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Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

 I have always considered
marriage as the most interesting
event of one's life, the
foundation of happiness or
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
    background     past experience, including
b   (배경, 성장환경)     family life and education
I   (배우자)
                   a husband or wife
                  special features or
  characteristics qualities that make each
h (타인들과 구분되는 person or thing different
                  from others
                  related to strong feelings
g (낭만적인, 열렬한) of love between a man
                  and a woman
j   (생산하다)
                  to make or create
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
    leadership   the ability to direct other
f   (주도권, 지도력)   people
                 having a baby that has not
a   (임신한)
                 been born yet growing in
                 your body
e   (수정능력, 비옥)
                 the ability to have children

    raise        to take care of and
c   (기르다)        educate
    polygamy     the custom of having more
d   (일부다처)       than one wife at a time
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
 Different cultural background ->
   different forms of marriage
Who Decide?
 by parents :Traditional Chinese
                culture of marriage
 by the young : The Hopi(kiva)
                   Bavarian people
Different Style of Marriage
 Oneida Community : group marriage
 The early Mormons : Polygamy
 Finding a spouse = important
   concerns in our lives
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   1st

① spouse : 배우자
② join together : 합치다(unite)
③ right and wrong : 옳고 그름
④ a match maker : 결혼 중매인
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   1st

 All societies have their
    own form of marriage.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   2nd

①  characteristic : 특징
② no matter when or where =
   whenever or wherever
 no matter when or where they have
 lived : ‘그들이 언제 혹은 어디에 살았던지 간
 에’ 【설명】[no
 matter + 의문사]는 [의문사 + ever]로 대
 치될 수도 있으며 양보의 의미를 나타낸다.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   2nd

 In   traditional Chinese
    culture, marriage
    decisions were made by
    parents for their children.
Unit 8. Findign a Spouse
   3rd

① be impressed that ~ : ~하다는 인상을
② make : (성장하여) ~이 되다 / He will
  make an excellent scholar. 그는 훌륭한
  학자가 될 것이다.
③ as a consequence (of A) : (A의) 결과
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   3rd

 As    part of our cultural
    background, beliefs about
    marriage can be as
    different as the cultures of
    the world.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   4th

①    Bavarian people of southern
     Germany : 남부 독일의 바이에른 사람들;
     ‘barbarian’(미개한)과 혼동해서는 안됨
②    leave A open : A를 열린 상태로
③    so that 주어 could 동사원형 : 주어가 ~할
     수 있도록
④    enter A : A에 들어가다
⑤    fertility : 수정능력, 비옥
⑥    requirement : 필요조건
⑦    view : 관점, 견해
⑧    marriage practices : 결혼 풍습들
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   4th

 The   Hopi culture is not the
    only one that allowed
    young people to visit each
    other at night.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   5th

① hold : (신념ㆍ생각 등을) 품다 / He holds
  the same view with me. 그는 나와 같은
  견해를 가지고 있다
② started = established
③ group marriage : 집단혼(2명 이상으로 된
  남자 1조(組)와 다른 1조의 여자들이 동시에
  혼인 관계에 있는 혼인 형태)
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   5th

 One    view of marriage that
    surprises most of us today
    was held by John Noyes, a
    religious man who started
    the Oneida Community in
    the state of New York in
Unit 8. Findign a Spouse
   6th

① sect : 종파
② polygamy : 일부다처; monogamy : 일부
  일처; bigamy : 중혼; exogamy : 족외혼;
  endogamy : 동족결혼; polyandry : 일처
③ the Mormon Church = the Church of
  Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints : 예
  수 그리스도 후기 성도 교회
④ ban : 금지하다
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   6th

A    more famous example
    of a different style of
    marriage is found among
    the early Mormons
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   7th

① commit : 전념하다
② finding a spouse with whom we can
  commit to spending a lifetime : ‘우리
  가 더불어 일생을 보내는데 전념할 수 있는 배
  우자를 찾는 것’
③ concern : 관심사
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   7th

 Marriage  is a basic and
    important part of human
Unit 8. Findign a Spouse
   Read for Details

1.   A matchmaker helped by finding
     someone of the right age and
2.   A successful marriage was one that
     produced sons.
3.   Thirteen
4.   They stopped night visits if they
     thought a boy might not be a good
5.   She would get pregnant.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
   Read for Details

