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What Can Be Learned From a
 One-Minute Online Survey
  How people really feel about
        (and what does this mean)?

      An Illustrative Case Study Using
Foreword: Web teams need constant feedback
By Gerry McGovern

Living systems get constant feedback from their external environment. To truly
succeed, web teams need constant feedback from their customers.

You're a manager in a restaurant. It's raining. A customer walks in and almost
slips on the mat in front of the door. You're very busy at this stage, but you make
a mental note: "I must change that mat." About 15 minutes later another
customer comes in. She, too, almost slips on the mat. You rush up to her,
apologize profusely and then change the mat.

People are slipping on our websites right now but, because we don't see them
slip, we don't change the mat. I'm one of the biggest offenders. Over the years I
have left content and applications on my websites that had problems that I was
vaguely aware of, but they just didn't seem important enough to warrant any
action. Even when I became clearly aware of the issue I didn't react with enough

Why was that? Why was I so complacent? I would like to think that if I was
running a restaurant I would have apologized to the customer and changed the
mat. Why don't I do that when it comes down to managing a website? I think a
core part of the problem is the lack of real feedback.

I'm not actually seeing the customer slip. I don't actually see real people use my

Customers are hugely impatient on the Web. When they slip, their first impulse is
to hit the Back button. Jared Spool wrote an excellent article in 2009 called the
"The $300 Million Button." In it he explained how the removal of a registration
button from a particular step in a purchase process resulted in a dramatic
improvement in sales.

The Web team had created the registration button so as to make it easier and
faster for regular customers to buy. But people absolutely hate registration. New
customers felt they would be spammed if they registered. One potential customer
summed up their feelings as follows: "I'm not here to enter into a relationship. I
just want to buy something."
The regular customers didn't feel much happier. "45% of all customers had
multiple registrations in the system, some as many as 10," Jared wrote. "We also
analyzed how many people requested passwords, to find out it reached about
160,000 per day."

The Web is so important today. And yet many of the web teams I deal with are
way down the management hierarchy. Intranet teams, in particular, tend to get
negligible resources. That needs to change because the reality is that the Web is
central to the present and future success of most organizations.

One of the ways we make that change happen is that we start developing much
better feedback mechanisms for our websites. At a most basic level, we must find
ways to regularly (weekly at minimum) observe our customers carry out top tasks
on our websites. That's how Jared Spool discovered there was a problem: by
watching customers trying to buy.

According to Wikipedia, "Living things are systems that tend to respond to
changes in their environment." Let us embrace our customer environment. Let us
observe and evolve. The rewards are very substantial.

Gerry is the founder and CEO of Customer Carewords. He is widely regarded as
the worldwide authority on increasing web satisfaction by managing customer
tasks. Gerry has spoken, written and consulted extensively on web content
management issues since 1994. His new book, The Stranger's Long Neck: How to
Deliver What Your Customers Really Want Online, was published in July 2010.
Read the first chapter of the book at
What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

Executive summary
In order to demonstrate what can be learned from a carefully-designed survey
that is very quick to complete, we asked a combination of consumers and Web
professionals to rate (chosen as it is very familiar to many people).
As expected, the site was rated very positively yet there was still much to learn.
The most compelling characteristic of the site for most visitors was the ratings
and reviews feature. But while ratings and reviews are a strength now, they
might also be under threat. The growth of social media has diminished the
advantage of ratings and reviews by strangers and Amazon is arguably no longer
at the leading edge in this respect. Other findings demonstrate that female
visitors like to ‘get things done quickly’ and are more troubled by the difficulty of
‘contacting a person’ while men value ‘complete information’ a little more.

Perhaps surprisingly, Web professionals complained more than consumers that had a cluttered layout, hinting that expert opinions cannot be relied
on exclusively without the input of regular Web users.

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

Table of contents
Key findings..........................................................................................7
   Ratings, reviews and recommendations are popular but under threat. . .9
   People like Amazon’s search but there is no room for complacency ....11
   Clutter and layout were problems, but not for all...............................12
   Some people find it hard to contact a person.....................................13
   Visual appearance not of overriding importance.................................15

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

                             Consumers have opinions on websites; they express them to friends and family,
                             not in the technical and analytical terms that professionals might use, but in quick
                             summary statements that capture the essence of the sites.

                             Typically, Web surveys ask consumers to rate sites in technical terms, but this is
                             expecting consumers to think the way we experts do, to tell us what and where
                             site issues exist.

                             . We need to simulate being present at hundreds of social gatherings and
                             eavesdropping on conversations about websites. The approach used in this
We instead need to collect
                             Amazon review, tried and trusted over many years, puts the onus on the analyst
 what people feel strongly
                             to interpret consumer sentiment, and makes it easier for them to express their
  about; what they would     feelings. It was our goal to run through a illustrative example from start to finish
 say over the barbecue or    to show you the level of actionable information can be gleamed from this simple
       at the water cooler   and comparatively inexpensive method. You can be the judge of the success of
                             that objective.

