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GCP 2011General Research
21-25 Sep 2011
L Krishnamurthy
Chickpeas - Phenotyping for drought traits
• Trait’s relevance for phenotyping
• Framework for trait choice: Analytical
model explaining yield
• Phenotyping experience for
- Root structure and function (TL1)
- Canopy temperature
- TE through Δ13C (GCP : SP3 G4008-12)
- Rate of partitioning
- For drought tolerance indices
Chickpeas - Phenotyping for drought traits
Drought type - strategies (intensity/timing/duration)
Trait that matters & linked to yield
Link trait-environment
Constitutive vs adaptive traits
Non-stress related factors affecting yield
e.g.: Time to flowering & Yield potential
Expl. design – Data quality
Simple, precise, high throughput amenable
Choice of traits to phenotype
• Phenotyping for root system
Structural and Functional
J. Kashiwagi, L. Krishnamurthy, H.D. Upadhyaya,
P.M. Gaur, R.K. Varshney,
Z.A. Mainassara, V. Vadez and others
•Establishing the contribution of root traits to DRT yield in
•Assessment of root variation in field using an RILs
•Establishment of acceptable protocols that produce closely
related root performance in cylinders
•Phenotypic assessment for root related traits in the
minicore germplasm, three mapping populations and the
reference collection
•And identification of robust QTLs are the achievements of
the past decade
Chickpeas - Phenotyping for root traits
Variation in rooting depthRootingdepth(cm)
Mini-core germplasm accessions (n=211) plus 5 popular cultivars grown in cylinder systems and
sampled at 35-d after sowing.
ICC 283
Variation in root length density
Mini-core germplasm accessions (n=211) plus 5 popular cultivars grown in cylinder systems and
sampled at 35-d after sowing.
CID traits
Root traits
Root + CID + Yield traits
Hot spot for QTL –LG 5
(ICC 4958 × ICC 1882 map)
Root function – Transpiration measurements
Dynamic obs.
Root function
i.e. actual transpiration
Root phenotyping
Are there simple solutions?
Root traits – How useful is the seedling expression?
Contrasting selections of 10 day-old chickpea seedlings from the
reference collection - sand culture.
- for a high throughput assessment of
canopy temperature or root function
L. Krishnamurthy, Z.A. Mainassara,
J. Kashiwagi, R. Purushothaman &
Infrared thermography
IR Photograph IR Photo devoid of soil radiation
Advantage over
IR Thermometer:
Observer bias
gets minimized
Canopy temperature
• Simple
• Truly high throughput
• Yet to be established
• Critical stage of
ICC 1882 ICCV10 ICC 867 Annigeri ICC
ICC 283 ICC 8261 ICC
ICC 4958 ICC 3325 ICC 3776 ICC 7184
Optimally irrigated
Drought stressed
Variation in canopy temperature across 8 drought tolerant
and 4 sensitive genotypes at early-pod fill stage, 2009-10.
Variation in canopy temperature across 60 drought tolerant
and 24 sensitive genotypes at 75 DAS, 2009-10.
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76
Germplasm accessions
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76
Evap. 5.1mm
Max T. 30.0 0C
Min T. 9.0 0C
Well-watered conditions Water stress
Leaf conductance
(g h-1
Shoot DW Leaf
Shoot DW
42 DAS
42 DAS
42 DAS 42
56 DAS 56 DAS
ICC867 Low Low Hot Low Low Low High Low
ICC3325 Low Low Hot Low Low High Low
ICC3776 High Cool High Low High
ICC4814 High High Cool Low High Low High
ICC7184 Cool High High High Low
ICC8058 High High Cool High High High High Low High
ICC14778 Low Low Low Low High Low
ICC14799 Low Low Hot Low Low Low Low High Low
Phenotyping for TE (through Δ13C)
How does TE contribute
to drought tolerance?
Yield = Shoot biomass x Harvest index
Transpiration Transpiration Efficiency (TE)=13Cx
Leaf biomass + Stem biomass
LAxLeaf biomass/Leaf area ratio (inverse of specific leaf area: SLA)
Increasing SLA=reducing the water loss via leaf area reduction + maintain photosynthesis via
leaf thickness increase
… and the optimally irrigated section of the DT field evaluation
of the reference collection of chickpea germplasm
Means (BLUPs) and range of various traits observed both under drought stressed
and optimally irrigated environments of the 280 accessions of the reference
collection of chickpea germplasm during 2008-09 postrainy season in a Vertisol. (All
the traits showed significantly different many-fold variation)
Drought stressed Optimally irrigated
__________________ ___________________
Characteristics Mean Range Mean Range
Days to 50% flowering 51 39-71 54 40-69
Days to maturity 98 83-120* 115 109-126*
Shoot biomass (kg ha-1
) 3444 2259-4726 5263 3602-6977
Seed yield (kg ha-1
) 1557 510-2250 2057 1004-3029
Harvest index 46 11-61 39.4 17.3-52.8
Pod number m-2
1358 512-2332 1965 802-4553
Seed number m-2
1614 504-3131 2516 831-4553
Seeds pod-1
1.2 1.0-1.5 1.3 1.0-1.9
100 seed weight (g) 16.3 8.8-36.2 15.1 7.2-44.6
Shoot biomass (kg ha-1
) 35.1 20.7-46.9 45.7 30.6-58.9
Seed yield (kg ha-1
) 32.2 8.5-48.2 39.9 17.7-50.1
10 leaves
At 63 DAS, Recently formed
Fully expanded
Primary branch-born
from 10 different plants
Dried at 60°C for three days
C isotope measurements at JIRCAS
The relationship between per day productivity (grain yield kg ha-1 day-1) or
WUE with carbon isotope discrimination - 2008-09.
y = -3.6x - 62.9
= 0.11***
-28.5 -28.0 -27.5 -27.0 -26.5 -26.0 -25.5 -25.0
A relation significant only under drought stress)
Other traits that get affected by Δ13C
Correlations of carbon discrimination (Δ13
C) with other drought-related traits
observed with the 280 accessions of the reference collection of the chickpea
germplasm in 2008-09.
