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A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

radar situated outside but in the vicinity of






propagation through various walls and


quantifying the backscattering by the human

Today world is going very fast in







terms of technology, and triggering to latest

considerations which aims at defining the



radar design is presented. Finally ultra

evolved far back is detecting humans, the

wideband (UWB) frequency modulated

detection of human beings is done in various


ways like Imaging Techniques, Sensing

proposed, designed, and implemented. The

Techniques, both the imaging and sensing

FM-CW Radar with an extended frequency

techniques will work when the human is in

sweep form 0.5 to 8 GHz is presented it has

front of the equipment or the machine, the

been applied to the TTW human detection.

disadvantage of the imaging and sensing

Some representative trials show that this

techniques can’t detect humans behind the

radar is able to localize and track moving

obstacle, this disadvantage evolved to detect

people behind a wall in real time. This

human beings behind the walls or obstacles

Radar will enable large stand-off distance

this can be achieved using RADAR. We

capabilities and in depth building detection.




know that Radar is conventional and
commercial equipment that had been serving






for different purposes in different ways, the

Here we assess human detection through

working nature of radar helped to improve

the wall using UWB (Ultra Wide Band)

the security more by introducing the latest

radars, we know that radar stands for radio

technology i.e, through the wall human

detection and ranging, i.e, using RADAR we


can find the Range, Direction and angle of




(TTW) radar demonstrator for the

the object, radar uses electromagnetic waves
that are transmitted by the transmitter into
the air to detect the object or reflecting

detection and the localization of people in a

material, the reflected echo signal from the

room (in a no cooperative way) with the

object must be in the direction of the
Receiver to find the range, there are
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building







developed for different applications

which distracts rescuers from locations
where living people can still be found [1].
Due to the ability of electromagnetic waves

The detection of humans hidden by walls






or rubble, trapped in buildings on fire or

materials and its significant (in order of

avalanche victims are of interest for rescue,

centimeters) spatial resolution, UWB radar

surveillance and security operations. The

is considered as preferred tool for detection

problem of rescuing people from beneath the

and localization of people. Detection of

collapsed buildings does not have an

human beings with radars is based on

ultimate technical solution that would

movement detection – respiratory motions

guarantee efficient detection and localization

and movement of body parts. These motions

of victims. The main techniques used are:


Cameras with long optical fibers that are

amplitude and periodic differences in time-

injected into the holes or fissures in the

of-arrival of scattered pulses from the target,

collapsed buildings (the usability of such

which are result of periodic movements of

devices and their efficiency depend on the

the chest area of the target [2].

structure of collapsed building and besides,

Typical radar applications are listed here to

when the victim is detected it is difficult in

give an idea of the huge importance of

the most cases to determine its actual

radar in our world.

position). Sledge hammers are used to give a


signal to potential victims, and rescuers with

Military and civil air traffic control, ground-

microphones are waiting for hearing the

based, airborne, surface coastal,

response (obvious limitation of this method


is that unconscious people cannot be

Searching and tracking

detected. Localization of victims is a

Military target searching and tracking

problem as well). Search dogs are deployed

Fire control

in the disaster area. They detect presence of

Provides information (mainly target

victims efficiently by smell, but information

azimuth, elevation, range and velocity) to a

about their actual positions or quantity


cannot be indicated. Moreover, dog is likely


to indicate the presence of dead person






A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

Satellite, air, maritime, terrestrial navigation

countries all around the world. It addresses


the ability to see behind walls in order to

Collision warning, adaptive cruise control

detect, count, and localize people inside a

(ACC), collision avoidance

building. We would like to remain at large

Level measurements

stand off distances (5-10 or even 50 m) if

For monitoring liquids, distances, etc.

possible, according to the allowed emitted

Proximity fuses

power. TTW Radars utilize frequencies

Military use: Guided weapon systems

ranging from UHF to S band in order to

require a proximity fuse to trigger the

have better wall penetration for any kind of


wall. It is further more recommended to use


ultrawideband (UWB) modulations in order


to achieve range resolution for human

Aircraft or spacecraft altimeters for civil and


military use


Terrain avoidance


Airborne military use

electromagnetic “vision” behind walls in

Secondary radar

order to detect, count, and localise people

Transponder in target responds with coded

inside a building. Considering one by one

reply signal

these three objectives: detect, count, and


localise, it is possible to situate our work

Storm avoidance, wind shear warning,

among the various researches that are

weather mapping

ongoing in the TTW radar field.In order to


detect one or more persons in a room, it is

Military earth surveillance, ground mapping,

necessary to take into account the fact that

and exploration of space environment

these people move. In fact, the radar return


coming from the human body is not high

Hidden weapon detection, military earth











enough compared to the backscattering of
the indoor environment to ensure detection.