6. She wouldn’t be able to get married.

7. They believed unmarried women
 should not get pregnant.

8. It didn’t continue to exist because
 John Noyes had left the community.

9. In 1890, polygamy was officially
 banned in the Mormon church.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
READING TWO : What’s Wrong with
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
 a business degree : 경영학 학위
 business leadership : 경제적 주도권
 the questions that people ask me : ‘사람
  들이 나에게 묻는 질문들’
 a happy one = a happy marriage
 for the first time : 처음으로
 arranged marriage : 중매결혼
 as time passes : as time goes by(시간이
  지남에 따라), with the passages of time, in
  the process of time
 everlasting : 영원한
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

  Paul Nguyen thinks dating romantically is
F   the best way to find a marriage partner.
  Paul thinks a happy marriage includes
T deep friendship, love, and trust.

  His parents were in love with each other
F before the marriage.

F Paul wants a different life than his parents.
  Paul thinks his parents can help find him a
T good wife.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

1. Parents choose the spouse because young people
aren’t able to make a good decision by themselves.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

1. Parents choose the spouse because young people
aren’t able to make a good decision by themselves.
         Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese

2. Family background is important in choosing a
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

1. Parents choose the spouse because young people
aren’t able to make a good decision by themselves.
         Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese

2. Family background is important in choosing a

         Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese
3. Educational background is important in choosing
a spouse.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

1. Parents choose the spouse because young people
aren’t able to make a good decision by themselves.
         Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese

2. Family background is important in choosing a

         Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese
3. Educational background is important in choosing
a spouse.
          Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

4. A girl must become pregnant to demonstrate her
fertility before she can marry.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

4. A girl must become pregnant to demonstrate her
fertility before she can marry.
                   Old Bavarian

5. Marrying young is an important factor in choosing
a spouse.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

4. A girl must become pregnant to demonstrate her
fertility before she can marry.
                    Old Bavarian

5. Marrying young is an important factor in choosing
a spouse.

         Traditional Hopi, Early Mormons
6. The boy and girl had a relationship before they
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

4. A girl must become pregnant to demonstrate her
fertility before she can marry.
                    Old Bavarian

5. Marrying young is an important factor in choosing
a spouse.

         Traditional Hopi, Early Mormons
6. The boy and girl had a relationship before they
          Traditional Hopi, Old Bavarian
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

7. The goal of marriage is to produce sons who will
become leaders in the family.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

7. The goal of marriage is to produce sons who will
become leaders in the family.
                Traditional Chinese

8. If the girl becomes pregnant, she can shoose the
boy she likes best to marry.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

7. The goal of marriage is to produce sons who will
become leaders in the family.
                Traditional Chinese

8. If the girl becomes pregnant, she can shoose the
boy she likes best to marry.

                  Traditional Hopi
9. If the girl becomes pregnant, the boy will ask her
to marry him.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

7. The goal of marriage is to produce sons who will
become leaders in the family.
                Traditional Chinese

8. If the girl becomes pregnant, she can shoose the
boy she likes best to marry.

                  Traditional Hopi
9. If the girl becomes pregnant, the boy will ask her
to marry him.
                     Old Bavarian
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

10. Men and women practice group marriage in
which they change partners frequently.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

10. Men and women practice group marriage in
which they change partners frequently.
               Oneida Community
11. This group used to practice group polygamy, a
custom in which the man can have more than one
wife at a time.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

10. Men and women practice group marriage in
which they change partners frequently.
               Oneida Community
11. This group used to practice group polygamy, a
custom in which the man can have more than one
wife at a time.
                  Early Mormons
12. If a woman can’t get pregnant, she probably
can’t marry.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

10. Men and women practice group marriage in
which they change partners frequently.
               Oneida Community
11. This group used to practice group polygamy, a
custom in which the man can have more than one
wife at a time.
                  Early Mormons
12. If a woman can’t get pregnant, she probably
can’t marry.
  Traditional Hopi, Old Bavarian, Early Mormons
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
p. 152

