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Executive Summary

“The Basque Case offers a model for 21st Century development, a merger of
Keynesian and Schumpeterian approaches; enhanced social change and
- Diogo Vasconcelos, Founding Chair of the Social Innovation Exchange

“This fascinating Basque case study demonstrates the power of a holistic approach
to development, one that simultaneously and creatively engages with economic,
social, political, environmental and cultural elements and the potential for them to
be aligned to faciltate self-reinforcing positive change.”
- Dr. Jacqueline Klopp, Columbia University

Dr Ibarretxe!s report comes at a critical moment, offering an alternative model
based on a record of success when other experiments have not been as
- Dr. Kenneth Melchin, St. Paul University

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$%-! M#&$-(! N3$&)#'O! P+,3#! Q-1-4)/,-#$! "#(-76! (-'/&$-! )1-0! $%&0$>! >-30'! )2!

The Basque Case
!         !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&#
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                   Economic Strategy
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!         !!!!!!!!!5/.%#*#3!$&!6&78/$/
!         !!!!!!!!!5/.%#*#3!$&!6&78/$/!*#!6&&8/%.$*&#
!         !!!!!!!!!5/.%#*#3!$&!"##&9.$/!*#!6&&8/%.$*&#

                   Social Cohesion Strategy
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!         !!!!!!!!!;/.<$-!.#'!,&)*.<!6.%/
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!         !!!!!!!!!=/#'/%!:>(.<*$?
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                   Environmental Strategy
!         !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&#
!         !!!!!!!!!B/'*(7C$/%7!,$%.$/3*)!D<.##*#3E!FGGF!C!FGFG
!         !!!!!!!!!H*3-$!+3.*#1$!6<*7.$/!6-.#3/
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                 Keys to Success
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                 A Road Map for New Governance
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The Technology Park of Zamudio

Society for Industrial Promotion and Reconversion<! 2)! ()0#(#4#(*)!

The Plan for Exceptional Relaunching<!#*!;:*6*#%!#$%!8%>%9*;6%)#!*+!06299!

Euskadi Europa<!#*!;:%;2:%!#$%!5*4)#:7!+*:!()#%':2#(*)!()#*!#$%!I4:*;%2)!J)(*)?!

!        B$%! 12034%! ;2:28('6! *+! #$%! ,-./0! =20! *)%! *+! :%5*)>%:0(*)! 2)8!

         !"#$%&#'(()*#+&,-+.#-,#$%&#/0-"-.10#23+&&.&"$ #5&$6&&"#$%&#78*9:&#
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!        "#)$$! '&*+'+2+'-&*! #0($! +0=$&! <$0R$)*#';! )-<$*! '&! +#$! &$G! *+)0+$?,! +-!

Basque Science, Technology and Innovation BoardT! +#$! #'?#$*+! @-R,! -.!

Ikerbasque                                                                        !

'&! +#$! /0*12$! 3-2&+),! '&! 0<<! 0)$0*P! G'+#! +#$! 0'>! -.! .-*+$)'&?! $&+)$;)$&$2)'0<!

!         V&&-(0+'-&! '*! &-+! *$$&! 0*! <'>'+$R! +-! +#$! G-)<R! -.! @2*'&$**P! 0&R!
$&A-2)0?$R! +#)-2?#-2+! *-A'$+,P! )$0A#'&?! A2<+2)$P! 0)+'*+'A! 0&R! A)$0+'($!


!         V&! +#$! /0*12$! 3-2&+),! '&&-(0+'-&! #0*! @$A->$! +#$! >-+'(0+'-&! .-)! 0&!

!"&-"&!#"%+' %"/' 0*#=*-((!$-' /-$-+#0.-"&' #,' !&(' 38.%"' )%0!&%+6' ' 73-*-,#*-1' &#'

'         73-'%!.'#,'%'(#)!%+')#3-(!#"'(&*%&-=4'!('&#'-"(8*-'&3-'!"/!$!/8%+'*!=3&'
&3%&' !"$!&-' )3*#"!)' (!&8%&!#"(' #,' (#)!%+' .%*=!"%+!(%&!#"1' &3-' :%(;8-' <#8"&*4'
&3!(' (&*%&-=4' 3%(' 2--"' ,#)8(-/' 24' ;8%+!&4' #,' -.0+#4.-"&' %"/' -/8)%&!#"1'

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0*-/!)%.-"&' #,' )#8"&*!-(' &3%&' !="#*-/' <#",8)!8(D' %/$!)-1' E53-"' 0*#(0-*!&4'

'        G!"%++41' &3-' )#..!&.-"&' &#' %' /4"%.!)' %"/' =-"-*%&!$-' )#")-0&!#"'
#,' )8+&8*-' 3%(' 5!&3#8&' %' /#82&' 2--"' 2-3!"/' &3-' +-$-+' #,' (#)!#C-)#"#.!)'
/-$-+#0.-"&'&3%&'&3-':%(;8-'<#8"&*4'3%('*-%)3-/'!"'&3-'+%(&'&3*--'/-)%/-(6'      '
<8+&8*-' )#"&*!28&-(' &#' !"/!$!/8%+' -"*!)3.-"&1' %"/' -")#8*%=-(' !""#$%&!$-'

#&3-*(1' 28&' )#-?!(&!"=1' ,*!-"/+41' 5-+)#.!"=1' -"*!)3-/' 24' #&3-*' !/-"&!&!-(' %"/'

!        "#$$%&$'(&! &#! )! $#*'+! #,! *'-'+#.$'(&! /)0'*! #(! %((#-)&%#(! )(*!
*%,,'1'(&%)&%#(! 1'23%1'0! &4'! %(&'(0%-'! 30'! )(*! 3.*)&%(5! #,! $)&'1%)+! )(*!
43$)(! 1'0#316'07! 84'! 9)023'! "#3(&1:! 4)0! $)*'! &4'! 23)+%&:! #,! 6#$.3+0#1:!
'*36)&%#(;! #663.)&%#()+! )(*! 3(%-'10%&:! &1)%(%(5! )! .1%#1%&:<! 0#! )0! &#! .1#*36'!

!      A31%(5! &4'! ')1+:! ?BBB0! &4'! ,#++#=%(5! .1%(6%.+'0! ='1'! '0&)/+%04'*! &#!

A school for everyone! D! &4'! 6#(6'.&! #,! )(! %(6+30%-'! '*36)&%#(! .1#6'00!
)&&'(&%-'! &#! &4'! (''*0! #,! 0&3*'(&0! &4)&! '$/1)6'0! &4'%1! 63+&31)+! )(*! 0#6%)+!

A better school!D!%(-'0&$'(&!%(!&4'!+')*'104%.!)(*!$)()5'$'(&!#,!'*36)&%#(!

A school for the 21st century!D!&4'!%(&'51)&%#(!#,!$3+&%F+%(53)+%0$;!%(,#1$)&%#(!


!       >(!@GGH@G!)(*!?BBI?B!&4'!9)023'!"#3(&1:!+)3(64'*!.+)(0!&#!/1')J!&4'!
6#(6'.&!#,!&'1$%()+!'*36)&%#(!,#++#='*!/:!)!0'.)1)&'!.1#6'00!#,!'$.+#:$'(&7!  !

!!!!!!  >(! @GGK?@! )(*! ?BBI??;! &4'! 9)023'! L#-'1($'(&! .)00'*! +'5%0+)&%#(!
&#! .1#$#&'! 23)+%&:! %(! 4%54'1! '*36)&%#(;! )(*! '0&)/+%04! )! 0&1)&'5%6! .1#6'00!