Characteristics Drought stressed Optimally irrigated
Days to 50% flowering -0.019 0.103
Days to maturity 0.102 0.147
Shoot biomass (kg ha-1
) 0.153 0.160
Seed yield (kg ha-1
) -0.193*
Harvest index -0.334***
Pod number m-2
Seed number m-2
Seeds pod-1
-0.182 -0.043
100 seed weight (g) 0.321***
Shoot biomass (kg ha-1
) 0.091 0.131
Seed yield (kg ha-1
) -0.263**
The relationship between leaf Δ13C under drought stress with that
under optimally irrigated in the 280 accessions of the chickpea
reference collection in 2008-09.
y = 0.47x - 15.2
= 0.36***
-28.5 -28.0 -27.5 -27.0 -26.5 -26.0 -25.5 -25.0
C - Drought stressed
Phenotyping for Harvest index
Partitioning Coefficient or Rate of Partitioning
y = 25.1x + 572.0
= 0.72
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harvest index (%)
Relation ship of HI with drought yield in CP refernce collection, 2009-10
Shoot Seed Harvest
Biomass yield index
No Accession (kg ha-1
) (kg ha-1
) (%)
1 ICC 12324 4785 1496 30
2 ICC 8151 4923 1516 29
3 ICC 11879 4754 1517 30
4 ICC 7150 4804 1517 30
5 ICC 5878 3311 1530 52
6 ICC 12866 3237 1538 53
7 ICC 5879 3273 1572 54
8 ICC 13892 3413 1576 51
E.g. Reference collection
accessions with large HI variation
but not reflecting in yield.
Harvest index in reference collection
is well associated with yield.
What happens to the growth duration under ter. drt?
35.1 54.0
35.8 76.5
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Optimally irrigated
Drought stressed
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Optimally irrigated
Drought stressed
Vegetative Reproductive
Vegetative Reproductive
ICC 16374
Mean in reference set
The value of harvest index under terminal drought
Direct and indirect contributions of HI to Seed yield in the reference
collection of chickpea germplasm in the drought-stressed and
optimally irrigated environments in 2008-09 & 2009-10 seasons
(Association and suggestions of HDU et al. acknowledged)
2008-09-IR 2008-09-NI 2009-10-IR 2009-10-NI
Year x soil water environment
Delta 13C
Days to 50% flr
Days to Maturity
Shoot DM (kg ha-1)
Pod No m-2
100 Seed weight g
Contribution of HI to yield
The value of harvest index under terminal drought
Direct and indirect contributions of Pods m-2 to Seed yield in the
reference collection of chickpea germplasm in the drought-stressed
and optimally irrigated environments in 2008-09 & 2009-10 seasons
(Association and suggestions of HDU et al. acknowledged)
2008-09-IR 2008-09-NI 2009-10-IR 2009-10-NI
Year x soil water environment
Delta 13C
Days to 50% flr
Days to Maturity
Shoot DM (kg ha-1)
Pod No m-2
100 Seed weight g
Contribution of Pod No m-2
to yield
Partitioning Coefficient or Rate of Partitioning
The relationship of seed yield with partitioning coefficient across 19
(year1)and 40 (year 2) advanced breeding lines grown under drought
stressed and optimally irrigated environments (Krishnamurthy et al. 1999)
Yield-based approach
for assessing
Drought Tolerance
The drought stressed section of the DT field evaluation
of the reference collection of chickpea germplasm
Residuals derived using the multiple regression approach.
This approach considers grain yield under drought stress (Ys)
as a function of yield potential (Yp), time to 50% flowering (F),
and a drought tolerance index (DTI) such that the yield of a
genotype can be expressed as follows:
Ysi = a + bYp + cFi + DTIi + E,
where E is random error with zero mean and variance σ.
Standard residuals (= DTI) were calculated as the difference
between the actual and estimated yields under stress upon
the standard error of the estimated yield (σ).
