity them … poor attention to design causes this.”
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                        STUDENT COMMENTS

                                                                                 One student who showed a marked rise
                                                                                 in comfort level and awareness stated:

                                                                       “I personally felt that the simulations have given me a much
                                                                       better understanding of how to effectively design for various
                                                                      types of people. I think the reflection papers were a great way
                                                                      to express what certain groups of people encounter on a daily
                                                                      basis … that really helped me in becoming less sympathetic but
                                                                                 more empathetic toward their struggles.”
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy         OUTCOMES: GRADE COMPARISONS and EVALS

                                                                                            FALL 2011 CLASS
                                                                                         FINAL GRADE AVERAGE
                                                                                              = 89.4 (B+)

                                                                                            FALL 2012 CLASS
                                                                                         FINAL GRADE AVERAGE
                                                                                               = 92.5 (A-)


                                                                      Rate how much the stimulation activities and reflection papers
                                                                               have affected your attitudes and opinions
                                                                                    towards different user groups?

                                                                                       Average Student Response=
                                                                                   4.4 (above average to high) out of 5
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                 ADDITIONAL EXPECTED OUTCOMES

                                                                      • IDENTIFICATION OF INDIVIDUAL
                                                                            CAMPUS BUILDING
                                                                            ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES
                                                                            - Supplemented by
                                                                            Individual Building
                                                                            Analysis assignment in
                                                                            preparation for Final
                                                                            Scenario Exam

                                                                      • IDENTIFICATION OF CAMPUS
                                                                            CONNECTIVITY ISSUES
                                                                            (ACCESSIBILITY OF
                                                                            BUILDING TO BUILDING)
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy      SUPPORTIVE CONNECTION TO COREQUISITE COURSEWORK

                                                                      • BUILDING SYSTEMS

                                                                      • PROJECT AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION
                                                                         • BUILDERS OF HOPE
                                                                            - RETIREMENT HOUSING ADAPTIVE REUSE
                                                                         • COMMERCIAL TENANT UPFIT
                                                                         • CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN
                                                                            - SPECIAL NEEDS CLIENT

                                                                      • JUNIOR STUDIO
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                             UNEXPECTED OUTCOMES

                                                                                  ASID Carolinas Chapter
                                                                                  2012-2013 Otto Zenke Student Design Competition
                                                                                  Florence Hotel

                                                                      Project Challenges
                                                                      Design for this mixed and adaptive reuse building …….The design solution must
                                                                         include a sensitive response to sustainable design, accessible and universal
                                                                         design, through appropriate space planning within the spatial envelope, code
                                                                         compliance, lighting, and interior finishes and furnishings.

                                                                      Code and Accessibility Compliance
                                                                      These selected legal requirements for occupancy must be incorporated into the
                                                                         project. Refer to the actual code for complete information. This list is not
                                                                         intended to be complete in the legal requirements.

                                                                      Concept and Solution Statement
                                                                      On the first or second presentation board, include a concept and solution
                                                                         statement …. respond to the concept and/or solutions to research
                                                                         statements, sustainability, codes, and accessible/universal design.
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy                     UNEXPECTED OUTCOMES

                                                                      • INDS STUDENT CAMPUS
                                                                        AWARENESS and APPRECIATION

                                                                      • CAMPUS VISIBILITY and
                                                                        AWARENESS OF INDS PROGRAM
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy
Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy

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Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy

