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CARLOS ALBIZU UNIVERSITYSAN JUAN CAMPUS<br />MASTER SYLLABUS<br />RMIC-830: SEMINAR OF CROSS CULTURAL METHODS OF MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION<br />CREDITS: 3CONTACT HOURS: 45<br />COURSE DESCRIPTION<br />The course includes a Transcultural approach on the construction, translation and modification of tests. It is expected that students translate or adapt a test from another culture to the Puerto Rican reality. Also the course considers the construction of tests that can be translated effectively to other languages and cultures.<br />PRE-REQUISITES<br />PSYF-588:  Test Construction<br />COURSE OBJECTIVES<br />The content of this course will complement the skills acquired in previous measurement courses. Students will develop skills in the application of research methodology in a cross-cultural setting. Special emphasis will be given to the scientific translation of tests. In this context, culture is considered the independent variable and behavior the dependent variable. Students will be required to report orally research conducted in the last 10 years across the world using the Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology as a source of information. This task will enable students to understand differences and similarities among cultures.<br />REQUIRED TEXT BOOKS<br />Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, (1982-2010).<br />Lonner, W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986) Field methods in cross cultural research. <br />Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.  ISBN: 0-80392549-2<br />Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N. E. (2003).  How to Design and Evaluate Research in<br /> Education (5th Edition).  Boston: McGraw Hill.  ISBN: 0-07-25-3164-3<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Meller, P.J. (2000). The new handbook of <br />multicultural assessment; clinical, psychological and educational <br />application (2''d ed.). ISBN: 0-7879-5177-3<br />ITINERARY OF CLASS UNITS<br />Unit I: Introduction<br />Unit 2: The concepts of validity and reliability in cross cultural research <br />Unit 3: Sampling and surveying<br />Unit 4: Scientific translation using the Brislin back translation technique <br />Unit 5: Cross Cultural Assessment:  From Practice to Theory<br />Unit 6: Mid term exam<br />Unit 7: Assessment of personality and psychopathology  <br />Unit 8: Use of TAT, CAT and TEMAS <br />Unit 9: Use of Rorschach and MMPI<br />Unit 10: Ability testing across cultures<br />Unit 11: Assessment of acculturation<br />Unit 12: Cultural Identity and Multicultural Assessment:  Quantitative and<br /> Qualitative Tools for the Clinician<br />Unit 13: Clinical Diagnosis of Multicultural Populations<br />Unit 14: Final exam<br />COURSE CONTACT HOURS <br />Professors who teach the course must divide the contact hours the following way:}<br />1. Face-to-face time in the classroom must not be less than 40 hours 14 units, 2.5 hours each unit. 16 sessions).<br />2. For the remaining hours (5.0 hours), students will conduct research projects or homework outside the classroom.  These projects or homework will include, but are not limited to, articles, research on cross-cultural studies in the last 5 years.<br />METHODOLOGY<br />The specific methodology' will be selected by the professor who offers the course. These methodologies should include, but are not limited to: conferences by the professor, group discussions of assigned readings, class research projects, student presentations, individual meetings and sub-groups in the classroom.<br />EDUCATIONAL TECHNIQUES<br />The specific educational techniques will be selected by the professor who offers the course. These techniques should. include, but are not limited to: debates, practical demonstrations, films/videos, simulations, slide shows and forums.<br />EVALUATION<br />The specific evaluation criteria will be selected by the professor who offers the course. These methodologies could include, but are not limited: class participation, term papers, projects, literature reviews, exams and class presentations<br />RESEARCH COMPETENCIES<br />Students will be exposed to cross cultural research in order to:  make<br />comparisons between cultures; apply translation methods (Brislin); replicate<br />cross cultural research; and evaluate different assessment tools in cross<br />cultural research.<br />ATTENDANCE POLICY<br />Class attendance is mandatory for all students.  After two unexcused absences, the student will be dropped from the class, unless the professor recommends otherwise.  When a student misses a class, he/she is responsible for the material presented in class. <br />AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA)<br />Students that need special accommodations should request them directly to the professor during the first week of class.