!!!!!!  8#! '()/+'! )! *:()$%6;! '*36)&'*! .#.3+)&%#(! 0:0&'$0! #,! &1)%(%(5! )(*!

!"#$ %&"!'!"!(#$ ")*%+,#$ "-($ )./(&"!'($ )0$ !1&+(%#!12$ "-($ 3(%+#$ )0$ 4!'!12$ 0+(($ 0+)5$



    F('(4)G$ "%+2("#$ %1,$ #"+%"(2!(#$ )0$ "-($ :(%4"-$ ;4%1$ <==<><=?=$ %"$ %1$
    I6%+%1"(($ %&&(##!.!4!"3$ ")$ %$ 96%4!"3$ -(%4"-&%+($ "-+)62-$ &)1"+%&"!12$$

    B)1"+!.6"($ ")$ "-($ ,('(4)G5(1"$ )0$ "-($ A)&!)>:(%4"-$ J+(%$ !1$ &)>)+,!1%"!)1$
    L),(+1!M($ %1,$ %,%G"$ N#%O!,("M%$ .3$ !5G+)'!12$ "-($ #)&!%4$ %1,$ -(%4"-$
    &%+($!10+%#"+6&"6+($1(&(##%+3$")$5(("$"-($1(*$,(5%1,#$G4%&(,$)1$"-(#($           $
    J&"!'(43$ G%+"!&!G%"($ !1$ "-($ P6#O%,!$ ;4%1$ 0)+$ "-($ Q10)+5%"!)1$ A)&!("3$ .3$

    B)1"+!.6"($ ")$ "-($ 2(1(+%"!)1$ %1,$ %GG4!&%"!)1$ )0$ +(#(%+&-H$ ,('(4)G5(1"H$

$        K-(#($2)%4#$#((O$")$5(("$"-($,(5)2+%G-!&$&-%44(12(#$)0$%1$%2(!12$

+(4('%1"$ G+)0(##!)1%4#$ 56#"$ 5(("$ "-($ 2+)*!12$ ,(5%1,$ 0)+$ #)&!%4$ %1,$ -(%4"-$


!        "#$!$%&'()&*(+,!+-!.+/$%*0!&,'!1+)(+2$)+,+3()!$4)561(+,!#&1!7$$,!&!
7$5+?E! *#$! .+5()($1! +-! *#$! HFFF1! ?$%$! -+)61$'! 70! *#$! ,$$'! *+! 3(,(3(I$!  !
,+,2.&%*()(.&*(+,! (,! *#$! 1+)(&5E! $)+,+3()E! &,'! )65*6%&5! .%+'6)*(/$! .%+)$11$1!

Quality of Employment:!!"#$!9&1:6$!;+6,*%0!#&1!.&11$'!*#%$$!>,1*(*6*(+,&5!
&55! L+7! 1$$M$%1E! (,)56'(,8! 3&%8(,&5(I$'! 1$83$,*1! +-! *#$! .+.65&*(+,! &,'! *#$!
Integration of immigrant population: "?+!9&1:6$!>33(8%&*(+,!@5&,1 !?$%$!
'$1(8,$'! *+! (,*%+'6)$! *#$! %$&5(*0! +-! (33(8%&*(+,! (,*+! *#$! '&02*+2'&0! *&1M1! +-!
.675()! &'3(,(1*%&*(+,=! "#$1$! .+5()($1! #&/$! 7$$,! 86('$'! 70! .%(,)(.5$1! +-!
Support for families:!O$8(15&*(/$!*++51 ! #&/$!7$$,!'$/(1$'!*+!-+1*$%!%$1.$)*!
-+%! *#$! '(/$%1(*0! +-! *#$! -&3(50E! &,'! .%+*$)*! *#$! %(8#*1! +-! &55! -&3(50! 3$37$%1=!
Q+*&750E! *&M(,8! (,*+! &))+6,*! *#$! 1.$)(&5! )#&%&)*$%(1*()1! &,'! 5$/$5! +-! ,$$'!
+-! 7+*#! 5&%8$! &,'! 1(,85$! .&%$,*! -&3(5($1=! ! @%$/$,*(+,! .+5()($1! #&/$! 7$$,!


Reconciling work and family life:!"#$1$!-&3(50!.5&,1!&51+!1$$M!*+!%$3+/$!*#$!
7&%%($%1! *+! $3.5+03$,*! &%(1(,8! -%+3! .&%$,*#++'E! &,'! 1(365*&,$+6150! )+%%$)*!
*#$! 5(3(*&*(+,1! *#&*! ?+%M(,8! 5(-$! (3.+1$1! +,! -&3(50! 5(-$=! R$&16%$1! (,)56'$! &!


Social focus of housing policy:! "#$! O&,'! &,'! S%7&,! @5&,,(,8! <)*HT! #&1!


$.&#5!"64&#7-4*$%+8##9*#:;<<#$.&#5!"64&#=-3&*>"#9*"$($4$&1#?3!@4*2& 1#B!"#
#         9*# AIIJ# !# ,-4%$.# C(00 # -*# &64!0($+# C&$B&&*# 3&*# !*2# B-3&*# B!"#
!//%-D&2# C+# $.&# 5!"64&# H!%0(!3&*$# $-# $!@&# /-"($(D&# !)$(-*# $-# &%!2()!$&# $.&#
340$(/0&# ,-%3"# -,# 2(")%(3(*!$(-*# !'!(*"$# B-3&*K# "-)(-L/-0($()!0# /!%$()(/!$(-*M#
-,# $.&# ?64!0($+# P3C42"3!*8# Q.("# ("# !*# (*2&/&*2&*$# C-2+# &*"4%&"# $.!$# $.&#


#         PD&%# $.&# /&%(-2# -,# :;;<# R# AII<# $.&# ,-00-B(*'# ,4*2!3&*$!0# @&+"#
&*!C0&2# $.&# !2D!*)&3&*$# -,# '&*2&%# &64!0($+K# /%&/!%!$(-*# -,# 0&'("0!$(-*# $-#
!))&0&%!$&# ).!*'&M# )%&!$(-*# -,# "$%4)$4%&"# $-# &*!C0&# -/&%!$(-*!0# )!/!)($+# (*#
/-0()(&"M# (*)%&!"&2# !B!%&*&""# (*# "-)(&$+# -,# $.&# *&&2# ,-%# &64!0($+M# $%!(*(*'# -,#
3&).!*("3"# $-# -/$(3(S&# &64!0($+# 3!(*"$%&!3(*'# (*# !23(*("$%!$(-*M# /0!**(*'#

#      Q.%-4'.# /-0()(&"# -,# 3!(*"$%&!3(*'# !*2# /-"($(D&# !)$(-*# $.&# 5!"64&#
7-4*$%+# .!"# "&$# !# C&*).3!%@# ,-%# $.&# ,-%340!$(-*# !*2# (*$&'%!$(-*# -,# &64!0($+#


7'3) &$89!&$.) '") 9"$89!0(/'-) .$.!/'#!(") #() #$/7"(-(%1:) !") ,7!/7) !"*(&;'#!(")
'".) /(;;9"!/'#!(") '&$) !".!34$"3'2-$5) ) 67!3) ,(9-.) "(#) 7'0$) 2$$") 4(33!2-$)

)          >")&$/(%"!#!(")(*)#7$)$33$"#!'-)31;2!(#!/)&$-'#!("37!4)2$#,$$")-'"%9'%$)
')/9-#9&'-)!.$"#!#1)(4$")#()#7$),(&-.5)67$)@AAB)?'389$)=9-#9&'-)C-'" )(9#-!"$.)
(*) #7$) !""(0'#!(") 4'&'.!%;F) #7$) !"#$%&'#!(") (*) /9-#9&'-) 4-9&'-!3;) '3) ') 4'&#) (*)