  • 1. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy WHO SAID THIS? Today just happened to be a more than usual hot and humid day, making my already uncomfortable state even more uncomfortable. I could feel the arthritis in my fingers more intensely today and not long into my walk on campus, I begin to feel my fingers starting to swell, making my grip on my walker harder to control. My slow steps felt heavy and I knew that before long I would need to sit down to catch my breath and rest my aching joints. Unfortunately, on Scholar's Walk, I only noticed She did! swinging benches, nothing stable A 21 year old, enough for an elderly woman like me able to sit down on …. I kept bodied, INDS student
  • 2. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION & NARRATIVE WRITING: GATEWAY TO USER EMPATHY Jennifer Blanchard Belk, IIDA, IDEC, LEED AP Skylar Spies (Undergrad Research Assistant) WINTHROP UNIVERSITY INDS PROGRAM, DEPT. OF DESIGN
  • 3. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy ORIGINAL RESEARCH AGENDA Exploration of the use of narrative writing as a way of “challenging students to examine their own ways of thinking about themselves, their beliefs, and their preconceptions about others” (Bird). The inclusion of experimental narrative writing opportunities throughout a design educational program is a way to interject critical thinking and to emphasize the user centered design experience. The instructional development presented here is meant to create opportunities in interior design classes for writing, development of critical thinking skills, and advancement of user empathy. Activities were developed based on an exploration of autobiographical narrative writing. Utilize simulations and narrative writing in Interior Design (Junior level) Codes & Standards course to assist in: • Development of student empathy and a multiplistic view of design • Reaching of course objectives • Cross-curricular application of course content ….. rather than simply being a venue for memorizing building codes!
  • 4. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy REASONS FOR INQUIRY…. University Touchstone Program: Student Goals To communicate clearly and effectively in standard English. To acquire and appreciate quantitative skills. To use critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a variety of research methods. To recognize and appreciate human diversity (both past and present) as well as the diversity of ideas, institutions, philosophies, moral codes, and ethical principles. To understand scientific knowledge in terms of its methods or acquisition, its specific quantitative nature, and its dynamic and contingent character. To understand aesthetic values, the creative process, and the interconnectedness of the literary, visual, and performing arts throughout the history of civilization. To examine values, attitudes, beliefs, habits which define the nature/quality of life.
  • 5. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy REASONS FOR INQUIRY…. University’s Global Learning Initiative Students must be exposed to all levels of Physical, Social and Cultural Diversity …. and be able to apply that understanding in a substantial way in their chosen area of study.
  • 6. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy REASONS FOR INQUIRY…. Writing 465 (Preparation of Oral and Written Reports ) Improved student: • Technical nature of upper level student work Remaining issues: • Fail to connect with user information and exploit those connections • Right-or-wrong mentality • Want a scripted path they need to succeed. • Believe they should receive an “A” because they followed instructions
  • 7. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy REASONS FOR INQUIRY…. PREVELENCE OF DISABLED STUDENTS ON WU CAMPUS • Why? - Support structure and word of mouth within the disabled community • More wheelchair bound students than ever! • Although disabilities represented on our campus are varied, most public written and visual resources related to accessibility focus on the wheelchair access. • As our campus enrollment and new physical facilities become more inclusive, so too must our methods of communicating and teaching empathy and diversity. Comparison of Percentage of Self-Identified as Visually Impaired 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% National Collegiate Average Winthrop Student Body
  • 8. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy REASONS FOR INQUIRY…. CODES CLASS is boring  • More engaging lessons • Out of classroom experiences • Utilization of additional campus facilities
  • 9. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review) The goal of major studies should be to move students from “dualistic absolutes to a more contextual understanding of knowledge …..students approach knowledge as a collection of known facts that are right and wrong…. and thereby demonstrate an over reliance on the instructor” (Carmel-Gilfilin). Based on the highly referenced scholarly article, “Humanizing Design through Narrative Inquiry” (Danko), we understand that a way to interject a more critical thinking and user centered design experience is the inclusion of narrative writing opportunities throughout the design program. This happens in three typical ways : • Heightening User Empathy • Enhancing Multi-Sensory Conceptualization and Visualization • Facilitating Holistic Thinking Teaching contextual and multiplistic thinking, critical analysis of design scenarios, and narrative writing shifts the responsibility of success and knowledge acquisition onto the student.
  • 10. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review) “the ability to employ creative problem solving was second only in importance to critical thinking skills.” (CIDA Future Vision Forum ) ‘‘Entry-level designers must have a global view and weigh design decisions within the parameters of ecological, socio-economical and cultural contexts’’ (Carmel-Gilfilen). Student’s biased, uninformed, prejudiced, or dualistic beliefs must be challenged. Critical thinking Sound research and reasoning Sensitivity to diversity Thoughtful examination of users These skills cannot be implanted in students in the Touchstone program and then abandoned within their major coursework. They must be systematically cultivated and continually reinforced to prepare graduates for professional or graduate work.
