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Pig Hive Cascading
              Hadoop In Practice

        }    Devoxx 2013
        }    Florian Douetteau
About me

 Florian Douetteau <>

 }    CEO at Dataiku
 }    Freelance at Criteo (Online Ads)
 }    CTO at IsCool Ent. (#1 French Social Gamer)
 }    VP R&D Exalead (Search Engine Technology)

Dataiku Training – Hadoop for Data Science    4/14/13   2

                                }    Hadoop and Context (->0:03)
                                }    Pig, Hive, Cascading, … (->0:06)
                                }    How they work (->0:09)
                                }    Comparing the tools (->0:25)
                                }    Wrap’up and question (->0:)

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
NoSQL-Slavia!                            Scalability Central!                Machine Learning !
                                                                             Mystery Land!
Elastic Search
                                         Hadoop                         Scikit-Learn
SOLR                                     Ceph

             MongoDB                     Cassandra
                                                    Sphere              Mahout
Riak                                                                    MLBase    LibSVM
SQL Colunnar Republic!
            Vertica                                                                    SPSS
GreenPlum                    QlickView      Pig
Impala                       Tableau
                                                                        Statistician Old !
Netezza              SpotFire               Cascading
                                                     Talend             House!
       Vizualization County!
                                                Data Clean Wasteland!
     Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
How do I (pre)process data?
 Implicit User Data
 (Views, Searches…)

                                                                                        Online User Information

                       500TB                                       Predictor

Explicit User Data                                                                      Predictor Runtime
(Click, Buy, …)

                                               Per User Stats      Rank Predictor


                                               Per Content Stats

User Information
(Location, Graph…)
                                                                   User Similarity


Content Data
(Title, Categories, Price, …)

                       200GB                                       Content Similarity

                                                                                         A/B Test Data

           Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Typical Use Case 1

 Web Analytics Processing
}    Analyse Raw Logs
      (Trackers, Web Logs)
}    Extract IP, Page, …
}    Detect and remove
}    Build Statistics
      ◦  Number of page view, per
      ◦  Best Referers
      ◦  Traffic Analysis
      ◦  Funnel
      ◦  SEO Analysis
      ◦  …

                                    Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Typical Use Case 2

Mining Search Logs for Synonyms
}  Extract Query Logs
}  Perform query
}  Compute Ngrams
}  Compute Search
}  Compute Log-
    Likehood Ratio for
    ngrams across

                         Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Typical Use Case 3

Product Recommender
}    Compute User –
      Product Association
}    Compute different
      similarities ratio
      (Ochiai, Cosine, …)
}    Filter out bad
}    For each user, select
      best recommendable

                              Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

                                }    Hadoop and Context
                                }    Pig, Hive, Cascading, …
                                }    How they work
                                }    Comparing the tools

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Pig History

  }    Yahoo Research in 2006
  }    Inspired from Sawzall, a Google Paper
        from 2003
  }    2007 as an Apache Project

  }    Initial motivation
        ◦  Search Log Analytics: how long is the
           average user session ? how many links does
           a user click ? on before leaving a website ?
           how do click patterns vary in the course of a
           day/week/month ? …

words = LOAD '/training/hadoop-wordcount/output‘
USING PigStorage(‘t’)
         AS (word:chararray, count:int);

sorted_words = ORDER words BY count DESC;
first_words = LIMIT sorted_words 10;

DUMP first_words;

 Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Hive History

 }    Developed by Facebook in January 2007

 }    Open source in August 2008

 }    Initial Motivation
       ◦  Provide a SQL like abstraction to perform
          statistics on status updates

create external table wordcounts (
    word string,
    count int
) row format delimited fields terminated by 't'
location '/training/hadoop-wordcount/output';

select * from wordcounts order by count desc limit

select SUM(count) from wordcounts where word like
Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Cascading History

 }    Authored by Chris Wensel 2008

 }    Associated Projects
       ◦  Cascalog : Cascading in Closure
       ◦  Scalding : Cascading in Scala (Twitter
          in 2012)
       ◦  Lingual ( to be released soon): SQL
          layer on top of cascading

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

                                }    Hadoop and Context
                                }    Pig, Hive, Cascading, …
                                }    How they work
                                }    Comparing the tools

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 Simplicity is a complexity

Dataiku - Innovation Services   4/14/13   14
Pig & Hive

 Mapping to Mapreduce jobs
 events          = LOAD ‘/events’ USING PigStorage(‘t’) AS
                    (type:chararray, user:chararray, price:int, timestamp:int);
 events_filtered = FILTER events BY type;
 by_user                = GROUP events_filtered BY user;
 price_by_user          = FOREACH by_user GENERATE type, SUM(price) AS total_price,
                                                          MAX(timestamp) as max_ts;
 high_pbu               = FILTER price_by_user BY total_price > 1000;

        Job 1 : Mapper                                              Job 1 : Reducer1
   LOAD                         FILTER                      GROUP      FOREACH         FILTER
                                          Shuffle and 

                                          sort by user

                                                                                 * VAT excluded

Dataiku - Innovation Services                                              4/14/13                15
Pig & Hive

 Mapping to Mapreduce jobs
 events          = LOAD ‘/events’ USING PigStorage(‘t’) AS
                    (type:chararray, user:chararray, price:int, timestamp:int);
 events_filtered = FILTER events BY type;
 by_user                = GROUP events_filtered BY user;
 price_by_user          = FOREACH by_user GENERATE type, SUM(price) AS total_price,
                                                          MAX(timestamp) as max_ts;
 high_pbu               = FILTER price_by_user BY total_price > 1000;
 recent_high            = ORDER high_pbu BY max_ts DESC;
 STORE recent_high INTO ‘/output’;