<br />COURSE UNITS<br />UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students should have an understanding of the syllabus and the course criteria. Students should have an overview the theory of test construction.<br />UNIT 2: THE CONCEPTS OF VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY IN<br /> CROSS CULTURAL RESEARCH<br />Upon completion of this unit, students will have a general idea of the fundamental concepts that will be considered in class.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students should be able to define concepts like content validity, construct validity, and criterion validity, reliability, difficulty index and discrimination index.<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N. E. (2003).  <br />Chapter 8:  Validity and Reliability<br />UNIT 3: SAMPLING AND SURVEYING <br />Upon completion of this unit, students will encounter different forms of sampling and surveying.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Enumerate different forms of sampling.<br />2.Describe different methods of surveying<br />3.Distinguish the characteristics of each form of sampling.<br />4.Compare the utility of different kinds of surveying.<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Lonner W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1.986) <br />Chapters 5 – Sampling and Surveying<br />UNIT 4: SCIENTIFIC TRANSLATION USING THE BRISLIN<br />    BACK TRANSLATION TECHNIQUE<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will have an idea of the whole <br />process of back translation established by Brislin.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Trace the basic procedures for back translation.<br />2.Select when to use adaptation or modification of items.<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Lonner W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986) <br />Chapters 5 – The Wording and Translation of Research Instruments<br />UNIT 5:  CROSS CULTURAL ASSESSMENT:  FROM PRACTICE TO THEORY<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to analyze the basic elements in a Transcultural evaluation.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Trace the development of test construction with the first attempts at the <br />      beginning of the 20th century.<br />2.Describe the elements that have to be present in tests that measure skills in<br />      different cultures.<br />3.Enumerate special conditions in the administration of a test in different cultures. <br />ASSIGNED READINGS: <br />Lonner, W. & Berry, J. W. (1986) <br />Chapters 7 – Cross-Cultural Assessment:  From Practice to Theory<br />UNIT 6: MID TERM EXAM<br />UNIT 7: ASSESSMENT OF PERSONALITY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY <br />              <br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students should acquire an understanding of the different ways to detect personality traits in different cultures.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Specify difficulties in the use of tests like TAT, Rorschach, MMPI, and others<br />2.Enumerate specific tests to detect personality traits across cultures.<br />3.Mention the pro's and con's of the use of the tests mentioned in item one. <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Lonner W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986) <br />Chapters 8 –  Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology <br />UNIT 8:  USE OF TAT, CAT AND TEMAS<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be familiarized with the basic elements of TAT, CAT and TEMAS.                     <br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />a.Specify strengths and weaknesses of each of the instruments.         <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Meller, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 9 – Narrative Assessments:  TAT, CAT and TEMAS  <br /> <br />UNIT 9:   USE OF RORSCHACH AND MMPI<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be familiarized with the basic elements and application of Rorschach and MMPI across different cultures.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />a. Specify strengths and weaknesses of each of the  <br />       instruments.         <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Melle, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 10 – Multicultural Usage of the Rorschach<br />Chapter 13 - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Millon <br />Clinical Multiaxial Inventory.<br />UNIT 10: ABILITY TESTING ACROSS CULTURES<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to identify the elements of cultural bias and prejudice in the assessment of aptitudes across cultures.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />a.Identify the sources of error in the assessment of aptitudes.<br />b.List and explain the most important issues in multicultural assessment.