For this multiple regression, 50% flowering (Fi) under stress for every individual
plot and for the Yield potential (Yp) arithmetic mean across the three replications
were considered. (Bidinger et al., 1987; Saxena et al., 1987; Saxena, 2003; Vadez et al.,
2007; Krishnamurthy et al. 2010; 2011)
Yield-based approach
Drought tolerance indices and seed yield at maturity of the highly drought
tolerant and highly drought sensitive mini core chickpea germplasm
S.No Accession Drought Seed Drought Seed Drought Seed
tol. Index yield (kg ha-1) tol. Index yield (kg ha-1) tol. Index yield (kg ha-1)
2002-03 2002-03 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07
Highly drought tolerant
1 ICC 867 0.71 2472 0.28 924 1.26 1620
2 ICC 1923 0.52 1541 0.57 1059 1.10 1775
3 ICC 9586 0.90 1900 0.31 784 1.18 1328
4 ICC 12947 1.36 2368 0.50 998 0.61 1363
5 ICC 14778 1.11 2570 0.47 1035 1.24 1636
Mean 0.92 2170 0.43 960 1.08 1544
Highly drought sensitive
1 ICC 1052 -0.70 1196 -0.09 642 -0.76 910
2 ICC 2242 -1.10 261 -0.25 226 -1.38 376
3 ICC 2720 -0.86 797 -0.35 213 -1.44 417
4 ICC 2990 -0.62 945 -0.25 431 -0.78 913
5 ICC 3776 -1.35 813 -0.03 719 -0.63 1027
6 ICC 4814 -0.79 943 -0.18 726 -0.64 831
7 ICC 6263 -1.24 1151 -0.04 866 -0.95 1175
8 ICC 6306 -0.41 220 -0.10 229 -1.02 409
9 ICC 7184 -0.87 827 -0.48 457 -1.48 762
10 ICC 7819 -0.42 668 -0.02 458 -1.06 1046
11 ICC 8058 -1.18 973 -0.31 600 -0.82 1057
12 ICC 11764 -0.90 1013 -0.26 429 -0.34 968
13 ICC 11879 -0.93 986 -0.12 702 -0.68 1138
14 ICC 12537 -0.58 1873 -0.23 683 -0.85 1230
15 ICC 12928 -0.82 1140 -0.40 512 -0.68 1130
16 ICC 13124 -1.25 2252 -0.14 1035 -0.55 1753
17 ICC 13441 -0.78 344 -0.02 424 -1.15 598
18 ICC 14669 -0.89 1981 -0.31 788 -0.54 1709
19 ICC 16374 -1.66 1306 -0.42 632 -0.59 1131
20 ICCV 2 -1.26 2102 -0.23 729 -0.60 1403
Mean -0.93 1090 -0.21 575 -0.85 999
• Many-fold phenotypic variation exists in the reference
collection for roots (structure & function), canopy
temperature, Δ13C, rate of partitioning, drought yield
& DTIs.
• QTLs associated with most drought tolerance traits
(like roots and Δ13C ) appear at a hotspot.
• The rate of partitioning is known to confer yield
advantages under terminal drought; however the GxE
interaction & marker association is yet to be

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GRM 2013: CGIAR Research Program on wheat -- M van Ginkel
GRM 2013: Wheat product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, com...
GRM 2013: Wheat product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, com...GRM 2013: Wheat product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, com...
GRM 2013: Wheat product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, com...
GRM 2013: Improving rice productivity in lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, ...
GRM 2013: Improving rice productivity in lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, ...GRM 2013: Improving rice productivity in lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, ...
GRM 2013: Improving rice productivity in lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, ...
GRM 2011: Theme 2 -- Integrated crop breeding
GRM 2011: Theme 2 -- Integrated crop breedingGRM 2011: Theme 2 -- Integrated crop breeding
GRM 2011: Theme 2 -- Integrated crop breeding
GRM2011: Improving bean productivity in Africa
GRM2011: Improving bean productivity in AfricaGRM2011: Improving bean productivity in Africa
GRM2011: Improving bean productivity in Africa
GRM 2013: Breeding Drought Tolerance for Rainfed Lowland Rice in the Mekong r...
GRM 2013: Breeding Drought Tolerance for Rainfed Lowland Rice in the Mekong r...GRM 2013: Breeding Drought Tolerance for Rainfed Lowland Rice in the Mekong r...
GRM 2013: Breeding Drought Tolerance for Rainfed Lowland Rice in the Mekong r...
Adoption of modern breeding tools in developing countries: challenges and opp...
Adoption of modern breeding tools in developing countries: challenges and opp...Adoption of modern breeding tools in developing countries: challenges and opp...
Adoption of modern breeding tools in developing countries: challenges and opp...
The Generation Challenge Programme: Lessons learnt relevant to CRPs, and the ...
The Generation Challenge Programme: Lessons learnt relevant to CRPs, and the ...The Generation Challenge Programme: Lessons learnt relevant to CRPs, and the ...
The Generation Challenge Programme: Lessons learnt relevant to CRPs, and the ...
TLM III: Improve groundnut productivity for marginal environments from sub-Sa...
TLM III: Improve groundnut productivity for marginal environments from sub-Sa...TLM III: Improve groundnut productivity for marginal environments from sub-Sa...
TLM III: Improve groundnut productivity for marginal environments from sub-Sa...
PAG XXII 2014 – The Crop Ontology: A resource for enabling access to breeders...
PAG XXII 2014 – The Crop Ontology: A resource for enabling access to breeders...PAG XXII 2014 – The Crop Ontology: A resource for enabling access to breeders...
PAG XXII 2014 – The Crop Ontology: A resource for enabling access to breeders...
2011: Introduction to the CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme (GCP)
2011: Introduction to the CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme (GCP)2011: Introduction to the CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme (GCP)
2011: Introduction to the CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme (GCP)
GRM 2013: Chickpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, ...
GRM 2013: Chickpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, ...GRM 2013: Chickpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, ...
GRM 2013: Chickpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, ...

Semelhante a GRM 2011: Phenotyping chickpeas for drought tolerance

Trait phenotyping: About asking the right questions to harness phenomics' pro...
Trait phenotyping: About asking the right questions to harness phenomics' pro...Trait phenotyping: About asking the right questions to harness phenomics' pro...
Trait phenotyping: About asking the right questions to harness phenomics' pro...ICRISAT
Phenotying for stress.pptx
Phenotying for stress.pptxPhenotying for stress.pptx
Phenotying for stress.pptxshankjunk
Water stress and climate change adaptation: From trait dissection to yield
Water stress and climate change adaptation: From trait dissection to yieldWater stress and climate change adaptation: From trait dissection to yield
Water stress and climate change adaptation: From trait dissection to yieldICRISAT
2015. V. Vadez. Water stress and climate change adaptation. From trait disse...
2015. V. Vadez. Water stress and climate change  adaptation. From trait disse...2015. V. Vadez. Water stress and climate change  adaptation. From trait disse...