         Job 1: Mapper                                              Job 1 :Reducer
   LOAD                         FILTER                      GROUP      FOREACH        FILTER
                                          Shuffle and 

                                          sort by user

         Job 2: Mapper                                              Job 2: Reducer

                                           Shuffle and 
             (from tmp)
                                         sort by max_ts

Dataiku - Innovation Services                                              4/14/13             16

 How does it work
      Data Execution Plan compiled into 10
      map reduce jobs executed in parallel
      (or not)
               84   TResolution = LOAD '$PREFIX/dwh_dim_external_tracking_resolution/dt=$DAY' USING PigStorage('u0001');
               85   TResolution = FOREACH TResolution GENERATE $0 AS SKResolutionId, $1 as ResolutionId;
               88   TSiteMap = LOAD '$PREFIX/dwh_dim_sitemapnode/dt=$DAY' USING PigStorage('u0001');
               89   TSiteMap = FOREACH TSiteMap GENERATE $0 AS SKSimteMapNodeId, $2 as SiteMapNodeId;
               92   TCustomer = LOAD '$PREFIX/customer_relation/dt=$DAY' USING PigStorage('u0001')
               93   as (SKCustomerId:chararray,
               94   CustomerId:chararray);
               96   F1 = FOREACH F1 GENERATE *, (date_time IS NOT NULL ? CustomFormatToISO(date_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
               98   F2 = FOREACH F1 GENERATE *,
               99   CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(visid_high,'-'), visid_low), '-'), visit_num) as VisitId,
              100   (referrer matches '.**' OR referrer matches '' ? NULL :referrer ) as Referrer,
              101   (iso IS NOT NULL ? ISODaysBetween(iso, '1899-12-31T00:00:00') : NULL)
              102        AS SkDateId,
              103   (iso IS NOT NULL ? ISOSecondsBetween(iso, ISOToDay(iso)) : NULL)
              104    AS SkTimeId,
              105   ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b202b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_202,
              106   ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b10b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_10,
              107   ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b12b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_12,
              108   ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b13b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_13,
              109   ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b14b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_14,
              110   ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b11b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_11,
              111   ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b1b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_1,
              112   REGEX_EXTRACT(pagename, 'F-(.*):.*', 1) AS ProductReferenceId,
              113   NULL AS OriginFile;
              115   SET DEFAULT_PARALLEL 24;
              117   F3 = JOIN F2 BY post_search_engine LEFT, TSearchEngine BY SearchEngineId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20 ;
              118   F3 = FOREACH F3 GENERATE *, (SKSearchEngineId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKSearchEngineId) as SKSearchEngineId;
              119   --F3 = FOREACH F2 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKSearchEngineId, NULL AS SearchEngineId;
              121   F4 = JOIN F3 BY browser LEFT, TBrowser BY BrowserId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20;
              122   F4 = FOREACH F4 GENERATE *, (SKBrowserId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKBrowserId) as SKBrowserId;
              124   --F4 = FOREACH F3 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKBrowserId, NULL AS BrowserId;
              127   F5 = JOIN F4 BY os LEFT, TOperatingSystem BY OperatingSystemId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20;
              128   F5 = FOREACH F5 GENERATE *, (SKOperatingSystemId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKOperatingSystemId) as SKOperatingSystemId;
              130   --F5 = FOREACH F4 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKOperatingSystemId, NULL AS OperatingSystemId;
              133   F6 = JOIN F5 BY resolution LEFT, TResolution BY ResolutionId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20;
              134   F6 = FOREACH F6 GENERATE *, (SKResolutionId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKResolutionId) as SKResolutionId;
              136   --F6 = FOREACH F5 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKResolutionId, NULL AS ResolutionId;
              138   F7 = JOIN F6 BY post_evar4 LEFT, TSiteMap BY SiteMapNodeId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20;
              139   F7 = FOREACH F7 GENERATE *, (SKSimteMapNodeId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKSimteMapNodeId) as SKSimteMapNodeId;
              141   --F7 = FOREACH F6 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKSimteMapNodeId, NULL AS SiteMapNodeId;
              144   SPLIT F7 INTO WITHOUT_CUSTOMER IF post_evar30 IS NULL, WITH_CUSTOMER IF post_evar30 IS NOT NULL;
              146   F8 = JOIN WITH_CUSTOMER BY post_evar30 LEFT, TCustomer BY CustomerId USING 'skewed' PARALLEL 20;
              149   --F8_UNION   = FOREACH F7 GENERATE *, NULL as SKCustomerId, NULL as CustomerId;
              150   F8_UNION =   UNION F8, WITHOUT_CUSTOMER;
              151   --DESCRIBE   F8;
              152   --DESCRIBE   WITHOUT_CUSTOMER;
              153   --DESCRIBE   F8_UNION;
              155   F9 = FOREACH F8_UNION GENERATE
              156   visid_high,
              157   visid_low,
              158   VisitId,

              159   post_evar30,
              160   SKCustomerId,
              161   visit_num,
              162   SkDateId,
              163   SkTimeId,
              164   post_evar16,
              165   post_evar52,
              166   visit_page_num,
              167   is_202,
              168   is_10,
              169   is_12,

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 From Code To Jobs

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Hive Joins

     How to join with MapReduce ?