<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Melle, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 14 – Ability Testinga Across Cultures <br />Chapter 15 -  Multicultural Issues and the Assessment of Aptitude <br />UNIT 11: ASSESSMENT OF ACCULTURATION<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will describe the acculturation process using the Puerto Rican reality.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Enumerate and explain the four dimensions of the acculturation process<br />2.Mention the consequences of the process of acculturation in a given culture (Puerto Rico).<br />3.Identify bias attitudes toward the process of acculturation<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Lonner W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986) <br />b.Chapters 10 – Assessment of Acculturation<br />UNIT 12: CULTURAL IDENTITY AND MULTICULTURAL ASSESSMENT: <br />               QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE TOOLS FOR THE CLINICIAN.<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will  familiarize themselves with the concept of cultural identity and its assessment across cultures.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Clearly define the construct of cultural identity                     <br />2.List the psychometric properties of the instruments.                                           <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Melle, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 4 – Cultural Identity and Multicultural assessment:  Quantitative<br />            and Qualitative Tools for the Clinician<br />UNIT 13: CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS OF MULTICULTURAL POPULATIONS<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will  be able to analyze the complexity of the psychological assessment of multicultural societies.         <br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Identify the cultural differences in the manifestations of psychological disorders.<br />2.Detect the sources of cultural contamination in psychological tests                      <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Melle, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 5 – Clinical Diagnosis of Multicultural Populations in the United<br />                       States.<br />UNIT 14: FINAL EXAM<br />REFERENCES<br />American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association and National <br />Council on Measurement in Education. (1985). Standards. for educational and psychological testing. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association, Inc.<br />Brislin, R. W. (1976). Translation: Applications and research. (ed.) New York: Gardner Press, Inc.<br />Brislin, R. W., Lonner, W. J., and Thorndike, R. M. (1973). Cross cultural research methods. New <br />York: John Wiley and Sons.<br />Escudero Ginés, A. (2001). Traducción y adaptación del Military Equal Opportunity Climate <br />Survey con una muestra de reservistas del Ejército de los Estados Unidos en Puerto Rico. Disertación inédita. Universidad Carlos Albizu, San Juan, Puerto Rico.<br />Fraenkel, J. R. And Wallen, N. E. (2000). How to design and evaluate research in education. <br />New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.<br />   Herrans, L. H. (1.985). Psicología y medición. Puerto Rico: Editorial Limusa.<br />Hulin, C. L., Drasgow, F., & Parsons, C. K. (1983). Item response theory. Hornewook, <br />Illinois: Dow Jones-Irwin.<br />Loeb, L., Giclen, U.P. & Dermark, F.L. (1994). Cross Cultural Topics in Psychology.<br />Lonner, W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986). Field methods in cross cultural research. Beverly Hills: <br />Sage Publications.<br />Morales-Cortés, E. (2000). Traducción, adaptación y validación de una escala que mide la <br />adhesión hacia los principios de mejoramiento de la calidad total desarrolladas por W. E. Demins. Disertación inédita. Universidad Carlos AIbizu, San Juan., Puerto Rico.<br />Sánchez-Viera, J.A. (2000). Fundamentos del razonamiento estadístico. Universidad Carlos <br />Albizu. San Juan, PR.<br />Sax, C. (1989). Principles of educational measurement and evaluation. Belmont, California: <br />Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.<br />Segall, M. H. (1979). Cross-cultural psychology. Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing <br />Company.<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponteroto, J.G. & Meller, P.J. (2001). Handbook of Multicultural Assessment: <br />Clinical, Psychological and Educational Applications (2°d ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.<br />Triandis, H. C. & Berry, J. W. (1980). (eds.). Handbook of cross-cultural psychology-<br />methodology. (Vo 12, Edited). Bpston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.<br />Triandis, H. C. & Draguns, J. C. (1980) (eds.) Handbook of cross-cultural <br />psychology psychopathology. (Vol. 6, Edited) Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.<br />Wicrsma, W. & Jurs, S. G. (1990). Principles of educational measurement. Boston: Allyn and <br />Bacon.<br />Revised by: Dr. Juan Nogueras (2008) <br />