The Wall

(TTW) human

detection using radar is a relatively new
topic that has been investigated in many

So that, Doppler effect has been used
historically to detect motion through walls
[1]. Nevertheless, Doppler radar has also
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

some drawbacks. The first one is its high

considerations which aims at defining the

sensitivity to all kinds of motions bringing

best radar design. And finally, Sections 5

false alarms. The second one is that target

and 6 present the radar implementation and

localisation and Doppler filtering seems

a trial of people detection and localization

incompatible. This is why emphasis was

through a wall.

made on imaging radar with the ability to
count and localise targets.Small TTW radars
based on the technology of UWB pulses
appeared since the 2000s. The famous ones

So many radars have been developed to
detect ranges of any distinct object, the
various radars are


1. Pulsed Doppler radar

CAMERO. There is no publication about

2. Continous wave radar

them in the open literature. Besides, some

3. FM-CW radar

radar and signal processing specialized

4. MTI Radar


5. Phased Array Radar










imaging or SAR imaging applied to through-

6. Synthetic Aperture Radar

wall vision [2, 3].The work presented here

7. Bi Static and Multi Static radar

gives the last advances from our laboratory

8. Passive Radar

in the “see-through” radar topic. It aims at

9. Multimode Radar

giving a global approach of the TTW radar
detection. It shows step by step the design





theoretical background to radar realization
followed by experimental assessment.





propagation physics has been studied by





measurements. Then, in Section 3, the
backscattering strength of the human body is
quantified in an anechoic chamber with
various people under test. Section 4 is





A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

air traffic
control and
'L' for 'long'



15 cm to
30 cm



7.5 cm to
15 cm

Terminal air
control, longrange
marine radar;
'S' for 'short'



3.75 cm
to 7.5 cm

(hence 'C')
between X
and S bands;


8 – 12

2.5 cm to
3.75 cm

marine radar,
mapping and
in the USA
the narrow
range 10.525
GHz ± 25
MHz is used
radar. Named

2. Literature Survey
Before moving into the different types of
radars used for different applications, let’s
check the radar frequencies, Bands,
Wavelengths and its applications.

2.1. Radar Frequencies, - Bands,
Wavelength and Applications







Coastal radar
radars; ’high
y to early
range (e.g.
missile early


30 to
300 Mhz

1m to 10




A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

because the
secret during
World War

12 – 18

1.67 cm
to 2.5 cm

just under K
band (hence

cameras that
take pictures
operates at
0.100 GHz


18 – 27

27 – 40

1.11 –
1.67 cm

0.75 cm
to 1.11

K band is
clouds and
by police for
motorists. K
band radar
guns operate
at 24.150 ±
0.100 GHz.
radar uses 24
– 26 GHz.

short range,
just above K
band (hence
radar, used to

40 – 300

1 mm to
7.5 mm


40 – 60

5 mm to
7.5 mm




50 – 75

4 mm to 6

absorbed by


75 – 110

2.7 mm to
4 mm

76 GHz LRR
and 79 GHz

appear to be
random, and
dependent on
assigned to
these bands
by different

A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

radar, highresolution
and imaging

delay between the transmitted and received
signal the distance to the plane can be
calculated. Additional information can be gained
from the frequency shift of the received signal,
which is proportional to the speed of the plane.
Receiving a signal of sufficient power by an
adequate power to noise ratio is the biggest

2.2. Radar Equation
The acronym RADAR stands for Radio
Detection And Ranging. Figure 1 shows the
basic principle.

challenge of radar systems. The so called .Radar
Equation. gives hints on the power relations
within the system as indicated in Figure1. The
Radar Equation delivers the received power Pr
as result. According to the Radar Equation
following independent parameters determine the
received power Pr.