     Arranged       Traditional Chinese
     (중매 결혼)        Vietnamese

 Fertility-Based    Traditional Hopi
  (출산 기반 결혼)        Old Bavarian
 Plural Marriage    Oneida Community
      (복혼)          (group marriage)
 polyandry, group   Early Mormons
     marriage       (polygamy)
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

   love faithfully and lastingly : 충실히 또 영
W a 원히 사랑하다

    surprise : 놀라게 하다 / romantic : 열렬한,
C b 낭만적인, 로맨틱한

M c raise : 기르다, 양육하다(grow, bring up)

W d fertility : 출산력, 생식능력
    broken heart : 상처입은 마음, 상심(비탄)
C e syn. heartbreak
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

M f produce : 여기서는 ‘낳다’

    characteristics : 특징들 / looks : 외모
C g background : 배경, 이전 경험

    leadership : 주도권, 지도력
W h in a position of ~ : 주도권을 쥐고 있는

M I pregnant : 임신한
C j spouse : 배우자
M k be proud of A : A를 자랑스러워 하다
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

   S    make : produce

   R    romantic : attracted to

   A    pregnancy : infertility

 C/E romance : love marriage
  D     enduring : everlasting

   R    marriage : partner
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

  D     hurt : brokenhearted

 C/E fertility : pregnancy
   S    society : culture

   A    hard-working : lazy

   R    support : take care of

   A    bride : groom
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
1. Did you know? + Who likes her most?
 Did you know who likes her most?

2.Do you guess?+ Whom did she discuss?
 Whom do you guess she discussed?

3.Do you think?+Who is the man?
 Who do you think the man is?

4.Can you tell?+When did she buy it?
 Can you tell when she bought it?
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse
5.When did she meet him?(Do you think)
 When do you think she met him?

6.Do you believe?+What did he say?
 What do you believe he said?

7. What can I do for you?(Do you imagine)
 What do you imagine I can do for you?

8.Why is the baby crying?(Please tell me)
 Please tell me why the baby is crying.
Unit 8. Finding a Spouse

9.Where was it made?(Did you say)
 Did you say where it was made? or
 Where did you say it was made?

10. I ask him. Is she from Canada?
 I ask him if(whether) she is from Canada.

11.Do you Know? Is it yours?
 Do you Know if(whether) it is yours?