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Rmic 830 master-syllabus_2010

  • 1. CARLOS ALBIZU UNIVERSITYSAN JUAN CAMPUS<br />MASTER SYLLABUS<br />RMIC-830: SEMINAR OF CROSS CULTURAL METHODS OF MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION<br />CREDITS: 3CONTACT HOURS: 45<br />COURSE DESCRIPTION<br />The course includes a Transcultural approach on the construction, translation and modification of tests. It is expected that students translate or adapt a test from another culture to the Puerto Rican reality. Also the course considers the construction of tests that can be translated effectively to other languages and cultures.<br />PRE-REQUISITES<br />PSYF-588: Test Construction<br />COURSE OBJECTIVES<br />The content of this course will complement the skills acquired in previous measurement courses. Students will develop skills in the application of research methodology in a cross-cultural setting. Special emphasis will be given to the scientific translation of tests. In this context, culture is considered the independent variable and behavior the dependent variable. Students will be required to report orally research conducted in the last 10 years across the world using the Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology as a source of information. This task will enable students to understand differences and similarities among cultures.<br />REQUIRED TEXT BOOKS<br />Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, (1982-2010).<br />Lonner, W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986) Field methods in cross cultural research. <br />Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. ISBN: 0-80392549-2<br />Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N. E. (2003). How to Design and Evaluate Research in<br /> Education (5th Edition). Boston: McGraw Hill. ISBN: 0-07-25-3164-3<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Meller, P.J. (2000). The new handbook of <br />multicultural assessment; clinical, psychological and educational <br />application (2''d ed.). ISBN: 0-7879-5177-3<br />ITINERARY OF CLASS UNITS<br />Unit I: Introduction<br />Unit 2: The concepts of validity and reliability in cross cultural research <br />Unit 3: Sampling and surveying<br />Unit 4: Scientific translation using the Brislin back translation technique <br />Unit 5: Cross Cultural Assessment: From Practice to Theory<br />Unit 6: Mid term exam<br />Unit 7: Assessment of personality and psychopathology <br />Unit 8: Use of TAT, CAT and TEMAS <br />Unit 9: Use of Rorschach and MMPI<br />Unit 10: Ability testing across cultures<br />Unit 11: Assessment of acculturation<br />Unit 12: Cultural Identity and Multicultural Assessment: Quantitative and<br /> Qualitative Tools for the Clinician<br />Unit 13: Clinical Diagnosis of Multicultural Populations<br />Unit 14: Final exam<br />COURSE CONTACT HOURS <br />Professors who teach the course must divide the contact hours the following way:}<br />1. Face-to-face time in the classroom must not be less than 40 hours 14 units, 2.5 hours each unit. 16 sessions).<br />2. For the remaining hours (5.0 hours), students will conduct research projects or homework outside the classroom. These projects or homework will include, but are not limited to, articles, research on cross-cultural studies in the last 5 years.<br />METHODOLOGY<br />The specific methodology' will be selected by the professor who offers the course. These methodologies should include, but are not limited to: conferences by the professor, group discussions of assigned readings, class research projects, student presentations, individual meetings and sub-groups in the classroom.<br />EDUCATIONAL TECHNIQUES<br />The specific educational techniques will be selected by the professor who offers the course. These techniques should. include, but are not limited to: debates, practical demonstrations, films/videos, simulations, slide shows and forums.<br />EVALUATION<br />The specific evaluation criteria will be selected by the professor who offers the course. These methodologies could include, but are not limited: class participation, term papers, projects, literature reviews, exams and class presentations<br />RESEARCH COMPETENCIES<br />Students will be exposed to cross cultural research in order to: make<br />comparisons between cultures; apply translation methods (Brislin); replicate<br />cross cultural research; and evaluate different assessment tools in cross<br />cultural research.<br />ATTENDANCE POLICY<br />Class attendance is mandatory for all students. After two unexcused absences, the student will be dropped from the class, unless the professor recommends otherwise. When a student misses a class, he/she is responsible for the material presented in class. <br />AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA)<br />Students that need special accommodations should request them directly to the professor during the first week of class.