  • 11. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review) “Writing is a very important component in the designer’s professional life. It creates a bridge between the visual and verbal communication; it emphasizes a communication method with which clients are familiar; and it is a method of efficient expression.” (Denise Guerin) “Reading (and writing) stories engages people in active exploration of causal links to personal experience providing a mechanism for exploring opposing views and promoting an understanding of how others form meaning in their own unique ways …. People aren’t characters until stories make them so” (Danko) “Moving beyond absolute right and wrong, design problems and processes necessarily involve critical thinking and multiple perspectives to frame and arrive at fully formulated solutions…..development of critical thinking requires a thoughtful balance between challenge and support. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills should be emphasized in order to help students see a step beyond their current perceptions, thus propelling them to the next level of development” (Carmel-Gilfilen). “Project work (within INDS and the field of design) is increasing in complexity, scale, context and content….. without a well-thought out conceptual and/or research-based foundation, projects lack substance” (Carmel-Gilfilin).
  • 12. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review) “Narrative writing, creative and persuasive in nature, creates opportunities for students to connect with varied user groups and identify with personas they have researched in order to create. It allows them to step outside of themselves to identify and evaluate interactions between users and their social, natural, and designed surroundings “ (Guerin). They create “counter stories – narratives which give voice to society’s out-groups and underrepresented minorities” and these stories have the unique ability to unite people on a passionate plane providing the needed inspiration to boost performance and originality (Danko). “Design narrative theory addresses the true complexity of human experience as a prevailing factor in design. It provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the internal human response to interior space” (Ganie).
  • 13. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review) Autobiographical accounts of people create empathy rather than judgment, and help designers understand the world in different ways rather than relying on predispositions or preconceived ideas, moving students away from the position of being a detached observer to a position of significance and engagement. Creating a persona (Faculty) • Integral to the oneness needed for a realistic engagement with the client or character. Personas help establish an “empathetic focus in the design process” (Williams, K). • Empathetic character development can be used “to engage interior design students in a dialogue about the importance of adopting a socio-cultural perspective for insight into the social fabric, attitudes and behaviors, perceptions, beliefs, history, etc. in interior design” (Williams, S).
  • 14. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy THE BACKSTORY (Literature Review) Often design clients are not necessarily a person with whom a student can associate. They are often organizations and corporations into which the designer must theoretically place himself in order to understand client needs and motivations. A narrative method can be a tool for investigating concepts and guiding conclusions, a method of informing design programming, and a way a student can begin to understand corporate vision and values. This understanding can be subsequently conveyed in the development process and final environmental product (Danko). Writing the Narrative (Students) • These experiences emphasize “how humans interact with the physical world as agents of change and meaning” and writing descriptions of second hand experiences “would be limited to functional meaning, without the emotional- volitional quality of direct experience” (Fiore). • In-class sharing can give classmates exposure to an array of human experiences they would not have the time to explore individually, as well as creates another opportunity to practice oral communication skills, another goal of our Touchstone Program.
  • 15. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy GOALS FOR IMPLIMENTATION Goals for students: Filter out personal biases Understand the role of feelings in shaping the human experience in relation to their physical environment Create a sensitive and user centered vocabulary Increase tactical decision making Enhance writing skills … all while learning about the accessibility codes as required by course competencies!
  • 16. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy THE STEPS The simulation and writing activities discussed were implemented within a junior level Interior Design Codes and Standards course. The process included: • Literature review performed regarding narrative writing, empathy and design. • Pretests were created and administered to students re: understanding, exposure, empathy, and critical thinking in design as it relates to different user groups. • Determine implications and best practices for course integration • Simulation equipment was researched and purchased (and stored!) • Assignments, student instructions and user profiles were created for simulation activities based on the information gathered from pretests and research. • Creative/critical writing rubrics were developed from industry/university samples. • Students performed campus based simulation activities, writing assignments, class discussions, and reflections as well as had training regarding respect and professionalism prior to the onset of assignments. • Grade assignments, debrief with students, and modify as needed • Post tests were administered and evaluated to assess the success of narrative focused activities. The success of student development (via assessment of narrative reflections) was tracked through the course and was compared to previous years’ final grades and course/instructor evaluations.