2015. V. Vadez. Water stress and climate change adaptation. From trait disse...FOODCROPS
CSA Symposium 2016 - Dr. Dale Rankine Day 2 Session 1
CSA Symposium 2016 - Dr. Dale Rankine Day 2 Session 1CSA Symposium 2016 - Dr. Dale Rankine Day 2 Session 1
CSA Symposium 2016 - Dr. Dale Rankine Day 2 Session 1ACDI/VOCA
Design of drip irrigation system
Design of drip irrigation systemDesign of drip irrigation system
Design of drip irrigation systemIRADA Foundation
Water yield relationship
Water yield relationshipWater yield relationship
Water yield relationshipPOOJITHA K
Phenotypic and genetic dissection of water stress adaptations in pearl millet...
Phenotypic and genetic dissection of water stress adaptations in pearl millet...Phenotypic and genetic dissection of water stress adaptations in pearl millet...
Phenotypic and genetic dissection of water stress adaptations in pearl millet...ICRISAT
GRM 2013: Impact of key physiological traits on wheat adaptation to contrasti...
GRM 2013: Impact of key physiological traits on wheat adaptation to contrasti...GRM 2013: Impact of key physiological traits on wheat adaptation to contrasti...
GRM 2013: Impact of key physiological traits on wheat adaptation to contrasti...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
Effects of integrated water and nutrient management technologies on crop and ...
Effects of integrated water and nutrient management technologies on crop and ...Effects of integrated water and nutrient management technologies on crop and ...
Effects of integrated water and nutrient management technologies on crop and ...Joanna Hicks
Agroclimatic modeling : CERES Wheat
Agroclimatic modeling : CERES Wheat Agroclimatic modeling : CERES Wheat
Agroclimatic modeling : CERES Wheat Yassine ADRAB
GRM 2013: Drought phenotyping and modeling across crops -- V Vadez
GRM 2013: Drought phenotyping  and modeling  across crops -- V VadezGRM 2013: Drought phenotyping  and modeling  across crops -- V Vadez
GRM 2013: Drought phenotyping and modeling across crops -- V VadezCGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
IRJET- Evaluation of Irrigation Regime on Tomato in Mareko Woreda, Gurage Zon...
IRJET- Evaluation of Irrigation Regime on Tomato in Mareko Woreda, Gurage Zon...IRJET- Evaluation of Irrigation Regime on Tomato in Mareko Woreda, Gurage Zon...
IRJET- Evaluation of Irrigation Regime on Tomato in Mareko Woreda, Gurage Zon...IRJET Journal
Responses of wheat seedling to varying moisture conditions and relationship b...
Responses of wheat seedling to varying moisture conditions and relationship b...Responses of wheat seedling to varying moisture conditions and relationship b...
Responses of wheat seedling to varying moisture conditions and relationship b...Agriculture Journal IJOEAR
Drought tolerance in crops
Drought tolerance in cropsDrought tolerance in crops
Drought tolerance in cropsVikas Verma

Semelhante a GRM 2011: Phenotyping chickpeas for drought tolerance (20)

Trait phenotyping: About asking the right questions to harness phenomics' pro...
Trait phenotyping: About asking the right questions to harness phenomics' pro...Trait phenotyping: About asking the right questions to harness phenomics' pro...
Trait phenotyping: About asking the right questions to harness phenomics' pro...
Phenotying for stress.pptx
Phenotying for stress.pptxPhenotying for stress.pptx
Phenotying for stress.pptx
Water stress and climate change adaptation: From trait dissection to yield
Water stress and climate change adaptation: From trait dissection to yieldWater stress and climate change adaptation: From trait dissection to yield
Water stress and climate change adaptation: From trait dissection to yield
2015. V. Vadez. Water stress and climate change adaptation. From trait disse...
2015. V. Vadez. Water stress and climate change  adaptation. From trait disse...2015. V. Vadez. Water stress and climate change  adaptation. From trait disse...
2015. V. Vadez. Water stress and climate change adaptation. From trait disse...
CSA Symposium 2016 - Dr. Dale Rankine Day 2 Session 1
CSA Symposium 2016 - Dr. Dale Rankine Day 2 Session 1CSA Symposium 2016 - Dr. Dale Rankine Day 2 Session 1
CSA Symposium 2016 - Dr. Dale Rankine Day 2 Session 1
Design of drip irrigation system
Design of drip irrigation systemDesign of drip irrigation system
Design of drip irrigation system
1055 Alternative Management Methods and Impacts with the System of Rice Inten...
1055 Alternative Management Methods and Impacts with the System of Rice Inten...1055 Alternative Management Methods and Impacts with the System of Rice Inten...
1055 Alternative Management Methods and Impacts with the System of Rice Inten...
Water yield relationship
Water yield relationshipWater yield relationship
Water yield relationship
Phenotypic and genetic dissection of water stress adaptations in pearl millet...
Phenotypic and genetic dissection of water stress adaptations in pearl millet...Phenotypic and genetic dissection of water stress adaptations in pearl millet...
Phenotypic and genetic dissection of water stress adaptations in pearl millet...
GRM 2013: Impact of key physiological traits on wheat adaptation to contrasti...
GRM 2013: Impact of key physiological traits on wheat adaptation to contrasti...GRM 2013: Impact of key physiological traits on wheat adaptation to contrasti...
GRM 2013: Impact of key physiological traits on wheat adaptation to contrasti...
Recent advances in phenotyping advanced drought tolerant and Striga resistant...
Recent advances in phenotyping advanced drought tolerant and Striga resistant...Recent advances in phenotyping advanced drought tolerant and Striga resistant...