<br />COURSE UNITS<br />UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students should have an understanding of the syllabus and the course criteria. Students should have an overview the theory of test construction.<br />UNIT 2: THE CONCEPTS OF VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY IN<br /> CROSS CULTURAL RESEARCH<br />Upon completion of this unit, students will have a general idea of the fundamental concepts that will be considered in class.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students should be able to define concepts like content validity, construct validity, and criterion validity, reliability, difficulty index and discrimination index.<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N. E. (2003). <br />Chapter 8: Validity and Reliability<br />UNIT 3: SAMPLING AND SURVEYING <br />Upon completion of this unit, students will encounter different forms of sampling and surveying.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Enumerate different forms of sampling.<br />2.Describe different methods of surveying<br />3.Distinguish the characteristics of each form of sampling.<br />4.Compare the utility of different kinds of surveying.<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Lonner W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1.986) <br />Chapters 5 – Sampling and Surveying<br />UNIT 4: SCIENTIFIC TRANSLATION USING THE BRISLIN<br /> BACK TRANSLATION TECHNIQUE<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will have an idea of the whole <br />process of back translation established by Brislin.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Trace the basic procedures for back translation.<br />2.Select when to use adaptation or modification of items.<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Lonner W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986) <br />Chapters 5 – The Wording and Translation of Research Instruments<br />UNIT 5: CROSS CULTURAL ASSESSMENT: FROM PRACTICE TO THEORY<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to analyze the basic elements in a Transcultural evaluation.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Trace the development of test construction with the first attempts at the <br /> beginning of the 20th century.<br />2.Describe the elements that have to be present in tests that measure skills in<br /> different cultures.<br />3.Enumerate special conditions in the administration of a test in different cultures. <br />ASSIGNED READINGS: <br />Lonner, W. & Berry, J. W. (1986) <br />Chapters 7 – Cross-Cultural Assessment: From Practice to Theory<br />UNIT 6: MID TERM EXAM<br />UNIT 7: ASSESSMENT OF PERSONALITY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY <br /> <br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students should acquire an understanding of the different ways to detect personality traits in different cultures.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Specify difficulties in the use of tests like TAT, Rorschach, MMPI, and others<br />2.Enumerate specific tests to detect personality traits across cultures.<br />3.Mention the pro's and con's of the use of the tests mentioned in item one. <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Lonner W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986) <br />Chapters 8 – Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology <br />UNIT 8: USE OF TAT, CAT AND TEMAS<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be familiarized with the basic elements of TAT, CAT and TEMAS. <br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />a.Specify strengths and weaknesses of each of the instruments. <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Meller, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 9 – Narrative Assessments: TAT, CAT and TEMAS <br /> <br />UNIT 9: USE OF RORSCHACH AND MMPI<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be familiarized with the basic elements and application of Rorschach and MMPI across different cultures.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />a. Specify strengths and weaknesses of each of the <br /> instruments. <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Melle, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 10 – Multicultural Usage of the Rorschach<br />Chapter 13 - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Millon <br />Clinical Multiaxial Inventory.<br />UNIT 10: ABILITY TESTING ACROSS CULTURES<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to identify the elements of cultural bias and prejudice in the assessment of aptitudes across cultures.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />a.Identify the sources of error in the assessment of aptitudes.<br />b.List and explain the most important issues in multicultural assessment.