                             This technique does not ask questions in company-centric language (e.g. ‘Please
                             rate the options that are available for you to navigate this website?’), but instead
                             simply asks people to express what they felt strongly about. This ensures that
                             their instinctive reactions are captured. It also helps that the survey was very
                             quick to complete — it genuinely took less than a minute and nobody abandoned

                             The success of the survey depends of course on the results. You have your
                             opinion of Amazon, so how well do the findings match your expectations, but also
                             surprise and provide ‘food for thought’? Ultimately, what value does this survey
                             bring to website analysis?

                             This study was conducted by The Customer Respect Group using the Customer
                             Carewords methodology. It is far from perfect. We would have liked larger
                             participant numbers and we did invite web professionals with their different
                             preconceptions to get involved, which may have skewed overall results a little.
                             But a lot of data and analysis emerged from what was, superficially, a very simple

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

Key findings
A very clear trend emerged from the results – the top five attributes accounted
for over half of the overall impressions. The strong trend showed that the survey
successfully identified the aspects of that are most compelling. The
positive sentiments were dominant and the site recorded an extremely high rating
of 86 out of 100. The general rating for websites tested with this methodology is
typically in the 50-60 range.

The top five attributes were:

    1.   Site has ratings, reviews and recommendations
    2.   Helpful search results
    3.   Fast to do things
    4.   Simple layout/easy to read
    5.   Accurate information

An important consequence of the survey is that it highlights site strengths just as
much as weaknesses. So while ratings, reviews and recommendations are a
much-loved feature this strength can become a threat should competitors
neutralize their value.

Although the negative sentiments were in the minority, a significant minority is
not happy with some aspects of

Even a successful site like Amazon can be improved. Given the volume of traffic,
a small improvement could have a significant effect. The three main areas of
concern were:

    1. Cluttered layout
    2. Hard to contact a person
    3. The site was visually unattractive


What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

Participants came from a pool of demographically evenly-spread consumers
(approx 60% of the total) and web professionals. The graph below reflects the
importance of each of the 26 attributes in the survey. A red bar indicates a
negative sentiment.

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

                                 The data is a signpost and tells us where to look; the interpretation brings the
                                 data to life and leads to actionable tasks and strategies to pursue. With websites
                                 so complex, it is critical to garner consumer sentiment continuously to reflect
                                 changing expectations as much as changes in functionality. When so many
                                 companies focus on customer retention and growth, sentiment towards websites
                                 is a critical metric that up to now has been difficult to harness.

                                 Ratings, reviews and recommendations are popular but under
  84% of US customers prefer     The presence of ratings, reviews and recommendations was the top-rated
the opinion of other customers   attribute. It was once what differentiated but the landscape has
               versus experts.   changed. Most retailers have adopted, and even improved, reviews and for very
                                 good commercial reasons:
          —Marketing Sherpa             78% of Internet users rate recommendations as most credible form of
                                            advertising (Neilsen)
                                        84% of US customers prefer the opinion of other customers versus
                                            experts (Marketing Sherpa)
                                        96% of online retailers rank customer ratings and reviews as an effective
                                            or very effective tactic for driving conversion (Forrester)
                                        65% trust ‘friends’ recommendations while 33% trust company-supplied
                                            recommendations (emarketer)
                                        69% of consumers who read reviews then go on to share them with
                                            family and friends (Deloitte)
                                        Products that have reviews show a 35% increase in conversion rates

                                 One weakness of the Amazon implementation is that it does not allow for
                                 recommendations by friends. We can read that hundreds of people rated this
                                 product as 5-star, but it’s not immediately clear if they share our tastes or
                                 preferences. A clear finding of various studies is that consumers want to hear
                                 from “someone like me”.

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

Best Buy’s Facebook page, which has almost 1.2 million fans (compared to
Amazon’s 90,000) includes a ‘Shop + Share’ tab on which consumers can browse
products and traditional reviews. A key enhancement, however, is the ‘Ask
Friends’ button which allows fans to collect input on their decision from friends’.
This makes it very easy to get the opinions of trusted peers. Now, friends can
offer an opinion before we buy, in a manner similar to bringing a friend to a
bricks-and-mortar store.

There are many other examples of how ratings and reviews have evolved and
developed. Once considered a unique feature of Amazon, this could be a game-
changing feature and Amazon can’t afford to fall behind the innovation curve in
an area so ingrained in its users’ experience. If a key strength is perceived as
being inferior to systems in use elsewhere, there is a danger that Amazon might
lose some of its popularity.

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

                                    Best Buy’s Facebook page brings reviews and ratings to a new level by allowing people to
                                    ask their friends for advice on selected products

  Best Buy has recruited 15
       times more ‘fans’ on
Facebook than Amazon and
 more likely to benefit from
    recommendations from

                                    People like Amazon’s search but there is no room for
                                    Good search results was considered to be the next most important attribute.
                                    Search is sometimes considered to be ‘Plan B’ when navigating through menus
                                    and links has not resulted in success, but in this case it seems unlikely. Very few
                                    people chose ‘confusing menus and links’, so it seems that Amazon’s search is
                                    actually particularly good – good enough to be a Plan A when arriving on the site.
                                    Customers know that searching for that book or DVD will produce really accurate
                                    and fast results.