!3) "(#) #7$!&) ("-1) -'"%9'%$5) ) N&$"/7) '".) O4'"!37) '&$) #7$) PQ$&.$&'RS) 3$/(".)
-'"%9'%$3) (*) U"%-!37) '".) J$&;'"5) =("3$89$"#-1) #7$) ?'389$) =(9"#&1) 7'3)

+'"4(&':) H'-%!) '.!) 4-'G'&':) H'-%!) '.!) ;9".9&'R:) /("#!"9$) #() &$3("'#$) ,!#7) #7$)

!"#$% &'% ()*% +!$,-*% .-$(!#/!01*% 2-3!/% 4*5*1&63*/(% $(7!(*89:% ;&/$<#&-$% &'%
7*<&8/#?*=% ()!(% #/% ()*% *''&7(% (&% 3#(#8!(*% !/()7&6&8*/#<% 81&0!1% @!73#/8% ()*7*%
#$% /&(% (#3*% (&% @!#(% (&% !<(>% /&7% <!/% 3#$(!A*$% 0*% 3!=*:% B)*% 3!8/#(-=*% &'% ()#$%
<)!11*/8*% #$% */&73&-$% #/% 0&()% $<!1*% !/=% =-7!(#&/C% ()*% 1*8!<9% ()!(% @*% 1*!5*%

%       B)*% !667&5!1% &'% ()*% D*/*7!1% E!@% (&% F7&(*<(% ()*% G/5#7&/3*/(% &'% ()*%
+!$,-*% ;&-/(79 % @!$% !667&5*=% #/% IJJK>% 7*67*$*/(#/8% !% 3#1*$(&/*% #/% ()*%

!/=% '!-/!% @&-1=% 0*% $-$(!#/!01*:% B)*% E!@% !1$&% <&33#((*=% (&% !% 67&<*$$% &'%


%        M/%NOOI%()*%$&<#!1%!/=%*<&/&3#<%!"*$%&'%=*5*1&63*/(%@*7*%#/(*87!(*=%
@#()% ()*% !"*$% &'% */5#7&/3*/(!1% $-$(!#/!0#1#(9% ()7&-8)% ()*% ;&33#(3*/(% (&%

Ethical code:% R-7% @!9% &'% ()#/A#/8>% 5!1-*$>% 1#'*$(91*% !/=% <&/$-36(#&/% )!0#($%

Social cohesion and participation:%S11%$*<(&7$%&'%$&<#*(9%)!5*%!%7&1*%(&%61!9%
Principle of precaution: T*%3-$(%67&3&(*%!<(#&/%*5*79%(#3*%()*7*%#$%!%()7*!(%
Comprehensive focus:% B)*% */5#7&/3*/(% 5!7#!01*% $)&-1=% 0*% #/<1-=*=% #/% !11%
                 B)*7*% 3!9% !/=% 3-$(% 0*% !% 7*=-<(#&/% #/% ()*% -$*% &'% /!(-7!1%
Strategic planning:%G/5#7&/3*/(!1%&0U*<(#5*$%3-$(%0*%()*%'7-#(%&'%()*%67&<*$$%

!       "#!$%%$!&'(!)*+,-(!./-#&01!2/334&&(5!4&6+!+(78!&/!*#!(#940/#3(#&*7!
+&0*&(:1;<                           ;=


A(0(! E*+(5! /#! &'(! D04#24D7(+! /8! 2*-&4/#! *#5! D0(9(#&49(! *2&4/#@! 2/00(2&4/#!
/8! 5*3*:(! D0(8(0*E71! *&! &'(! +/-02(@! *#5! (#940/#3(#&*7! 0(2/9(01H! I/! (#+-0(!
*22/-#&*E474&1! ,-*#&4&*&49(! 9*7-(+! *#5! 5(*574#(+! A(0(! *++4:#(5! 8/0! &'(!

!        I'(! 5(9(7/D3(#&! D0/2(++! /8! &'(+(! :/*7+! *#5! /EJ(2&49(+! A*+! E*+(5!
/#! *! 2/334&3(#&! &/! *2&49(! 2//D(0*&4/#! E(&A((#! D-E742! 4#+&4&-&4/#+! *#5!
+/24*7! *:(#&+




!       "#$! %$&'%$! ()! *#$! +,,-.! /'.! &#'0'&*$012$%! 34! '! 3((.*! 15! .(&1'6!
'/'0$5$..! '5%! 7(.1*18$! '&*1(5.! *(! 70$.$08$! *#$! $5810(59$5*! 15! *#$! :'.;<$!
=(<5*04>! "#$! )(66(/15?! %$&'%$! #'.! )(&<.$%! (5! *#$! 70(9(*1(5! ()! $))$&*18$!



15%<.*04B! '5%! *#$! &(5.*0<&*1(5! .$&*(0>! "#$! .$&(5%! @5810(59$5*'6! C0'9$/(0D!


    J&#1$8$! G,P! ()! $6$&*01&1*4! &(5.<97*1(5! )0(9! 0$5$/'36$! $5$0?4! '5%!
    Q$I&#'55$6! *#$! %1.*013<*1(5! ()! 7<361&! *0'5.7(0*! 7'..$5?$0.! '5%! ?((%.!

!        U5! X$&$93$0! G--H! *#$! :'.;<$! E6'5! J?'15.*! =619'*$! =#'5?$RY! /'.!
0$6'*$%! 7(61&1$.! /1*#! @<0(7$'5! [51(5! ?<1%$615$.>! "#0(<?#! '! &(970$#$5.18$!

!      "#! $%&'%! ($! )**$+,-./0! (0'! (0.%&! )1./! $2! 34/().#)5-'! 64+)#!
(0./!(%)#/.(.$#!.#!.(/!!ABCDEFGFH! !'#'%>=!/(%)('>=J

                            ! @.(0! )#! ).+! ($! %'&4*.#>! '#'%>=! *$#/4+,(.$#! .#!

Increase renewable sources of energy

Invest in energy infrastructures! ($! .+,%$8'! (0'! /'*4%.(=! $2! (0'! /4,,-=9!
*$+,'(.(.8'#'//! )#&! ;4)-.(=! $2! (0'! '#'%>=! /=/('+K! L.(0! %'>)%&! ($!    !

'#8.%$#+'#()--=! /'#/.(.8'! ,%$&4*(.$#! 5=! +')#/! $2! *$+5.#'&! *=*-'! ,$@'%!

Promote research and development!.#!(0'!:)/;4'!'#'%>=!/'*($%!($!.+,%$8'!

!        3.+.-)%-=9! ,$-.*.'/! (0)(! ,%$+$('! /4/().#)5-'! (%)#/,$%()(.$#! )%'! )#!
'//'#(.)-! *$+,$#'#(! $2! (0'! (%)#/.(.$#! )@)=! 2%$+! )! 0=&%$*)%5$#! &','#&'#(!
P%)#/,$%( !@.(0!(0'!$5R'*(.8'!$2!&./*$##'*(.#>!(0'!&'+)#&!2$%!(%)#/,$%(!2%$+!
'*$#$+.*! &'8'-$,+'#(K! ! ! P0'! ,-)#! /$4>0(! ($! )&&%'//! (0'! $8'%! %'-.)#*'! $#!

$2! +4-(.-'8'-! >$8'%#)#*'! ./! ,)%(.*4-)%-=! /4.()5-'K! "#! $%&'%! ($! )*0.'8'! (0./!