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Unit 8 finding a spouse

  • 1. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse I have always considered marriage as the most interesting event of one's life, the foundation of happiness or misery. GEORGE WASHINGTON
  • 2. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse background past experience, including b (배경, 성장환경) family life and education spouse I (배우자) a husband or wife special features or characteristics qualities that make each h (타인들과 구분되는 person or thing different 특징) from others related to strong feelings romantic g (낭만적인, 열렬한) of love between a man and a woman produce j (생산하다) to make or create
  • 3. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse leadership the ability to direct other f (주도권, 지도력) people having a baby that has not pregnant a (임신한) been born yet growing in your body fertility e (수정능력, 비옥) the ability to have children raise to take care of and c (기르다) educate polygamy the custom of having more d (일부다처) than one wife at a time
  • 4. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse Introduction  Different cultural background -> different forms of marriage Who Decide?  by parents :Traditional Chinese culture of marriage  by the young : The Hopi(kiva) Bavarian people (windowing Different Style of Marriage  Oneida Community : group marriage  The early Mormons : Polygamy Conclusion  Finding a spouse = important concerns in our lives
  • 5. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  1st ① spouse : 배우자 ② join together : 합치다(unite) ③ right and wrong : 옳고 그름 ④ a match maker : 결혼 중매인
  • 6. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  1st  All societies have their own form of marriage.
  • 7. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  2nd ① characteristic : 특징 ② no matter when or where = whenever or wherever no matter when or where they have lived : ‘그들이 언제 혹은 어디에 살았던지 간 에’ 【설명】[no matter + 의문사]는 [의문사 + ever]로 대 치될 수도 있으며 양보의 의미를 나타낸다.
  • 8. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  2nd  In traditional Chinese culture, marriage decisions were made by parents for their children.
  • 9. Unit 8. Findign a Spouse  3rd ① be impressed that ~ : ~하다는 인상을 받다 ② make : (성장하여) ~이 되다 / He will make an excellent scholar. 그는 훌륭한 학자가 될 것이다. ③ as a consequence (of A) : (A의) 결과 로
  • 10. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  3rd  As part of our cultural background, beliefs about marriage can be as different as the cultures of the world.
  • 11. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  4th ① Bavarian people of southern Germany : 남부 독일의 바이에른 사람들; ‘barbarian’(미개한)과 혼동해서는 안됨 ② leave A open : A를 열린 상태로 ③ so that 주어 could 동사원형 : 주어가 ~할 수 있도록 ④ enter A : A에 들어가다 ⑤ fertility : 수정능력, 비옥 ⑥ requirement : 필요조건 ⑦ view : 관점, 견해 ⑧ marriage practices : 결혼 풍습들
  • 12. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  4th  The Hopi culture is not the only one that allowed young people to visit each other at night.
  • 13. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  5th ① hold : (신념ㆍ생각 등을) 품다 / He holds the same view with me. 그는 나와 같은 견해를 가지고 있다 ② started = established ③ group marriage : 집단혼(2명 이상으로 된 남자 1조(組)와 다른 1조의 여자들이 동시에 혼인 관계에 있는 혼인 형태)
  • 14. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  5th  One view of marriage that surprises most of us today was held by John Noyes, a religious man who started the Oneida Community in the state of New York in 1831.
  • 15. Unit 8. Findign a Spouse  6th ① sect : 종파 ② polygamy : 일부다처; monogamy : 일부 일처; bigamy : 중혼; exogamy : 족외혼; endogamy : 동족결혼; polyandry : 일처 다부 ③ the Mormon Church = the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints : 예 수 그리스도 후기 성도 교회 ④ ban : 금지하다
  • 16. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  6th A more famous example of a different style of marriage is found among the early Mormons
  • 17. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  7th ① commit : 전념하다 ② finding a spouse with whom we can commit to spending a lifetime : ‘우리 가 더불어 일생을 보내는데 전념할 수 있는 배 우자를 찾는 것’ ③ concern : 관심사
  • 18. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  7th  Marriage is a basic and important part of human life.
  • 19. Unit 8. Findign a Spouse  Read for Details 1. A matchmaker helped by finding someone of the right age and background. 2. A successful marriage was one that produced sons. 3. Thirteen 4. They stopped night visits if they thought a boy might not be a good husband. 5. She would get pregnant.
  • 20. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse  Read for Details 6. She wouldn’t be able to get married. 7. They believed unmarried women should not get pregnant. 8. It didn’t continue to exist because John Noyes had left the community. 9. In 1890, polygamy was officially banned in the Mormon church.
  • 21. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse READING TWO : What’s Wrong with Tradition?
  • 22. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 1~2  a business degree : 경영학 학위  business leadership : 경제적 주도권  the questions that people ask me : ‘사람 들이 나에게 묻는 질문들’ 3  a happy one = a happy marriage  for the first time : 처음으로  arranged marriage : 중매결혼  as time passes : as time goes by(시간이 지남에 따라), with the passages of time, in the process of time  everlasting : 영원한
  • 23. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse Paul Nguyen thinks dating romantically is F the best way to find a marriage partner. Paul thinks a happy marriage includes T deep friendship, love, and trust. His parents were in love with each other F before the marriage. F Paul wants a different life than his parents. Paul thinks his parents can help find him a T good wife.
  • 24. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 1. Parents choose the spouse because young people aren’t able to make a good decision by themselves.
  • 25. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 1. Parents choose the spouse because young people aren’t able to make a good decision by themselves. Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese 2. Family background is important in choosing a spouse.