                                    Amazon search has customer-oriented features that can help them find what they
        Amazon cannot afford        need very quickly. Sub-categories on the left menu allow customers to filter
         to neglect improving       results if the default results are not quite right, ratings are visible, and related
                                    searches are suggested.
           its search facility...
       34.5% of traffic to top
             retail sites in July
           2010 came directly
       from [external] search
What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

                            Amazon cannot afford to neglect improving its search facility. There are many
                            web shoppers that are not wedded to an Amazon-like one-stop shopping
                            experience. According to Hitwise, 34.5% of traffic to top retail sites in July 2010
                            came directly from search engines.

                            Google’s new instant search introduces the concept of consumers fine-tuning
                            search terms dynamically. If this proves popular, Amazon will need to respond.
                            There are also examples of reviews being included in search results (Bazaarvoice
                            is supplying reviews to Google that includes content from sites like BestBuy and

                            As Facebook becomes more and more a destination site for consumers, its search
                            feature might drive traffic to rival sites, particularly if their Facebook presences
                            are more advanced or feature-rich.

                            Negative sentiments were in the minority but can’t be
                            The important thing about negative sentiments in a one-minute survey is that
                            they help companies isolate general issues and provide the roadmap of where to
                            start ‘digging’. Furthermore, we have found that Web teams welcome some
                            negative findings, which are often seen as a validation of their own opinions. A
                            more typical ratio of positive to negative is 65/35 or 70/30, and in these cases
                            the discussion of how to rectify problems would dominate the analysis.

                            Clutter and layout were problems, but not for all
                            The most significant negative aspect of was ‘cluttered layout, hard
                            to read’. Clearly, page layout matters - it has direct impact on the ability to
                            complete tasks. Too many long blocks of text, too many links, clutter, not enough
                            white space, lack of a coherent structure; these can all slow people down.
  ... ‘you guys are so
                            According to a consumer for whom this is the most important facet of
    primitive, you are
 like cavemen. Don’t
                                   I’ve used the site many times and have found it confusing to use. It has taken
 you have any sense
                                   me too long in the past to get to the information I need or to find out that I
        of aesthetic?’...          had to do something else to get where I wanted to be. Just a hassle!
In all the complaints              - Female consumer, 25-34 years old, quite familiar with the site
and requests we get
                            The bigger takeaway story on this factor was that this was much more important
    from users, this is
                            for professionals than consumers. It was the only factor where professionals
  never one of them.        differed from consumers to any degree of significance. It may indicate that web
                            professionals tend to judge layout more than consumers do, years of experience
 — Jim Buckmaster,          having trained them to look at websites differently. Very few Web professionals
   CEO of Craigslist        would not criticize Craigslist yet it remains a very popular site. According to Jim
                            Buckmaster, CEO of Craigslist:

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

                                      “I hear this all the time, ‘you guys are so primitive, you are like cavemen.
                                      Don’t you have any sense of aesthetic? ‘ But the people I hear it from are
                                      invariably working for firms that want the job of redoing the site. In all the
                                      complaints and requests we get from users, this is never one of them. Time
                                      spent on the site, the number of people who post—we’re the leader. It could
                                      be we’re doing one or two things right.”

                              To reinforce this view, far more people chose ‘simple layout, easy to read’, with
                              consumers more satisfied with the layout than the professionals.

                              Although subjectivity is also a factor in this attribute, the difference of opinion
                              shows the importance of getting the opinions of non-expert consumers, who
                              vastly outnumber the Web professionals in the online space. Without intending
                              to, we were able to show that web professionals may not always be the best
                              predictors of consumer sentiment.

                              Some people find it hard to contact a person
  Sears offers chat, call     At one time, it was extremely difficult to get in touch with Amazon support staff.
      back and email on       Things have improved, but it still is not that easy to engage with a
every page to assist the      representative.
consumer complete the         The issue is the lack of real-time escalation – being able to contact an agent by
  buying process — this       phone or chat without leaving the page. Many competitive sites offer telephone
         is a standard of     numbers, live chat, instant callback and click-to-call to ensure that consumers
 availability of help that    don’t lose momentum by having to navigate to another page to resolve an issue.
   sets expectations for      According to Art Technology Group, 58% of consumers now look for live help if
                              missing information while online, while 53% will do so if there are problems
     visitors to sites like
                              checking out. It was interesting that men looked for help less than women,
                              reinforcing the general perception of men having an aversion to asking for

                              Sears, a retailer that has announced major plans to expand its online offering
                              with the adoption of an ‘Amazon-like’ marketplace that offers products from third
   Chatters that engage       parties, provides prominent options for consumers to reach out. Service agents
 via proactive invitation     can view the contents of the consumer’s shopping cart and answer any questions.
                are 6.3X      This helps to reduce cart abandonment, a major issue for online retailers. Sears
  more likely to convert      offers chat, call-back and email on every page to assist consumers complete the
 than visitors who don’t      buying process — this is a standard of availability of help that sets expectations
                              for visitors to sites like Amazon’s.

   — Bold Software Live
      Chat Performance
   Benchmarks October

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

Live chat with an agent from product pages allows Sears customers to escalate issues or
get answers without interrupting their tasks

It would be very revealing to drill down with the participants that expressed
concern about contact options to find out, for example:

        Why is this an issue – what was the reason they needed to contact
            Amazon when they found it difficult?
        Was the issue they tried to escalate to do with a site issue, or perhaps an
            offline issue like late delivery or a billing discrepancy?
        Did the issue cause them to abandon a purchase and go elsewhere?
        What were their expectations of Amazon – a telephone number on every
            page, or just an easier path to an email contact form?