!        "#$%!&'!(#$%!)*%+',!-.#!/#%+&)!*')#%!0&'1+)#%$-+&'!-.#!2*-&'&3&*1!
4&33*'+-(! &5! -.#! 6$17*#! 4&*'-%(! .$1! )#3&'1-%$-#)! 0&'1+1-#'-8(! 1-%&',!
H-$-#1K! $')! Q$/$':! ! 21! $! 0&'1#7*#'0#! -.#! BCD! /#%! 0$/+-$! &5! -.#! 6$17*#!
4&*'-%(K! 9.#'! 0&3/$%#)! $1! $! /#%0#'-$,#! &5! -.#! LO! $E#%$,#K! .$1! %+1#'!
0&'1+)#%$G8(! &E#%! -.#! )#0$)#! $'$8(N#):! H-$%-+',! 5%&3! <@>:=R! +'! <==>! $')K!

!        U.+1!#0&'&3+0!,%&9-.!.$1!G##'!)#/#')#'-!&'!-.#!6$17*#!4&*'-%(A1!


!        V+-.&*-!)&*G-K!-.+1!0&33+-3#'-K!)#E+1#)!$')!$00&3/8+1.#)!-.%&*,.!
1#85! ,&E#%'3#'-K! 9$1! -.#! W#(! -&! -.#! +3/%&E#)! /#%5&%3$'0#! &5! -.#! 6$17*#!
#0&'&3(:! U&)$(! -.#! 9&%8)! 1/#$W1! $G&*-! &G1#%E+',! -.#! %#$8! #0&'&3(! -&!

&5! -.#! )#8+G#%$-#! 0&'1+)#%$-+&'! &5! $! 0&*'-%(A1! #0&'&3+0! 1-%*0-*%#! +'! &%)#%! -&!

!       P'!-.#!?<1-!0#'-*%(!#0&'&3+0!,%&9-.!.$1!%#7*+%#)!0&'1-$'-!-#0.'&8&,+0$8!
+''&E$-+&'K! -.%&*,.! $! 1-%$-#,+0! /*G8+0M/%+E$-#! 0&33+-3#'-! -&! %#1#$%0.! $')!



!       "#!$%&'(!)*'+,%-#./0!,$!&1'!23#&!4'$&-*/!5!1,61./!'(-75&'(!#%7,'&/!15#!
&1'! 2???#! &1'! <5#9-'! 4%-$&*/@#! 7%;).'&,%$! *5&'! %:! 7%;)-.#%*/! '(-75&,%$!
*';5,$'(! )5*5..'.! A,&1! &1'! B-*%)'5$! C$,%$! 5+'*56'0! *'571,$6! DEF! ,$! 2??E=!

<5#9-'! 4%-$&*/@#! '7%$%;,7! :%7-#! %$! 1,61G&'71! ,$$%+5&,%$! ,&! ,#! ,;)%*&5$&!


!        >1'! '7%$%;,7! #-77'##! %:! &1'! <5#9-'! 4%-$&*/! 15#! &*5$#.5&'(! ,$&%!
5! )*%(-7&,+'! #%7,'&/=! ! I*%;! 2???! &%! 2??E! &1'! <5#9-'! 4%-$&*/! *'(-7'(! ,&#!
-$';).%/;'$&! *5&'! :*%;! 32=3F! &%! J=HF=! K%&58./0! &1'! <5#9-'! 4%-$&*/! 15#!
8''$! 58.'! &%! *'(-7'! ,&#! .%$6G&'*;! -$';).%/;'$&! *5&'! :*%;! 5! *'.5&,+'./! 1,61!


!        >1,#! #-77'##! 15#! '$58.'(! &1'! <5#9-'! P%+'*$;'$&! &%! 7%;;,&!

JL=2! ;,..,%$! B-*%#! ,$! 2???! &%! 2R3=3! ;,..,%$! B-*%#! ,$! 2??E=! ! S-8.,7! #)'$(,$6!

!       I-*&1'*;%*'0!&1'!<5#9-'!4%-$&*/!15#!;5('!65,$#!,$!&'*;#!%:!6'$('*!
S*%+,$7,5.! 4%-$7,.#! 15#! ,$7*'5#'(! :';5.'! ;';8'*#1,)! :*%;! 3DF! ,$! 3LLN! &%!

!       "##$%&'!&$!%()*+(!&,(!-.(%-/(!0(.(0!$#!(12''2$3'!&$!4456!$#!4778!0(.(0'!

!         K('@2&(!&,(!#-+&!&,-&!&,(!H-'I*(!J$*3&%:!,-'!+$112&&()!&$!23)*'&%2-0!


!        ?3! ;88C! &,(! H-'I*(! J$*3&%:! +-1(! '(+$3)! 23! &,(! "*%$@(-3! M32$3S'!


!        V$<(.(%D!@%2.-&(!+-%!*'-/(D!&,(!1(-3'!$#!&%-3'@$%&!&,-&!(12&'!&,(!1$'&!

!        ?3! +$3+0*'2$3D! -+,2(.23/! (3.2%$31(3&-0! '*'&-23-9202&:! %(1-23'! -!

&,(! %('*0&'! %(-+,()! $.(%! %(+(3&! :(-%'! -%(! ,(-)23/! 23! &,(! %2/,&! )2%(+&2$3! &,2'!

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!       =>?! 4$2! 7.4*).! #./! 92&:+! $@4&+$+)*.''3! /*+7$! )#$! 2$7&%$23! &,!
.()&+&83<! ! A+! 4.2.''$'B! .,)$2! *+6(/)2*.'! 2$/)2(7)(2*+9! .+6! 2$7&+%$2/*&+! *+! )#$!
CDEF/B! (+$84'&38$+)! #./! 6$7'*+$6! 7&+)*+(&(/'3<! ! "#*/! )2.+/,&28.)*&+! &,!
)#$! -./0($! 1&(+)23! #.%$! 5$$+! 6$4$+6$+)! &+! .! 42&6(7)*%$! .+6! *++&%.)*%$!

)#.)! 42&6(7$/! #*9#! 0(.'*)3! 9&&6/! .)! )#$! 7())*+9! $69$! &,! )$7#+&'&93B! .+6! .!

!          "#$! %&'()! *$+$,-.'$)/! 0)1$2! 3%*04! 56! (! 67)/#$/58! 5)158(/-9! -:! (!
-:!1$+$,-.'$)/!-:!(!8-&)/97!5)!/$9'6!-:!$C&5/(=,$!-9!1$'-89(/58!1$+$,-.'$)/@!       !

I/5B,5/J !(6!(!)$8$66(97!/9()65/5-)!5)!/#$!8-)8$./&(,5J(/5-)!-:!.9-B9$66!L:9-'!
.9-1&8/5-)! /-! D$,,M=$5)B@N! "#56! D(6! /#$! :&)1('$)/(,! 9$(6-)! :-9! /#$! O(6C&$!
E-+$9)'$)/;6! 9$C&$6/! /#(/! /#$! >)5/$1! ?(/5-)6! 5)8-9.-9(/$! /#$! P&/-)-'-&6!

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$/#58(,,7! 195+$)! =&/! (&6/$9$! (..9-(8#! /-! .&=,58! 6.$)15)B! #(6! $)(=,$1! /#$!
O(6C&$! Q-&)/97! /-! (8#5$+$! 6-'$! -:! /#$! ,-D$6/! ,$+$,6! -:! B9-66! 8-)6-,51(/$1!
B-+$9)'$)/!1$=/!5)!R&9-.$ @!!"#$!O(6C&$!Q-&)/97!)-D!6$$S6!/-!/9()6'5/!/#$!