  • 17. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy PRE-TESTS and ASSESSMENTS Student Comfort Level Age Gender Sexual Orientation Mental Disabilities Physical Disabilities Political/Religious = Lowest Weight/Obesity Comfort Levels Higher/Lower Economic Class Race Ethnicity/Origin 0 1 2 3 4 5 Student Exposure Level Age Gender Sexual Orientation Mental Disabilities = Lowest Physical Disabilities Exposure Levels Political/Religious Weight/Obesity Higher/Lower Economic Class Race Ethnicity/Origin 0 1 2 3 4 5
  • 18. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy PRE-TESTS and ASSESSMENTS Importance of Cultural Consideration Age Gender Sexual Orientation Mental Disabilities Physical Disabilities Political/Religious Weight/Obesity Higher/Lower Economic Class Race Ethnicity/Origin 0 1 2 3 4 5 = Most Important Roles for Consideration in Interior Spaces
  • 19. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy PRE TEST Knowledge of users with 1= very low various 2= low mobility, aging, vision, hearin 3= neutral g, language, behavioral… 4= above average 5= high Comfort level with integrating universal design within your projects? Willingness to put user needs Pre Test above your personal design agenda? Awareness of the growing need/issues pertaining to design for aging in place? 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
  • 20. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy THE PROCESS Discussions and Instruction On-Campus Pre-Surveys Stimulations Reflections and Discussions Off-Campus Post Surveys Stimulations
  • 21. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy PUTTING IT INTO CAMPUS CONTEXT…..
  • 22. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy THE PERSONAS Ms. Smith Goes to College You are a new returning student to the university. However, you are elderly, use a walker, and have multiple age related issues. There is a lot you have to do for admissions, enrollment and Welcome Week. You have come to campus to perform the Aging tasks of a normal freshman and will return home to perform the tasks of a normal home Population owner. Why can’t things just be like they used to be?.... You will experience a day in the life as WU student who was just recently paralyzed/injured and now requires the use of a wheelchair. Acting as this student, “live” Wheelchair- your first day back on campus since the accident, reflecting on how the experience felt Bound and your personal experiences from the perspective of this newly wheelchair confined student. WU Alumnus Experiences WU Preview Day Experience WU Preview Day as one of WU’s alumni who became blind after graduating; Vision however, they are now a parent who is with their child to see what WU has to offer. As an Impaired alumnus of WU, they will experience a different context between their old experiences and the new campus. A temporary, and unexpected, loss of hearing In this scenario, you are yourself … a junior, Interior Design major; however, you are Hearing experiencing temporary hearing loss due to developing middle ear infections. The Impaired pressure from the fluid has caused your ear drums to rupture; thus, impairing your hearing ability. Continue to go about your life as you need to; however, you have temporary lost your hearing. Psychological/Mental Impairments Mental You are your INDS Contract Documents Project 3 client, 40 year old couple with a special Illness needs relative suffering from an Anxiety disorder, Attention-deficit disorder, Autism and development disorder, Mood disorder, Depression disorder, Eating disorder, Communication or Tic disorder.
  • 23. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT COMPONENTS INTRODUCTION & INSTRUCTIONS WU Alumnus Experiences WU Preview Day Experience WU Preview Day as one of WU’s alumni who became blind after graduating; however, they are now a parent who is with their child to see what WU has to offer. As an alumnus of WU, they will experience a different context between their old experiences and the new campus. Visual Impartment Equipment List: Blindfold & Blind Cane Instructions: •Partner up to determine how you will tackle your simulation. •Partner responsibilities: •Assist your partner as a Winthrop Ambassador telling the parent about WU buildings as they travel on campus. •Photograph his/her interactions, document their responses from others, note difficulties •“Call them” on cheating but protect them from harm •Maintain notice of time & coordinate exchange of equipment for take home activity •Go as a group go to the West Center. Split into pairs for remainder of activity •Discussion about respect, dignity and decorum
  • 24. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT COMPONENTS ON CAMPUS As a parent, I want the right college ACTIVITIES experience for my daughter. I need to hear from Winthrop students about their first hand experiences on campus to make sure I feel comfortable with my child attending WU for college. I need to attend the College Experience small group discussion at Markey’s Food Court. Prior to lunch in Thomson Hall, Jane and I will go on an ambassador building tour of Kinard Hall since my daughter will be sociology major. On Campus Activities: Choose one of the following four profiles to complete within the 50 minute timeframe. Immediately document your experiences!
  • 25. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy USING THE ENTIRE CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT My daughter is extremely excited about college and would like nothing more than to attend WU; however, I need to ensure about the workings of financial aid at WU to make my daughter’s dream possible. I am attending the Financial Aid discussion in DIG’s room 114. My daughter, Sally, will be a business major and prior to lunch in Thomson Hall our ambassador will show us Thurmond Building.
  • 26. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT COMPONENTS OFF CAMPUS ACTIVITIES Off Campus Activity: Do at least one of the following activities with a partner while using the visual impartment equipment. •Make the trip to your local supply store such as Hobby Lobby or Staples and navigate your way to the office supplies section. •Visit a local restaurant, place your order, and eat a meal