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

                                  Visual appearance not of overriding importance
                                  Visual appearance is of course another subjective characteristic, but what is
                                  striking is that the ‘look’ of the site was not important to most people, whether
                                  they liked it or not. (There was only a slight difference here between consumers
   … the ‘look’ of the site was
                                  and professionals.)
not important to most people,
  whether they liked it or not    Functionality seems to be what matters — with the appearance of Amazon not
                                  getting in the way of people browsing products and buying. This indicates that
                                  once the appearance of a website is not strikingly bad (and Amazon’s certainly
                                  isn’t), it does not really register prominently with visitors. Once customers can do
                                  what they need to do, they’ll not be too concerned about colors, fonts, imagery
                                  or other design features. That’s not to say that any design will do – it still needs a
                                  professional to design an interface that is visually coherent and serves the brand
                                  well. But once people can get where they need to go quickly, and complete their
                                  tasks, the visual appearance is very much secondary to functionality. Consumers
                                  are probably too short on time to notice the visual design of site that is designed
                                  to get things done.

                                  This finding also raises further questions:

                                          What type of site visitor finds unattractive?
                                          Are new visitors more critical of the appearance, perhaps it becomes less
                                              important as they find out that the site is functionally excellent?
                                          What exactly about the appearance is causing an issue – is it related to
                                              clutter, or is it a purely subjective attribute like the choice of colors
                                              and fonts?
                                          Why do they feel strongly enough about appearance to pick this attribute
                                              rather than one of the other 24 available?


What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

Report Summary
Consumers want choice and they want low prices. That’s a big reason for the
success of Alongside its own merchandise, Amazon also offers
goods from other retailers and the revenue from this ‘marketplace’ in the first half
of the year was roughly $4.2 billion.

Major online competitors including Sears and Wal-Mart are aggressively building
their own marketplaces and industry experts say several more large retailers will
launch similar efforts in the coming months.

So, does our study help understand Amazon’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats?

       Clearly, ratings and reviews are a critical attraction for Amazon but they
           need a significant upgrade to exploit new channels of social media,
           especially Facebook. Sears has already developed a sophisticated
           online community which looks to be more advanced than Amazon’s.
           This is critical to consumers and in a world of diminishing loyalty may
           serve to weaken Amazon’s dominant position
       Customers increasingly see online retail as a multi-channel experience and
           it is likely that Amazon will need to provide better options for
           speaking to a service person in real time. The study indicated a small
           (but what is likely to be a growing) dissatisfaction in this area. A
           continuous review process would be able to monitor that. Both Wal-
           Mart and Sears already offer better capabilities as well as store pick-
           up options and are experimenting with same-day delivery in major
       Search is highlighted as critical and while Amazon’s is good, there are
           sites which already surpass its capabilities. There is the added threat
           of Facebook and Google search as the most popular starting points
           for consumers.

In summary, Amazon received a very positive rating so on the surface it has little
to put right. But as we have shown significant challenges are emerging.


What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

We produced this report to step through a complete process; we used Amazon
simply because many people are familiar with the site and have impressions.
Many readers of the report will have provided input so you know that it did take
the 1 minute we say. You all have regular visitors to your sites; what are their
impressions, what effect does that have on viral recommendations or on
repetitive use.

The benefit of the methodology is the combination of a unique survey technique
in combination with the expert interpretation from a range of partners that have
extensive online experience.

Already the methodology has been applied to sites across multiple industries and
countries, it provides great value for a comparative inexpensive commitment.

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

We created an online poll and asked participants to tell us which three of 26
statements most closely described how they felt about, and allocate
‘3’ to the strongest sentiment, ‘2’ to the next, and ‘1’ to the third (mirroring Gerry
McGovern’s widely-used Customer Centric Index).

The statements were displayed in a randomly-ordered list. Although there were
26 statements, they were in fact positive and negative sentiments of 13 core

 Visual/Architectural factors
 Clear menus and links                   Confusing menus and links

 Helpful search results                  Poor search results

 Simple layout / easy to read            Cluttered layout / hard to read

 Looks attractive / appealing            Looks unattractive / unappealing

 Fast to do things                       Slow to do things

 Content factors
 Accurate information                    Inaccurate information

 Complete information                    Incomplete information

 Up-to-date information                  Out-of-date information

 Plain language                          Full of jargon / corporate speak

 Social factors
 Gives me the facts / transparent        Misleading / not transparent

 Easy to contact a person                Hard to contact a person

 Easy to participate / give feedback     Hard to participate / give feedback

 Has ratings, reviews,                   Has no ratings, reviews,
 recommendations                         recommendations

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey

The statements as they were presented to participants (randomized for each)

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey


                                                The Customer Respect Group

                                                Net Reflector

                                                Bob Johnson Consulting

Customer Carewords is a methodology
                                                Neo Insight, Inc
that helps you to truly understand what
the top tasks of your customers are when
they come to your website and the critical
impressions they take away.                     Europe

By continuously improving the perform-          Ireland
ance of your customers' top tasks, you will     Customer Carewords, LLC
maximize the performance of your web- 
site.                                           +353 87 238.6136