Pt: The power transmitted by the antenna,
dimension is dBm. Numeric examples : 63
dBm for real world Radar applications, 13
dBm for laboratory tests
G: Gain of the transmitting antenna,
dimension in dBi. The parameter determines
how much the radiation beam of the antenna
is focused toward the direction of the target.
Numeric examples are 12 dBi for a BiQuad
antenna and 70 dBi for a highly focusing
parabolic antenna.
Figure 1: Basic principle of Radar and its
σ is

An electromagnetic wave of power Pt is
transmitted to a flying object, for example to a
plane and is partly reflected back to the antenna

The wavelength of the transmitted

signal, dimension in meter. The wavelength






frequency. Numeric examples: 0.03 m for a

with the receiving power Pr. From the time
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

10 GHz signal and 0.12 m for a 2.54 GHz





Value Value


Radar cross section, RCS, is a virtual area


ple 2

representing the intensity of the reflection.


ple 1

Not all of the radiated power is reflected


back to transmitting antenna, as indicated by


the small waves close to the plane in Figure


1. The .Sigma. ( ) of the objects determines

Gain of

the virtual area of the reflecting object


(plane) from which all of the incoming


radiation energy is reflected back to the


antenna. The dimension is square meter,


.m2. in short. Practical examples are 12 m2










 (f)








for a commercial plane, 1 m2 for a person or




0.01 m2 for a bird. Refer to [18], page 6665













for further




R: Distance between the transmitting


antenna and the reflecting object. Dimension


in m. Numeric examples are 8000 m for real
world applications or 5 m for laboratory


conditions. It has to be stressed that this


parameter reduces the result, i.e. the


received signal by the power of 4, with the


effect that far distant objects are providing


only a small amount of received power.







Table 1: Parameters of Radar Equitation and two

A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

example 1 the received reflected power of
Example 1 shows a a real world example,

example 1 is almost 50 dB lower than the

derived from [Pozar], example 2 shows a

received signal of example 2. The reason is

radar application which can be realized

the smaller wavelength lambda which

under laboratory conditions for example

affects the result by a power of 2 and

in an anechoic chamber.

especially the bigger distance R of example
1 which affects the result by a power of 4.

Example 1 read in clear text : A radar

Small wavelengths, i.e. high frequencies are

transmitting antenna with gain of 28 dBi is

aimed for in most radar systems, especially

transmitting an electromagnetic wave at 10

in antenna arrays, because of the resulting

GHz with a power of 63 dBm to a plane in a

small antenna size. It is obvious also, that in

distance of about 8000 m. The plane has a

radar technology one has to deal with very

radar cross section of 12 m2 . By means of

small receiving power especially for far

the Radar Equation the received power back

distant objects.

at the antenna is calculated to -90 dBm.

2.3. Common Radar types for
Example 2 read in clear text: In a radar test

Common Applications

laboratory implemented in an anechoic
chamber a test transmitter provides 13 dBm
to a matched antenna of 12 dBi with a

2.3.1.Simple Pulse (Range) and Pulse
Doppler (Speed/Range)Radar

frequency of 2.5 GHz. The reflecting object
with a cross section of 0.3 m2 is located in 5
m distance from the transmitting antenna.
According to the Radar Equation the test
receiver is going to receive a reflected signal
of -48 dBm.

When comparing example 1 to example 2
we can conclude that despite much bigger

Basic principle of a simple pulse radar system

transmitting power, better transmit antenna
gain and bigger radar cross section in
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

A simple pulse radar system only provides

receiver, peak power, frequency stability,

range (plus direction) information for a

phase noise of the LO and all of the pulse

target based


on the timing difference between the

The AGC circuit of the receiver

transmitted and received pulse. It is not

protects the radar from overload conditions

possible to

due to nearby collocated radars or jamming

determine the speed. The pulse width

counter measures. The attack and decay time

determines the range resolution.

of the AGC circuit can be varied based on
the operational mode of the radar. Since the






approximately 150 meters per microsecond,
it is important to measure the response of the
AGC for both amplitude and phase response
when subject to different overload signal
conditions. The measured response time will
dictate the minimum detection range of the

Pulse Doppler radar
Direction information with azimuth angle
determination in a radar system with a rotary

The direction information (azimuth angle) is
determined from the time instant of the






instantaneous radiation direction of the








equipment of this sort are the range accuracy
and resolution, AGC settling time for the

A pulse Doppler radar also provides
radial speed information about the target in
addition to range information (and direction
information). In case of coherent operation
of the radar transmitter and receiver, speed
information can be derived from the pulseto-pulse phase variations. I/Q demodulators
are normally used. The latest pulse Doppler
radar systems normally use different pulse
repetition frequencies (PRF) ranging from
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

several hundred Hz up to 500 kHz in order
to clarify any possible range and Doppler

 result in added noise contribution

ambiguities. More advanced pulse Doppler
radar systems also " use "staggered PRF, i.e.
the PRF changes on an ongoing basis to get