  • 27. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT COMPONENTS FINAL REFLECTION Reflection Activity: PREPARATION Once you have completed both assignments, reflect on your day’s experiences. Write a FIRST PERSON NARRATIVE ACCOUNT of your day (on campus and off) as a visually handicapped citizen, trying to lead a productive life, dealing with the navigational issues of visual impairment and the psychological/social issues they entail. This could be written as if it were a journal entry to yourself or as a letter to a close family member or friend. Some things to consider: •What were your difficulties? What were your successes? •How did you feel (physically and emotionally) and what were your needs/wishes? •What significance did your experiences have? Why? •How did people respond to you (this may come from observing your partner)? •Was the built environment helpful or stressful to you? Why? •How did you use your other senses to help you?
  • 28. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy ASSIGNMENT RUBRIC Narrative Reflection Rubric Name:_______________ Concrete Examples: 5 4 3 2 1 x 4 = ______ · Indication of chosen activity (on-campus & off-campus) · Observation of the reactions of others · Reaction of the built environment Evidence of Reflective Thought: 5 4 3 2 1 x 8 = ______ · Description of feelings (physical & emotional) · Utilization of other senses/Description of use of other senses · Comparison of difficulties and successes Personal/Narrative Development: 5 4 3 2 1 x 4 = ______ · Development of character and ability to empathize · Personal thoughts and reactions · Significance of this experience has on character’s new school life Grammar & Sentence Variety: 5 4 3 2 1 x 2 = ______ · Sentence structure and variety · Spelling, punctuation, capitalization · Word choice and usage Attention to Directions: 5 4 3 2 1 x 2 = ______ · Respectful participation in on-campus & off-campus activities · Reflection written in first person · Minimum 600 words; Posted on Grade:__________
  • 29. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES When I began my college career at Winthrop, I was able to experience the beauty and small feel of the campus. Today, I am left with only my memories of this great place. The last time I visited campus, I still had my vision. It’s strange thing, going to places that you feel you know as if they were the back of your hand, all the while feeling trapped in darkness. It’s difficult to explain the defeat of relying solely on your other senses, mainly by touch and smell. Being a mother through the years and being unable to see my sons grow up and age as they mature has been difficult for me. They were only toddlers when I lost my vision.
  • 30. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES As we approached the entrance, I noticed by the feel of my cane that there was some sort of tile flooring. Sometimes, this type of flooring bothers me because my cane can easily (and frequently does) get caught in the groves of the grout. As James held the door open for me, I could easily tell by the sounds that this was a large, open space. Chitter chatter echoed and voices of dozens of people murmured in the background. At this point, I really felt like I was missing out on seeing this. My recollection of Dinkins, the old student center, did not sound like this, nor were there ever this many people inside. I knew I was the parent all of the students were watching, holding my cane and latched onto my husband for guidance. As we sat down in the
  • 31. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES We started the long trek over to Thurmond. The farther we went from the central hub around Digs the less confident I was. I quickly learned to prepare myself for nuts and debris on the sidewalks when I felt shade because big trees were scattered all along the campus. The sidewalks were also a bit uneven, which made me terrified of falling. There were vehicles traveling along this route, and in the distance I could hear lots of traffic. The campus had handicap ramps with transition pads at every crosswalk we came to, which gave me a bit more independence when crossing the streets. However, at one point there were two traffic stops close together and so irregularly placed that I was confused by their sounds and lost my direction. After lunch, I started to pay more attention to
  • 32. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES My cane soon hit a metal ping and I brought my hand upwards to feel what I had hit. I could feel cool glass and a handle, so I knew I was at the beverage coolers, and that these lined the left wall. Using my hand on the coolers as a guide, and my cane, I walked straight until the coolers ended and my hand dropped to a shelf. I felt around and felt the texture of a notebook, which let me know we were in the office supplies. We got in the car, and continued home. During the remainder of the drive, I began to realize how much sound and textures played a big role in my life now. Before I was blind, I never noticed the “sounds” of the buildings, or the different textures that let me know where I was or what I was
  • 33. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SAMPLES FROM NARRATIVES What I thought was going to be a walk down memory lane was altogether a new experience for me, a very humbling one. At times I felt timid and self-conscious, but the more time I spent on campus the more assured I felt in my journey. It is such a shame I took my sight for granted when I did have it. Would life be easier and would it help me if I had memorized things: for example, the placement of all the old trees at WU? Probably not, but I should have stopped and appreciated the vision of them more often.
  • 34. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SENSORY SPATIALITY Environmental multi-sensory information= fundamental for orientation The ability to establish and maintain an awareness of one’s position in space and is dependent upon gathering and interpretation of available sensory information. Info may be: Visually impaired travelers are taught to • Visual recognize and anticipate the regularities • Auditory of the environments in which they travel. • Kinesthetic ….They become landmarks which a • Tactile traveler can use to pinpoint his or her • Thermal exact location in space. • Olfactory
