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Brought to you by the team at Weight Loss Bully
Effortless Exercise Begins with Stretching ..................................................... 4
How Housework Keeps You in Shape............................................................... 4
Cleaning Your Home to Stay Fit.......................................................................... 5
Move Furniture for Fitness .................................................................................. 6
Playing Sports in Your Living Room ................................................................. 7
Don't Exercise - Take the Kids to the Park Instead ...................................... 7
A Fun Day at the Park Can Keep You Fit .......................................................... 8
Can a Trip to the Mall Keep You in Shape? ..................................................... 9
Window Shopping to Lose Weight ..................................................................... 9
How to Park Your Car for Fitness .................................................................... 10
Staying Fit with Friends ...................................................................................... 11
Effortless Walking for Fun and Exercise ....................................................... 12
Double up Your Workouts Effortlessly .......................................................... 13
Hiking Your Way Healthy ................................................................................... 14
Can You Walk to Work?....................................................................................... 14
Breathe Your Weight Trim ................................................................................. 15
Skip the Exercise by Skipping the Sugar ........................................................ 16
Getting Fit with the Glycemic Index ................................................................ 17
Effortlessly Boost Your Metabolism with Supplements ........................... 18
Do You Want to Cut Weight? Ride the Bull .................................................. 18
Get out Your Bicycle for Fun and Exercise ................................................... 19
Weightlifting without Lifting Weights ............................................................ 20
Mountain Biking to Stay in Shape .................................................................... 21
Stay Fit with Deep Breathing Exercises ......................................................... 22
Got Exercise? Get Rest ........................................................................................ 23
Effortless Exercise Begins with Stretching

                             I know that exercise has 8 letters in it but I have
                             always considered it to be somewhat of a 4 letter
                             word. The reason why this is the case is because
                             exercise has always been something that is very
                             inconvenient for me to do. I don't know about you but
                             I have a life outside of the time that I spend in the
                             gym. As a matter of fact, I rarely find my way over to
                             the gym in the first place because I tend to keep
                             myself a little bit too busy. That doesn't mean,
                             however, that I don't like to stay in shape.

The easiest way for you to stay in shape is to get a little bit of exercise that is
somewhat effortless. Although it is still going to take a little bit of time, you can
usually do these exercises in the privacy of your own home and on your own
schedule. As a matter of fact, some of the effortless exercises that I do take me
less time than it takes me to drive over to the gym in the first place. I am able to
save a lot of time and in most cases I don't sweat to the extent where I need to get
cleaned up after I am finished.

The main way that I get this exercise in my life is through stretching. Have you
ever seen how lean and fit a gymnast is? Although they may do a variety of
different exercises and they certainly do get their cardiovascular workout in on a
regular basis, a lot of their fitness comes as a direct result of stretching. They
may spend hours every week stretching out every last muscle in their body in
order to remain limber and to be able to do some of the acrobatics that they do.

You can achieve the same results by stretching on a regular basis yourself. Even
getting up every hour from the desk and stretching your neck and back will help
you to stay fit. Having a regular regime of stretching is not only effortless, it feels
great and it can go a long way in helping to lengthen your muscles and to make
you look good as well. So the next time you think about hitting the gym, do a
little bit of stretching instead. You will benefit as a result of what you are doing
and you will not have to expend all of the effort in order to do it.

How Housework Keeps You in Shape

Whenever some of us hear the word exercise, we tend to run in the opposite
direction. How many times have you had a gym membership and only ever
showed up once or twice during the length of that membership? You would be
surprised at how many people are in the same shoes as you are. Perhaps you
enjoy exercising but simply do not have time to incorporate it into your daily
regime. It may also be possible that you hate the effort that needs to be put forth
in order to exercise effectively. The fact of the matter is, it is not necessary for
you to hit the gym on a regular basis in order to get in shape. All you really need
to do is keep your house clean.
Housework is one of those hidden gems of exercise that is far too often
overlooked. A lot of us tend to spend our time sitting on the couch watching TV
whenever we have a few moments. If you get up and move around a little bit,
even if you aren't exerting yourself enough to break a sweat, you are still going to
see benefits from that effort. Keeping your house clean is an excellent way to
burn some calories and to do so without having to formally go into an exercise
routine. What are some of the best things that you can do around the home that
will help you to get in shape?

There are several different things that you can do
while you are doing your housework which will keep
you in shape. Things such as vacuuming, dusting and
washing dishes all are able to help you to burn
additional calories. Many of these things, however,
are done while we are fairly sedentary so doing some
deep cleaning is one of the best ways for you to realize
benefits. The reason why this is the case is because
whenever we are deep cleaning we are often lifting
heavy boxes or perhaps bending and stooping in order
to reach areas that are not usually touched.

Doing housework on a regular basis not only helps you to burn calories while
you're doing it, it also helps you to relax in your home. Remember, being able to
relax and destress from time to time is an important part of staying in shape.
This is how cleaning your house can help you in a number of different ways to
exercise effortlessly.

Cleaning Your Home to Stay Fit

Exercise is just one of those things that many of us do not enjoy doing. Finding a
way to exercise effortlessly and is probably something that we spend a lot of time
considering, especially if we either don't have the time to do it or hate doing it.
The fact of the matter is, there are plenty of things that we do on a daily basis
which help us to get some exercise. Yes, having a regular exercise regime is a very
important part of staying physically fit and trim but we should not overlook the
possibilities of incorporating some of that exercise into our daily routine.

One of the greatest ways for you to be able to do this is to make sure that you are
getting plenty of physical activity whenever you're cleaning your home.
Housecleaning is something that all of us have to do, whether we like it or not.
Unfortunately, it is not something that we can put off the same way that we put
off the exercise that we should be doing. If we do, our house is going to suffer as
a result. Make sure that you are regularly cleaning your house but do so in a way
that will help you to reap the most benefits as far as your health is concerned.
Doing regular household chores, such as washing the dishes or vacuuming does
burn some calories and is certainly a lot healthier for you than sitting in front of
the television. In order for you to really get the most out of your house cleaning
activity, you're going to have to make sure that your deep cleaning on occasion.
Doing things such as cleaning out the closets, moving furniture around and
cleaning out hard to reach places will certainly give you the most benefit for the
work that you are doing. The simple fact that you are bending over, stooping
down and standing up again will get your muscles working and begin burning

Although this certainly is not the most effortless exercise that is available, it is
one that we need to do on a daily basis. Make sure that you are taking the time to
clean your house regularly and do so in such a way that you will benefit from it.
Not only will your house be clean and enjoyable to be in, you will feel better about
yourself as a result.

Move Furniture for Fitness

                     Although there are a lot of different ways that we can
                     exercise and get in shape, many of us do not enjoy going to
                     the gym and exercising with people that we don't know. Not
                     only that, we may have too much to do as far as our family
                     responsibilities are concerned to really get to the gym on a
                     regular basis. That doesn't mean, however, that you can't get
                     physically fit even if you're not putting the effort into
                     exercise. There are plenty of things that you can do around
                     the home which will help you to get in shape and stay in
                     shape for the rest of your life.

Although it is not typically thought of as exercise, household chores can be
something that we do which allows us to get some physical activity. All of us have
daily chores that we need to take care of in order to make sure that our homes
operate efficiently. Making sure that the dishes are washed, making the beds or
vacuuming on occasion can give us a level of physical activity but it may not be
enough for us to forego all of the exercise that we need. In order for us to do this,
we may need to pick some household chores that are a bit out of the ordinary.

A good example of this is moving furniture and rearranging our rooms. Although
this is not something that is usually done on a daily basis, you would be surprised
with the amount of exercise that you are actually getting by taking care of this.
Not only that, many of us enjoy having a fresh look from time to time in our
homes and this is really the easiest way for us to be able to accomplish it. Not
only will you be moving furniture which is strenuous activity on its own, often
you will be moving things on and off of the furniture which adds to the activity.

Although there are plenty of things we can do in order to get exercise, if we are
doing things such as moving our furniture regularly, it will help us to stay
physically fit. It certainly is not effortless but the enjoyment that many people get
out of having a fresh look to their rooms will make it seem as if it were not really

Playing Sports in Your Living Room

Wouldn't it be great if you could get out and play tennis or another sport on a
regular basis? Although we may enjoy doing such things, getting out and doing
them may be a difficult task. All that is now changing, however, because there are
some ways that we can now get physically fit at home and it won't even seem like
any effort at all. The best way for you to be able to do this is by using the
Nintendo Wii, a game console that is not only a lot of fun to play, it can help you
to stay in shape in a number of different ways.

If you have never seen this particular game console in action, it is a very
interesting thing to see. Instead of sitting on the couch and holding a controller
in your hand, you are actually using a controller that
has gyroscopes on the inside. You will have to mimic
certain movements such as those used in bowling,
tennis or golf in order to actually play the game on
your television screen. Some of the games that come
with the Nintendo are amazingly active and can help
you lose weight while you are enjoying a fun activity.

One of the newest games that has come out for the
Nintendo Wii is the Wii play. This game is amazing
for helping people lose weight because it offers a
variety of different balance games, strength
exercises, yoga and aerobics for you to do.
The best part about this is that it is so much fun while you're doing it that it
almost seems effortless. Somebody that I know who absolutely hates to exercise
uses this game for an hour every day and is currently losing weight as a result.

So the next time that somebody tells you that video games are ruining today's
youth, think about the Nintendo Wii. Instead of spending your money on an
expensive piece of exercise equipment that will end up not getting used, try the
Nintendo instead. Not only will you spend less on it, you will tend to want to use
it more often. It offers a family-friendly variety of games that help us to be active
in our mind and body. As far as exercise equipment goes, it is one of the most
effortless and enjoyable ones that has come along in quite some time.

Don't Exercise - Take the Kids to the Park Instead
If you have a family, you probably realize how difficult it can be to get to the gym
on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, some of us have given up one hopes of ever
being physically fit until our children are grown. Being a responsible parent
surely does dictate your time to a certain extent, especially whenever you are not
working. That doesn't mean, however, that we can allow our health to go sour as
a result of not having the time to get to the gym. There are some ways that you
can make sure that your stay in shape and get all of the family fun time in that
you possibly can as well.