 Reference





rid of range ambiguity and reduce clutter as
well. Important criteria for achieving good

 Jitter or uncertainty due to the

performance in pulse Doppler radar systems

measurement point of the rising edge

include very low phase noise in the LO, low


receiver noise and low I/Q gain phase

interpolation or signals that have

mismatch (to avoid "false target indication")


in addition to the measurement parameters










listed above. When measuring the pulse-topulse performance of a radar transmitter, it

 Overshoot and preshoot of the rising

is important to understand the variables that

and falling edges . any ringing on the



rising and falling edges can impact

measurement system for accurate Doppler

the measurement points adversely on


a pulse to pulse basis. It is important





that the measurement point, or the
 Signal-to-noise ratio of the signal the better the signal to noise ratio of


are sufficiently far
 away in time from the leading and

the signal, the lower
 the

average set of measurement points,





falling edges of a pulse. Applying a
Gaussien filter to smooth the impact
of the rising and falling edges can

 Bandwidth of the signal - the

reduce this phenomena and is often

bandwidth of the IF acquisition


system must be sufficient to

measurement system of a radar

 accurately represent the risetime of





the pulsed signal, however too much
bandwidth can
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

 Time between measured signals . due

detecting slow changes in the received field

to the PRI of the measured signal,





the close-in phase noise of the


conditions that may exist.

measurement system needs to be
considered due to the integration
time at lower offset frequencies.

Radar speed traps operated by the
police use this same technology. Camera
systems take a picture if a certain speed is

 The





contribute to the uncertainty in the

exceeded at a specified distance from the

signal generator when testing the




measurement accuracy.

Continuous Wave (CW) Radar:
A continuous wave (CW) radar
system with a constant frequency can be
used to measure speed.However, it does not
provide any range (distance) information. A
signal at a certain frequency is transmitted
via an antenna. It is then reflected by the
target (e.g. a car) with a certain Doppler
frequency shift. This means that the signal’s





reflection is received on a slightly different

MultaRadar CD - Mobile speed radar for speed

frequency. By comparing the transmitted

enforcement from Jenoptic

frequency with the received frequency, we
can determine the speed (but not the range).
Here, a typical application is radar for

There are also military applications:
CW radars are also used for target

monitoring traffic.

illumination. This is a straightforward

Radar motion sensors are based on the same

application: The radar beam is kept on target

principle, but they must also be capable of

by linking it to a target tracking radar. The
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

reflection from the target is then used by an

due to the lack of atiming reference.

antiaircraft missile to home in on the target.

However, it is possible to generate a timing

CW radars are somewhat hard to detect.


Accordingly, they are classified as low-

stationary objects using what is known as

probability-of intercept radars.








(FMCW) radar. This method involves
CW radars lend themselves well to

transmitting a signal whose frequency

detecting low-flying aircraft that attempt to

changes periodically. When an echo signal

overcome an enemy’s air defense by

is received, it will have a delay offset like in

"hugging the ground". Pulsed radar has

pulse radar. The range can be determined by



comparing the frequency. It is possible to

ground clutter and low-flying aircraft. CW

transmit complicated frequency patterns

radar can close this gap because it is blind to

(like in noise radar) with the periodic



repetition occurring at most at a time in

pinpoint the direction where something is

which no ambiguous echoes are expected.

going on. This information is relayed to co-

However, in the simplest case basic ramp or

located pulse radar for further analysis and

triangular modulation is used, which of

action. [7]

course will only have a relatively small






The disadvantage of CW radar is that

unambiguous measurement range.

it cannot detect the Range due to Narrow
Bandwidth of the transmitted signal, to
measure the range we are moving forward to
the Frequency modulated transmitted signal,
which can be used to find the range of ay
distinct object.





Modulated – Continuous Wave)
The disadvantage of CW radar
systems is that they cannot measure range
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building
Basic principle of FMCW radar. The target’s
velocity is calculated based on the measured delay
between the transmit signal and the received
signal, whereas the frequency offset  gives the

offset vs. the transmitted frequency which is
proportional to their speed (e.g. in linear FM


In pulse radar systems, the pulses
This type of range measurement is

reflected by moving objects have a variable

used, for example, in aircraft to measure

phase from pulse to pulse referenced to the

altitude (radio altimeter) or in ground

phase of the transmitted pulses.