<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Melle, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 14 – Ability Testinga Across Cultures <br />Chapter 15 - Multicultural Issues and the Assessment of Aptitude <br />UNIT 11: ASSESSMENT OF ACCULTURATION<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will describe the acculturation process using the Puerto Rican reality.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Enumerate and explain the four dimensions of the acculturation process<br />2.Mention the consequences of the process of acculturation in a given culture (Puerto Rico).<br />3.Identify bias attitudes toward the process of acculturation<br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Lonner W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986) <br />b.Chapters 10 – Assessment of Acculturation<br />UNIT 12: CULTURAL IDENTITY AND MULTICULTURAL ASSESSMENT: <br /> QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE TOOLS FOR THE CLINICIAN.<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will familiarize themselves with the concept of cultural identity and its assessment across cultures.<br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Clearly define the construct of cultural identity <br />2.List the psychometric properties of the instruments. <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Melle, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 4 – Cultural Identity and Multicultural assessment: Quantitative<br /> and Qualitative Tools for the Clinician<br />UNIT 13: CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS OF MULTICULTURAL POPULATIONS<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to analyze the complexity of the psychological assessment of multicultural societies. <br />LEARNING OBJECTIVES:<br />Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:<br />1.Identify the cultural differences in the manifestations of psychological disorders.<br />2.Detect the sources of cultural contamination in psychological tests <br />ASSIGNED READINGS:<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponterotto, J.G., & Melle, P.J. (2000). <br />Chapters 5 – Clinical Diagnosis of Multicultural Populations in the United<br /> States.<br />UNIT 14: FINAL EXAM<br />REFERENCES<br />American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association and National <br />Council on Measurement in Education. (1985). Standards. for educational and psychological testing. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association, Inc.<br />Brislin, R. W. (1976). Translation: Applications and research. (ed.) New York: Gardner Press, Inc.<br />Brislin, R. W., Lonner, W. J., and Thorndike, R. M. (1973). Cross cultural research methods. New <br />York: John Wiley and Sons.<br />Escudero Ginés, A. (2001). Traducción y adaptación del Military Equal Opportunity Climate <br />Survey con una muestra de reservistas del Ejército de los Estados Unidos en Puerto Rico. Disertación inédita. Universidad Carlos Albizu, San Juan, Puerto Rico.<br />Fraenkel, J. R. And Wallen, N. E. (2000). How to design and evaluate research in education. <br />New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.<br /> Herrans, L. H. (1.985). Psicología y medición. Puerto Rico: Editorial Limusa.<br />Hulin, C. L., Drasgow, F., & Parsons, C. K. (1983). Item response theory. Hornewook, <br />Illinois: Dow Jones-Irwin.<br />Loeb, L., Giclen, U.P. & Dermark, F.L. (1994). Cross Cultural Topics in Psychology.<br />Lonner, W. J. & Berry, J. W. (1986). Field methods in cross cultural research. Beverly Hills: <br />Sage Publications.<br />Morales-Cortés, E. (2000). Traducción, adaptación y validación de una escala que mide la <br />adhesión hacia los principios de mejoramiento de la calidad total desarrolladas por W. E. Demins. Disertación inédita. Universidad Carlos AIbizu, San Juan., Puerto Rico.<br />Sánchez-Viera, J.A. (2000). Fundamentos del razonamiento estadístico. Universidad Carlos <br />Albizu. San Juan, PR.<br />Sax, C. (1989). Principles of educational measurement and evaluation. Belmont, California: <br />Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.<br />Segall, M. H. (1979). Cross-cultural psychology. Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing <br />Company.<br />Suzuki, L.A., Ponteroto, J.G. & Meller, P.J. (2001). Handbook of Multicultural Assessment: <br />Clinical, Psychological and Educational Applications (2°d ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.<br />Triandis, H. C. & Berry, J. W. (1980). (eds.). Handbook of cross-cultural psychology-<br />methodology. (Vo 12, Edited). Bpston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.<br />Triandis, H. C. & Draguns, J. C. (1980) (eds.) Handbook of cross-cultural <br />psychology psychopathology. (Vol. 6, Edited) Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.<br />Wicrsma, W. & Jurs, S. G. (1990). Principles of educational measurement. Boston: Allyn and <br />Bacon.<br />Revised by: Dr. Juan Nogueras (2008) <br />