                     If the weather is nice outside, you should make sure that you
                     are taking your children to the park on a regular basis. If
                     your children are young, walking around and enjoying some
                     time outdoors can do a lot to make sure that you are staying
                     healthy. Not only will the exercise do you good, some mild
                     exposure to the sun also has health benefits that many
                     people are unaware of. This is one of the best forms of
                     exercise that you can get, not only because you are moving
                     around but because your children are enjoying time with

If your children are a little bit older, you may be able to enjoy some more
strenuous activities at the park. How long has it been since you have been on a
family bike ride together? This is an extremely enjoyable pastime that many
families take part in. You could also take up a physical activity, such as running
together. I know that my mother ran with my sisters and me for many years
whenever we were all in school. We all enjoyed the health benefits of doing so,
my mother included. The time together is still something that I enjoy thinking
about today.

You don't need to have a formal exercise regime in order to stay in shape. As long
as you are eating properly, getting plenty of rest and doing family activities that
involve more than video games and television shows, you would be surprised
with how much your health will improve. Not only will your health improve as a
result of these activities, it will strengthen your family bond and give your
children something that they will remember throughout their life.

A Fun Day at the Park Can Keep You Fit

All of us enjoy some recreation from time to time but the type of recreation that
we choose can differ from individual to individual. For some of us, recreation
means getting out and doing something active but for others it may mean
watching a movie or perhaps surfing the Internet. Unfortunately, all of us are
dealing with a 24 hour day and it can be difficult for us to get adequate exercise
unless we are taking advantage of every hour. Although it never hurts to sit
around and do nothing on occasion, we need to make sure that we are getting
some physical activity as well.
Nobody said that you need to go into the gym and sweat for an hour every day in
order to get adequate exercise. The fact of the matter is, we can add some
physical activity into our lives on a regular basis without even putting much effort
into it. In some cases, we may put a lot of effort into the activity that we are
doing but we make it enjoyable enough that it is not recognized as being hard
work. If you find yourself in a position where you simply don't have the time to
exercise, take your recreation time and do something active with it.

Can a Trip to the Mall Keep You in Shape?

When most of us think about exercise, we think about going to the gym and
sweating behind some piece of equipment that hundreds of other people have
sweated behind before us. The thought of doing this is rather unsavory to most of
us and to others it is simply a matter of being inconvenient. There are some ways
that you can get out and lose a little bit of weight along with staying physically fit
while you are doing things that you would normally do anyway. A good example
of this is spending a day at the mall. How can shopping at the mall help you to
exercise and stay in shape?

                     One of the main reasons that it is able to help you stay in
                     shape is because you will be moving around instead of sitting
                     still. If we are not at the mall shopping whenever we have
                     some free time we may end up just sitting on the couch and
                     watching TV. At least when you're at the mall you will be
                     walking around to a certain extent and stopping and starting.
                     You will not be burning calories as if you were running a
                     marathon but it certainly will go a long way in helping you to
                     stay in shape. There are some things that you should look
                     out for, however, so that you do not destroy any effort that
                     you make in this regard.

First of all, you need to make sure that you are not giving into the temptation of
the bad food that is available in many of these locations. One meal at a
restaurant can have enough calories that would completely blow any dieting that
you have done for a couple of days. As a matter of fact, an appetizer, hamburger
and onion rings along with the soda can have two days of equivalent of calories in
it if it is bought at the wrong restaurant.

That being said, there are some ways that you can increase your exercise while
you are at the mall. Park your car a little bit further away so that you have to
actually walk into the mall and make sure that you are taking the stairs, not the
escalators. If you don't have an option but to take the escalators, make sure that
you walk up and down them instead of just standing still. Remember, little
things add up to a lot and the exercise that you get will pay off in the long run.

Window Shopping to Lose Weight
There are a couple of different things that you should keep in mind when you are
concerned about the level of physical activity that you're getting. First of all, it is
a very good idea for us to be exercising on a regular basis but that doesn't mean
that all of us are going to take advantage of this knowledge. The fact of the
matter is, getting physical activity can be done in a lot of different ways along
with our regular workout routine. The best way for us to make sure that we are
getting this activity on a regular basis is to incorporate it with something that we

                      Something that many of us find enjoyable is shopping.
                      Although we may not consider this to be a physical activity,
                      the fact of the matter is that we can actually expend a lot of
                      energy whenever we are doing so. We don't even need to buy
                      anything in order to burn these calories, some simple
                      window shopping is all that is necessary for us to get fit if we
                      do it on a regular basis. Walking around at the mall is
                      something that we can do in a comfortable environment and
                      the shopping that we are doing is something that makes it
                      enjoyable. Often, we do not even consider this type of
                      activity to be exercise at all.

Something that you should watch out for, however, if you spend a lot of your time
window shopping is eating improperly. There are very few things available for us
to eat whenever we are out shopping that would actually be considered good for
us. Make sure that you either eat ahead of time or that you do a lot of research in
order to make sure that you're making wise food choices whenever you're eating
out. Let me give you a hint, almost anything that you eat at a restaurant is going
to be bad for you with very few exceptions.

Window shopping may be great for the body but it might be rough on our wallet.
This is an activity that can certainly help us to get in shape but it is not something
that we should undertake on a regular basis if we have a difficulty saying no.
Make sure that you are not damaging yourself financially in an effort to help
yourself physically.

How to Park Your Car for Fitness

Very few of us have the time anymore to exercise on a regular basis. Although we
may go to the gym from time to time, many of us are looking for a way that we
can incorporate exercise into our everyday activities. This is certainly possible
but it is going to take an effort on your part to a certain extent. Although it may
not seem much like exercise, any activity that you do is considered exercise,
whether you are going to do it regularly or not. A good example of this is
choosing how to park your car properly.
A car is certainly one of the more convenient things that we own. Because of the
rising price of gas, it has also become one of the more expensive things that we
own. Many of us have stopped driving whenever it is unnecessary in order to
save money on gas. Did you realize that this can not only save you money but it
may actually help you to get in shape? After all, if you live close enough to the
places where you work and shop, you may be able to leave your car sit in the
driveway and walk to wherever you're going.

One thing that you don't want to do is to take off on a very long walk if you are
not up to the challenge. For example, if you live 10 miles away from work you
should not attempt to walk to and from work on a daily basis if you have never
walked before. That doesn't mean that you cannot get some exercise in, in the
meantime. Instead of walking to work, why not get your bicycle out and ride your
bike to work on a daily basis? Bike riding is an enjoyable pastime, you will get
there relatively quickly along with getting plenty of exercise in the process.

You may also make smarter choices when it comes to parking your car when you
do go out. Instead of driving around for a few minutes looking for the spot that is
closest to the store, park as far out in the parking lot as possible and walk there.
It may not seem like much but it is not necessary for you to do all of your walking
at one time for it to benefit you. Take 12 five-minute walks during the week and
you will have an hour under your belt. It is really that simple.

Staying Fit with Friends

Did you ever wonder what makes people become dedicated to going to the gym
on a regular basis? I have to admit, I still wonder the same thing myself. At
times, I would rather have somebody punch me in the face than to get up and go
to the gym by myself. Even though there may be a familiar face or two that is in
the gym whenever you're there, more than likely you're going to be around people
that you don't know and don't really care to be around. Not only that, you will
probably be sweating profusely and it's not like you're in the mood while you're
there to make casual conversation.

If you want to go to the gym on a regular basis but don't want to put in the effort
to do so in a strange environment, perhaps you need to make the environment
more familiar. One of the best ways for you to get in shape and stay in shape is to
make the effort with friends or family. As long as your schedule permits it, it is a
relatively easy thing to do for you to end up at the gym at the same time and to
enjoy a workout together. As a matter of fact, many of us that have done this end
up enjoying our workouts so much that we don't even realize that were exercising
at all.

Another reason why staying fit with friends is a good idea is because, it helps you
to stay motivated. A lack of motivation is one of the main reasons why many of
us give up exercising in the first place. We may get motivated because of
something that we see on TV or perhaps reading a book about being fit but when
it comes down to actually doing the exercise, we tend to sputter and fail. If you
have a commitment to go to the gym with somebody else, however, you will rarely
ever back out of that commitment.

Bringing somebody to the gym with you can add something to your workout that
just was not there before. You are able to give each other encouragement, spot
each other when necessary and talk about your progress. If you really want to
make your workouts as effortless as possible, this is probably one of the better
ways to do so. Stay fit with a friend and both of you will be better off for the

Effortless Walking for Fun and Exercise

If you have the ability to walk, you have the ability to stay in shape. Believe it or
not, walking is one of the most effortless exercises that is available outside of a
few others which tend to be rather boring. The great part about this exercise is
that almost anybody is able to take part in it and you can do so without spending
any money on expensive exercise equipment. Of course, there are a lot of
different ways that you can actually get this exercise in. Let's take a look at a few
of the most convenient in order to make this exercise as effortless as possible.

Some of us only enjoyed walking whenever we are able to get out in the great
outdoors and go someplace. As a matter of fact, some of us may end up in the
woods on the weekends in order to do some hiking. Although this is great
exercise, it is not something that is convenient for every one of us to do. It is also
very time consuming for us to get out and walk for a couple of miles every day.
That is especially true if your time tends to be gobbled up by family
responsibilities and a heavy workload. You can still get out and do your walking
if you are able to double up your activities in some way or another. For example,
if you like to read you may enjoy listening to some audio books whenever you're
walking. It's a good way to enjoy two activities at once.

Of course, you don't need to really leave the house in order to enjoy a walk. If you
have a treadmill, park it right in front of the television set and get up off of the
couch whenever your shows start to come on. Walking for an hour whenever
you're watching television is one of the most effortless forms of exercise that
you're going to do. Often, we become so engrossed in what we are watching that
we don't realize that we are exercising at all.

Walking is not only one of the most convenient exercises that can be done; it is
also one of the most effective. If you can somehow find the time to put in a half
hour every day in the mornings and a half hour in the evenings, your health will
be drastically changed in a months time. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose
but some fat.

Double up Your Workouts Effortlessly

How frustrating is it to you to step on a treadmill and walk without actually going
anywhere? Have you ever seen somebody that is constantly on a treadmill? They
are really in shape, more than likely, and they seem to enjoy being there. I don't
know about you but I find it extremely boring to do exercises such as this. I
would much rather get out in the fresh air in order to do my walking than to end
up spending all of my time making a belt go around in a circle. Unfortunately, I
don't have the time to do either.

If you find yourself in a situation where you want to get
physically fit but you do not think you have the time to
do so, you may have to double up some activities in order
to achieve your goal. Putting effort into exercise is
something that is almost always necessary but that
doesn't mean that we need to be inconvenienced as a
result of the exercise that we are doing. If you have time
to sit and watch TV on a daily basis, you have time to make
sure that you are getting in your exercise so that your health
can improve. The real trick is making sure that you are able
to do both without giving up one or the other.