                                                United Kingdom
We have been developing customer cent-
ric strategies for websites since 1994,         Barry Hagan
identifying the top tasks of thousands of       +44 77 1470.0066
customers and employees for organiza- 
tions such as Microsoft, Cisco, Tetra Pak,
Thrivent Financial, US Internal Revenue         Brian Lamb
Service, NHS Choices, Rolls-Royce, BBC,         +44 79 8070.0075
Innovation Norway, etc. We have partners
in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Norway,             Sweden
Canada and United States.                       Webbrådgivaren Sverige AB
                                                +46 040.134.200

                                                Sabel Communicatie
                                                +31 088.227.2240

What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey


            NetLife Research
            +47 9240.3165


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What Can Be Learned From A One-Minute Online Survey

  • 1. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey How people really feel about (and what does this mean)? An Illustrative Case Study Using
  • 2. Foreword: Web teams need constant feedback By Gerry McGovern Living systems get constant feedback from their external environment. To truly succeed, web teams need constant feedback from their customers. You're a manager in a restaurant. It's raining. A customer walks in and almost slips on the mat in front of the door. You're very busy at this stage, but you make a mental note: "I must change that mat." About 15 minutes later another customer comes in. She, too, almost slips on the mat. You rush up to her, apologize profusely and then change the mat. People are slipping on our websites right now but, because we don't see them slip, we don't change the mat. I'm one of the biggest offenders. Over the years I have left content and applications on my websites that had problems that I was vaguely aware of, but they just didn't seem important enough to warrant any action. Even when I became clearly aware of the issue I didn't react with enough urgency. Why was that? Why was I so complacent? I would like to think that if I was running a restaurant I would have apologized to the customer and changed the mat. Why don't I do that when it comes down to managing a website? I think a core part of the problem is the lack of real feedback. I'm not actually seeing the customer slip. I don't actually see real people use my websites. Customers are hugely impatient on the Web. When they slip, their first impulse is to hit the Back button. Jared Spool wrote an excellent article in 2009 called the "The $300 Million Button." In it he explained how the removal of a registration button from a particular step in a purchase process resulted in a dramatic improvement in sales. The Web team had created the registration button so as to make it easier and faster for regular customers to buy. But people absolutely hate registration. New customers felt they would be spammed if they registered. One potential customer summed up their feelings as follows: "I'm not here to enter into a relationship. I just want to buy something."
  • 3. The regular customers didn't feel much happier. "45% of all customers had multiple registrations in the system, some as many as 10," Jared wrote. "We also analyzed how many people requested passwords, to find out it reached about 160,000 per day." The Web is so important today. And yet many of the web teams I deal with are way down the management hierarchy. Intranet teams, in particular, tend to get negligible resources. That needs to change because the reality is that the Web is central to the present and future success of most organizations. One of the ways we make that change happen is that we start developing much better feedback mechanisms for our websites. At a most basic level, we must find ways to regularly (weekly at minimum) observe our customers carry out top tasks on our websites. That's how Jared Spool discovered there was a problem: by watching customers trying to buy. According to Wikipedia, "Living things are systems that tend to respond to changes in their environment." Let us embrace our customer environment. Let us observe and evolve. The rewards are very substantial. Gerry is the founder and CEO of Customer Carewords. He is widely regarded as the worldwide authority on increasing web satisfaction by managing customer tasks. Gerry has spoken, written and consulted extensively on web content management issues since 1994. His new book, The Stranger's Long Neck: How to Deliver What Your Customers Really Want Online, was published in July 2010. Read the first chapter of the book at
  • 4. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Executive summary In order to demonstrate what can be learned from a carefully-designed survey that is very quick to complete, we asked a combination of consumers and Web professionals to rate (chosen as it is very familiar to many people). As expected, the site was rated very positively yet there was still much to learn. The most compelling characteristic of the site for most visitors was the ratings and reviews feature. But while ratings and reviews are a strength now, they might also be under threat. The growth of social media has diminished the advantage of ratings and reviews by strangers and Amazon is arguably no longer at the leading edge in this respect. Other findings demonstrate that female visitors like to ‘get things done quickly’ and are more troubled by the difficulty of ‘contacting a person’ while men value ‘complete information’ a little more. Perhaps surprisingly, Web professionals complained more than consumers that had a cluttered layout, hinting that expert opinions cannot be relied on exclusively without the input of regular Web users. 4
  • 5. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Table of contents Introduction..........................................................................................6 Key findings..........................................................................................7 Results.................................................................................................8 ............................................................................................................8 Analysis................................................................................................9 Ratings, reviews and recommendations are popular but under threat. . .9 ......................................................................................................11 People like Amazon’s search but there is no room for complacency ....11 Clutter and layout were problems, but not for all...............................12 Some people find it hard to contact a person.....................................13 Visual appearance not of overriding importance.................................15 Methodology.......................................................................................18 5