  • 26. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 1. Parents choose the spouse because young people aren’t able to make a good decision by themselves. Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese 2. Family background is important in choosing a spouse. Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese 3. Educational background is important in choosing a spouse.
  • 27. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 1. Parents choose the spouse because young people aren’t able to make a good decision by themselves. Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese 2. Family background is important in choosing a spouse. Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese 3. Educational background is important in choosing a spouse. Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese
  • 28. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 4. A girl must become pregnant to demonstrate her fertility before she can marry.
  • 29. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 4. A girl must become pregnant to demonstrate her fertility before she can marry. Old Bavarian 5. Marrying young is an important factor in choosing a spouse.
  • 30. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 4. A girl must become pregnant to demonstrate her fertility before she can marry. Old Bavarian 5. Marrying young is an important factor in choosing a spouse. Traditional Hopi, Early Mormons 6. The boy and girl had a relationship before they married.
  • 31. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 4. A girl must become pregnant to demonstrate her fertility before she can marry. Old Bavarian 5. Marrying young is an important factor in choosing a spouse. Traditional Hopi, Early Mormons 6. The boy and girl had a relationship before they married. Traditional Hopi, Old Bavarian
  • 32. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 7. The goal of marriage is to produce sons who will become leaders in the family.
  • 33. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 7. The goal of marriage is to produce sons who will become leaders in the family. Traditional Chinese 8. If the girl becomes pregnant, she can shoose the boy she likes best to marry.
  • 34. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 7. The goal of marriage is to produce sons who will become leaders in the family. Traditional Chinese 8. If the girl becomes pregnant, she can shoose the boy she likes best to marry. Traditional Hopi 9. If the girl becomes pregnant, the boy will ask her to marry him.
  • 35. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 7. The goal of marriage is to produce sons who will become leaders in the family. Traditional Chinese 8. If the girl becomes pregnant, she can shoose the boy she likes best to marry. Traditional Hopi 9. If the girl becomes pregnant, the boy will ask her to marry him. Old Bavarian
  • 36. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 10. Men and women practice group marriage in which they change partners frequently.
  • 37. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 10. Men and women practice group marriage in which they change partners frequently. Oneida Community 11. This group used to practice group polygamy, a custom in which the man can have more than one wife at a time.
  • 38. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 10. Men and women practice group marriage in which they change partners frequently. Oneida Community 11. This group used to practice group polygamy, a custom in which the man can have more than one wife at a time. Early Mormons 12. If a woman can’t get pregnant, she probably can’t marry.
  • 39. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 10. Men and women practice group marriage in which they change partners frequently. Oneida Community 11. This group used to practice group polygamy, a custom in which the man can have more than one wife at a time. Early Mormons 12. If a woman can’t get pregnant, she probably can’t marry. Traditional Hopi, Old Bavarian, Early Mormons
  • 40. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse p. 152 Arranged Traditional Chinese Marriage (중매 결혼) Vietnamese Fertility-Based Traditional Hopi Marriage (출산 기반 결혼) Old Bavarian Plural Marriage Oneida Community (복혼) (group marriage) Polygamy, polyandry, group Early Mormons marriage (polygamy)
  • 41. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse p.153 love faithfully and lastingly : 충실히 또 영 W a 원히 사랑하다 surprise : 놀라게 하다 / romantic : 열렬한, C b 낭만적인, 로맨틱한 M c raise : 기르다, 양육하다(grow, bring up) W d fertility : 출산력, 생식능력 broken heart : 상처입은 마음, 상심(비탄) C e syn. heartbreak
  • 42. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse p.153 M f produce : 여기서는 ‘낳다’ characteristics : 특징들 / looks : 외모 C g background : 배경, 이전 경험 leadership : 주도권, 지도력 W h in a position of ~ : 주도권을 쥐고 있는 M I pregnant : 임신한 C j spouse : 배우자 M k be proud of A : A를 자랑스러워 하다
  • 43. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse p.153 S make : produce R romantic : attracted to A pregnancy : infertility C/E romance : love marriage D enduring : everlasting R marriage : partner
  • 44. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse p.153 D hurt : brokenhearted C/E fertility : pregnancy S society : culture A hard-working : lazy R support : take care of A bride : groom
  • 45. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 1. Did you know? + Who likes her most?  Did you know who likes her most? 2.Do you guess?+ Whom did she discuss?  Whom do you guess she discussed? 3.Do you think?+Who is the man?  Who do you think the man is? 4.Can you tell?+When did she buy it?  Can you tell when she bought it?
  • 46. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 5.When did she meet him?(Do you think)  When do you think she met him? 6.Do you believe?+What did he say?  What do you believe he said? 7. What can I do for you?(Do you imagine)  What do you imagine I can do for you? 8.Why is the baby crying?(Please tell me)  Please tell me why the baby is crying.
  • 47. Unit 8. Finding a Spouse 9.Where was it made?(Did you say)  Did you say where it was made? or  Where did you say it was made? 10. I ask him. Is she from Canada?  I ask him if(whether) she is from Canada. 11.Do you Know? Is it yours?  Do you Know if(whether) it is yours?