Recent advances in phenotyping advanced drought tolerant and Striga resistant...
Effects of integrated water and nutrient management technologies on crop and ...
Effects of integrated water and nutrient management technologies on crop and ...Effects of integrated water and nutrient management technologies on crop and ...
Effects of integrated water and nutrient management technologies on crop and ...
Agroclimatic modeling : CERES Wheat
Agroclimatic modeling : CERES Wheat Agroclimatic modeling : CERES Wheat
Agroclimatic modeling : CERES Wheat
GRM 2013: Drought phenotyping and modeling across crops -- V Vadez
GRM 2013: Drought phenotyping  and modeling  across crops -- V VadezGRM 2013: Drought phenotyping  and modeling  across crops -- V Vadez
GRM 2013: Drought phenotyping and modeling across crops -- V Vadez
IRJET- Evaluation of Irrigation Regime on Tomato in Mareko Woreda, Gurage Zon...
IRJET- Evaluation of Irrigation Regime on Tomato in Mareko Woreda, Gurage Zon...IRJET- Evaluation of Irrigation Regime on Tomato in Mareko Woreda, Gurage Zon...
IRJET- Evaluation of Irrigation Regime on Tomato in Mareko Woreda, Gurage Zon...
Responses of wheat seedling to varying moisture conditions and relationship b...
Responses of wheat seedling to varying moisture conditions and relationship b...Responses of wheat seedling to varying moisture conditions and relationship b...
Responses of wheat seedling to varying moisture conditions and relationship b...
Drought tolerance in crops
Drought tolerance in cropsDrought tolerance in crops
Drought tolerance in crops

Mais de CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme

ARM 2008: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
ARM 2008: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...ARM 2008: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
ARM 2008: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
ARM 2007: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
ARM 2007: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...ARM 2007: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
ARM 2007: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
TLM III: : Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in su...
TLM III: :   Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in su...TLM III: :   Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in su...
TLM III: : Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in su...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
TLM III: Improve cowpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Sahara...
TLM III: Improve cowpea productivity for marginal  environments in sub-Sahara...TLM III: Improve cowpea productivity for marginal  environments in sub-Sahara...
TLM III: Improve cowpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Sahara...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
PAG XXII 2014 – The Breeding Management System (BMS) of the Integrated Breedi...
PAG XXII 2014 – The Breeding Management System (BMS) of the Integrated Breedi...PAG XXII 2014 – The Breeding Management System (BMS) of the Integrated Breedi...
PAG XXII 2014 – The Breeding Management System (BMS) of the Integrated Breedi...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
PAG XXII 2014 – Genomic resources applied to marker-assisted breeding in cowp...
PAG XXII 2014 – Genomic resources applied to marker-assisted breeding in cowp...PAG XXII 2014 – Genomic resources applied to marker-assisted breeding in cowp...
PAG XXII 2014 – Genomic resources applied to marker-assisted breeding in cowp...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
Working with diversity in international partnerships -- The GCP experience --...
Working with diversity in international partnerships -- The GCP experience --...Working with diversity in international partnerships -- The GCP experience --...
Working with diversity in international partnerships -- The GCP experience --...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
GRM 2013: Improving sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali th...
GRM 2013: Improving sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali th...GRM 2013: Improving sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali th...
GRM 2013: Improving sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali th...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
GRM 2013: Sorghum product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Sorghum product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...GRM 2013: Sorghum product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Sorghum product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
GRM 2013: Rice product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, comp...
GRM 2013: Rice product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, comp...GRM 2013: Rice product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, comp...
GRM 2013: Rice product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, comp...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
GRM 2013: Status of maize projects in the Comparative Genomics Research Init...
 GRM 2013: Status of maize projects in the Comparative Genomics Research Init... GRM 2013: Status of maize projects in the Comparative Genomics Research Init...
GRM 2013: Status of maize projects in the Comparative Genomics Research Init...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
GRM 2013: Groundnut product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing,...
GRM 2013: Groundnut product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing,...GRM 2013: Groundnut product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing,...
GRM 2013: Groundnut product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing,...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
GRM 2013: Cowpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, co...
GRM 2013: Cowpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, co...GRM 2013: Cowpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, co...
GRM 2013: Cowpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, co...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
GRM 2013: Cassava product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Cassava product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...GRM 2013: Cassava product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Cassava product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme
GRM 2013: Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification an...
GRM 2013: Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification an...GRM 2013: Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification an...
GRM 2013: Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification an...CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme

Mais de CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme (19)

Capacity Building: Gain or Drain? J-M Ribaut, F Okono and NN Diop
Capacity Building: Gain or Drain? J-M Ribaut, F Okono and NN DiopCapacity Building: Gain or Drain? J-M Ribaut, F Okono and NN Diop
Capacity Building: Gain or Drain? J-M Ribaut, F Okono and NN Diop
ARM 2008: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
ARM 2008: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...ARM 2008: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
ARM 2008: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
ARM 2007: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
ARM 2007: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...ARM 2007: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
ARM 2007: Dissection, characterisation and utilisation of disease QTL -- R Ne...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP): A user-friendly platform to implement the...
TLM III: : Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in su...
TLM III: :   Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in su...TLM III: :   Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in su...
TLM III: : Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in su...
TLM III: Improve cowpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Sahara...
TLM III: Improve cowpea productivity for marginal  environments in sub-Sahara...TLM III: Improve cowpea productivity for marginal  environments in sub-Sahara...
TLM III: Improve cowpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Sahara...
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
TLIII: Overview of TLII achievements, lessons and challenges for Phase III – ...
PAG XXII 2014 – The Breeding Management System (BMS) of the Integrated Breedi...