  • 35. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SENSORY SPATIALITY Multi-sensory signifiers – Tangible items Passive echolocation – ID by externally made sounds Biogram – Memory of movements shaped by senses Keynote Sounds – Background noises Sound signals - Foreground warning sounds Soundmark - Unique community sounds
  • 36. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SENSORY SPATIALITY
  • 37. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy SENSORY SPATIALITY
  • 38. AGING POPULATIONS Ms. Smith Goes to College Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy You are a new returning student to the university. However, you are elderly, use a walker, and have multiple age related issues. There is a lot you have to do for admissions, enrollment and Welcome Week. You have come to campus to perform the tasks of a normal freshman and will return home to perform the tasks of a normal home owner. Elderly Simulation Equipment List (discuss): • 12 lb weight vest; Set of 3lb wrist weights with extensions (muscle weakness; discuss stroke victims!) • Adhesive bandages for fingers (joint issues); Walker (mobility and support) On Campus Activities: Choose 4 of the following activities/tasks to complete . Between tasks, take a restroom break. After your two tasks, come back to our meeting place to trade equipment. Immediately document your experiences! • Go get your WU ID and then go pay on your WU account • Go get an immunization shot and then go pick up information about internships • Go change your major to the Arts & Sciences and then go to a show at Byrnes Auditorium • Go buy a soda at Markley’s and then go pick up an application from Res Life • Go to the locker room at the gym and then go make an appointment with a personal trainer • Go watch a lecture at the Amphitheater and then go to a recital at Barnes Recital Hall Off Campus Activity: Without assistance from a family member, do at least one of the following activities in full equipment. This activity should take at least 30 minutes. • Prepare a meal • Get yourself ready for class (hair drying, dressing, etc.) • Clean a space in your home • Outdoor maintenance (gardening?) or indoor maintenance (laundry?)
  • 39. WHEELCHAIR BOUND Why can’t things just be like they used to be?.... Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy You will experience a day in the life as WU student who was just recently paralyzed/injured and now requires the use of a wheelchair. Acting as this student, “live” your first day back on campus since the accident, reflecting on how the experience felt and your personal experiences from the perspective of this newly wheelchair confined student. Mobile Impairment Equipment List: A Wheelchair On Campus Activities: Choose one of the following profiles to complete within the 50 minute timeframe. Immediately document your experiences! • My name is Allison Rode and I was a dance major until an accident left me wheelchair bound. Although I no longer dance, most of my friends are still dance majors. I plan to travel from my room in Courtyard to Johnson Hall to support my friends and watch their performances. • My name is Sally Joe and I am a business major. I was on a soccer scholarship for the WU team but I became paralyzed in training. I spend most of my time in Carroll Hall for classes and studying. I want to continue my love for sports and soccer by writing for the Johnsonian and covering WU sporting events. • My name is Blakely Reynolds and I love the outdoors and activities; however, I blew out my knees skiing on spring break. I’m a double major in education and mathematics. The majority of my classes are in Withers and I work at the Math Tutorial Center. • My name is Sydney Bright and I am an art history major who was an avid runner before my car accident. I want to continue my work at the West Center help desk with all my friends as well as working at the Academic Success Center three times a week tutoring in art history. Off Campus Activity: Without assistance from a family member, roommate, or friend, do at least one of the following activities in the wheelchair: • Prepare a meal or actively use various kitchen appliances such as oven, refrigerator, pantry, etc. • Make a short errand to a local drug store, post office, or other “walkable” errand you typically make.
  • 40. HEARING IMPAIRMENT A temporary, and unexpected, loss of hearing Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy In this scenario, you are yourself … a junior, Interior Design major; however, you are experiencing temporary hearing loss due to developing middle ear infections. The pressure from the fluid has caused your ear drums to rupture; thus, impairing your hearing ability. Continue to go about your life as you need to; however, you have temporary lost your hearing. Impartment Equipment List: Set of Ear plugs & Headphones Hearing Impartment Activity: Wear headphones and earplugs for at least 5 hours during the following week. The majority of this time must be done in the presence of others (cafeteria, library, apartment, public space, etc) but you must not verbally communicate. Reflection Activity: Once you have completed the assignment, reflect on your day’s experiences. Write a FIRST PERSON NARRATIVE ACCOUNT of your day as a hearing impaired citizen trying to lead a productive life. Reflect on your feelings of separation and seclusion as well as your typical understanding and attention to your senses and the built environment.