  • 6. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Introduction Consumers have opinions on websites; they express them to friends and family, not in the technical and analytical terms that professionals might use, but in quick summary statements that capture the essence of the sites. Typically, Web surveys ask consumers to rate sites in technical terms, but this is expecting consumers to think the way we experts do, to tell us what and where site issues exist. . We need to simulate being present at hundreds of social gatherings and eavesdropping on conversations about websites. The approach used in this We instead need to collect Amazon review, tried and trusted over many years, puts the onus on the analyst what people feel strongly to interpret consumer sentiment, and makes it easier for them to express their about; what they would feelings. It was our goal to run through a illustrative example from start to finish say over the barbecue or to show you the level of actionable information can be gleamed from this simple at the water cooler and comparatively inexpensive method. You can be the judge of the success of that objective. This technique does not ask questions in company-centric language (e.g. ‘Please rate the options that are available for you to navigate this website?’), but instead simply asks people to express what they felt strongly about. This ensures that their instinctive reactions are captured. It also helps that the survey was very quick to complete — it genuinely took less than a minute and nobody abandoned it. The success of the survey depends of course on the results. You have your opinion of Amazon, so how well do the findings match your expectations, but also surprise and provide ‘food for thought’? Ultimately, what value does this survey bring to website analysis? This study was conducted by The Customer Respect Group using the Customer Carewords methodology. It is far from perfect. We would have liked larger participant numbers and we did invite web professionals with their different preconceptions to get involved, which may have skewed overall results a little. But a lot of data and analysis emerged from what was, superficially, a very simple survey. 6
  • 7. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Key findings A very clear trend emerged from the results – the top five attributes accounted for over half of the overall impressions. The strong trend showed that the survey successfully identified the aspects of that are most compelling. The positive sentiments were dominant and the site recorded an extremely high rating of 86 out of 100. The general rating for websites tested with this methodology is typically in the 50-60 range. The top five attributes were: 1. Site has ratings, reviews and recommendations 2. Helpful search results 3. Fast to do things 4. Simple layout/easy to read 5. Accurate information An important consequence of the survey is that it highlights site strengths just as much as weaknesses. So while ratings, reviews and recommendations are a much-loved feature this strength can become a threat should competitors neutralize their value. Although the negative sentiments were in the minority, a significant minority is not happy with some aspects of Even a successful site like Amazon can be improved. Given the volume of traffic, a small improvement could have a significant effect. The three main areas of concern were: 1. Cluttered layout 2. Hard to contact a person 3. The site was visually unattractive   7
  • 8. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Results Participants came from a pool of demographically evenly-spread consumers (approx 60% of the total) and web professionals. The graph below reflects the importance of each of the 26 attributes in the survey. A red bar indicates a negative sentiment. 8
  • 9. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Analysis The data is a signpost and tells us where to look; the interpretation brings the data to life and leads to actionable tasks and strategies to pursue. With websites so complex, it is critical to garner consumer sentiment continuously to reflect changing expectations as much as changes in functionality. When so many companies focus on customer retention and growth, sentiment towards websites is a critical metric that up to now has been difficult to harness. Ratings, reviews and recommendations are popular but under threat 84% of US customers prefer The presence of ratings, reviews and recommendations was the top-rated the opinion of other customers attribute. It was once what differentiated but the landscape has versus experts. changed. Most retailers have adopted, and even improved, reviews and for very good commercial reasons: —Marketing Sherpa 78% of Internet users rate recommendations as most credible form of advertising (Neilsen) 84% of US customers prefer the opinion of other customers versus experts (Marketing Sherpa) 96% of online retailers rank customer ratings and reviews as an effective or very effective tactic for driving conversion (Forrester) 65% trust ‘friends’ recommendations while 33% trust company-supplied recommendations (emarketer) 69% of consumers who read reviews then go on to share them with family and friends (Deloitte) Products that have reviews show a 35% increase in conversion rates (Bazaarvoice) One weakness of the Amazon implementation is that it does not allow for recommendations by friends. We can read that hundreds of people rated this product as 5-star, but it’s not immediately clear if they share our tastes or preferences. A clear finding of various studies is that consumers want to hear from “someone like me”. 9
  • 10. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Best Buy’s Facebook page, which has almost 1.2 million fans (compared to Amazon’s 90,000) includes a ‘Shop + Share’ tab on which consumers can browse products and traditional reviews. A key enhancement, however, is the ‘Ask Friends’ button which allows fans to collect input on their decision from friends’. This makes it very easy to get the opinions of trusted peers. Now, friends can offer an opinion before we buy, in a manner similar to bringing a friend to a bricks-and-mortar store. There are many other examples of how ratings and reviews have evolved and developed. Once considered a unique feature of Amazon, this could be a game- changing feature and Amazon can’t afford to fall behind the innovation curve in an area so ingrained in its users’ experience. If a key strength is perceived as being inferior to systems in use elsewhere, there is a danger that Amazon might lose some of its popularity. 10