One of the easiest ways for you to be able to do this is by putting a treadmill or
stationary bike in your TV room. All you really need to do is get up from the
couch and go over to do a little bit of exercise while you're watching TV. After all,
riding an exercise bike or walking on a treadmill is not going to hurt your ability
to watch TV at all. The only thing that you may need to do is adjust the volume to
a certain extent and you don't even need to walk over to the TV to do that.

Another thing that you can do is to get a mini trampoline in order to do
rebounding exercises. This is an almost effortless way of exercising because all
you really need to do is bounce up and down on the trampoline for about 10 to 15
minutes every day. This helps to realign your organs and to burn additional
calories while you are doing something that is actually pretty fun to do.

Hiking Your Way Healthy

It is not always necessary for you to do boring exercises in order to stay fit. As a
matter of fact, most of us will not be able to stick with something that we do not
enjoy long enough to see long term benefits. I know that for myself, I really hate
walking on a treadmill and I find it to be one of life's most boring activities.
Although I have walked on a treadmill from time to time in order to stay in shape,
doing so on a long-term basis is something that simply is not going to happen.
The funny thing about it is that I do enjoy walking but while doing so, I like to go

                     One of the most interesting and enjoyable activities that you
                     can do is to take up hiking. This is more than simply walking
                     around the block or perhaps strolling through the mall, it is a
                     strenuous exercise that you would need to build up to in
                     order to be efficient at it. Although it is not effortless, you
                     would be surprised with how enjoyable it is and how quickly
                     the time passes as you are doing it. I don't consider hiking to
                     be exercise at all, I consider it to be a hobby that I am
                     dedicated to and will continue to do as long as my legs allow
                     me to do so.

What would happen if you were not someplace that was conducive to hiking? Not
all of us live in a mountainous area that would allow us to get in a good hike
without having to travel too far to get to the location. Believe it or not, most
communities have an area that would suffice for such an activity. You would
probably be surprised to find out that one is right in your backyard, even if it isn't
exactly what you are looking for. As long as you're getting out in nature and
walking around enjoying the things that are nearby, this is exercise and it is

You might enjoy hiking so much that you decide to make a trip out of it. Many
individuals end up going away in order to hike someplace special. You can't
imagine how many calories you will be burning and how physically fit you will be
as a result of this activity. Take the time to do it on a regular basis and you will
love the way you look.

Can You Walk to Work?
There's no doubt about it, walking is one of the best exercises that you can
possibly do for your health. Not only can it help you to keep trim, it can keep
your metabolism running strong which can aid you in any weight-loss efforts that
you happen to be undertaking. The difficult part about walking is the fact that
you are going to have to spend a lot of time doing so. Although it certainly would
help if you're able to walk for 10 minutes a day, making sure that you walk a
couple of miles every day are going to have a major impact on your health.

The good news about this is that it is not necessary for you to walk the entire 2
miles every day at one time. Exercise is not something that needs to be done
without stopping although it does help in some ways to be able to do so. The fact
of matter is, just as you can save up $100 by putting one dollar at a time into your
piggy bank, you can do 2 miles worth of walking every day by doing it in short
spurts. What is the best way for you to be able to do this?

What you actually need to do is to evaluate your
circumstances to see if there is anything that you can
 do which will be able to incorporate walking into it.
A good example of this is if you live close enough to
where you work that you would be able to walk to it
on a daily basis. Often, this is not practical unless you live within a mile or two of
your office. You would probably be surprised to find
out that after you walk for a little while, you would get
your speed up enough where you would be able to do this within a half-hour.
Many people commute a half hour to work and they do so without getting
exercise at all.

If you live further away from your office than you can walk, you might want to
consider riding your bike. A 5 mile bike ride to and from work would do wonders
for your health if you do this several times per week. If you are able to walk for 10
minutes here and there during the day, you would be able to get enough exercise
that you could substantially impact your overall health without too much effort.

Breathe Your Weight Trim

What if I told you that it would not be necessary for you to go to the gym or to
exercise at all in order for you to remain healthy? Although it certainly is a good
idea for you to exercise to a certain extent, you may be able to receive some of the
same benefits without effort by just breathing in the proper way. After all, the
breath that we have is a large part of what makes up our life and if we are
breathing improperly we may be hurting our health. Let's take a look at some
deep breathing exercises and what they can do for us.

One of the problems that many of us tend to have is that we are shallow
breathers. Do this test for yourself to see how good your breathing is but you're
going to have to do so whenever you are not really paying attention to it.
Whenever you are breathing properly, you are doing more than just filling your
lungs with air. Your diaphragm is also moving, allowing your lungs to expand to
capacity. Whenever your diaphragm moves up and down as a result of your
breathing, your stomach will go in and out. Check this and see for yourself. You
may need to ask somebody else to watch you breathe whenever you are not
thinking about it to see if you're actually breathing deeply or not.

Whenever we breathe, we bring oxygen into our lungs and it is picked up by the
blood and carried directly into the heart. This oxygen is what helps to feed and
fuel our body in a lot of different ways. If we are oxygen deprived, our body will
not be functioning properly and we will have a difficult time staying in shape. By
concentrating on our breathing and the learning how to breathe properly all of
the time, your health will be corrected and improved. How can this be done?

One of the easiest ways to make sure that you are breathing properly is to take a
little bit of time every day to do some deep breathing exercises. Not only will this
help to retrain us but it will also bring a lot of oxygen into our body, something
that will boost our metabolism. By doing this on a regular basis and teaching
yourself how to breathe whenever you're not doing the exercises, you will be
helping yourself to be healthy in mind and body.

Skip the Exercise by Skipping the Sugar

I don't know about you but I really hate to exercise on a regular basis. That
doesn't mean that I am anti-exercise, it simply means that I find the effort that is
needed to really get physically fit is usually very inconvenient at best. I work a lot
in order to be able to support my family and taking the time to exercise regularly
is not necessarily something that I can do. Believe it or not, I am actually in the
best shape of my life and it doesn't have anything to do with exercising at all. If
you make smart choices along the way, you can get physically fit and stay healthy,
even without an official exercise regime.

One of the easiest ways to do so is to totally cut sugar out of your life. Although
this is impractical to a                                  certain extent, you cannot
imagine the benefits                                      that you can get by doing
so. The easiest way for                                   you to be able to do this is
to eat according to the                                   glycemic index. This is a
list of carbohydrate                                      foods that are arranged
according to how                                          quickly the sugars that are
contained within them                                     are dumped into our
bloodstream. As long                                      as you are eating foods
that are on the low end of the glycemic index, you will be able to eat about as
much as you possibly want. You will stay full in the process and you will not have
the highs and lows that are experienced whenever you eat sugar.

Along with making sure that you are eating the low on the glycemic index, you
should be eating a protein and a legume at every meal. Vegetables are
notoriously low in calories and in order for us to keep our metabolism running
strong, we need to eat calories. The protein will help you to maintain your
muscle mass, even if you are losing weight and the legumes will make up for any
calories that are lost as a result of you eating a lot of vegetables.

Of course, it always helps to do a little bit of exercise along with eating the proper
way. You don't need to hit the gym on a regular basis in order to experience these
benefits. Just make sure that you're moving around and try to stay as active as
possible in your everyday life. The benefits of doing so will be evident whenever
you look in the mirror.

Getting Fit with the Glycemic Index

Getting some exercise in can be quite a challenge considering the fact that many
of us have an extremely busy schedule. Not only that, most of us don't really like
exercise in the first place which can make it difficult to stay motivated at the gym.
We all realize that getting some exercise is one of the best ways for us to stay trim
and healthy. That doesn't mean, however, that it is the only way for us to do so.
If you get a moderate amount of exercise throughout the week naturally, you may
be able to get fit simply by eating in the proper way.

One problem that many people run into when it comes to eating properly is that
they follow to many different programs. Although it is a good idea to have a
program in mind whenever you start eating for health, being too drastic or
jumping from program to program is not going to help you at all. Another thing
that many people tend to do whenever they diet is to cut something out of their
diet which the body needs. It is difficult to estimate how many people have
damaged their metabolisms as a result of yo-yo dieting through low carbohydrate
or low-fat eating.

If you really want to stay fit, it is difficult to beat the benefits that you receive
from eating a low glycemic diet. The way that you would do this is actually fairly
simple to understand. The glycemic index is a list of foods that are arranged
according to how quickly the sugar that is in them is released into our system.
The higher on the list the food resides, the faster the sugar is
going to be dumped. This can cause our pancreas to overload
us with insulin, something that is going to end up storing fat
on your body.

By eating a healthy diet that includes five to six small meals
on a daily basis, you can really get your metabolism running
at top speed. Make sure that you include a protein, legume
and plenty of low glycemic vegetables at every meal, preferably raw. If you eat
like this for two weeks you will be able to see the difference in your clothing and
whenever you stand on the scale. It is an easy way to get fit without doing
Effortlessly Boost Your Metabolism with Supplements

Our body is an amazing piece of natural equipment. Most of the time, we are not
even aware of the fact that our body is running and doing as many tasks as it is at
one time. It is certainly something that we take for granted all too often in our
lives. If our health starts to go downhill, however, our body may be on our mind
on a constant basis. It is a much better idea to make sure that we are taking care
of ourselves regularly before something goes wrong than to try and correct it once
it does.

Staying fit and making sure that you're not carrying around too much weight is a
very important thing to many people. Unfortunately, it is also something that is
very difficult to achieve in the busy lives that most people follow. That doesn't
mean that it is something that is impossible for us to do. For example, we can
make sure that we are helping our body along to the greatest extent possible by
keeping our metabolism running at optimal levels. This can either be done by
eating properly, getting exercise or taking supplements. Any one of these will
work or you can try a combination of two or more.

              Taking supplements to boost your metabolism is a relatively easy
              thing to do. There are plenty of supplements out there which help
              to fire up our metabolism and to keep it running well for us
              throughout the day. The main thing is that you choose something
              which is all natural so that you do not end up damaging this vital
              part of your body in the process. Taking man-made chemicals in
              order to alter the way that our body functions is simply a bad idea
              from the start.

Although there are a lot of different supplements which can increase our
metabolism, one of the safest and most effective as green tea. You can either take
this in its natural form by brewing it as a tea or get it concentrated in the form of
a pill. Green tea has several natural ingredients which can keep our metabolism
running smoothly as well as some which work as an antioxidant. Make sure that
you take this natural supplement on a regular basis and you will see results come
your way within a short period of time.