tracking radar to ensure a constant altitude
above ground. One benefit compared to
pulse radar is that measurement results are
provided continuously (as opposed to the





used commercially for measuring distances






frequency). FMCW radar is also commonly




Automotive radar is in most cases FMCW

Ultra Wideband technology has been an
extremely evolving technology because of
its appealing characteristics like achieving
high data rates, more capacity as compared
to narrowband systems, and co-existence

radar too

with the existing narrowband wireless



technologies. A signal is categorized as
UWB if its bandwidth is very large with


respect to its center frequency. That results
The idea behind MTI radar is to
suppress reflected signals from stationary
and slow-moving objects such as buildings,
mountains, waves, clouds, etc. (clutter) and
thus obtain an indication of moving targets
such as aircraft and other flying objects.
Here, the Doppler effect is exploited, since
signals reflected by targets moving radially
with respect to the radar system exhibit an

that the fractional bandwidth should be very
high. The FCC defines UWB as a signal
with either a fractional bandwidth of 20% of
the center frequency or 500 MHz (when the
center frequency is above 6 GHz). The
formula proposed by the FCC commission
for calculating the fractional bandwidth is
[3, 4]: Where fH represents the upper
frequency of the -10 dB emission limit and

A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

fL represents the lower frequency limit of

frequencies. Impulse radios operating in the

the -10dB emission limit

highly populated frequency range below a
few gigahertz must contend with a variety of

UWB is based on the generation of very

interfering signals. They must also guarantee

short duration pulses of the order of

that they do not interfere with the narrow-

picoseconds. The information of each bit in

band radio systems operating in dedicated

the binary sequence is transferred using one

bands. These requirements necessitate the

or more pulses by code repetition. This use

use of spread spectrum techniques. A means

of number of pulses increases the robustness

of spreading the spectrum of the ultra-



wideband pulses is to employ time hopping

UWBcommunications there is no carrier

with data modulation accomplished by

used and hence all the references are made

additional pulse position modulation at the

with respect to the center frequency. In Ultra

rate of many pulses per data symbol. The

wideband communications, a signal with a

use of signals with gigahertz bandwidth

much larger bandwidth is transmitted with a

means that multipath is resolvable down to



path differential delays on the order of

approach has a potential to produce signal

nanoseconds or less i.e. down to path length

which has higher immunity to interference

differentials on the order of foot or less. This

effects and improved time of arrival

significantly reduces fading effects even in

resolution. Ultra wide band communications

indoor environments. The advantages of

employ the technique of impulse radio.


Impulse radio communicates with the help

systems are [3]:












of base band pulses of very short duration of
the order of nanoseconds, thereby spreading

 Large Instantaneous bandwidth that

the energy of the signal from dc to few

enables fine time resolution for

gigahertz. The fact that the impulse radio

network time

system operates in the lowest possible
frequency band that supports its wide
transmission bandwidth means that this

 distribution,



capability, or use as a radar.
 Short duration pulses that provide

radio has the best chance of penetrating


objects which become opaque at higher




A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

 environments by exploiting more
resolvable paths.
 Low power spectral density that
allows coexistence with existing
users and has a
 Low Probability of Intercept (LPI).
 Data rate may be traded for power





3.1Salient Features of Ultrawideband Radars

Maximum range and data rate of different
wireless technologies

3.1.1 High Data rate
Low power consumption
UWB can handle more bandwidthintensive applications like streaming video,
than either 802.11 or Bluetooth because it
can send data at much faster rates. UWB
technology has a data rate of roughly 100
Mbps, with speeds up to 500 Mbps, This
compares with maximum speeds of 11 Mbps
for 802.11b (often referred to as Wi-Fi)
which is the technology currently used in
most wireless LANs; and 54 Mbps for
802.11a, which is Wi-Fi at 5MHz. Bluetooth





constantly instead of transmitting modulated
waves continuously like most narrowband
systems do. UWB chipsets do not require
Radio Frequency (RF) to Intermediate
Frequency (IF) conversion, local oscillators,
mixers, and other filters. Due to low power
consumption,battery-powered devices like
cameras and cell phones can use in UWB

has a data rate of

Interference Immunity







frequency transmission, USB’s aggregate
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

interference is “undetected” by narrowband


receivers. Its power spectral density is at or


below narrowband thermal noise floor. This

waveforms. In UWB, Due to the absence of

gives rise to the potential that UWB systems

Carrier, the transceiver structure may be

can coexist with narrowband radio systems

very simple. The techniques for generating

operating in the same spectrum without

UWB signals have existed for more than

causing undue interference [3].

three Decades. Recent advances in silicon





process and switching speeds make UWB
system as low-cost. Also home UWB
wireless devices do not need transmitting

High Security

power amplifier. This is a great advantage
Since UWB systems operate below

over narrowband architectures that require

the noise floor, they are inherently covertand

amplifiers with significant power back off to

extremely difficult for unintended users to

support high-order modulation waveforms

detect [3].

for high data rates [3].