#(6! '$()/! B9$(/$9! D$,,M=$5)B<! ()1! /#(/! /#$9$! (9$! +5(=,$! (,/$9)(/5+$6! /-! )$-M

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*.$,-.$,+&! .! &$%-$,(-! ()4-)7.4! $&+,-$-8! .,&! .&./-+&! -'! -#+! (#.,9$,9! -$*+%! -'!
$,! 7.$%$,9! -#+! %/++&! '?! 97':-#@! :#$4%-! *.$,-.$,$,9! %'($.4! .,&! +,5$7',*+,-.4!
!      "#+!/7+5$')%!(#./-+7!7+5$+:+&!&.-.!-#.-!+,&'7%+&!-#+!+A$%-+,(+!'?!.!
B.%+! &+*',%-7.-+%! -#.-! 97':-#! %#')4&! ,'-! 6+! 5$+:+&! %$*/48! .%! .! *.--+7! '?!
C+(','*$(!7.-$',.4$-8D!6)-!(.,!.4%'!$,(4)&+!%'($.4!'6E+(-$5+%!.,&!+-#$(.4!5.4)+%>!  !



G)7'/+.,$%*@! -#+! 1.%2)+! 3+'/4+! #.5+! (4.$*+&! .(-$5+! /7'-.9',$%*H! -#+$7!
!       "#+!1.%2)+!3+'/4+!.%/$7+!-'!.!5$%$',!'?!.!('),-78!'/+,!-'!-#+!:'74&!6)-!

J,,., !:$%+48!/)-!$-@!C:+!(.,!4'5+!:#.-!:+!.7+@!:$-#')-!#.-$,9!:#.-!:+!.7+!
.,&! (',-7$6)-+! -'! -#+! 94'6.4! *P4.,9+! :$-#! ')7! ':,! ),$2)+! ()4-)7+>! Q)7! %+4?!

!       "! #$%$&'! &(! )&*'+,-! $%! $'.$%/0'%12304! 5670'! +70,0! $%! '&! #$%$&'4! +70!
/0&/30! /0,$%78! 9,0%$.0'+! :,1';3$'! <=! >&&%0#03+! %1$.! 6$+7! *'.&*2+0.! 0((0)+ =!
A$+7&*+! #$%$&'! +70,0! $%! '&! 301.0,%7$/4! 2*+! 6$+7! 1! %71,0.! #$%$&'! &(! )&*'+,-! +70!

!        A0!203$0#0!$'!+70!0#&3*+$&'1,-!)71,1)+0,!&(!0)&'&B$)!.-'1B$)%!&#0,!51!
&(!/0,(0)+!B1,;0+%!1'.!+70!20'0#&30'+!/31''0, =!9&3$+$)134!0)&'&B$)!1'.!%&)$13!

2-! +70! 61-! +71+! $'%+$+*+$&'%! 0#&3#0 =! A0! 1,0! '&+! &'3-! %1-$'F! +71+! 1'! 0)&'&B-!
!        K'! +7$%! %0'%0! 60! 1,0! ,0)&F'$E$'F! +70! #13*0! &(! +70! 5$'%+$+*+$&'13$%+8!

6$+7$'! N*,&/0=! "'! 0#&3*+$&'1,-! #$%$&'! &(! 0)&'&B$)! 1)+$#$+- 71%! 0'1230.! +70!

!          K'%+$+*+$&'13!)71'F0!$%!1!(*'.1B0'+13!.,$#$'F!(&,)0!(&,!.0#03&/B0'+4!1'.!$%!
,0)&F'$E0.=! "%! T,$&3! /&$'+%! &*+4! $'%+$+*+$&'13! .0#03&/B0'+! /&3$)$0%! +71+! B0,03-!
.,%1"+-%*1-##01"(5 9*      :%* "3+&* &0%&0;* 0$13* 01-%-/5;* +%1(,<+%4* "30* =$&>,0*

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!        ;%#)3:43#&6,*! D3! /4)&! $%#).<3'! &2(&! &23'3! .)! #%! 3$%#%/.$! -'%G3$&!
D.&2%4&! (! 6.53! -'%G3$&H! ! B(! /('I3&! D.&2%4&! 8(643)! .)! #%&! (! '3(6! /('I3&*! +4&! (#!
(4$&.%#=E! J%&! %#6,! D3'3! &23! $'3(&.%#! %5! (! )%$.(6! )&(&3! (#<! ($&.83! 3$%#%/.$!
<3836%-/3#&! )&'(&31,=! ! F23! B9():43! $()3E! <3/%#)&'(&3)! &23'3! .)! '%%/! 5%'!
&2(&! BM0.#(! 3I.#30! 31.#(EK! BF23! ./-%)).+63! $(#! +3! ($2.383<! &2'%412! 2('<!

!        ?36571%83'#/3#&*!4#<3')&%%<!()!&23!D.66.#1#3))!&%!/(I3!<3$.).%#)!(#<!

!        ?&('&.#1!D.&2!&23!'3$%83',!%5!(4&%#%/,!&2'%412!&23!)&(&4&3!%5!O43'#.$(*!

>1'33/3#&! .#! &23! APPQ)! -'%8.<3<! &23! 9():43! ;%4#&',! D.&2! &23! $(-($.&,! &%!
,        -$./01"2$%)3$)', !&))"', 3$&), (4".&'("), "%, ()&!'(")+, , 5)$, "/, '6$,

7)8$%4'&)8()1, /%"3, ")$, "/, 91.":&., &))7.4, ."!&.;<, '", '6&', "/, 9."!&., 3"2$4, '6$,

'".8, 943&.., (4, :$&7'(/7.; <, 87$, '", '6$, 1%"D'6, "/, ()'$%3$8(&'$, '$!6)"."1($4,
43&.., :$!&3$, 9#"44(:.$;=C
)"D, 97)(F7$;+, , G$&8()1, H'I$)(J$, '", 4'&'$, '6&', D"%.8, (4, 9/&!()1, '6$, !6&..$)1$,
,        P6$%$/"%$<,'6$,&82&)!$,"/,N&4F7$,4$./01"2$%)3$)'<,(),8$/$)4$,"/,'6$,

!      "#$%&'(#)$**+!,--,.&/!',!'0&!'0&.#.!0&*/!1+!2$+&3!#4!0#.!5&**634,54!
5,(3!70&!8,$/!',!9&(:/,% =!,>(!?8,$/!%$-@!)0$('.!$!-$'0!',!-(,.-&(#'+A!!70#.!


!        D,4'($(+!',!4&,6*#1&($*#.%=!'0&!B$.C>&!D,>4'(+!0$.!-(,E&4!'0$'!%,(&!

.,*#/$(#'+GA! ! 2,5&E&(=! #4! '0&! HI.'! )&4'>(+! '0&! B$.C>&! D,>4'+! #.! 1&F#44#4F! ',!

&.'$1*#.0&(! ,:! (&F>*$'#,4.! $4/! ;K
                                   #4:($.'(>)'>(&! ,-&($',(! $(&! ',/$+! %>)0! %,(&!
#%-,('$4'!'0$4!'0#('+!+&$(.!$F, A!!70&(&!#.!)*&$(!4&&/!:,(!$!(&.-,4.#1*&!$4/!
&$(4&.'! /#.)>..#,4! ),4)&(4&/! 5#'0! '0&! %,/&(4! )0$**&4F&.! ,:! B$.C>&! .&*:6

L>(,-&$4! D,%%#..#,4G.! M0#'&! N$-&(! ,4! L>(,-&$4! O,E&(4$4)&A! 70&! -$-&(!