                                         Uid   Tbl_idx   Name     Type
tbl_idx   uid      name                                                         Uid     Name     Type
                                         1     1         Dupont
1         1        Dupont                                                       1       Dupont   Type1
                                         1     2                  Type1
1         2        Durand                                                       1       Dupont   Type2
                                         1     2                  Type2

                   Shuffle by uid
                                                                  Reducer 1
                Sort by (uid, tbl_idx)

tbl_idx   uid      type
                                         Uid   Tbl_idx   Name     Type
2         1        Type1                                                       Uid      Name     Type
                                         2     1         Durand
2         1        Type2                                                       2        Durand   Type1
                                         2     2                  Type1
2         2        Type1

 Mappers output                                                   Reducer 2

    Dataiku - Innovation Services                                             4/14/13                    19

                                }    Hadoop and Context
                                }    Pig, Hive, Cascading, …
                                }    How they work
                                }    Comparing the tools

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Comparing without Comparable	

 }    Philosophy
       ◦  Procedural Vs Declarative
       ◦  Data Model and Schema
 }    Productivity
       ◦  Headachability
       ◦  Checkpointing
       ◦  Testing and environment
 }    Integration
       ◦  Partitioning
       ◦  Formats Integration
       ◦  External Code Integration
 }    Performance and optimization

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Procedural Vs Declarative

          }      Transformation as a                                                                                               }    Transformation as a
                  sequence of                                                                                                             set of formulas

                                                                                                                           Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Data type and Model

 }    All three Extend basic data model with extended
       data types
       ◦  array-like [ event1, event2, event3]
       ◦  map-like { type1:value1, type2:value2, …}

 }    Different approach
       ◦  Resilient Schema
       ◦  Static Typing
       ◦  No Static Typing

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 Data Type and Schema
  CREATE TABLE visit (
            user_name             STRING,
            user_id              INT,
            user_details         STRUCT<age:INT, zipcode:INT>

                      Simple type                                      Details
  TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT                       1, 2, 4 and 8 bytes
  FLOAT, DOUBLE                                        4 and 8 bytes

  STRING                                               Arbitrary-length, replaces VARCHAR

                    Complex type                                       Details
  ARRAY                                                Array of typed items (0-indexed)
  MAP                                                  Associative map
  STRUCT                                               Complex class-like objects

Dataiku Training – Hadoop for Data Science                                       4/14/13    24
Data types and Schema


 rel = LOAD '/folder/path/'
      USING PigStorage(‘t’)
      AS (col:type, col:type, col:type);

         Simple type                                             Details
  int, long, float,                   32 and 64 bits, signed
  chararray                           A string
  bytearray                           An array of … bytes
  boolean                             A boolean

        Complex type                                             Details
  tuple                               a tuple is an ordered fieldname:value map
  bag                                 a bag is a set of tuples

Dataiku Training – Hadoop for Data Science                                 4/14/13   25
Data Type and Schema 

 }    Support for Any Java Types, provided they can be
       serialized in Hadoop
 }    No support for Typing
         Simple type                                         Details
  Int, Long, Float,                 32 and 64 bits, signed
  String                            A string
  byte[]                            An array of … bytes
  Boolean                           A boolean

        Complex type                                         Details
  Object                            Object must be « Hadoop serializable »

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Style Summary

                         Style           Typing        Data Model     Metadata
Pig                         Procedural     Static +      scalar +         No
                                           Dynamic     tuple+ bag      (HCatalog)
Hive                       Declarative     Static +    scalar+ list    Integrated
                                          Dynamic,       + map
                                         enforced at
Cascading                   Procedural      Weak       scalar+ java       No

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Comparing without Comparable	

 }    Philosophy
       ◦  Procedural Vs Declarative
       ◦  Data Model and Schema
 }    Productivity
       ◦  Headachability
       ◦  Checkpointing
       ◦  Testing, error management and environment
 }    Integration
       ◦  Partitioning
       ◦  Formats Integration
       ◦  External Code Integration
 }    Performance and optimization

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

}    Does debugging
      the tool lead to bad
      headaches ?

                             Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

}    Out Of Memory Error (Reducer)

}    Exception in Building /
      Extended Functions 

      (handling of null)

}    Null vs “”

}    Nested Foreach and scoping

}    Date Management (pig 0.10)

}    Field implicit ordering

                                      Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
A Pig Error

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

}    Out of Memory Errors in

}    Few Debugging Options

}    Null / “”

}    No builtin “first”

                                Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

}    Weak Typing Errors (comparing
      Int and String … )

}    Illegal Operation Sequence
      (Group after group …)

}    Field Implicit Ordering

                                      Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 }    How to perform unit tests ?
 }    How to have different versions of the same script
       (parameter) ?

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 }    System Variables
 }    Comment to test
 }    No Meta Programming
 }    pig –x local to execute on local files

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Testing / Environment 

 }    Junit Tests are possible
 }    Ability to use code to actually comment out some

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 }    Lots of iteration while developing on Hadoop
 }    Sometime jobs fail
 }    Sometimes need to restart from the start …

 Parse Logs                  Per Page Stats    Page User Correlation   Filtering   Output

                                              FIX and relaunch

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 Manual Checkpointing
 }    STORE Command to manually 

       store files

 Parse Logs                  Per Page Stats   Page User Correlation   Filtering   Output

               // COMMENT Beginning
               of script and relaunch

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

Automated Checkpointing
}    Ability to re-run a
      flow automatically
      from the last saved


                               Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

Topological Scheduler
}  Check each file intermediate timestamp
}  Execute only if more recent

Parse Logs   Per Page Stats   Page User Correlation         Filtering     Output

                                      Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Productivity Summary

                         Headaches    Checkpointing/          Testing /
                                          Replay         Metaprogrammation