PAG XXII 2014 – The Breeding Management System (BMS) of the Integrated Breedi...PAG XXII 2014 – The Breeding Management System (BMS) of the Integrated Breedi...
PAG XXII 2014 – The Breeding Management System (BMS) of the Integrated Breedi...
PAG XXII 2014 – Genomic resources applied to marker-assisted breeding in cowp...
PAG XXII 2014 – Genomic resources applied to marker-assisted breeding in cowp...PAG XXII 2014 – Genomic resources applied to marker-assisted breeding in cowp...
PAG XXII 2014 – Genomic resources applied to marker-assisted breeding in cowp...
Working with diversity in international partnerships -- The GCP experience --...
Working with diversity in international partnerships -- The GCP experience --...Working with diversity in international partnerships -- The GCP experience --...
Working with diversity in international partnerships -- The GCP experience --...
GRM 2013: Improving sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali th...
GRM 2013: Improving sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali th...GRM 2013: Improving sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali th...
GRM 2013: Improving sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali th...
GRM 2013: Sorghum product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Sorghum product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...GRM 2013: Sorghum product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Sorghum product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Rice product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, comp...
GRM 2013: Rice product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, comp...GRM 2013: Rice product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, comp...
GRM 2013: Rice product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, comp...
GRM 2013: Status of maize projects in the Comparative Genomics Research Init...
 GRM 2013: Status of maize projects in the Comparative Genomics Research Init... GRM 2013: Status of maize projects in the Comparative Genomics Research Init...
GRM 2013: Status of maize projects in the Comparative Genomics Research Init...
GRM 2013: Groundnut product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing,...
GRM 2013: Groundnut product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing,...GRM 2013: Groundnut product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing,...
GRM 2013: Groundnut product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing,...
GRM 2013: Cowpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, co...
GRM 2013: Cowpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, co...GRM 2013: Cowpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, co...
GRM 2013: Cowpea product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, co...
GRM 2013: Cassava product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Cassava product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...GRM 2013: Cassava product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Cassava product catalogue and project status -- Projects ongoing, c...
GRM 2013: Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification an...
GRM 2013: Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification an...GRM 2013: Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification an...
GRM 2013: Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification an...


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Último (20)

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GRM 2011: Phenotyping chickpeas for drought tolerance

  • 1. GCP 2011General Research Meeting 21-25 Sep 2011 L Krishnamurthy ICRISAT Chickpeas - Phenotyping for drought traits
  • 2. • Trait’s relevance for phenotyping • Framework for trait choice: Analytical model explaining yield • Phenotyping experience for - Root structure and function (TL1) - Canopy temperature - TE through Δ13C (GCP : SP3 G4008-12) - Rate of partitioning - For drought tolerance indices Chickpeas - Phenotyping for drought traits
  • 3. Drought type - strategies (intensity/timing/duration) Trait that matters & linked to yield Link trait-environment Constitutive vs adaptive traits Non-stress related factors affecting yield e.g.: Time to flowering & Yield potential Expl. design – Data quality Simple, precise, high throughput amenable Choice of traits to phenotype
  • 4. • Phenotyping for root system Structural and Functional J. Kashiwagi, L. Krishnamurthy, H.D. Upadhyaya, P.M. Gaur, R.K. Varshney, Z.A. Mainassara, V. Vadez and others
  • 5. •Establishing the contribution of root traits to DRT yield in field, •Assessment of root variation in field using an RILs •Establishment of acceptable protocols that produce closely related root performance in cylinders •Phenotypic assessment for root related traits in the minicore germplasm, three mapping populations and the reference collection •And identification of robust QTLs are the achievements of the past decade Chickpeas - Phenotyping for root traits
  • 6.
  • 7. Variation in rooting depthRootingdepth(cm) 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 Mini-core germplasm accessions (n=211) plus 5 popular cultivars grown in cylinder systems and sampled at 35-d after sowing. ICC8261 ICC 4958 Annigeri ICC 283 ICC 1882 SEd=12.95
  • 8. Variation in root length density Mini-core germplasm accessions (n=211) plus 5 popular cultivars grown in cylinder systems and sampled at 35-d after sowing. 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.32Rootlengthdensity(cmcm-3) ICC8261 ICC4958 Annigeri ICC283 ICC1882 SEd=0.022
  • 9. ICCM0249 TAA170 GA24 STMS11 CID traits Root traits ICCM0249 TAA170 GA24 STMS11 Root + CID + Yield traits Hot spot for QTL –LG 5 (ICC 4958 × ICC 1882 map)
  • 10. Root function – Transpiration measurements Dynamic obs. Root function i.e. actual transpiration
  • 11. Root phenotyping Are there simple solutions?
  • 12. Root traits – How useful is the seedling expression? Contrasting selections of 10 day-old chickpea seedlings from the reference collection - sand culture.
  • 13. - for a high throughput assessment of canopy temperature or root function L. Krishnamurthy, Z.A. Mainassara, J. Kashiwagi, R. Purushothaman & V.Vadez Infrared thermography
  • 14. IR Photograph IR Photo devoid of soil radiation Advantage over IR Thermometer: Observer bias gets minimized Canopy temperature • Simple • Truly high throughput • Yet to be established • Critical stage of observation
  • 15. 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 ICC 1882 ICCV10 ICC 867 Annigeri ICC 14799 ICC 283 ICC 8261 ICC 14778 ICC 4958 ICC 3325 ICC 3776 ICC 7184 Optimally irrigated Drought stressed Variation in canopy temperature across 8 drought tolerant and 4 sensitive genotypes at early-pod fill stage, 2009-10.