%$J#%#R&.! )#'#R&4! -$('#)#-$'#,4! $'! $**! *&E&*.! ,:! ->1*#)! $/%#4#.'($'#,4A! N(#E$'&!


!        70&!#4'&(&.'!,:!'0&!B$.C>&!#4.'#'>'#,4.!#4!'0&!4&5!%,/&*!,:!L>(,-&$4!
'0&!D,%%>4#'+!,:!'0&!B$.C>&!D,>4'(+ =!$--(,E&/!1+!$1.,*>'&!%$T,(#'+!#4!'0&!


!      "#$%&'(! &'! )&'*! +,#! -.'-#/+0$1! /$%$*&()! -,$'(#! +,$+! +,#! '#2!
30%./#$'! -01+0%#! .4! (.5#%'$'-# ! %#/%#8#'+89! 2#! /0+! 4.%2$%*! +,#! 4.11.2&'(!

:;! <&5#'! +,#! 4#*#%$1! '$+0%#! .4! +,#! "$8=0#! >.0'+%?9! -.'8.1&*$+&.'! .4! +,#!   !



G;! D'8+&+0+&.'$1! 1.?$1+?9! -.! %#8/.'8&B&1&+?! .4! $(#'+8! $'*! -&5&1! 8.-&#+?! .%($'&F#*!
&'! +,&8! /$%+&-&/$+&5#! *&)#'8&.';! H,&8! 2&11! %#=0&%#! +,#! #A&8+#'-#! .4! &'&+&$+&5#9!



6;! M*./+&.'! .4! )#$80%#8! +,$+! )$L#! &+! /.88&B1#9! B#?.'*! )#+,.*8! +.! %#5&#2!
(.5#%')#'+$1! *#-&8&.'8! 4.%#8##'! &'! +,#! 1#($1! -.*#! $'*! 40'-+&.'8! +.! -.'+%.1!
N#(&81$+&5#! /.2#%9! +.! #'80%#! +,#! *.0B1#! .BO#-+&5#! .4! -.'801+&'(! -&5&1! 8.-&#+?!
&'8+&+0+&.'$1! B.*&#8! +.! &'+#%%.($+#! +,#! <.5#%')#'+! $+! $'?! ).)#'+9! $B.0+! +,#!
!"# $%&'# (&))# *+,*+'+-.# -/*01)&2&-3# .%+# ,/''&4&)&.5# /6# 7&'81)&2&-3# +19%# 1-:#

/6# &-'.*80+-.'# 1-:# 1,,)&91.&/-# .%+*+/6# ./# *+19%# .%+# 3/1)'<# 9/008-&91.&/-# /6#

&-&.&1.&7+'# 1-:# &-# .%+# )+3&')1.&7+# ,*/9+''# &-# 3+-+*1)<# &0,*/7+0+-.'# :&*+9.+:#
1.# 381*1-.++&-3# .%+# 9/**+9.# 9/-9+,.&/-# /6# ,/)&9&+'<# .%+# '+)+9.&/-# /6# &:+1)#


C"# D-# .%+# '8,*1-1.&/-1)# 6*10+(/*E# (%+*+# .%+# )+3&')1.&7+# 68-9.&/-# /6# .%+#
B/7+*-0+-.# &'# &-'+*.+:# 1-:# (&.%# *+31*:# ./# .%+# 1-.&9&,1.&/-# 1-:# ,*/19.&7&.5#
1:7/91.+:# 6/*# .%+# ,/'&.&/-# /6# .%+# ?1'@8+# A/8-.*5# &-# F8*/,+<# &.# (&))# 4+#
./# 9/H*+38)1.+# 1-:# 1''+''# .%+# ,/''&4&)&.&+'# /6# '+)6H*+38)1.&/-<# &-9/*,/*1.&-3#

!       "#$%! &'%'(&)#! *&+,$-'%! (.! (/&$-0'-! #$%1+&2! +3! 1#'! 4(%56'! 7+6.1&2!

E6:(.! F','8+*:'.1G! ! H6$-'-! /2! '1#$)(8! (.-! -':+)&(1$)! *&$.)$*8'%! 1#'!
3+6.-(1$+.%! +3! 1#$%! .'I! :+-'8! I'&'! 8($-! /'1I''.! 1#'! 2'(&%! ;<<=! (.-! J>>;G!

I - The “Basque case”: an integral model based on principles
!       "#'!A4(%56'!)(%'B!$%!1#'!&'%681!+3!1#'!-','8+*:'.1!+3!(!%+)$+9*+8$1$)(89
8'0(89')+.+:$)! :+-'8! /6$81! +.! 1#&''! *&$.)$*8'%C! 1#'! '1#$)(8! *&$.)$*8'?! 1#'!

)'.16&2! N! 1#'! 4(%56'! *'+*8'! #(,'! :(-'! )+.1$.6+6%! '33+&1%! 1+! /6$8-! O'()'!
/(%'-! 6*+.! %+)$(8! P6%1$)'?! (.-! $.-$,$-6(8! (.-! )+88')1$,'! 8$/'&12G! Q&+:! 1#'%'!

6.-'&%1(.-! *&+0&'%%G! M0($.%1! 1#'! *&',($8$.0! I$.-%! +3! .'+98$/'&(8$%:?! (! 12*'!
+3! *&+0&'%%! I(%! 3(,+&'-! $.! I#$)#! 1#'! %6/P')1! (.-! 36.-(:'.1(8! '.-! I(%! 1#'!

II – The Ethical Principle
!        "#'! '%1(/8$%#:'.1! +3! 1#'! '1#$)(8! *&$.)$*8'! (%! +.'! +3! 1#'! 3+6.-(1$+.%!
+3! 4(%56'! %+)$'12! (.-! $1%! *6/8$)! $.%1$161$+.%G! ! R$+8'.182! (11()L$.0! #6:(.! 8$3'?!
+3!(88!:':/'&%!+3!%+)$'12!:6%1!/'!1#'!%1(&1$.0!*+$.1!3+&!(.2!*'()'!*&+)'%%G!              !
!!!!!    "#'&'3+&'?!$1!$%!(!)+.-$1$+.!%$.'!56(!.+.!1#(1!1#'!&'P')1$+.!+3!1#'!6%'!

III – The Democratic Principle

+-$ ,+!6$ !"#$ :3+8#,1#$ +>$ ?@A$ /)'!$ 53'&99#&-<$ $ A!$ !"#$ '&/#$ !3/#6$ 7"#!"#-$ +-$
$        A$9-+>+),5$9+83!31&8$53&8+2)#$/)'!$!&;#$98&1#6$73!"$&,$&3/$!+$&1"3#:3,2$
7+-856$ !"#$ 8#:#8$ +>$ 5#'3-#5$ '#8>D2+:#-,/#,!$ +-$ !"#$ >-&/#7+-;$ +>$ -#8&!3+,'"39$
$         F-+/$!"#$'!-31!#'!$-#'9#1!$>+-$!"#$5#/+1-&!31$#''#,1#6$!"#$-#1+2,3!3+,$

IV – Identity and Innovation
$         @"#$5#>#,'#$+>$!"#$%&'()#$35#,!3!.6$,+!$3,$+99+'3!3+,$!+$+!"#-$35#,!3!3#'$
!"3-!.$ .#&-'$ "&:#$ '"+7,$ )'$ !"&!$ '#8>D2+:#-,/#,!$ DG0)-)H&0#!4&I$ 3,$ %&'()#$ J$
$       @"#$ &5:&,1#$ +>$ !"#$ %&'()#$ E#+98#K'$ 35#,!3!.$ 3'$ 3,!-3,'31&88.$ 83,;#5$
!+$ &1"3#:3,2$ ')'!&3,&08#$ ")/&,$ 5#:#8+9/#,!6$ !"-+)2"$ !"#$ #B#-13'#$ +>$        $
'#8>D2+:#-,/#,!<$ %.$ 3,1+-9+-&!3,2$ &$ 9+'3!3:#$ +)!8++;$ +,$ 1"&,2#$ 7#$ "&:#$
V – Self-government and Sustainable Human Development
!        "#$%&'()#*+,#+-! ./! -0#! 1#2! -(! (3*! 4(3+-*25/! /-*6-#'27! 83.$-! (+! #-0.46$!
#=:$6.+! -0#! 640.#)#,#+-! (%! /3/-6.+6<$#! 03,6+7! >0#! #).9#+4#! .+! -0./! :6:#*!