Pig                           Lots     Manual Save            Difficult

Hive                      Few, but   None (That’s SQL)    None (That’s SQL)
Cascading              Weak Typing    Checkpointing           Possible
                       Complexity     Partial Updates

 Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Comparing without Comparable	

 }    Philosophy
       ◦  Procedural Vs Declarative
       ◦  Data Model and Schema
 }    Productivity
       ◦  Headachability
       ◦  Checkpointing
       ◦  Testing and environment
 }    Integration
       ◦  Formats Integration
       ◦  Partitioning
       ◦  External Code Integration
 }    Performance and optimization

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Formats Integration

 }    Ability to integrate different file formats
       ◦  Text Delimited
       ◦  Sequence File (Binary Hadoop format)
       ◦  Avro, Thrift ..
 }    Ability to integrate with external data sources or
       sink ( MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Database. …)

       Format impact on size and performance

  Format                            Size on Disk (GB)   HIVE Processing time (24 cores)

  Text File, uncompressed           18.7                1m32s

  1 Text File, Gzipped              3.89                6m23s
                                                        (no parallelization)

  JSON compressed                   7.89                2m42s

  multiple text file gzipped        4.02                43s

  Sequence File, Block, Gzip        5.32                1m18s

  Text File, LZO Indexed            7.03                1m22s

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Format Integration

 }    Hive: Serde (Serialize-Deserializer)
 }    Pig : Storage
 }    Cascading: Tap

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 }    No support for “UPDATE” patterns, any increment is
       performed by adding or deleting a partition
 }    Common partition schemas on Hadoop
       ◦    By Date /apache_logs/dt=2013-01-23
       ◦    By Data center /apache_logs/dc=redbus01/…
       ◦    By Country
       ◦    …
       ◦    Or any combination of the above

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Hive Partitioning

 Partitioned tables
      user_id INT,
      type STRING,
      message STRING)
Disk structure


Dataiku Training – Hadoop for Data Science                           4/14/13      46
Cascading Partition

 }    No Direct support for partition
 }    Support for “Glob” Tap, to build read from files
       using patterns

 }    è You can code your own custom or virtual
       partition schemes

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
External Code Integration

 Simple UDF
               Pig                  Hive


Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Hive Complex UDF


Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 Direct Code Evaluation

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading


                               Partition/            External Code       Format
                               Incremental                               Integration
Pig                                   No Direct           Simple         Doable and rich
                                       Support                             community
Hive                             Fully integrated,    Very simple, but      Doable and
                                     SQL Like        complex dev setup       existing
Cascading                            With Coding      Complex UDFS          Doable and
                                                     but regular, and        growing
                                                     Java Expression        commuinty

 Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Comparing without Comparable	

 }    Philosophy
       ◦  Procedural Vs Declarative
       ◦  Data Model and Schema
 }    Productivity
       ◦  Headachability
       ◦  Checkpointing
       ◦  Testing and environment
 }    Integration
       ◦  Formats Integration
       ◦  Partitioning
       ◦  External Code Integration
 }    Performance and optimization

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

 }    Several Common Map Reduce Optimization
       ◦    Combiners
       ◦    MapJoin
       ◦    Job Fusion
       ◦    Job Parallelism
       ◦    Reducer Parallelism
 }    Different support per framework
       ◦  Fully Automatic
       ◦  Pragma / Directives / Options
       ◦  Coding style / Code to write

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

         Perform Partial Aggregate at Mapper Stage


                                   Map             …	


        Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

         Perform Partial Aggregate at Mapper Stage


                                   Map                                    Reduce


                              Reduced network bandwith. Better parallelism

        Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Join Optimization

 Map Join

                                    set = true;


                                           ( no aggregation support after HashJoin)

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Number of Reducers

 }    Critical for performance

 }    Estimated per the size of input file
       ◦  Hive
          –  divide size per hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer (default 1GB)
       ◦  Pig
          –  divide size pig.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer (default 1GB)

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
Performance & Optimization 


                                Combiner        Join            Number of
                                Optimization    Optimization    reducers

Pig                                 Automatic       Option      Estimate or DIY
Cascading                             DIY          HashJoin           DIY
Hive                                 Partial       Automatic    Estimate or DIY
                                      DIY          (Map Join)

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

                                }    Hadoop and Context (->0:03)
                                }    Pig, Hive, Cascading, … (->0:06)
                                }    How they work (->0:09)
                                }    Comparing the tools (->0:25)
                                }    Wrap’up and question (->0:30)

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
}    Want to keep close to SQL ?
       ◦  Hive
 }    Want to write large flows ?
       ◦  Pig
 }    Want to integrate in large scale programming
       ◦  Cascading (cascalog / scalding)

Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading

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Dataiku pig - hive - cascading