Do You Want to Cut Weight? Ride the Bull

It is difficult to lose weight whenever we enjoy going out to the clubs on a regular
basis. As a matter of fact, drinking alcohol at these clubs can put weight on you
very quickly and make it almost impossible for you to take it off. Although a little
bit of alcohol is healthy for the most part, too much alcohol can slow your
metabolism down to a crawl and many mixed drinks contain more calories than a
value meal at McDonald's. If you enjoy this activity a little bit too much, you will
probably see your waistline growing as a result. There are some ways that you
can have the best of both worlds, however, but you need to take the bull by the

Although it may take a little bit of adjustment in the clubs that you frequent
regularly, it is possible for you to get in some great physical activity while you're
out with your friends. A good example of this is a mechanical bull. Although
these are relatively rare in today's club scene, there are still plenty of
establishments out there which have a bull sitting in the corner. This is a great
way for you to be able to lose weight and to get in shape, along with being one of
the most enjoyable things that you will ever do at a club.

The best thing for you to do whenever you are attempting to get in shape in this
way is to start out slow and build your way up. Although it may be tempting for
you to have them throw the bull into high gear right from the start, that can cause
a lot of injuries which will put additional weight on your midsection because of
inactivity. Start out slow and ignore your natural desire to want to impress the
crowds and to show how much of a man you are. Believe me, riding one of these
contraptions on a low-speed is going to be hard enough whenever you're starting

One other word of advice that I can give you is to make sure that
you skip the drinks while you are at the club. Perhaps you could
make yourself the permanent designated driver in this case. You
will still be able to enjoy time out with your friends but you will
be doing so, getting fit and then safely getting them home after
the evening is over.

Get out Your Bicycle for Fun and Exercise

There certainly are a lot of different ways that we can get exercise in order to lose
weight and a stay in shape.                              How many times have you
owned a gym membership                                   only to allow it to expire
without ever really taking                               advantage of it. Believe
me, you would be surprised                               with the number of people
who have done the exact                                  same thing, several times
over. The simple fact of the                             matter is that you don't
need to go to the gym in                                 order to get in shape and
to lose some weight. As a                                matter of fact, you
probably have something sitting in your garage that is perfect for helping you to
lose the weight that you desire.

How long has it been since you have had your bicycle out for a ride? You would
probably be surprised with exactly how effective bicycling is to bring your health
back into line. More than likely, you're going to have to pull your bike out of the
garage and take it to have it repaired, especially if it has been quite some time
since it has seen the light of day. Typically, making sure the tires and the brakes
work well will be enough for you to get started with this amazing activity.

You are going to need to make sure that you do not get uncomfortable whenever
you are out on a bike ride. After all, doing an activity that you are unfamiliar with
can make you sore in a number of different ways. This is especially the case when
it comes to bicycling and the parts of your body that are going to be used during
this activity. Usually, people end up enjoying riding their bikes so much that they
tend to forget that they are out of shape. This can cause problems so you need to
make sure that you work your way into the long bike rides gradually.

Don't ignore your body but make sure that you push yourself to a certain extent
so that you get the maximum amount of exercise as possible. The great part
about doing this activity is that many of us enjoy it so much that the time passes
quickly and we don't even realize that we are exercising. Don't let that fool you,
however, the exercise that you get while riding your bike will go a long way in
helping you to look better in the mirror.

Weightlifting without Lifting Weights

There's no doubt about it, one of the best exercises that you can do for yourself is
to hit the gym on a regular basis and the pump some iron. You don't need to be
totally ripped and move a house around every time you get down on the bench,
putting a little bit of effort into your weight lifting will benefit you in a number of
different ways. First of all, somebody that has a little bit of lean muscle mass is
going to look better, regardless of whether they are carrying extra weight around
or not. The muscle that you're building is also going to help you to lose weight.
Unfortunately, not all of us are inclined to get into the gym and do this regularly.
There is a way that you can lift weights effortlessly, however, and gain some of
the benefits as well.

Although it is never actually going to be effortless for you to lift weights, you can
incorporate it into your life in one way or another in order to make it as easy as
possible. There are several ways for you to be able to do this but the most
important thing is that you are conscious about the fact that you need to move
some weight around occasionally in order to reap the rewards.
Here are some exercises that you can do around your home
which will help you to be able to tone up and lose a little bit of
weight in the process. The best part about it is that these will
not take too much effort on your part and many of them are
something that you need to do anyway.

Toning your muscles is really just about lifting weight that is not
naturally carried around with your body. For example, carrying
grocery bags is something that we all do on a regular basis but many of us tend to
do as little bit of this work as possible. I make this a rule in my particular case,
any time I am carrying anything in my hand I either curl it or press it. I also use
forearm flexors whenever I am sitting around watching TV. Although you're not
going to get muscular by doing these few things, you would be surprised with how
much these little efforts add up over time.

A perfect example of how you could do this is by spending a day every week with
your family at the park. You don't have to do something that is extremely
extravagant in order to enjoy a day like this, just getting out of the sun and
playing a little while can add a lot of activity to your overall weekly exercise. If
your children are young, put them in the stroller and take a walk through the
park on a sunny afternoon. Your child will enjoy the time out in the air and you
will enjoy the time as well.

If your children are older or if you want to spend some time at the park with your
friends, some serious physical activity can ensue. Taking a frisbee and throwing
it around or perhaps getting together a quick game of football are excellent ways
for you to enjoy some physical activity without feeling like you are actually
exercising. After all, being sedentary is only enjoyable to a certain degree,
enjoying some time with friends at the park is something that you will enjoy every
time it is done.

Mountain Biking to Stay in Shape

It is difficult to find the time to exercise on a regular basis. There's no doubt
about it, exercise is something that we all need but it is also something that we
tend to let slide if our schedules get too busy. We may spend the time doing
something that we enjoy doing before we will spend the time sweating on the
treadmill or lifting weights. The easiest way for you to make sure that you're
getting exercise on a regular basis is to incorporate the two with each other. If
you choose an activity that you enjoy, one that requires some physical exertion on
your part, you would be surprised with how much you will benefit from the

As far as I'm concerned, one of the most enjoyable forms of recreation is
bicycling. This is one of those physical activities which seem to allow time to pass
so quickly that you don't realize that you're exercising in the process. Of all of the
different ways that you can bicycle, however, mountain biking is probably one
that will be the most interesting and give you
the most exercise. The good part about it is that
there are very few things that are necessary for
you to take up this hobby and you often have to
spend less than you would on a stationary bike.
Having the proper clothes, a bicycle and a helmet
are all that is really needed for you to get started.

Although in the traditional sense, mountain biking needs to be done in the
mountains, not all of us live in an area that provides this kind of environment.
Most communities will have an area that has hills where we can ride our
mountain bikes but it may be necessary for you to simply get out into the
wilderness or over to the park on a regular basis in order to ride your mountain
bike someplace other than on the street. This will help to keep things interesting
and that goes a long way in making sure that you stick with this activity.

Mountain biking is not only a great exercise; it is also one that very few of us
consider to be exercise at all. Simply getting out on your bicycle and enjoying the
world around you can make for quite an interesting day. Not only will you enjoy
the time, you will be more physically fit as a result of this hobby.

Stay Fit with Deep Breathing Exercises

Exercise does not necessarily always have to be about you being physically active.
There are several different forms of effortless exercise that you can use on a daily
basis which will help you to get physically fit, lose some weight and feel better
from the inside out. A good example of this is deep breathing exercises,
something that many of us never take advantage of. The fact of the matter is,
breath is life and if we take advantage of these effortless exercises, we can help to
enhance our life in a number of different ways. Not only will our breathing
improve on a regular basis, we may find that it helps our mind to relax as well.

                     Whenever we breathe, the air from the outside is pulled into
                     our lungs. It is then distributed throughout our body by our
                     bloodstream. You might be surprised to learn that the air is
                     taken directly into the bloodstream and then through the
                     heart before it is dispersed into the rest of the body. It is that
                     important for us to make sure that we have a constant supply
                     of oxygen because without the oxygen, our life would cease to
                     exist. Although we all breathe on a regular basis, making
                     sure that we breathe properly can go a long way in improving
                     our health.

How can you tell if you’re breathing properly? Whenever we breathe, our lungs
are filled with air but something else takes place if we are breathing in the right
way. Our diaphragm moves up and down as a result of our lungs being filled up
with their and in order to increase the capacity whenever we are breathing in.
This diaphragm also makes our stomach go in and out and if you do not see this
happening, you are not breathing deep enough. By doing deep breathing
exercises on a daily basis, you will be reprogramming yourself to breathe

There are several different deep breathing exercise routines that you can do.
Your best choice is to buy a DVD so that you can breathe along with the
individual while you are sitting in front of your television set. Eventually, you will
be able to practice these exercises no matter where you are but it certainly helps
to be able to do so at first in the privacy of your own home. Try this form of
effortless exercise for yourself for a month; you would be surprised with where it
will take you.

Got Exercise? Get Rest

When most of us think about exercise, we consider exerting ourselves to the point
where we are sweaty and tired. To be sure, exercising in this way is one of the
healthiest ways to be able to do so. It burns off calories quickly and helps us to
stay physically fit and healthy. The real problem with exercising in such a way is
that very few of us have the time that is needed to be able to do so on a regular
basis. Even though we may sneak into the gym from time to time, we need a form
of effortless exercise that is not going to sap all of our time away from us.

You might be surprised to learn that exercise is not all about the physical activity
that you are actually doing. As a matter of fact, much of the exercise that you are
doing is only going to work well if you do several things in conjunction with it.
For example, eating the right foods is going to feed your body the proper type of
nutrients in order for it to get the most out of your exercise. Believe it or not,
getting enough rest in between exercise is something that can also help you in a
number of different ways.

One of the problems that many of us have is that we are living stressful lives.
This can make it very difficult for us to lose weight and keep it off successfully. If
we are able to de-stress from time to time, that can do a lot to help us to remain
physically fit. A very similar thing happens whenever we do not get enough rest.
A lack of sleep can cause chemicals to be released in our bodies that will have very
much the same effect as being stressed out.

If we are doing certain types of exercises, it may be necessary for us to take
several days off in between. Some people like to lift weights and when they do so,
they tend to overdo it. If you're not giving your body adequate rest in between
exercise sessions, you may be hurting it rather than helping it. After all, breaking
our body down to exercise would require us to allow it to be built back up. The
only way for you to be able to do this is to rest and that is the easiest part of
exercise that exists.