!        >03/;! .+! :6*6$$#$! -(! -0#! 4(+4#:-! (%! +#D! F3*(:#6+! '()#*+6+4#;! +#D!

-0#! 86/E3#! 4.-.G#+/! 4(+%#*! (+! -0#.*! .+/-.-3-.(+/;! 6*#! #=#*4./#97! H%! F3*(:#6+!
'()#*+6+4#! ./! 6+! 6--#,:-! -(! *#/43#! -0#! F3*(:#6+! :*(I#4-;! ,61.+'! .-! ,(*#!
(%! 86/E3#! /#$%&'()#*+,#+-7! J! +#D! %*6,#D(*1! D0.40;! .+! (*9#*! -(! *#/:(+9! -(!
!        >0#!*#/3$-/!(%!-0./!6+6$2/./!(%!-0#!86/E3#!46/#!/0(D!-06-!<2!%3*-0#*.+'!
/#$%! '()#*+,#+-! .+! 9#%#+/#! (%! -0#! 86/E3#! :($.-.46$;! 43$-3*6$;! 6+9! #4(+(,.4!
.9#+-.-2! 6! 3+.E3#! 9#)#$(:,#+-! ,(9#$! (%! 4(,:#-.-.)#+#//! .+! /($.96*.-2! 06/!

The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development
The basque case  a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

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The basque case a comprehensive model for sustainable human development