  • 1. Pig Hive Cascading Hadoop In Practice }  Devoxx 2013 }  Florian Douetteau
  • 2. About me Florian Douetteau <> }  CEO at Dataiku }  Freelance at Criteo (Online Ads) }  CTO at IsCool Ent. (#1 French Social Gamer) }  VP R&D Exalead (Search Engine Technology) Dataiku Training – Hadoop for Data Science 4/14/13 2
  • 3. Agenda }  Hadoop and Context (->0:03) }  Pig, Hive, Cascading, … (->0:06) }  How they work (->0:09) }  Comparing the tools (->0:25) }  Wrap’up and question (->0:) Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 4. CHOOSE TECHNOLOGY NoSQL-Slavia! Scalability Central! Machine Learning ! Mystery Land! Elastic Search Hadoop Scikit-Learn SOLR Ceph MongoDB Cassandra Sphere Mahout WEKA Riak MLBase LibSVM Membase Spark SQL Colunnar Republic! InfiniDB SAS RapidMiner R Vertica SPSS Panda GreenPlum QlickView Pig Impala Tableau Statistician Old ! Netezza SpotFire Cascading Talend House! HTML5/D3 Vizualization County! Data Clean Wasteland! Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 5. How do I (pre)process data? Implicit User Data (Views, Searches…) Online User Information Transformation 500TB Predictor Transformation Matrix Explicit User Data Predictor Runtime (Click, Buy, …) Per User Stats Rank Predictor 50TB Per Content Stats User Information (Location, Graph…) User Similarity 1TB Content Data (Title, Categories, Price, …) 200GB Content Similarity A/B Test Data Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 6. Typical Use Case 1
 Web Analytics Processing }  Analyse Raw Logs (Trackers, Web Logs) }  Extract IP, Page, … }  Detect and remove robots }  Build Statistics ◦  Number of page view, per produt ◦  Best Referers ◦  Traffic Analysis ◦  Funnel ◦  SEO Analysis ◦  … Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 7. Typical Use Case 2
 Mining Search Logs for Synonyms }  Extract Query Logs }  Perform query normalization }  Compute Ngrams }  Compute Search “Sessions” }  Compute Log- Likehood Ratio for ngrams across sesions Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 8. Typical Use Case 3
 Product Recommender }  Compute User – Product Association Matrix }  Compute different similarities ratio (Ochiai, Cosine, …) }  Filter out bad predictions }  For each user, select best recommendable products Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 9. Agenda }  Hadoop and Context }  Pig, Hive, Cascading, … }  How they work }  Comparing the tools Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 10. Pig History }  Yahoo Research in 2006 }  Inspired from Sawzall, a Google Paper from 2003 }  2007 as an Apache Project }  Initial motivation ◦  Search Log Analytics: how long is the average user session ? how many links does a user click ? on before leaving a website ? how do click patterns vary in the course of a day/week/month ? … words = LOAD '/training/hadoop-wordcount/output‘ USING PigStorage(‘t’) AS (word:chararray, count:int); sorted_words = ORDER words BY count DESC; first_words = LIMIT sorted_words 10; DUMP first_words; Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 11. Hive History }  Developed by Facebook in January 2007 }  Open source in August 2008 }  Initial Motivation ◦  Provide a SQL like abstraction to perform statistics on status updates create external table wordcounts ( word string, count int ) row format delimited fields terminated by 't' location '/training/hadoop-wordcount/output'; select * from wordcounts order by count desc limit 10; select SUM(count) from wordcounts where word like ‘th%’; Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 12. Cascading History }  Authored by Chris Wensel 2008 }  Associated Projects ◦  Cascalog : Cascading in Closure ◦  Scalding : Cascading in Scala (Twitter in 2012) ◦  Lingual ( to be released soon): SQL layer on top of cascading Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 13. Agenda }  Hadoop and Context }  Pig, Hive, Cascading, … }  How they work }  Comparing the tools Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 14. MapReduce
 Simplicity is a complexity Dataiku - Innovation Services 4/14/13 14
  • 15. Pig & Hive
 Mapping to Mapreduce jobs events = LOAD ‘/events’ USING PigStorage(‘t’) AS (type:chararray, user:chararray, price:int, timestamp:int); events_filtered = FILTER events BY type; by_user = GROUP events_filtered BY user; price_by_user = FOREACH by_user GENERATE type, SUM(price) AS total_price, MAX(timestamp) as max_ts; high_pbu = FILTER price_by_user BY total_price > 1000; Job 1 : Mapper Job 1 : Reducer1 LOAD FILTER GROUP FOREACH FILTER Shuffle and 
 sort by user * VAT excluded Dataiku - Innovation Services 4/14/13 15
  • 16. Pig & Hive
 Mapping to Mapreduce jobs events = LOAD ‘/events’ USING PigStorage(‘t’) AS (type:chararray, user:chararray, price:int, timestamp:int); events_filtered = FILTER events BY type; by_user = GROUP events_filtered BY user; price_by_user = FOREACH by_user GENERATE type, SUM(price) AS total_price, MAX(timestamp) as max_ts; high_pbu = FILTER price_by_user BY total_price > 1000; recent_high = ORDER high_pbu BY max_ts DESC; STORE recent_high INTO ‘/output’; Job 1: Mapper Job 1 :Reducer LOAD FILTER GROUP FOREACH FILTER Shuffle and 
 sort by user Job 2: Mapper Job 2: Reducer LOAD
 Shuffle and 
 STORE (from tmp) sort by max_ts Dataiku - Innovation Services 4/14/13 16
  • 17. Pig 