  • 16. Variation in canopy temperature across 60 drought tolerant and 24 sensitive genotypes at 75 DAS, 2009-10. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 Germplasm accessions C.areaxC.temp.(0 C) 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 Canopytemp.(0 C) 0.8 0.9 1 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 Canopyproportion Evap. 5.1mm Max T. 30.0 0C Min T. 9.0 0C
  • 17. Well-watered conditions Water stress Leaf conductance (g h-1 cm-2 ) Canopy TºC Shoot DW Leaf expansion Total Tr FTSW Threshold Shoot DW 42 DAS Outdoor 42 DAS GC* 42 DAS 42 DAS 56 DAS 42-56 DAS 56 DAS 56 DAS ICC867 Low Low Hot Low Low Low High Low ICC3325 Low Low Hot Low Low High Low ICC3776 High Cool High Low High ICC4814 High High Cool Low High Low High ICC7184 Cool High High High Low ICC8058 High High Cool High High High High Low High ICC14778 Low Low Low Low High Low ICC14799 Low Low Hot Low Low Low Low High Low 1
  • 18. Phenotyping for TE (through Δ13C)
  • 19. How does TE contribute to drought tolerance? Yield = Shoot biomass x Harvest index Transpiration Transpiration Efficiency (TE)=13Cx Leaf biomass + Stem biomass LAxLeaf biomass/Leaf area ratio (inverse of specific leaf area: SLA) SPAD Increasing SLA=reducing the water loss via leaf area reduction + maintain photosynthesis via leaf thickness increase
  • 20.
  • 21. … and the optimally irrigated section of the DT field evaluation of the reference collection of chickpea germplasm
  • 22. Means (BLUPs) and range of various traits observed both under drought stressed and optimally irrigated environments of the 280 accessions of the reference collection of chickpea germplasm during 2008-09 postrainy season in a Vertisol. (All the traits showed significantly different many-fold variation) ___________________________________________________________________ Drought stressed Optimally irrigated __________________ ___________________ Characteristics Mean Range Mean Range ____________________________________________________________________ Days to 50% flowering 51 39-71 54 40-69 Days to maturity 98 83-120* 115 109-126* Shoot biomass (kg ha-1 ) 3444 2259-4726 5263 3602-6977 Seed yield (kg ha-1 ) 1557 510-2250 2057 1004-3029 Harvest index 46 11-61 39.4 17.3-52.8 Pod number m-2 1358 512-2332 1965 802-4553 Seed number m-2 1614 504-3131 2516 831-4553 Seeds pod-1 1.2 1.0-1.5 1.3 1.0-1.9 100 seed weight (g) 16.3 8.8-36.2 15.1 7.2-44.6 Shoot biomass (kg ha-1 day-1 ) 35.1 20.7-46.9 45.7 30.6-58.9 Seed yield (kg ha-1 day-1 ) 32.2 8.5-48.2 39.9 17.7-50.1 ___________________________________________________________________
  • 23. 10 leaves At 63 DAS, Recently formed Fully expanded Primary branch-born from 10 different plants Dried at 60°C for three days C isotope measurements at JIRCAS
  • 24. The relationship between per day productivity (grain yield kg ha-1 day-1) or WUE with carbon isotope discrimination - 2008-09. y = -3.6x - 62.9 r2 = 0.11*** 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -28.5 -28.0 -27.5 -27.0 -26.5 -26.0 -25.5 -25.0 Δ13 C Grainyield(kghaday-1 ) A relation significant only under drought stress)
  • 25. Other traits that get affected by Δ13C Correlations of carbon discrimination (Δ13 C) with other drought-related traits observed with the 280 accessions of the reference collection of the chickpea germplasm in 2008-09. ____________________________________________________________________ Δ13 C ----------------------------------------------- Characteristics Drought stressed Optimally irrigated ____________________________________________________________________ Days to 50% flowering -0.019 0.103 Days to maturity 0.102 0.147 Shoot biomass (kg ha-1 ) 0.153 0.160 Seed yield (kg ha-1 ) -0.193* -0.232* Harvest index -0.334*** -0.406*** Pod number m-2 -0.383*** -0.273** Seed number m-2 -0.378*** -0.264** Seeds pod-1 -0.182 -0.043 100 seed weight (g) 0.321*** 0.101 Shoot biomass (kg ha-1 day-1 ) 0.091 0.131 Seed yield (kg ha-1 day-1 ) -0.263** -0.207* ___________________________________________________________________
  • 26. The relationship between leaf Δ13C under drought stress with that under optimally irrigated in the 280 accessions of the chickpea reference collection in 2008-09. y = 0.47x - 15.2 r2 = 0.36*** -29.5 -29.0 -28.5 -28.0 -27.5 -27.0 -26.5 -28.5 -28.0 -27.5 -27.0 -26.5 -26.0 -25.5 -25.0 Δ13 C - Drought stressed Δ13 C-Optimallyirrigated
  • 28. Partitioning Coefficient or Rate of Partitioning y = 25.1x + 572.0 r2 = 0.72 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Harvest index (%) Grainyieldunderdroughtstress(kgha-1 ) Relation ship of HI with drought yield in CP refernce collection, 2009-10 ___________________________________________________________________ Shoot Seed Harvest Biomass yield index No Accession (kg ha-1 ) (kg ha-1 ) (%) __________________________________ 1 ICC 12324 4785 1496 30 2 ICC 8151 4923 1516 29 3 ICC 11879 4754 1517 30 4 ICC 7150 4804 1517 30 5 ICC 5878 3311 1530 52 6 ICC 12866 3237 1538 53 7 ICC 5879 3273 1572 54 8 ICC 13892 3413 1576 51 ______________________________________________________________________ E.g. Reference collection accessions with large HI variation but not reflecting in yield. Harvest index in reference collection is well associated with yield.