  • 41. NON-PHYSICAL DISABILITIES Psychological/Mental Impairments Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy You are your INDS Contract Documents Project 3 client, 40 year old couple with a special needs relative suffering from an Anxiety disorder, Attention-deficit disorder, Autism and development disorder, Mood disorder, Depression disorder, Eating disorder, Communication or Tic disorder. Reflection Assignment: • Your reflection is in the voice of the primary client from the project having a heart-felt discussion with the designer about the clients’ concerns about accommodating the psychological / mental disability within the new environment. This might be an email written to the designer as follow up your more informational initial programming meeting. • You are NOT a designer (and therefore you do not have a designer vocabulary). You are simply a parent, child or sibling who wants the best for their family. • Talk about what your goals are for the space, your family, and their future? What should this space allow your family to do, be, feel, etc.? • Reflect on your concerns for your relative functioning in the new built environment; include specific knowledge (from your research) of impairments tied to your concerns. • The writing should represent your knowledge of the “worst case scenarios” of the occupants of the space, your understanding of the impairments, and your empathy for ALL occupants (not just the one with accommodations). • As before, lean on your senses and the less “tangible” aspects of the experiences. • Discuss the issues of your previous home and its worst case scenarios. Discuss how you hope the new home accommodates and improves your family’s lifestyle. • Some things to consider when comparing your previous home vs new home: • If the special needs occupant is new, what are your fears and trepidations about them working (and thriving) in the space? If they are not new, what were your difficulties? What were your successes? Was the built environment helpful or stressful to your family? Why? • Consider functionality, inclusion, aesthetics, independence of occupants, etc.
  • 42. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy POST-TESTS and ASSESSMENTS Student Comfort Level Age Gender Sexual Orientation Mental Disabilities Physical Disabilities Political/Religious = Growth Weight/Obesity Higher/Lower Economic Class Race Ethnicity/Origin 0 1 2 3 4 5 Student Exposure Level Age Gender Sexual Orientation Mental Disabilities = Growth Physical Disabilities Political/Religious Weight/Obesity Higher/Lower Economic Class Race Ethnicity/Origin 0 1 2 3 4 5
  • 43. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy PRE-TESTS and ASSESSMENTS Importance of Design Consideration Age Gender Sexual Orientation Mental Disabilities Physical Disabilities Political/Religious Weight/Obesity Higher/Lower Economic Class Race Ethnicity/Origin 0 1 2 3 4 5 = - = GROWTH
  • 44. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy POST TESTS Knowledge of users with various 1= very low mobility, aging, vision, hearing, 2= low language, behavioral abilities? 3= neutral 3.29 to 4.57 = Change of 1.29 4= above average Comfort level with integrating 5= high universal design within your projects? 4.14 to 4.71 = Change of .57 Week 1 - Pre Test Willingness to put user needs Week 15 - Post Test above your personal design agenda? 3.29 to 4.29 = Change of 1 Awareness of the growing need/issues pertaining to design for aging in place? 2.86 to 4.71 = Change of 1.86 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
  • 45. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy STUDENT COMMENTS “Reflection assignments, real world examples, and the stimulation activities were very effective. I came to understand the heightening of other senses.” “Our discussions, activities and reflections helped me to understand how to design for an elderly or disabled person… It was eye opening!” “Really enjoyed the empathy exercises… I feel that accessibility is a factor that is grossly misrepresented.” “I have a greater respect for not only the disabled community but also for the interior designer’s role in the creation of the built environment” “I would recommend this for all emerging designers …. I feel more capable now of designing for equality” “ I realize frustration is the main emotion for those who struggle in public spaces. I do not pity them … poor attention to design causes this.”
  • 46. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy STUDENT COMMENTS One student who showed a marked rise in comfort level and awareness stated: “I personally felt that the simulations have given me a much better understanding of how to effectively design for various types of people. I think the reflection papers were a great way to express what certain groups of people encounter on a daily basis … that really helped me in becoming less sympathetic but more empathetic toward their struggles.”
  • 47. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy OUTCOMES: GRADE COMPARISONS and EVALS FALL 2011 CLASS FINAL GRADE AVERAGE = 89.4 (B+) FALL 2012 CLASS FINAL GRADE AVERAGE = 92.5 (A-) _______________________ Rate how much the stimulation activities and reflection papers have affected your attitudes and opinions towards different user groups? Average Student Response= 4.4 (above average to high) out of 5
  • 48. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy ADDITIONAL EXPECTED OUTCOMES • IDENTIFICATION OF INDIVIDUAL CAMPUS BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES - Supplemented by Individual Building Analysis assignment in preparation for Final Scenario Exam • IDENTIFICATION OF CAMPUS CONNECTIVITY ISSUES (ACCESSIBILITY OF BUILDING TO BUILDING)
  • 50. Experiential Education & Narrative Writing: Gateway To User Empathy UNEXPECTED OUTCOMES ASID Carolinas Chapter 2012-2013 Otto Zenke Student Design Competition Florence Hotel Project Challenges Design for this mixed and adaptive reuse building …….The design solution must include a sensitive response to sustainable design, accessible and universal design, through appropriate space planning within the spatial envelope, code compliance, lighting, and interior finishes and furnishings. Code and Accessibility Compliance These selected legal requirements for occupancy must be incorporated into the project. Refer to the actual code for complete information. This list is not intended to be complete in the legal requirements. Concept and Solution Statement On the first or second presentation board, include a concept and solution statement …. respond to the concept and/or solutions to research statements, sustainability, codes, and accessible/universal design.