 How does it work Data Execution Plan compiled into 10 map reduce jobs executed in parallel (or not) 84 TResolution = LOAD '$PREFIX/dwh_dim_external_tracking_resolution/dt=$DAY' USING PigStorage('u0001'); 85 TResolution = FOREACH TResolution GENERATE $0 AS SKResolutionId, $1 as ResolutionId; 86 87 88 TSiteMap = LOAD '$PREFIX/dwh_dim_sitemapnode/dt=$DAY' USING PigStorage('u0001'); 89 TSiteMap = FOREACH TSiteMap GENERATE $0 AS SKSimteMapNodeId, $2 as SiteMapNodeId; 90 91 92 TCustomer = LOAD '$PREFIX/customer_relation/dt=$DAY' USING PigStorage('u0001') 93 as (SKCustomerId:chararray, 94 CustomerId:chararray); 95 96 F1 = FOREACH F1 GENERATE *, (date_time IS NOT NULL ? CustomFormatToISO(date_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' 97 98 F2 = FOREACH F1 GENERATE *, 99 CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(visid_high,'-'), visid_low), '-'), visit_num) as VisitId, 100 (referrer matches '.**' OR referrer matches '' ? NULL :referrer ) as Referrer, 101 (iso IS NOT NULL ? ISODaysBetween(iso, '1899-12-31T00:00:00') : NULL) 102 AS SkDateId, 103 (iso IS NOT NULL ? ISOSecondsBetween(iso, ISOToDay(iso)) : NULL) 104 AS SkTimeId, 105 ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b202b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_202, 106 ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b10b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_10, 107 ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b12b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_12, 108 ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b13b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_13, 109 ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b14b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_14, 110 ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b11b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_11, 111 ((event_list is not null and event_list matches '.*b1b.*') ? 'Y' : 'N') as is_1, 112 REGEX_EXTRACT(pagename, 'F-(.*):.*', 1) AS ProductReferenceId, 113 NULL AS OriginFile; 114 115 SET DEFAULT_PARALLEL 24; 116 117 F3 = JOIN F2 BY post_search_engine LEFT, TSearchEngine BY SearchEngineId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20 ; 118 F3 = FOREACH F3 GENERATE *, (SKSearchEngineId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKSearchEngineId) as SKSearchEngineId; 119 --F3 = FOREACH F2 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKSearchEngineId, NULL AS SearchEngineId; 120 121 F4 = JOIN F3 BY browser LEFT, TBrowser BY BrowserId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20; 122 F4 = FOREACH F4 GENERATE *, (SKBrowserId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKBrowserId) as SKBrowserId; 123 124 --F4 = FOREACH F3 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKBrowserId, NULL AS BrowserId; 125 126 127 F5 = JOIN F4 BY os LEFT, TOperatingSystem BY OperatingSystemId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20; 128 F5 = FOREACH F5 GENERATE *, (SKOperatingSystemId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKOperatingSystemId) as SKOperatingSystemId; 129 130 --F5 = FOREACH F4 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKOperatingSystemId, NULL AS OperatingSystemId; 131 132 133 F6 = JOIN F5 BY resolution LEFT, TResolution BY ResolutionId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20; 134 F6 = FOREACH F6 GENERATE *, (SKResolutionId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKResolutionId) as SKResolutionId; 135 136 --F6 = FOREACH F5 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKResolutionId, NULL AS ResolutionId; 137 138 F7 = JOIN F6 BY post_evar4 LEFT, TSiteMap BY SiteMapNodeId USING 'replicated' PARALLEL 20; 139 F7 = FOREACH F7 GENERATE *, (SKSimteMapNodeId IS NULL ? '-1' : SKSimteMapNodeId) as SKSimteMapNodeId; 140 141 --F7 = FOREACH F6 GENERATE *, NULL AS SKSimteMapNodeId, NULL AS SiteMapNodeId; 142 143 144 SPLIT F7 INTO WITHOUT_CUSTOMER IF post_evar30 IS NULL, WITH_CUSTOMER IF post_evar30 IS NOT NULL; 145 146 F8 = JOIN WITH_CUSTOMER BY post_evar30 LEFT, TCustomer BY CustomerId USING 'skewed' PARALLEL 20; 147 WITHOUT_CUSTOMER = FOREACH WITHOUT_CUSTOMER GENERATE *, NULL as SKCustomerId, NULL as CustomerId; 148 149 --F8_UNION = FOREACH F7 GENERATE *, NULL as SKCustomerId, NULL as CustomerId; 150 F8_UNION = UNION F8, WITHOUT_CUSTOMER; 151 --DESCRIBE F8; 152 --DESCRIBE WITHOUT_CUSTOMER; 153 --DESCRIBE F8_UNION; 154 155 F9 = FOREACH F8_UNION GENERATE 156 visid_high, 157 visid_low, 158 VisitId, 159 post_evar30, 160 SKCustomerId, 161 visit_num, 162 SkDateId, 163 SkTimeId, 164 post_evar16, 165 post_evar52, 166 visit_page_num, 167 is_202, 168 is_10, 169 is_12, Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 18. Cascading
 From Code To Jobs Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 19. Hive Joins
 How to join with MapReduce ? Uid Tbl_idx Name Type tbl_idx uid name Uid Name Type 1 1 Dupont 1 1 Dupont 1 Dupont Type1 1 2 Type1 1 2 Durand 1 Dupont Type2 1 2 Type2 Shuffle by uid Reducer 1 Sort by (uid, tbl_idx) tbl_idx uid type Uid Tbl_idx Name Type 2 1 Type1 Uid Name Type 2 1 Durand 2 1 Type2 2 Durand Type1 2 2 Type1 2 2 Type1 Mappers output Reducer 2 Dataiku - Innovation Services 4/14/13 19
  • 20. Agenda }  Hadoop and Context }  Pig, Hive, Cascading, … }  How they work }  Comparing the tools Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 21. Comparing without Comparable   }  Philosophy ◦  Procedural Vs Declarative ◦  Data Model and Schema }  Productivity ◦  Headachability ◦  Checkpointing ◦  Testing and environment }  Integration ◦  Partitioning ◦  Formats Integration ◦  External Code Integration }  Performance and optimization Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 22. Procedural Vs Declarative }  Transformation as a }  Transformation as a sequence of set of formulas operations Users                                =  load  'users'  as  (name,  age,  ipaddr);   Clicks                              =  load  'clicks'  as  (user,  url,  value);   ValuableClicks              =  filter  Clicks  by  value  >  0;   insert  into  ValuableClicksPerDMA  select   UserClicks                      =  join  Users  by  name,  ValuableClicks  by   dma,  count(*)   user;   from  geoinfo  join  (     Geoinfo                            =  load  'geoinfo'  as  (ipaddr,  dma);    select  name,  ipaddr  from   UserGeo                            =  join  UserClicks  by  ipaddr,  Geoinfo  by   users  join  clicks  on  (  =   ipaddr;   clicks.user)   ByDMA                                =  group  UserGeo  by  dma;    where  value  >  0;   ValuableClicksPerDMA  =  foreach  ByDMA  generate  group,    )  using  ipaddr   COUNT(UserGeo);   group  by  dma;   store  ValuableClicksPerDMA  into  'ValuableClicksPerDMA';   Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 23. Data type and Model