                    Thank you for reading this report!
As a special thank you I have put together a list of my favorite sites
                    and most useful resources! Enjoy!

Bonus #1: The Diet Solution – Tips to Dieting and Weight Loss!

                   Sign Up Here and Receive "FREE Essential Truths About Your
                   Diet". Lose inches off your stomach every month by changing 3
                   things you eat.

                   Click Here For FREE Instant Access

Bonus #2: The Paleo Recipe Book

                   It is a simple recipe book helping you achieve what they term as
                   “optimal and vibrant” health by providing you with various meal
                   ideas based upon the ancient paleolithic diet….

                   Click Here For FREE Instant Access

Bonus #3: TweetAdder – Professional Twitter Marketing Software!
                   Instantly Transform Your Twitter Account Into A Traffic Monster &
                   Automatically Drive A Stampede Of Traffic To Your Wordpress

                   ... Full Automation for Set it and Forget it Performance, No Monthly
                   or Re-Occurring Fees and FREE unlimited Software Updates and

                    Click Here For FREE Instant Access

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Exercise Without Effort eBook

  • 2. Brought to you by the team at Weight Loss Bully
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Effortless Exercise Begins with Stretching ..................................................... 4 How Housework Keeps You in Shape............................................................... 4 Cleaning Your Home to Stay Fit.......................................................................... 5 Move Furniture for Fitness .................................................................................. 6 Playing Sports in Your Living Room ................................................................. 7 Don't Exercise - Take the Kids to the Park Instead ...................................... 7 A Fun Day at the Park Can Keep You Fit .......................................................... 8 Can a Trip to the Mall Keep You in Shape? ..................................................... 9 Window Shopping to Lose Weight ..................................................................... 9 How to Park Your Car for Fitness .................................................................... 10 Staying Fit with Friends ...................................................................................... 11 Effortless Walking for Fun and Exercise ....................................................... 12 Double up Your Workouts Effortlessly .......................................................... 13 Hiking Your Way Healthy ................................................................................... 14 Can You Walk to Work?....................................................................................... 14 Breathe Your Weight Trim ................................................................................. 15 Skip the Exercise by Skipping the Sugar ........................................................ 16 Getting Fit with the Glycemic Index ................................................................ 17 Effortlessly Boost Your Metabolism with Supplements ........................... 18 Do You Want to Cut Weight? Ride the Bull .................................................. 18 Get out Your Bicycle for Fun and Exercise ................................................... 19 Weightlifting without Lifting Weights ............................................................ 20 Mountain Biking to Stay in Shape .................................................................... 21 Stay Fit with Deep Breathing Exercises ......................................................... 22 Got Exercise? Get Rest ........................................................................................ 23
  • 4. Effortless Exercise Begins with Stretching I know that exercise has 8 letters in it but I have always considered it to be somewhat of a 4 letter word. The reason why this is the case is because exercise has always been something that is very inconvenient for me to do. I don't know about you but I have a life outside of the time that I spend in the gym. As a matter of fact, I rarely find my way over to the gym in the first place because I tend to keep myself a little bit too busy. That doesn't mean, however, that I don't like to stay in shape. The easiest way for you to stay in shape is to get a little bit of exercise that is somewhat effortless. Although it is still going to take a little bit of time, you can usually do these exercises in the privacy of your own home and on your own schedule. As a matter of fact, some of the effortless exercises that I do take me less time than it takes me to drive over to the gym in the first place. I am able to save a lot of time and in most cases I don't sweat to the extent where I need to get cleaned up after I am finished. The main way that I get this exercise in my life is through stretching. Have you ever seen how lean and fit a gymnast is? Although they may do a variety of different exercises and they certainly do get their cardiovascular workout in on a regular basis, a lot of their fitness comes as a direct result of stretching. They may spend hours every week stretching out every last muscle in their body in order to remain limber and to be able to do some of the acrobatics that they do. You can achieve the same results by stretching on a regular basis yourself. Even getting up every hour from the desk and stretching your neck and back will help you to stay fit. Having a regular regime of stretching is not only effortless, it feels great and it can go a long way in helping to lengthen your muscles and to make you look good as well. So the next time you think about hitting the gym, do a little bit of stretching instead. You will benefit as a result of what you are doing and you will not have to expend all of the effort in order to do it. How Housework Keeps You in Shape Whenever some of us hear the word exercise, we tend to run in the opposite direction. How many times have you had a gym membership and only ever showed up once or twice during the length of that membership? You would be surprised at how many people are in the same shoes as you are. Perhaps you enjoy exercising but simply do not have time to incorporate it into your daily regime. It may also be possible that you hate the effort that needs to be put forth in order to exercise effectively. The fact of the matter is, it is not necessary for you to hit the gym on a regular basis in order to get in shape. All you really need to do is keep your house clean.
  • 5. Housework is one of those hidden gems of exercise that is far too often overlooked. A lot of us tend to spend our time sitting on the couch watching TV whenever we have a few moments. If you get up and move around a little bit, even if you aren't exerting yourself enough to break a sweat, you are still going to see benefits from that effort. Keeping your house clean is an excellent way to burn some calories and to do so without having to formally go into an exercise routine. What are some of the best things that you can do around the home that will help you to get in shape? There are several different things that you can do while you are doing your housework which will keep you in shape. Things such as vacuuming, dusting and washing dishes all are able to help you to burn additional calories. Many of these things, however, are done while we are fairly sedentary so doing some deep cleaning is one of the best ways for you to realize benefits. The reason why this is the case is because whenever we are deep cleaning we are often lifting heavy boxes or perhaps bending and stooping in order to reach areas that are not usually touched. Doing housework on a regular basis not only helps you to burn calories while you're doing it, it also helps you to relax in your home. Remember, being able to relax and destress from time to time is an important part of staying in shape. This is how cleaning your house can help you in a number of different ways to exercise effortlessly. Cleaning Your Home to Stay Fit Exercise is just one of those things that many of us do not enjoy doing. Finding a way to exercise effortlessly and is probably something that we spend a lot of time considering, especially if we either don't have the time to do it or hate doing it. The fact of the matter is, there are plenty of things that we do on a daily basis which help us to get some exercise. Yes, having a regular exercise regime is a very important part of staying physically fit and trim but we should not overlook the possibilities of incorporating some of that exercise into our daily routine. One of the greatest ways for you to be able to do this is to make sure that you are getting plenty of physical activity whenever you're cleaning your home. Housecleaning is something that all of us have to do, whether we like it or not. Unfortunately, it is not something that we can put off the same way that we put off the exercise that we should be doing. If we do, our house is going to suffer as a result. Make sure that you are regularly cleaning your house but do so in a way that will help you to reap the most benefits as far as your health is concerned.
  • 6. Doing regular household chores, such as washing the dishes or vacuuming does burn some calories and is certainly a lot healthier for you than sitting in front of the television. In order for you to really get the most out of your house cleaning activity, you're going to have to make sure that your deep cleaning on occasion. Doing things such as cleaning out the closets, moving furniture around and cleaning out hard to reach places will certainly give you the most benefit for the work that you are doing. The simple fact that you are bending over, stooping down and standing up again will get your muscles working and begin burning calories. Although this certainly is not the most effortless exercise that is available, it is one that we need to do on a daily basis. Make sure that you are taking the time to clean your house regularly and do so in such a way that you will benefit from it. Not only will your house be clean and enjoyable to be in, you will feel better about yourself as a result. Move Furniture for Fitness Although there are a lot of different ways that we can exercise and get in shape, many of us do not enjoy going to the gym and exercising with people that we don't know. Not only that, we may have too much to do as far as our family responsibilities are concerned to really get to the gym on a regular basis. That doesn't mean, however, that you can't get physically fit even if you're not putting the effort into exercise. There are plenty of things that you can do around the home which will help you to get in shape and stay in shape for the rest of your life. Although it is not typically thought of as exercise, household chores can be something that we do which allows us to get some physical activity. All of us have daily chores that we need to take care of in order to make sure that our homes operate efficiently. Making sure that the dishes are washed, making the beds or vacuuming on occasion can give us a level of physical activity but it may not be enough for us to forego all of the exercise that we need. In order for us to do this, we may need to pick some household chores that are a bit out of the ordinary. A good example of this is moving furniture and rearranging our rooms. Although this is not something that is usually done on a daily basis, you would be surprised with the amount of exercise that you are actually getting by taking care of this. Not only that, many of us enjoy having a fresh look from time to time in our homes and this is really the easiest way for us to be able to accomplish it. Not only will you be moving furniture which is strenuous activity on its own, often you will be moving things on and off of the furniture which adds to the activity. Although there are plenty of things we can do in order to get exercise, if we are doing things such as moving our furniture regularly, it will help us to stay
  • 7. physically fit. It certainly is not effortless but the enjoyment that many people get out of having a fresh look to their rooms will make it seem as if it were not really work. Playing Sports in Your Living Room Wouldn't it be great if you could get out and play tennis or another sport on a regular basis? Although we may enjoy doing such things, getting out and doing them may be a difficult task. All that is now changing, however, because there are some ways that we can now get physically fit at home and it won't even seem like any effort at all. The best way for you to be able to do this is by using the Nintendo Wii, a game console that is not only a lot of fun to play, it can help you to stay in shape in a number of different ways. If you have never seen this particular game console in action, it is a very interesting thing to see. Instead of sitting on the couch and holding a controller in your hand, you are actually using a controller that has gyroscopes on the inside. You will have to mimic certain movements such as those used in bowling, tennis or golf in order to actually play the game on your television screen. Some of the games that come with the Nintendo are amazingly active and can help you lose weight while you are enjoying a fun activity. One of the newest games that has come out for the Nintendo Wii is the Wii play. This game is amazing for helping people lose weight because it offers a variety of different balance games, strength exercises, yoga and aerobics for you to do. The best part about this is that it is so much fun while you're doing it that it almost seems effortless. Somebody that I know who absolutely hates to exercise uses this game for an hour every day and is currently losing weight as a result. So the next time that somebody tells you that video games are ruining today's youth, think about the Nintendo Wii. Instead of spending your money on an expensive piece of exercise equipment that will end up not getting used, try the Nintendo instead. Not only will you spend less on it, you will tend to want to use it more often. It offers a family-friendly variety of games that help us to be active in our mind and body. As far as exercise equipment goes, it is one of the most effortless and enjoyable ones that has come along in quite some time. Don't Exercise - Take the Kids to the Park Instead