  • 11. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Best Buy’s Facebook page brings reviews and ratings to a new level by allowing people to ask their friends for advice on selected products Best Buy has recruited 15 times more ‘fans’ on Facebook than Amazon and more likely to benefit from recommendations from friends People like Amazon’s search but there is no room for complacency Good search results was considered to be the next most important attribute. Search is sometimes considered to be ‘Plan B’ when navigating through menus and links has not resulted in success, but in this case it seems unlikely. Very few people chose ‘confusing menus and links’, so it seems that Amazon’s search is actually particularly good – good enough to be a Plan A when arriving on the site. Customers know that searching for that book or DVD will produce really accurate and fast results. Amazon search has customer-oriented features that can help them find what they Amazon cannot afford need very quickly. Sub-categories on the left menu allow customers to filter to neglect improving results if the default results are not quite right, ratings are visible, and related searches are suggested. its search facility... 34.5% of traffic to top retail sites in July 2010 came directly from [external] search 11
  • 12. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Amazon cannot afford to neglect improving its search facility. There are many web shoppers that are not wedded to an Amazon-like one-stop shopping experience. According to Hitwise, 34.5% of traffic to top retail sites in July 2010 came directly from search engines. Google’s new instant search introduces the concept of consumers fine-tuning search terms dynamically. If this proves popular, Amazon will need to respond. There are also examples of reviews being included in search results (Bazaarvoice is supplying reviews to Google that includes content from sites like BestBuy and Macys). As Facebook becomes more and more a destination site for consumers, its search feature might drive traffic to rival sites, particularly if their Facebook presences are more advanced or feature-rich. Negative sentiments were in the minority but can’t be ignored The important thing about negative sentiments in a one-minute survey is that they help companies isolate general issues and provide the roadmap of where to start ‘digging’. Furthermore, we have found that Web teams welcome some negative findings, which are often seen as a validation of their own opinions. A more typical ratio of positive to negative is 65/35 or 70/30, and in these cases the discussion of how to rectify problems would dominate the analysis. Clutter and layout were problems, but not for all The most significant negative aspect of was ‘cluttered layout, hard to read’. Clearly, page layout matters - it has direct impact on the ability to complete tasks. Too many long blocks of text, too many links, clutter, not enough white space, lack of a coherent structure; these can all slow people down. ... ‘you guys are so According to a consumer for whom this is the most important facet of primitive, you are like cavemen. Don’t I’ve used the site many times and have found it confusing to use. It has taken you have any sense me too long in the past to get to the information I need or to find out that I of aesthetic?’... had to do something else to get where I wanted to be. Just a hassle! In all the complaints - Female consumer, 25-34 years old, quite familiar with the site and requests we get The bigger takeaway story on this factor was that this was much more important from users, this is for professionals than consumers. It was the only factor where professionals never one of them. differed from consumers to any degree of significance. It may indicate that web professionals tend to judge layout more than consumers do, years of experience — Jim Buckmaster, having trained them to look at websites differently. Very few Web professionals CEO of Craigslist would not criticize Craigslist yet it remains a very popular site. According to Jim Buckmaster, CEO of Craigslist: 12
  • 13. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey “I hear this all the time, ‘you guys are so primitive, you are like cavemen. Don’t you have any sense of aesthetic? ‘ But the people I hear it from are invariably working for firms that want the job of redoing the site. In all the complaints and requests we get from users, this is never one of them. Time spent on the site, the number of people who post—we’re the leader. It could be we’re doing one or two things right.” To reinforce this view, far more people chose ‘simple layout, easy to read’, with consumers more satisfied with the layout than the professionals. Although subjectivity is also a factor in this attribute, the difference of opinion shows the importance of getting the opinions of non-expert consumers, who vastly outnumber the Web professionals in the online space. Without intending to, we were able to show that web professionals may not always be the best predictors of consumer sentiment. Some people find it hard to contact a person Sears offers chat, call At one time, it was extremely difficult to get in touch with Amazon support staff. back and email on Things have improved, but it still is not that easy to engage with a every page to assist the representative. consumer complete the The issue is the lack of real-time escalation – being able to contact an agent by buying process — this phone or chat without leaving the page. Many competitive sites offer telephone is a standard of numbers, live chat, instant callback and click-to-call to ensure that consumers availability of help that don’t lose momentum by having to navigate to another page to resolve an issue. sets expectations for According to Art Technology Group, 58% of consumers now look for live help if missing information while online, while 53% will do so if there are problems visitors to sites like checking out. It was interesting that men looked for help less than women, Amazon’s. reinforcing the general perception of men having an aversion to asking for directions. Sears, a retailer that has announced major plans to expand its online offering with the adoption of an ‘Amazon-like’ marketplace that offers products from third Chatters that engage parties, provides prominent options for consumers to reach out. Service agents via proactive invitation can view the contents of the consumer’s shopping cart and answer any questions. are 6.3X This helps to reduce cart abandonment, a major issue for online retailers. Sears more likely to convert offers chat, call-back and email on every page to assist consumers complete the than visitors who don’t buying process — this is a standard of availability of help that sets expectations for visitors to sites like Amazon’s. chat. — Bold Software Live Chat Performance Benchmarks October 2009 13
  • 14. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Live chat with an agent from product pages allows Sears customers to escalate issues or get answers without interrupting their tasks It would be very revealing to drill down with the participants that expressed concern about contact options to find out, for example: Why is this an issue – what was the reason they needed to contact Amazon when they found it difficult? Was the issue they tried to escalate to do with a site issue, or perhaps an offline issue like late delivery or a billing discrepancy? Did the issue cause them to abandon a purchase and go elsewhere? What were their expectations of Amazon – a telephone number on every page, or just an easier path to an email contact form? 14