 Rationale }  All three Extend basic data model with extended data types ◦  array-like [ event1, event2, event3] ◦  map-like { type1:value1, type2:value2, …} }  Different approach ◦  Resilient Schema ◦  Static Typing ◦  No Static Typing Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 24. Hive
 Data Type and Schema CREATE TABLE visit ( user_name STRING, user_id INT, user_details STRUCT<age:INT, zipcode:INT> ); Simple type Details TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT 1, 2, 4 and 8 bytes FLOAT, DOUBLE 4 and 8 bytes BOOLEAN STRING Arbitrary-length, replaces VARCHAR TIMESTAMP Complex type Details ARRAY Array of typed items (0-indexed) MAP Associative map STRUCT Complex class-like objects Dataiku Training – Hadoop for Data Science 4/14/13 24
  • 25. Data types and Schema
 Pig rel = LOAD '/folder/path/' USING PigStorage(‘t’) AS (col:type, col:type, col:type); Simple type Details int, long, float, 32 and 64 bits, signed double chararray A string bytearray An array of … bytes boolean A boolean Complex type Details tuple a tuple is an ordered fieldname:value map bag a bag is a set of tuples Dataiku Training – Hadoop for Data Science 4/14/13 25
  • 26. Data Type and Schema 
 Cascading }  Support for Any Java Types, provided they can be serialized in Hadoop }  No support for Typing Simple type Details Int, Long, Float, 32 and 64 bits, signed Double String A string byte[] An array of … bytes Boolean A boolean Complex type Details Object Object must be « Hadoop serializable » Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 27. Style Summary Style Typing Data Model Metadata store Pig Procedural Static + scalar + No Dynamic tuple+ bag (HCatalog) (fully recursive) Hive Declarative Static + scalar+ list Integrated Dynamic, + map enforced at execution time Cascading Procedural Weak scalar+ java No objects Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 28. Comparing without Comparable   }  Philosophy ◦  Procedural Vs Declarative ◦  Data Model and Schema }  Productivity ◦  Headachability ◦  Checkpointing ◦  Testing, error management and environment }  Integration ◦  Partitioning ◦  Formats Integration ◦  External Code Integration }  Performance and optimization Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 29. Headachility
 Motivation }  Does debugging the tool lead to bad headaches ? Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 30. Headaches
 Pig }  Out Of Memory Error (Reducer) }  Exception in Building / Extended Functions 
 (handling of null) }  Null vs “” }  Nested Foreach and scoping }  Date Management (pig 0.10) }  Field implicit ordering Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 31. A Pig Error Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 32. Headaches
 Hive }  Out of Memory Errors in Reducers }  Few Debugging Options }  Null / “” }  No builtin “first” Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 33. Headaches
 Cascading }  Weak Typing Errors (comparing Int and String … ) }  Illegal Operation Sequence (Group after group …) }  Field Implicit Ordering Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 34. Testing
 Motivation }  How to perform unit tests ? }  How to have different versions of the same script (parameter) ? Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 35. Testing
 Pig }  System Variables }  Comment to test }  No Meta Programming }  pig –x local to execute on local files Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 36. Testing / Environment 
 Cascading }  Junit Tests are possible }  Ability to use code to actually comment out some variables Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 37. Checkpointing 
 Motivation }  Lots of iteration while developing on Hadoop }  Sometime jobs fail }  Sometimes need to restart from the start … Parse Logs Per Page Stats Page User Correlation Filtering Output FIX and relaunch Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 38. Pig
 Manual Checkpointing }  STORE Command to manually 
 store files Parse Logs Per Page Stats Page User Correlation Filtering Output // COMMENT Beginning of script and relaunch Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 39. Cascading 
 Automated Checkpointing }  Ability to re-run a flow automatically from the last saved checkpoint addCheckpoint(…)   Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 40. Cascading 
 Topological Scheduler }  Check each file intermediate timestamp }  Execute only if more recent Parse Logs Per Page Stats Page User Correlation Filtering Output Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 41. Productivity Summary Headaches Checkpointing/ Testing / Replay Metaprogrammation Pig Lots Manual Save Difficult Hive Few, but None (That’s SQL) None (That’s SQL) without debugging options Cascading Weak Typing Checkpointing Possible Complexity Partial Updates Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 42. Comparing without Comparable   }  Philosophy ◦  Procedural Vs Declarative ◦  Data Model and Schema }  Productivity ◦  Headachability ◦  Checkpointing ◦  Testing and environment }  Integration ◦  Formats Integration ◦  Partitioning ◦  External Code Integration }  Performance and optimization Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 43. Formats Integration