  • 8. If you have a family, you probably realize how difficult it can be to get to the gym on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, some of us have given up one hopes of ever being physically fit until our children are grown. Being a responsible parent surely does dictate your time to a certain extent, especially whenever you are not working. That doesn't mean, however, that we can allow our health to go sour as a result of not having the time to get to the gym. There are some ways that you can make sure that your stay in shape and get all of the family fun time in that you possibly can as well. If the weather is nice outside, you should make sure that you are taking your children to the park on a regular basis. If your children are young, walking around and enjoying some time outdoors can do a lot to make sure that you are staying healthy. Not only will the exercise do you good, some mild exposure to the sun also has health benefits that many people are unaware of. This is one of the best forms of exercise that you can get, not only because you are moving around but because your children are enjoying time with you. If your children are a little bit older, you may be able to enjoy some more strenuous activities at the park. How long has it been since you have been on a family bike ride together? This is an extremely enjoyable pastime that many families take part in. You could also take up a physical activity, such as running together. I know that my mother ran with my sisters and me for many years whenever we were all in school. We all enjoyed the health benefits of doing so, my mother included. The time together is still something that I enjoy thinking about today. You don't need to have a formal exercise regime in order to stay in shape. As long as you are eating properly, getting plenty of rest and doing family activities that involve more than video games and television shows, you would be surprised with how much your health will improve. Not only will your health improve as a result of these activities, it will strengthen your family bond and give your children something that they will remember throughout their life. A Fun Day at the Park Can Keep You Fit All of us enjoy some recreation from time to time but the type of recreation that we choose can differ from individual to individual. For some of us, recreation means getting out and doing something active but for others it may mean watching a movie or perhaps surfing the Internet. Unfortunately, all of us are dealing with a 24 hour day and it can be difficult for us to get adequate exercise unless we are taking advantage of every hour. Although it never hurts to sit around and do nothing on occasion, we need to make sure that we are getting some physical activity as well.
  • 9. Nobody said that you need to go into the gym and sweat for an hour every day in order to get adequate exercise. The fact of the matter is, we can add some physical activity into our lives on a regular basis without even putting much effort into it. In some cases, we may put a lot of effort into the activity that we are doing but we make it enjoyable enough that it is not recognized as being hard work. If you find yourself in a position where you simply don't have the time to exercise, take your recreation time and do something active with it. Can a Trip to the Mall Keep You in Shape? When most of us think about exercise, we think about going to the gym and sweating behind some piece of equipment that hundreds of other people have sweated behind before us. The thought of doing this is rather unsavory to most of us and to others it is simply a matter of being inconvenient. There are some ways that you can get out and lose a little bit of weight along with staying physically fit while you are doing things that you would normally do anyway. A good example of this is spending a day at the mall. How can shopping at the mall help you to exercise and stay in shape? One of the main reasons that it is able to help you stay in shape is because you will be moving around instead of sitting still. If we are not at the mall shopping whenever we have some free time we may end up just sitting on the couch and watching TV. At least when you're at the mall you will be walking around to a certain extent and stopping and starting. You will not be burning calories as if you were running a marathon but it certainly will go a long way in helping you to stay in shape. There are some things that you should look out for, however, so that you do not destroy any effort that you make in this regard. First of all, you need to make sure that you are not giving into the temptation of the bad food that is available in many of these locations. One meal at a restaurant can have enough calories that would completely blow any dieting that you have done for a couple of days. As a matter of fact, an appetizer, hamburger and onion rings along with the soda can have two days of equivalent of calories in it if it is bought at the wrong restaurant. That being said, there are some ways that you can increase your exercise while you are at the mall. Park your car a little bit further away so that you have to actually walk into the mall and make sure that you are taking the stairs, not the escalators. If you don't have an option but to take the escalators, make sure that you walk up and down them instead of just standing still. Remember, little things add up to a lot and the exercise that you get will pay off in the long run. Window Shopping to Lose Weight
  • 10. There are a couple of different things that you should keep in mind when you are concerned about the level of physical activity that you're getting. First of all, it is a very good idea for us to be exercising on a regular basis but that doesn't mean that all of us are going to take advantage of this knowledge. The fact of the matter is, getting physical activity can be done in a lot of different ways along with our regular workout routine. The best way for us to make sure that we are getting this activity on a regular basis is to incorporate it with something that we enjoy. Something that many of us find enjoyable is shopping. Although we may not consider this to be a physical activity, the fact of the matter is that we can actually expend a lot of energy whenever we are doing so. We don't even need to buy anything in order to burn these calories, some simple window shopping is all that is necessary for us to get fit if we do it on a regular basis. Walking around at the mall is something that we can do in a comfortable environment and the shopping that we are doing is something that makes it enjoyable. Often, we do not even consider this type of activity to be exercise at all. Something that you should watch out for, however, if you spend a lot of your time window shopping is eating improperly. There are very few things available for us to eat whenever we are out shopping that would actually be considered good for us. Make sure that you either eat ahead of time or that you do a lot of research in order to make sure that you're making wise food choices whenever you're eating out. Let me give you a hint, almost anything that you eat at a restaurant is going to be bad for you with very few exceptions. Window shopping may be great for the body but it might be rough on our wallet. This is an activity that can certainly help us to get in shape but it is not something that we should undertake on a regular basis if we have a difficulty saying no. Make sure that you are not damaging yourself financially in an effort to help yourself physically. How to Park Your Car for Fitness Very few of us have the time anymore to exercise on a regular basis. Although we may go to the gym from time to time, many of us are looking for a way that we can incorporate exercise into our everyday activities. This is certainly possible but it is going to take an effort on your part to a certain extent. Although it may not seem much like exercise, any activity that you do is considered exercise, whether you are going to do it regularly or not. A good example of this is choosing how to park your car properly.
  • 11. A car is certainly one of the more convenient things that we own. Because of the rising price of gas, it has also become one of the more expensive things that we own. Many of us have stopped driving whenever it is unnecessary in order to save money on gas. Did you realize that this can not only save you money but it may actually help you to get in shape? After all, if you live close enough to the places where you work and shop, you may be able to leave your car sit in the driveway and walk to wherever you're going. One thing that you don't want to do is to take off on a very long walk if you are not up to the challenge. For example, if you live 10 miles away from work you should not attempt to walk to and from work on a daily basis if you have never walked before. That doesn't mean that you cannot get some exercise in, in the meantime. Instead of walking to work, why not get your bicycle out and ride your bike to work on a daily basis? Bike riding is an enjoyable pastime, you will get there relatively quickly along with getting plenty of exercise in the process. You may also make smarter choices when it comes to parking your car when you do go out. Instead of driving around for a few minutes looking for the spot that is closest to the store, park as far out in the parking lot as possible and walk there. It may not seem like much but it is not necessary for you to do all of your walking at one time for it to benefit you. Take 12 five-minute walks during the week and you will have an hour under your belt. It is really that simple. Staying Fit with Friends Did you ever wonder what makes people become dedicated to going to the gym on a regular basis? I have to admit, I still wonder the same thing myself. At times, I would rather have somebody punch me in the face than to get up and go to the gym by myself. Even though there may be a familiar face or two that is in the gym whenever you're there, more than likely you're going to be around people that you don't know and don't really care to be around. Not only that, you will probably be sweating profusely and it's not like you're in the mood while you're there to make casual conversation. If you want to go to the gym on a regular basis but don't want to put in the effort to do so in a strange environment, perhaps you need to make the environment more familiar. One of the best ways for you to get in shape and stay in shape is to
  • 12. make the effort with friends or family. As long as your schedule permits it, it is a relatively easy thing to do for you to end up at the gym at the same time and to enjoy a workout together. As a matter of fact, many of us that have done this end up enjoying our workouts so much that we don't even realize that were exercising at all. Another reason why staying fit with friends is a good idea is because, it helps you to stay motivated. A lack of motivation is one of the main reasons why many of us give up exercising in the first place. We may get motivated because of something that we see on TV or perhaps reading a book about being fit but when it comes down to actually doing the exercise, we tend to sputter and fail. If you have a commitment to go to the gym with somebody else, however, you will rarely ever back out of that commitment. Bringing somebody to the gym with you can add something to your workout that just was not there before. You are able to give each other encouragement, spot each other when necessary and talk about your progress. If you really want to make your workouts as effortless as possible, this is probably one of the better ways to do so. Stay fit with a friend and both of you will be better off for the effort. Effortless Walking for Fun and Exercise If you have the ability to walk, you have the ability to stay in shape. Believe it or not, walking is one of the most effortless exercises that is available outside of a few others which tend to be rather boring. The great part about this exercise is that almost anybody is able to take part in it and you can do so without spending any money on expensive exercise equipment. Of course, there are a lot of different ways that you can actually get this exercise in. Let's take a look at a few of the most convenient in order to make this exercise as effortless as possible. Some of us only enjoyed walking whenever we are able to get out in the great outdoors and go someplace. As a matter of fact, some of us may end up in the woods on the weekends in order to do some hiking. Although this is great exercise, it is not something that is convenient for every one of us to do. It is also very time consuming for us to get out and walk for a couple of miles every day. That is especially true if your time tends to be gobbled up by family responsibilities and a heavy workload. You can still get out and do your walking if you are able to double up your activities in some way or another. For example,
  • 13. if you like to read you may enjoy listening to some audio books whenever you're walking. It's a good way to enjoy two activities at once. Of course, you don't need to really leave the house in order to enjoy a walk. If you have a treadmill, park it right in front of the television set and get up off of the couch whenever your shows start to come on. Walking for an hour whenever you're watching television is one of the most effortless forms of exercise that you're going to do. Often, we become so engrossed in what we are watching that we don't realize that we are exercising at all. Walking is not only one of the most convenient exercises that can be done; it is also one of the most effective. If you can somehow find the time to put in a half hour every day in the mornings and a half hour in the evenings, your health will be drastically changed in a months time. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose but some fat. Double up Your Workouts Effortlessly How frustrating is it to you to step on a treadmill and walk without actually going anywhere? Have you ever seen somebody that is constantly on a treadmill? They are really in shape, more than likely, and they seem to enjoy being there. I don't know about you but I find it extremely boring to do exercises such as this. I would much rather get out in the fresh air in order to do my walking than to end up spending all of my time making a belt go around in a circle. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do either. If you find yourself in a situation where you want to get physically fit but you do not think you have the time to do so, you may have to double up some activities in order to achieve your goal. Putting effort into exercise is something that is almost always necessary but that doesn't mean that we need to be inconvenienced as a result of the exercise that we are doing. If you have time to sit and watch TV on a daily basis, you have time to make sure that you are getting in your exercise so that your health can improve. The real trick is making sure that you are able to do both without giving up one or the other. One of the easiest ways for you to be able to do this is by putting a treadmill or stationary bike in your TV room. All you really need to do is get up from the couch and go over to do a little bit of exercise while you're watching TV. After all, riding an exercise bike or walking on a treadmill is not going to hurt your ability to watch TV at all. The only thing that you may need to do is adjust the volume to a certain extent and you don't even need to walk over to the TV to do that. Another thing that you can do is to get a mini trampoline in order to do rebounding exercises. This is an almost effortless way of exercising because all