  • 1. Executive Summary “The Basque Case offers a model for 21st Century development, a merger of Keynesian and Schumpeterian approaches; enhanced social change and !"#$%&'()#$*&'#+ entrepreneurship.” ,$*-./0#"#1'23#$4-5#6$7-0 8)'9&21&:6#$;).&1$<#3#6-/.#19$ - Diogo Vasconcelos, Founding Chair of the Social Innovation Exchange “This fascinating Basque case study demonstrates the power of a holistic approach to development, one that simultaneously and creatively engages with economic, social, political, environmental and cultural elements and the potential for them to be aligned to faciltate self-reinforcing positive change.” - Dr. Jacqueline Klopp, Columbia University Dr Ibarretxe!s report comes at a critical moment, offering an alternative model based on a record of success when other experiments have not been as successful.” - Dr. Kenneth Melchin, St. Paul University !"#$"%"&'()#*"%$+,%-(.&"#/&0-(&%1(2&3,%(4567( 36&#"%/,>$?@A51@ (89:;<<:;=:99((((((((((((( ( ( 36&#A$?@A51@
  •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
  •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
  •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
  • 5. The Basque Case ! !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&# ! !!!!!!!!!+!,-.%/'!0*1*&# ! !!!!!!!!!2-%//!,$%.$/3*)!+4/1 Economic Strategy ! !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&# ! !!!!!!!!!5/.%#*#3!$&!6&78/$/ ! !!!!!!!!!5/.%#*#3!$&!6&78/$/!*#!6&&8/%.$*&# ! !!!!!!!!!5/.%#*#3!$&!"##&9.$/!*#!6&&8/%.$*&# Social Cohesion Strategy ! !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&# ! !!!!!!!!!:'().$*&# ! !!!!!!!!!;/.<$-!.#'!,&)*.<!6.%/ ! !!!!!!!!!,&)*.<!"#)<(1*&#! ! !!!!!!!!!=/#'/%!:>(.<*$? ! !!!!!!!!!+!6(<$(%.<!"'/#$*$?!@8/#!$&!$-/!A&%<' Environmental Strategy ! !!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()$*&# ! !!!!!!!!!B/'*(7C$/%7!,$%.$/3*)!D<.##*#3E!FGGF!C!FGFG ! !!!!!!!!!H*3-$!+3.*#1$!6<*7.$/!6-.#3/ ! !!!!!!!!!,(1$.*#.I</!:#/%3?E!2%.#18&%$!.#'!B&I*<*$? Results ! !!!!!!!!"#'*).$&%1!&J!:)&#&7*)!=%&K$- ! !!!!!!!!"#'*).$&%1!&J!,&)*.<!6&-/1*&# ! !!!!!!!!"#'*).$&%1!&J!:#9*%&#7/#$.<!,(1$.*#.I*<*$? ! !!!!!!!!,(77.%? ! !!!!!!!!6&#)<(1*&# Keys to Success ! !!!!!!!6&#)/8$*&#!.#'!0*1*&# ! !!!!!!!D(I<*)CD%*9.$/!,-.%/'!5/.'/%1-*8 ! !!!!!!!6&77*$7/#$!$&!$-/!L/.<!:)&#&7? ! !!!!!!!+!,&)*.<!,$.$/ ! !!!!!!!,/<JC=&9/%#7/#$ A Road Map for New Governance ! !!!!!!!M/K!=&9/%#.#)/ ! !!!!!!!M/K!,/<J!=&9/%#7/#$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Conclusion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:#'!M&$/1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!N*I<*&3%.8-?
  •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
  •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
  •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
  •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
  •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  •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school for everyone! D! &4'! 6#(6'.&! #,! )(! %(6+30%-'! '*36)&%#(! .1#6'00! )&&'(&%-'! &#! &4'! (''*0! #,! 0&3*'(&0! &4)&! '$/1)6'0! &4'%1! 63+&31)+! )(*! 0#6%)+! *%-'10%&:;!)(*!.1#$#&'0!5'(*'1!'23)+%&:7 A better school!D!%(-'0&$'(&!%(!&4'!+')*'104%.!)(*!$)()5'$'(&!#,!'*36)&%#(! &#!.1#$#&'!23)+%&:!#,!+')1(%(5;!43$)(!1%54&0!)(*!.')6',3+!6#'E%0&'(6'7! A school for the 21st century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
  •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
  •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uality of Employment:!!"#$!9&1:6$!;+6,*%0!#&1!.&11$'!*#%$$!>,1*(*6*(+,&5! HK J3.5+03$,*!@5&,1 &55! L+7! 1$$M$%1E! (,)56'(,8! 3&%8(,&5(I$'! 1$83$,*1! +-! *#$! .+.65&*(+,! &,'! *#$! )#%+,()&550!6,$3.5+0$'= HN Integration of immigrant population: "?+!9&1:6$!>33(8%&*(+,!@5&,1 !?$%$! '$1(8,$'! *+! (,*%+'6)$! *#$! %$&5(*0! +-! (33(8%&*(+,! (,*+! *#$! '&02*+2'&0! *&1M1! +-! .675()! &'3(,(1*%&*(+,=! "#$1$! .+5()($1! #&/$! 7$$,! 86('$'! 70! .%(,)(.5$1! +-! $:6&5(*0E!.&%*()(.&*(+,E!.675()!%$1.+,1(7(5(*0!&,'!)+2%$1.+,1(7(5(*0=!! HP Support for families:!O$8(15&*(/$!*++51 ! #&/$!7$$,!'$/(1$'!*+!-+1*$%!%$1.$)*! -+%! *#$! '(/$%1(*0! +-! *#$! -&3(50E! &,'! .%+*$)*! *#$! %(8#*1! +-! &55! -&3(50! 3$37$%1=! Q+*&750E! *&M(,8! (,*+! &))+6,*! *#$! 1.$)(&5! )#&%&)*$%(1*()1! &,'! 5$/$5! +-! ,$$'! +-! 7+*#! 5&%8$! &,'! 1(,85$! .&%$,*! -&3(5($1=! ! @%$/$,*(+,! .+5()($1! #&/$! 7$$,! *%&(,(,8!*+!$,#&,)$'!.%+*$)*(+,!-+%!*#$!/()*(31!+-!'+3$1*()!/(+5$,)$= Reconciling work and family life:!"#$1$!-&3(50!.5&,1!&51+!1$$M!*+!%$3+/$!*#$! 7&%%($%1! *+! $3.5+03$,*! &%(1(,8! -%+3! .&%$,*#++'E! &,'! 1(365*&,$+6150! )+%%$)*! *#$! 5(3(*&*(+,1! *#&*! ?+%M(,8! 5(-$! (3.+1$1! +,! -&3(50! 5(-$=! R$&16%$1! (,)56'$! &! ?#+!*&M$!5$&/$!+%!%$'6)*(+,!(,!*#$(%!#+6%1!*+!)&%$!-+%!&'65*!+%!(,-&,*!'$.$,'$,*1= Social focus of housing policy:! "#$! O&,'! &,'! S%7&,! @5&,,(,8! <)*HT! #&1! 7$$,!86('$'!70!&,!+/$%%('(,8!.#(5+1+.#0!+-!&))+33+'&*(+,!&1!&!7&1()!,$$'E! :6&5(*0E!161*&(,&7(5(*0E!1&-$*0!&,'!(,,+/&*(+,=
  •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
  •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  •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  •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
  •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
  •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
  •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
  • 29. !"#$%&# '()*%$#+(), ! "#$! %&'()! *$+$,-.'$)/! 0)1$2! 3%*04! 56! (! 67)/#$/58! 5)158(/-9! -:! (! 8-&)/97;6!,$+$,!-:!1$+$,-.'$)/<!.9-1&8$1!=7!/#$!>)5/$1!?(/5-)6@!"#$!%*0!56!()! 5)158(/-9!/#(/<!5)!-&9!A&1B'$)/<!.9$6$)/6!,5'5/(/5-)6!/-!15(B)-65)B!/#$!1$B9$$! -:!1$+$,-.'$)/!-:!(!8-&)/97!5)!/$9'6!-:!$C&5/(=,$!-9!1$'-89(/58!1$+$,-.'$)/@! ! %-D$+$9<!=7!(66$665)B!(BB9$B(/$!6-85(,!5)158(/-96!5)!(115/5-)!/-!E*F!/#$!%*0! GH GK <!1$6895=$1!=7! I/5B,5/J !(6!(!)$8$66(97!/9()65/5-)!5)!/#$!8-)8$./&(,5J(/5-)!-:!.9-B9$66!L:9-'! .9-1&8/5-)! /-! D$,,M=$5)B@N! "#56! D(6! /#$! :&)1('$)/(,! 9$(6-)! :-9! /#$! O(6C&$! E-+$9)'$)/;6! 9$C&$6/! /#(/! /#$! >)5/$1! ?(/5-)6! 5)8-9.-9(/$! /#$! P&/-)-'-&6! Q-''&)5/7!-:!/#$!O(6C&$!Q-&)/97!5)/-!5/6!9$.-9/!-)!/#$!%*0@!0)!/#$!=$,-D!/(=,$! D$!8()!-=6$9+$!/#$!.$9:-9'()8$!-:!/#$!O(6C&$!Q-&)/97!(6!D#-,$<!9565)B!/-!(! ,$(15)B!.-65/5-)!5)!/#$!%*0@! ! "#$!O(6C&$!.&=,58!(1'5)56/9(/5-)6!#(+$!B$)$9(,,7!8(995$1!-&/!(!9(/5-)(,! '-1$,!-:!O(6C&$!6$,:MB-+$9)'$)/<!.(9/58&,(9,7!/#$!R8-)-'58!PB9$$'$)/@!"#56! $/#58(,,7! 195+$)! =&/! (&6/$9$! (..9-(8#! /-! .&=,58! 6.$)15)B! #(6! $)(=,$1! /#$! O(6C&$! Q-&)/97! /-! (8#5$+$! 6-'$! -:! /#$! ,-D$6/! ,$+$,6! -:! B9-66! 8-)6-,51(/$1! GG B-+$9)'$)/!1$=/!5)!R&9-.$ @!!"#$!O(6C&$!Q-&)/97!)-D!6$$S6!/-!/9()6'5/!/#$! 9$6-&98$6!/-!1$+$,-.!5))-+(/5+$!51$(6@!"#$!8-)8,&65-)!56!/#$9$:-9$!8,$(9T!/#$! #(6! '$()/! B9$(/$9! D$,,M=$5)B<! ()1! /#(/! /#$9$! (9$! +5(=,$! (,/$9)(/5+$6! /-! )$-M ,5=$9(,56'@
  •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
  •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
  •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  •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
  •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
  •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
  •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
  •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he “Basque case”: an integral model based on principles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– The Ethical Principle ! "#'! '%1(/8$%#:'.1! +3! 1#'! '1#$)(8! *&$.)$*8'! (%! +.'! +3! 1#'! 3+6.-(1$+.%! +3!1#'!:+-'8!#(%!:(-'!-'3'.%'!+3!#6:(.!&$0#1%!1#'!)+:*(%%!3+&!1#'!()1$+.%! +3! 4(%56'! %+)$'12! (.-! $1%! *6/8$)! $.%1$161$+.%G! ! R$+8'.182! (11()L$.0! #6:(.! 8$3'?! ! :6&-'&?!'@1+&1$+.!+&!1+&16&$.0!%+:'+.'!I#+!1#$.L%!-$33'&'.182!$%!(!)&$:'!(0($.%1! #6:(.$12?!6.())'*1(/8'!$.!(.2!%+)$'12G!S'%*')1!3+&!8$3'!(.-!1#'!#6:(.!&$0#1%! +3!(88!:':/'&%!+3!%+)$'12!:6%1!/'!1#'!%1(&1$.0!*+$.1!3+&!(.2!*'()'!*&+)'%%G! ! T1#$)(8?!:+&(8!(.-!:(1'&$(8!&')+0.$1$+.!+3!1#'!,$)1$:%!+3!,$+8'.)'!(.-!1'&&+&$%:! $%!(.!+/8$0(1$+.!3+&!4(%56'!$.%1$161$+.%!(.-!%+)$'12!(%!(!I#+8'G !!!!! "#'&'3+&'?!$1!$%!(!)+.-$1$+.!%$.'!56(!.+.!1#(1!1#'!&'P')1$+.!+3!1#'!6%'! +3!,$+8'.)'!(%!(.!$.%1&6:'.1!+3!*+8$1$)(8!()1$+.!$%!:(-'!*&$+&!1+!(.2!*&+)'%%!+3! -$(8+06'-!'.-!1+!,$+8'.)'!:6%1!/'!-'3'.-'-G
  • 39. III – The Democratic Principle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– Identity and Innovation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
  • 40. V – Self-government and Sustainable Human Development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