 Motivation }  Ability to integrate different file formats ◦  Text Delimited ◦  Sequence File (Binary Hadoop format) ◦  Avro, Thrift .. }  Ability to integrate with external data sources or sink ( MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Database. …) Format impact on size and performance Format Size on Disk (GB) HIVE Processing time (24 cores) Text File, uncompressed 18.7 1m32s 1 Text File, Gzipped 3.89 6m23s (no parallelization) JSON compressed 7.89 2m42s multiple text file gzipped 4.02 43s Sequence File, Block, Gzip 5.32 1m18s Text File, LZO Indexed 7.03 1m22s Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 44. Format Integration
 }  Hive: Serde (Serialize-Deserializer) }  Pig : Storage }  Cascading: Tap Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 45. Partitions
 Motivation }  No support for “UPDATE” patterns, any increment is performed by adding or deleting a partition }  Common partition schemas on Hadoop ◦  By Date /apache_logs/dt=2013-01-23 ◦  By Data center /apache_logs/dc=redbus01/… ◦  By Country ◦  … ◦  Or any combination of the above Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 46. Hive Partitioning
 Partitioned tables CREATE TABLE event ( user_id INT, type STRING, message STRING) PARTITIONED BY (day STRING, server_id STRING); Disk structure /hive/event/day=2013-01-27/server_id=s1/file0 /hive/event/day=2013-01-27/server_id=s1/file1 /hive/event/day=2013-01-27/server_id=s2/file0 /hive/event/day=2013-01-27/server_id=s2/file1 … /hive/event/day=2013-01-28/server_id=s2/file0 /hive/event/day=2013-01-28/server_id=s2/file1 INSERT  OVERWRITE  TABLE    event  PARTITION(ds='2013-­‐01-­‐27',   server_id=‘s1’)   SELECT  *  FROM  event_tmp;   Dataiku Training – Hadoop for Data Science 4/14/13 46
  • 47. Cascading Partition }  No Direct support for partition }  Support for “Glob” Tap, to build read from files using patterns
 }  è You can code your own custom or virtual partition schemes Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 48. External Code Integration
 Simple UDF Pig Hive Cascading Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 49. Hive Complex UDF
 (Aggregators) Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 50. Cascading 
 Direct Code Evaluation Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 51. Integration
 Summary Partition/ External Code Format Incremental Integration Updates Pig No Direct Simple Doable and rich Support community Hive Fully integrated, Very simple, but Doable and SQL Like complex dev setup existing community Cascading With Coding Complex UDFS Doable and but regular, and growing Java Expression commuinty embeddable Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 52. Comparing without Comparable   }  Philosophy ◦  Procedural Vs Declarative ◦  Data Model and Schema }  Productivity ◦  Headachability ◦  Checkpointing ◦  Testing and environment }  Integration ◦  Formats Integration ◦  Partitioning ◦  External Code Integration }  Performance and optimization Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 53. Optimization }  Several Common Map Reduce Optimization Patterns ◦  Combiners ◦  MapJoin ◦  Job Fusion ◦  Job Parallelism ◦  Reducer Parallelism }  Different support per framework ◦  Fully Automatic ◦  Pragma / Directives / Options ◦  Coding style / Code to write Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 54. Combiner
 Perform Partial Aggregate at Mapper Stage SELECT  date,  COUNT(*)  FROM  product  GROUP  BY  date   2012-­‐02-­‐14  4354   Map …   Reduce 2012-­‐02-­‐14  4354   2012-­‐02-­‐14  20   2012-­‐02-­‐15  21we2   …     2012-­‐02-­‐15  21we2     2012-­‐02-­‐15  35   2012-­‐02-­‐14  qa334   …   2012-­‐02-­‐15  23aq2   2012-­‐02-­‐14  qa334     2012-­‐02-­‐16  1   …   2012-­‐02-­‐15  23aq2     Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 55. Combiner
 Perform Partial Aggregate at Mapper Stage SELECT  date,  COUNT(*)  FROM  product  GROUP  BY  date   Map Reduce 2012-­‐02-­‐14  4354   2012-­‐02-­‐14  8   2012-­‐02-­‐14  20   …   2012-­‐02-­‐15  12   2012-­‐02-­‐15  21we2         2012-­‐02-­‐15  35   2012-­‐02-­‐14  qa334   …   2012-­‐02-­‐15  23aq2     2012-­‐02-­‐14  12   2012-­‐02-­‐16  1   2012-­‐02-­‐15  23   2012-­‐02-­‐16  1         Reduced network bandwith. Better parallelism Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 56. Join Optimization
 Map Join Hive set = true; Pig Cascading ( no aggregation support after HashJoin) Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 57. Number of Reducers }  Critical for performance }  Estimated per the size of input file ◦  Hive –  divide size per hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer (default 1GB) ◦  Pig –  divide size pig.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer (default 1GB) Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 58. Performance & Optimization 
 Summary Combiner Join Number of Optimization Optimization reducers optimization Pig Automatic Option Estimate or DIY Cascading DIY HashJoin DIY Hive Partial Automatic Estimate or DIY DIY (Map Join) Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 59. Agenda }  Hadoop and Context (->0:03) }  Pig, Hive, Cascading, … (->0:06) }  How they work (->0:09) }  Comparing the tools (->0:25) }  Wrap’up and question (->0:30) Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading
  • 60. }  Want to keep close to SQL ? ◦  Hive }  Want to write large flows ? ◦  Pig }  Want to integrate in large scale programming projects ◦  Cascading (cascalog / scalding) Dataiku - Pig, Hive and Cascading