  • 14. you really need to do is bounce up and down on the trampoline for about 10 to 15 minutes every day. This helps to realign your organs and to burn additional calories while you are doing something that is actually pretty fun to do. Hiking Your Way Healthy It is not always necessary for you to do boring exercises in order to stay fit. As a matter of fact, most of us will not be able to stick with something that we do not enjoy long enough to see long term benefits. I know that for myself, I really hate walking on a treadmill and I find it to be one of life's most boring activities. Although I have walked on a treadmill from time to time in order to stay in shape, doing so on a long-term basis is something that simply is not going to happen. The funny thing about it is that I do enjoy walking but while doing so, I like to go someplace. One of the most interesting and enjoyable activities that you can do is to take up hiking. This is more than simply walking around the block or perhaps strolling through the mall, it is a strenuous exercise that you would need to build up to in order to be efficient at it. Although it is not effortless, you would be surprised with how enjoyable it is and how quickly the time passes as you are doing it. I don't consider hiking to be exercise at all, I consider it to be a hobby that I am dedicated to and will continue to do as long as my legs allow me to do so. What would happen if you were not someplace that was conducive to hiking? Not all of us live in a mountainous area that would allow us to get in a good hike without having to travel too far to get to the location. Believe it or not, most communities have an area that would suffice for such an activity. You would probably be surprised to find out that one is right in your backyard, even if it isn't exactly what you are looking for. As long as you're getting out in nature and walking around enjoying the things that are nearby, this is exercise and it is hiking. You might enjoy hiking so much that you decide to make a trip out of it. Many individuals end up going away in order to hike someplace special. You can't imagine how many calories you will be burning and how physically fit you will be as a result of this activity. Take the time to do it on a regular basis and you will love the way you look. Can You Walk to Work?
  • 15. There's no doubt about it, walking is one of the best exercises that you can possibly do for your health. Not only can it help you to keep trim, it can keep your metabolism running strong which can aid you in any weight-loss efforts that you happen to be undertaking. The difficult part about walking is the fact that you are going to have to spend a lot of time doing so. Although it certainly would help if you're able to walk for 10 minutes a day, making sure that you walk a couple of miles every day are going to have a major impact on your health. The good news about this is that it is not necessary for you to walk the entire 2 miles every day at one time. Exercise is not something that needs to be done without stopping although it does help in some ways to be able to do so. The fact of matter is, just as you can save up $100 by putting one dollar at a time into your piggy bank, you can do 2 miles worth of walking every day by doing it in short spurts. What is the best way for you to be able to do this? What you actually need to do is to evaluate your circumstances to see if there is anything that you can do which will be able to incorporate walking into it. A good example of this is if you live close enough to where you work that you would be able to walk to it on a daily basis. Often, this is not practical unless you live within a mile or two of your office. You would probably be surprised to find out that after you walk for a little while, you would get your speed up enough where you would be able to do this within a half-hour. Many people commute a half hour to work and they do so without getting exercise at all. If you live further away from your office than you can walk, you might want to consider riding your bike. A 5 mile bike ride to and from work would do wonders for your health if you do this several times per week. If you are able to walk for 10 minutes here and there during the day, you would be able to get enough exercise that you could substantially impact your overall health without too much effort. Breathe Your Weight Trim What if I told you that it would not be necessary for you to go to the gym or to exercise at all in order for you to remain healthy? Although it certainly is a good idea for you to exercise to a certain extent, you may be able to receive some of the same benefits without effort by just breathing in the proper way. After all, the breath that we have is a large part of what makes up our life and if we are breathing improperly we may be hurting our health. Let's take a look at some deep breathing exercises and what they can do for us. One of the problems that many of us tend to have is that we are shallow breathers. Do this test for yourself to see how good your breathing is but you're going to have to do so whenever you are not really paying attention to it. Whenever you are breathing properly, you are doing more than just filling your
  • 16. lungs with air. Your diaphragm is also moving, allowing your lungs to expand to capacity. Whenever your diaphragm moves up and down as a result of your breathing, your stomach will go in and out. Check this and see for yourself. You may need to ask somebody else to watch you breathe whenever you are not thinking about it to see if you're actually breathing deeply or not. Whenever we breathe, we bring oxygen into our lungs and it is picked up by the blood and carried directly into the heart. This oxygen is what helps to feed and fuel our body in a lot of different ways. If we are oxygen deprived, our body will not be functioning properly and we will have a difficult time staying in shape. By concentrating on our breathing and the learning how to breathe properly all of the time, your health will be corrected and improved. How can this be done? One of the easiest ways to make sure that you are breathing properly is to take a little bit of time every day to do some deep breathing exercises. Not only will this help to retrain us but it will also bring a lot of oxygen into our body, something that will boost our metabolism. By doing this on a regular basis and teaching yourself how to breathe whenever you're not doing the exercises, you will be helping yourself to be healthy in mind and body. Skip the Exercise by Skipping the Sugar I don't know about you but I really hate to exercise on a regular basis. That doesn't mean that I am anti-exercise, it simply means that I find the effort that is needed to really get physically fit is usually very inconvenient at best. I work a lot in order to be able to support my family and taking the time to exercise regularly is not necessarily something that I can do. Believe it or not, I am actually in the best shape of my life and it doesn't have anything to do with exercising at all. If you make smart choices along the way, you can get physically fit and stay healthy, even without an official exercise regime. One of the easiest ways to do so is to totally cut sugar out of your life. Although this is impractical to a certain extent, you cannot imagine the benefits that you can get by doing so. The easiest way for you to be able to do this is to eat according to the glycemic index. This is a list of carbohydrate foods that are arranged according to how quickly the sugars that are contained within them are dumped into our bloodstream. As long as you are eating foods that are on the low end of the glycemic index, you will be able to eat about as much as you possibly want. You will stay full in the process and you will not have the highs and lows that are experienced whenever you eat sugar. Along with making sure that you are eating the low on the glycemic index, you should be eating a protein and a legume at every meal. Vegetables are notoriously low in calories and in order for us to keep our metabolism running
  • 17. strong, we need to eat calories. The protein will help you to maintain your muscle mass, even if you are losing weight and the legumes will make up for any calories that are lost as a result of you eating a lot of vegetables. Of course, it always helps to do a little bit of exercise along with eating the proper way. You don't need to hit the gym on a regular basis in order to experience these benefits. Just make sure that you're moving around and try to stay as active as possible in your everyday life. The benefits of doing so will be evident whenever you look in the mirror. Getting Fit with the Glycemic Index Getting some exercise in can be quite a challenge considering the fact that many of us have an extremely busy schedule. Not only that, most of us don't really like exercise in the first place which can make it difficult to stay motivated at the gym. We all realize that getting some exercise is one of the best ways for us to stay trim and healthy. That doesn't mean, however, that it is the only way for us to do so. If you get a moderate amount of exercise throughout the week naturally, you may be able to get fit simply by eating in the proper way. One problem that many people run into when it comes to eating properly is that they follow to many different programs. Although it is a good idea to have a program in mind whenever you start eating for health, being too drastic or jumping from program to program is not going to help you at all. Another thing that many people tend to do whenever they diet is to cut something out of their diet which the body needs. It is difficult to estimate how many people have damaged their metabolisms as a result of yo-yo dieting through low carbohydrate or low-fat eating. If you really want to stay fit, it is difficult to beat the benefits that you receive from eating a low glycemic diet. The way that you would do this is actually fairly simple to understand. The glycemic index is a list of foods that are arranged according to how quickly the sugar that is in them is released into our system. The higher on the list the food resides, the faster the sugar is going to be dumped. This can cause our pancreas to overload us with insulin, something that is going to end up storing fat on your body. By eating a healthy diet that includes five to six small meals on a daily basis, you can really get your metabolism running at top speed. Make sure that you include a protein, legume and plenty of low glycemic vegetables at every meal, preferably raw. If you eat like this for two weeks you will be able to see the difference in your clothing and whenever you stand on the scale. It is an easy way to get fit without doing exercise.
  • 18. Effortlessly Boost Your Metabolism with Supplements Our body is an amazing piece of natural equipment. Most of the time, we are not even aware of the fact that our body is running and doing as many tasks as it is at one time. It is certainly something that we take for granted all too often in our lives. If our health starts to go downhill, however, our body may be on our mind on a constant basis. It is a much better idea to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves regularly before something goes wrong than to try and correct it once it does. Staying fit and making sure that you're not carrying around too much weight is a very important thing to many people. Unfortunately, it is also something that is very difficult to achieve in the busy lives that most people follow. That doesn't mean that it is something that is impossible for us to do. For example, we can make sure that we are helping our body along to the greatest extent possible by keeping our metabolism running at optimal levels. This can either be done by eating properly, getting exercise or taking supplements. Any one of these will work or you can try a combination of two or more. Taking supplements to boost your metabolism is a relatively easy thing to do. There are plenty of supplements out there which help to fire up our metabolism and to keep it running well for us throughout the day. The main thing is that you choose something which is all natural so that you do not end up damaging this vital part of your body in the process. Taking man-made chemicals in order to alter the way that our body functions is simply a bad idea from the start. Although there are a lot of different supplements which can increase our metabolism, one of the safest and most effective as green tea. You can either take this in its natural form by brewing it as a tea or get it concentrated in the form of a pill. Green tea has several natural ingredients which can keep our metabolism running smoothly as well as some which work as an antioxidant. Make sure that you take this natural supplement on a regular basis and you will see results come your way within a short period of time. Do You Want to Cut Weight? Ride the Bull It is difficult to lose weight whenever we enjoy going out to the clubs on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, drinking alcohol at these clubs can put weight on you very quickly and make it almost impossible for you to take it off. Although a little bit of alcohol is healthy for the most part, too much alcohol can slow your metabolism down to a crawl and many mixed drinks contain more calories than a value meal at McDonald's. If you enjoy this activity a little bit too much, you will probably see your waistline growing as a result. There are some ways that you