  • 29. What happens to the growth duration under ter. drt? 35.1 54.0 35.8 76.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Optimally irrigated Drought stressed 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Optimally irrigated Drought stressed Vegetative Reproductive Vegetative Reproductive ICC 16374 Mean in reference set
  • 30. The value of harvest index under terminal drought Direct and indirect contributions of HI to Seed yield in the reference collection of chickpea germplasm in the drought-stressed and optimally irrigated environments in 2008-09 & 2009-10 seasons (Association and suggestions of HDU et al. acknowledged) -0.400 -0.200 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400 2008-09-IR 2008-09-NI 2009-10-IR 2009-10-NI Year x soil water environment Pathcoefficients Delta 13C Days to 50% flr Days to Maturity HI Shoot DM (kg ha-1) Pod No m-2 100 Seed weight g Contribution of HI to yield
  • 31. The value of harvest index under terminal drought Direct and indirect contributions of Pods m-2 to Seed yield in the reference collection of chickpea germplasm in the drought-stressed and optimally irrigated environments in 2008-09 & 2009-10 seasons (Association and suggestions of HDU et al. acknowledged) -0.400 -0.200 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 2008-09-IR 2008-09-NI 2009-10-IR 2009-10-NI Year x soil water environment Pathcoefficients Delta 13C Days to 50% flr Days to Maturity HI Shoot DM (kg ha-1) Pod No m-2 100 Seed weight g Contribution of Pod No m-2 to yield
  • 32. Partitioning Coefficient or Rate of Partitioning
  • 33. The relationship of seed yield with partitioning coefficient across 19 (year1)and 40 (year 2) advanced breeding lines grown under drought stressed and optimally irrigated environments (Krishnamurthy et al. 1999)
  • 35. The drought stressed section of the DT field evaluation of the reference collection of chickpea germplasm
  • 36. Residuals derived using the multiple regression approach. This approach considers grain yield under drought stress (Ys) as a function of yield potential (Yp), time to 50% flowering (F), and a drought tolerance index (DTI) such that the yield of a genotype can be expressed as follows: Ysi = a + bYp + cFi + DTIi + E, where E is random error with zero mean and variance σ. Standard residuals (= DTI) were calculated as the difference between the actual and estimated yields under stress upon the standard error of the estimated yield (σ). For this multiple regression, 50% flowering (Fi) under stress for every individual plot and for the Yield potential (Yp) arithmetic mean across the three replications were considered. (Bidinger et al., 1987; Saxena et al., 1987; Saxena, 2003; Vadez et al., 2007; Krishnamurthy et al. 2010; 2011) Yield-based approach
  • 37. Drought tolerance indices and seed yield at maturity of the highly drought tolerant and highly drought sensitive mini core chickpea germplasm accessions.___________________________________________________________________________________________________ S.No Accession Drought Seed Drought Seed Drought Seed tol. Index yield (kg ha-1) tol. Index yield (kg ha-1) tol. Index yield (kg ha-1) 2002-03 2002-03 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Highly drought tolerant 1 ICC 867 0.71 2472 0.28 924 1.26 1620 2 ICC 1923 0.52 1541 0.57 1059 1.10 1775 3 ICC 9586 0.90 1900 0.31 784 1.18 1328 4 ICC 12947 1.36 2368 0.50 998 0.61 1363 5 ICC 14778 1.11 2570 0.47 1035 1.24 1636 Mean 0.92 2170 0.43 960 1.08 1544 Highly drought sensitive 1 ICC 1052 -0.70 1196 -0.09 642 -0.76 910 2 ICC 2242 -1.10 261 -0.25 226 -1.38 376 3 ICC 2720 -0.86 797 -0.35 213 -1.44 417 4 ICC 2990 -0.62 945 -0.25 431 -0.78 913 5 ICC 3776 -1.35 813 -0.03 719 -0.63 1027 6 ICC 4814 -0.79 943 -0.18 726 -0.64 831 7 ICC 6263 -1.24 1151 -0.04 866 -0.95 1175 8 ICC 6306 -0.41 220 -0.10 229 -1.02 409 9 ICC 7184 -0.87 827 -0.48 457 -1.48 762 10 ICC 7819 -0.42 668 -0.02 458 -1.06 1046 11 ICC 8058 -1.18 973 -0.31 600 -0.82 1057 12 ICC 11764 -0.90 1013 -0.26 429 -0.34 968 13 ICC 11879 -0.93 986 -0.12 702 -0.68 1138 14 ICC 12537 -0.58 1873 -0.23 683 -0.85 1230 15 ICC 12928 -0.82 1140 -0.40 512 -0.68 1130 16 ICC 13124 -1.25 2252 -0.14 1035 -0.55 1753 17 ICC 13441 -0.78 344 -0.02 424 -1.15 598 18 ICC 14669 -0.89 1981 -0.31 788 -0.54 1709 19 ICC 16374 -1.66 1306 -0.42 632 -0.59 1131 20 ICCV 2 -1.26 2102 -0.23 729 -0.60 1403 Mean -0.93 1090 -0.21 575 -0.85 999 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 38. Conclusions • Many-fold phenotypic variation exists in the reference collection for roots (structure & function), canopy temperature, Δ13C, rate of partitioning, drought yield & DTIs. • QTLs associated with most drought tolerance traits (like roots and Δ13C ) appear at a hotspot. • The rate of partitioning is known to confer yield advantages under terminal drought; however the GxE interaction & marker association is yet to be ascertained