Editor's Notes

  1. In the last several years, INDS curriculum changes have included the introduction of Writing 465, Preparation of Oral and Written Reports. As expected, we have seen a marked improvement in the technical nature of upper level student work. Students seem to understand the technical characteristics of reports but, as of yet, that has not appeared to have improved their ability to connect with personal user information and to exploit those connections toward a more successful design conclusion. It has been noted by all INDS faculty that the students enter into the program with a right-or-wrong mentality and want to know the scripted path they need to succeed (how many pages, what format, etc.). They believe they should receive a good grade because they followed instructions rather than because they created a document that demonstrated skill, critical thinking and empathy.
  2. CIDAAlso, our CIDA (Council for Interior Design Accreditation) reaccreditation visit occurs in October 2012. During a forum coordinated by CIDA, industry members stated that for designers, the ability to employ creative problem solving was second only in importance to critical thinking skills. Student’s biased, uninformed, prejudiced, or dualistic thoughts and beliefs must be challenged. Skills must be systematically cultivated and continually reinforced to prepare our graduates.In a 2006, during the Future Vision Forum coordinated by CIDA, educators, practitioners and other industry members stated that for future interior designers, the ability to employ creative problem solving was second only in importance to critical thinking skills. In order to think critically, students must be exposed to experiences that challenge their biased, uninformed, prejudiced, or strictly dualistic thoughts and beliefs with which they enter college. These skills (critical thinking, sound research and reasoning, sensitivity to diversity, thoughtful examination of user issues, etc.) cannot be implanted in students in the Touchstone program and then abandoned within their major coursework. These skills must be systematically cultivated and continually reinforced in order to better prepare our graduates for future professional or graduate work. ‘‘Entry-level designers must have a global view and weigh design decisions within the parameters of ecological, socio-economical and cultural contexts’’ (Carmel-Gilfilen).
  3. It has been shown that autobiographical accounts of people (with or without disabilities) create empathy, rather than judgment, and help designers understand the world in different ways rather than relying on predispositions or preconceived ideas. The initial step in formulating autobiographical narratives is detailed research into user needs, information gathering which could be deemed cultural anthropology, emphasizing the critical thinking and research components stressed in the Touchstone program. Anthropological research emphasizes the critical thinking and research components and in-class sharing creates another opportunity to practice oral communication skills stressed in the Touchstone Program. In order to create authentic autobiographical accounts, we must move students away from the position of being a detached observer to a position of significance and engagement. Scenarios and simulation based activities must be created to help students understand the role of feelings in shaping the human experience in relation to their physical environment. Reflective narrative writing creates opportunities for students to identify with personas they have researched in order to create.This research is used to create a persona that is integral to the oneness needed for a realistic engagement with the client or character. Personas help establish an “empathetic focus in the design process” (Williams, K). This empathetic character development can be used “to engage interior design students in a dialogue about the importance of adopting a socio-cultural perspective for insight into the social fabric, attitudes and behaviors, perceptions, beliefs, history, etc. in interior design” (Williams, S). In-class sharing of these narratives can give classmates exposure to an array of human experiences they would not have the time to explore individually, as well as creates another opportunity to practice oral communication skills, another goal of our Touchstone Program.  
  4. Multi-sensory signifiers – devices integrated into the built environment, such as Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) and audio-tactile pedestrian signalsPassive echolocation - estimate the spatial volumes, height of the ceiling or distance of partitionsBiogram - lived diagrams based on already lived experience, revived to orient further experience. For the body the Biogram is a memory of it’s own movements shaped by sensory qualities of an environment…. It is intersensory.Keynote Sounds – Background noises … the sounds of the air conditioner, fan noise or traffic .Sound signals - Foreground sounds forming auditory warnings. Soundmark - Community sound which is unique or possesses qualities which make it specially regarded or noticed by the people in that community.