  • 19. can have the best of both worlds, however, but you need to take the bull by the horns. Although it may take a little bit of adjustment in the clubs that you frequent regularly, it is possible for you to get in some great physical activity while you're out with your friends. A good example of this is a mechanical bull. Although these are relatively rare in today's club scene, there are still plenty of establishments out there which have a bull sitting in the corner. This is a great way for you to be able to lose weight and to get in shape, along with being one of the most enjoyable things that you will ever do at a club. The best thing for you to do whenever you are attempting to get in shape in this way is to start out slow and build your way up. Although it may be tempting for you to have them throw the bull into high gear right from the start, that can cause a lot of injuries which will put additional weight on your midsection because of inactivity. Start out slow and ignore your natural desire to want to impress the crowds and to show how much of a man you are. Believe me, riding one of these contraptions on a low-speed is going to be hard enough whenever you're starting out. One other word of advice that I can give you is to make sure that you skip the drinks while you are at the club. Perhaps you could make yourself the permanent designated driver in this case. You will still be able to enjoy time out with your friends but you will be doing so, getting fit and then safely getting them home after the evening is over. Get out Your Bicycle for Fun and Exercise There certainly are a lot of different ways that we can get exercise in order to lose weight and a stay in shape. How many times have you owned a gym membership only to allow it to expire without ever really taking advantage of it. Believe me, you would be surprised with the number of people who have done the exact same thing, several times over. The simple fact of the matter is that you don't need to go to the gym in order to get in shape and to lose some weight. As a matter of fact, you probably have something sitting in your garage that is perfect for helping you to lose the weight that you desire. How long has it been since you have had your bicycle out for a ride? You would probably be surprised with exactly how effective bicycling is to bring your health back into line. More than likely, you're going to have to pull your bike out of the garage and take it to have it repaired, especially if it has been quite some time
  • 20. since it has seen the light of day. Typically, making sure the tires and the brakes work well will be enough for you to get started with this amazing activity. You are going to need to make sure that you do not get uncomfortable whenever you are out on a bike ride. After all, doing an activity that you are unfamiliar with can make you sore in a number of different ways. This is especially the case when it comes to bicycling and the parts of your body that are going to be used during this activity. Usually, people end up enjoying riding their bikes so much that they tend to forget that they are out of shape. This can cause problems so you need to make sure that you work your way into the long bike rides gradually. Don't ignore your body but make sure that you push yourself to a certain extent so that you get the maximum amount of exercise as possible. The great part about doing this activity is that many of us enjoy it so much that the time passes quickly and we don't even realize that we are exercising. Don't let that fool you, however, the exercise that you get while riding your bike will go a long way in helping you to look better in the mirror. Weightlifting without Lifting Weights There's no doubt about it, one of the best exercises that you can do for yourself is to hit the gym on a regular basis and the pump some iron. You don't need to be totally ripped and move a house around every time you get down on the bench, putting a little bit of effort into your weight lifting will benefit you in a number of different ways. First of all, somebody that has a little bit of lean muscle mass is going to look better, regardless of whether they are carrying extra weight around or not. The muscle that you're building is also going to help you to lose weight. Unfortunately, not all of us are inclined to get into the gym and do this regularly. There is a way that you can lift weights effortlessly, however, and gain some of the benefits as well. Although it is never actually going to be effortless for you to lift weights, you can incorporate it into your life in one way or another in order to make it as easy as possible. There are several ways for you to be able to do this but the most important thing is that you are conscious about the fact that you need to move some weight around occasionally in order to reap the rewards. Here are some exercises that you can do around your home which will help you to be able to tone up and lose a little bit of weight in the process. The best part about it is that these will not take too much effort on your part and many of them are something that you need to do anyway. Toning your muscles is really just about lifting weight that is not naturally carried around with your body. For example, carrying grocery bags is something that we all do on a regular basis but many of us tend to do as little bit of this work as possible. I make this a rule in my particular case,
  • 21. any time I am carrying anything in my hand I either curl it or press it. I also use forearm flexors whenever I am sitting around watching TV. Although you're not going to get muscular by doing these few things, you would be surprised with how much these little efforts add up over time. A perfect example of how you could do this is by spending a day every week with your family at the park. You don't have to do something that is extremely extravagant in order to enjoy a day like this, just getting out of the sun and playing a little while can add a lot of activity to your overall weekly exercise. If your children are young, put them in the stroller and take a walk through the park on a sunny afternoon. Your child will enjoy the time out in the air and you will enjoy the time as well. If your children are older or if you want to spend some time at the park with your friends, some serious physical activity can ensue. Taking a frisbee and throwing it around or perhaps getting together a quick game of football are excellent ways for you to enjoy some physical activity without feeling like you are actually exercising. After all, being sedentary is only enjoyable to a certain degree, enjoying some time with friends at the park is something that you will enjoy every time it is done. Mountain Biking to Stay in Shape It is difficult to find the time to exercise on a regular basis. There's no doubt about it, exercise is something that we all need but it is also something that we tend to let slide if our schedules get too busy. We may spend the time doing something that we enjoy doing before we will spend the time sweating on the treadmill or lifting weights. The easiest way for you to make sure that you're getting exercise on a regular basis is to incorporate the two with each other. If you choose an activity that you enjoy, one that requires some physical exertion on your part, you would be surprised with how much you will benefit from the combination. As far as I'm concerned, one of the most enjoyable forms of recreation is bicycling. This is one of those physical activities which seem to allow time to pass so quickly that you don't realize that you're exercising in the process. Of all of the different ways that you can bicycle, however, mountain biking is probably one that will be the most interesting and give you the most exercise. The good part about it is that there are very few things that are necessary for you to take up this hobby and you often have to spend less than you would on a stationary bike. Having the proper clothes, a bicycle and a helmet are all that is really needed for you to get started. Although in the traditional sense, mountain biking needs to be done in the mountains, not all of us live in an area that provides this kind of environment.
  • 22. Most communities will have an area that has hills where we can ride our mountain bikes but it may be necessary for you to simply get out into the wilderness or over to the park on a regular basis in order to ride your mountain bike someplace other than on the street. This will help to keep things interesting and that goes a long way in making sure that you stick with this activity. Mountain biking is not only a great exercise; it is also one that very few of us consider to be exercise at all. Simply getting out on your bicycle and enjoying the world around you can make for quite an interesting day. Not only will you enjoy the time, you will be more physically fit as a result of this hobby. Stay Fit with Deep Breathing Exercises Exercise does not necessarily always have to be about you being physically active. There are several different forms of effortless exercise that you can use on a daily basis which will help you to get physically fit, lose some weight and feel better from the inside out. A good example of this is deep breathing exercises, something that many of us never take advantage of. The fact of the matter is, breath is life and if we take advantage of these effortless exercises, we can help to enhance our life in a number of different ways. Not only will our breathing improve on a regular basis, we may find that it helps our mind to relax as well. Whenever we breathe, the air from the outside is pulled into our lungs. It is then distributed throughout our body by our bloodstream. You might be surprised to learn that the air is taken directly into the bloodstream and then through the heart before it is dispersed into the rest of the body. It is that important for us to make sure that we have a constant supply of oxygen because without the oxygen, our life would cease to exist. Although we all breathe on a regular basis, making sure that we breathe properly can go a long way in improving our health. How can you tell if you’re breathing properly? Whenever we breathe, our lungs are filled with air but something else takes place if we are breathing in the right way. Our diaphragm moves up and down as a result of our lungs being filled up with their and in order to increase the capacity whenever we are breathing in. This diaphragm also makes our stomach go in and out and if you do not see this happening, you are not breathing deep enough. By doing deep breathing exercises on a daily basis, you will be reprogramming yourself to breathe properly. There are several different deep breathing exercise routines that you can do. Your best choice is to buy a DVD so that you can breathe along with the individual while you are sitting in front of your television set. Eventually, you will be able to practice these exercises no matter where you are but it certainly helps to be able to do so at first in the privacy of your own home. Try this form of
  • 23. effortless exercise for yourself for a month; you would be surprised with where it will take you. Got Exercise? Get Rest When most of us think about exercise, we consider exerting ourselves to the point where we are sweaty and tired. To be sure, exercising in this way is one of the healthiest ways to be able to do so. It burns off calories quickly and helps us to stay physically fit and healthy. The real problem with exercising in such a way is that very few of us have the time that is needed to be able to do so on a regular basis. Even though we may sneak into the gym from time to time, we need a form of effortless exercise that is not going to sap all of our time away from us. You might be surprised to learn that exercise is not all about the physical activity that you are actually doing. As a matter of fact, much of the exercise that you are doing is only going to work well if you do several things in conjunction with it. For example, eating the right foods is going to feed your body the proper type of nutrients in order for it to get the most out of your exercise. Believe it or not, getting enough rest in between exercise is something that can also help you in a number of different ways. One of the problems that many of us have is that we are living stressful lives. This can make it very difficult for us to lose weight and keep it off successfully. If we are able to de-stress from time to time, that can do a lot to help us to remain physically fit. A very similar thing happens whenever we do not get enough rest. A lack of sleep can cause chemicals to be released in our bodies that will have very much the same effect as being stressed out. If we are doing certain types of exercises, it may be necessary for us to take several days off in between. Some people like to lift weights and when they do so, they tend to overdo it. If you're not giving your body adequate rest in between exercise sessions, you may be hurting it rather than helping it. After all, breaking our body down to exercise would require us to allow it to be built back up. The only way for you to be able to do this is to rest and that is the easiest part of exercise that exists. Thank you for reading this report!
  • 24. As a special thank you I have put together a list of my favorite sites and most useful resources! Enjoy! Bonus #1: The Diet Solution – Tips to Dieting and Weight Loss! Sign Up Here and Receive "FREE Essential Truths About Your Diet". Lose inches off your stomach every month by changing 3 things you eat. Click Here For FREE Instant Access Bonus #2: The Paleo Recipe Book It is a simple recipe book helping you achieve what they term as “optimal and vibrant” health by providing you with various meal ideas based upon the ancient paleolithic diet…. Click Here For FREE Instant Access Bonus #3: TweetAdder – Professional Twitter Marketing Software! Instantly Transform Your Twitter Account Into A Traffic Monster & Automatically Drive A Stampede Of Traffic To Your Wordpress Blog! ... Full Automation for Set it and Forget it Performance, No Monthly or Re-Occurring Fees and FREE unlimited Software Updates and Support! Click Here For FREE Instant Access