  • 15. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Visual appearance not of overriding importance Visual appearance is of course another subjective characteristic, but what is striking is that the ‘look’ of the site was not important to most people, whether they liked it or not. (There was only a slight difference here between consumers … the ‘look’ of the site was and professionals.) not important to most people, whether they liked it or not Functionality seems to be what matters — with the appearance of Amazon not getting in the way of people browsing products and buying. This indicates that once the appearance of a website is not strikingly bad (and Amazon’s certainly isn’t), it does not really register prominently with visitors. Once customers can do what they need to do, they’ll not be too concerned about colors, fonts, imagery or other design features. That’s not to say that any design will do – it still needs a professional to design an interface that is visually coherent and serves the brand well. But once people can get where they need to go quickly, and complete their tasks, the visual appearance is very much secondary to functionality. Consumers are probably too short on time to notice the visual design of site that is designed to get things done. This finding also raises further questions: What type of site visitor finds unattractive? Are new visitors more critical of the appearance, perhaps it becomes less important as they find out that the site is functionally excellent? What exactly about the appearance is causing an issue – is it related to clutter, or is it a purely subjective attribute like the choice of colors and fonts? Why do they feel strongly enough about appearance to pick this attribute rather than one of the other 24 available?   15
  • 16. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Report Summary Consumers want choice and they want low prices. That’s a big reason for the success of Alongside its own merchandise, Amazon also offers goods from other retailers and the revenue from this ‘marketplace’ in the first half of the year was roughly $4.2 billion. Major online competitors including Sears and Wal-Mart are aggressively building their own marketplaces and industry experts say several more large retailers will launch similar efforts in the coming months. So, does our study help understand Amazon’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? Clearly, ratings and reviews are a critical attraction for Amazon but they need a significant upgrade to exploit new channels of social media, especially Facebook. Sears has already developed a sophisticated online community which looks to be more advanced than Amazon’s. This is critical to consumers and in a world of diminishing loyalty may serve to weaken Amazon’s dominant position Customers increasingly see online retail as a multi-channel experience and it is likely that Amazon will need to provide better options for speaking to a service person in real time. The study indicated a small (but what is likely to be a growing) dissatisfaction in this area. A continuous review process would be able to monitor that. Both Wal- Mart and Sears already offer better capabilities as well as store pick- up options and are experimenting with same-day delivery in major cities Search is highlighted as critical and while Amazon’s is good, there are sites which already surpass its capabilities. There is the added threat of Facebook and Google search as the most popular starting points for consumers. In summary, Amazon received a very positive rating so on the surface it has little to put right. But as we have shown significant challenges are emerging.   16
  • 17. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Conclusions We produced this report to step through a complete process; we used Amazon simply because many people are familiar with the site and have impressions. Many readers of the report will have provided input so you know that it did take the 1 minute we say. You all have regular visitors to your sites; what are their impressions, what effect does that have on viral recommendations or on repetitive use. The benefit of the methodology is the combination of a unique survey technique in combination with the expert interpretation from a range of partners that have extensive online experience. Already the methodology has been applied to sites across multiple industries and countries, it provides great value for a comparative inexpensive commitment. 17
  • 18. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Methodology We created an online poll and asked participants to tell us which three of 26 statements most closely described how they felt about, and allocate ‘3’ to the strongest sentiment, ‘2’ to the next, and ‘1’ to the third (mirroring Gerry McGovern’s widely-used Customer Centric Index). The statements were displayed in a randomly-ordered list. Although there were 26 statements, they were in fact positive and negative sentiments of 13 core attributes. Visual/Architectural factors Clear menus and links Confusing menus and links Helpful search results Poor search results Simple layout / easy to read Cluttered layout / hard to read Looks attractive / appealing Looks unattractive / unappealing Fast to do things Slow to do things Content factors Accurate information Inaccurate information Complete information Incomplete information Up-to-date information Out-of-date information Plain language Full of jargon / corporate speak Social factors Gives me the facts / transparent Misleading / not transparent Easy to contact a person Hard to contact a person Easy to participate / give feedback Hard to participate / give feedback Has ratings, reviews, Has no ratings, reviews, recommendations recommendations 18
  • 19. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey The statements as they were presented to participants (randomized for each) 19
  • 20. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey USA The Customer Respect Group 978.412.4047 Net Reflector 206.462.4240 Bob Johnson Consulting 248.766.6425 Canada Customer Carewords is a methodology Neo Insight, Inc that helps you to truly understand what 613.271.3001 the top tasks of your customers are when they come to your website and the critical impressions they take away. Europe By continuously improving the perform- Ireland ance of your customers' top tasks, you will Customer Carewords, LLC maximize the performance of your web- site. +353 87 238.6136 United Kingdom We have been developing customer cent- ric strategies for websites since 1994, Barry Hagan identifying the top tasks of thousands of +44 77 1470.0066 customers and employees for organiza- tions such as Microsoft, Cisco, Tetra Pak, Thrivent Financial, US Internal Revenue Brian Lamb Service, NHS Choices, Rolls-Royce, BBC, +44 79 8070.0075 Innovation Norway, etc. We have partners in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Sweden Canada and United States. Webbrådgivaren Sverige AB +46 040.134.200 Netherlands Sabel Communicatie +31 088.227.2240 20
  • 21. What Can Be Learned From a One-Minute Online Survey Norway NetLife Research +47 9240.3165 21