Reasonable Range

Large Channel Capacity

IEEE 802.15.3a Study Group defined
10 meters as the minimum range at speed
100Mbps However, UWB can go further.
The Philips Company has used its Digital
Light Processor (DLP) technology in UWB
device so it can operate beyond 45 feet at 50
Mbps for four DVD screens [3].

The capacity of a channel can be


the amount

of data bits

transmission/second. Since, UWB signals





available that can produce very high data
rate even in gigabits/second. The high data
rate capability of UWB can be best

Low Complexity, Low Cost






capacity equation:
The most attractive of UWB’s
advantages are of low system complexity






log!(1 + !

!) (1.4)
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

Where C is the channel capacity in

dynamically trade-off high-data throughput

bits/second, B is the channel bandwidth in

for range [6].

Hz, S is the signal power and N is the noise
power. This equation tells us that the

Application of UWB

capacity of a channel grows linearly with the
Wireless technology is playing now

bandwidth W, but only logarithmically with
the signal power S. Since the UWB channel
has an 19 abundance of bandwidth, it can
trade some of the bandwidth against reduced
signal power and interference from other
sources. Thus, from Shannon’s equation we
can see that UWB systems have a great





communications [7].

main role in our daily lives. In recent years,
demand of higher quality and faster delivery
of data is increasing day by day. The need of
more speed and quality brought up many











(IEEE802.15.4) and the recent standard
802.15.3, which are used for wireless local

Resistance to Jamming

The UWB spectrum covers a huge
range of frequencies. That’s why, UWB
signals are relatively resistant to jamming,
because it is not possible to jam every
frequency in the UWB spectrum at a time.
Therefore, there are a lot of frequency range
available even in case of some frequencies
are jammed.






personal area networks (WPAN), can’t meet
the demands of applications that needs much
higher data rate. UWB connection function
as cable replacement with date rate more
than 100 Mbps. Applications of UWB can
be categorized in following section.
Imaging Systems
UWB was firstly used by military
purpose to identify the buried installations.
In imaging system emission of UWB is used


as illuminator similar to radar pulse. The
receiver receives the signal and the output is

UWB systems are very flexible






because their common architecture is

frequency functions to differentiate between

software re-definable so that it can

materials at varying distance. The lower part
A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

of radio spectrum < 1 GHz have ability to

criminals hidden in shelters. These radars

penetrate the ground and solid surfaces. This

are able to measure the patient’s cardiac and

property makes UWB a best choice for

breathing activity in hospitals as well as at

detection of buried objects and public

home [21].

security and protection organizations.

Home Networks
UWB plays an important role in
medical imagine and human body analysis.
Now a day’s ultra wideband radars are used
for heart treatment. All of inner body parts
of human being can be imaged by adjusting

In a home environment, variety of
devices are operating such as DVD players,
HDTVs, STBs, Personal video recorders,
MP3 players , digital cameras, camcorders
and others. The current popular usage of

the emitting pulse power [21].

home networking is sharing date from PC to
PC and from PCs to peripherals. Customers

Radar Systems

are demanding multiplayer gaming and
In early days military used UWB

video distributions in home network. These

technology in radar system to detect the

all devices are connected using wires to

object in high-density media like ground, ice

share contents at high speed. UWB is a wire

and air targets. Research and studies in this


area found, radar can be used everywhere

bandwidth more than 100 Mbps. These all

where we need sensing of moving objects.

devices can be connected in a home network

Radar systems can be installed in vehicle to

to share multimedia, printers, scanners and

avoid accident during driving and parking.

etc. UWB can connect a plasma display or

UWB radars can be used in guarding

HDTV to a DVD or STB without using any



cable. UWB also enables multiple streaming

unauthorized entrance into the territory.

to multiple devices simultaneously, that

These radars can be used to find objects or

allows viewing same or different content on

peoples in collapsed buildings by detecting

multiples devices. For example, movie

the movement of person; but in case person

content can be shared on different display

is not moving, it can still be detected by

devices in different rooms [1] [3]. The home



networks are directly connected to a

department can use such radars to find

broadband through a residential gateway.












A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

This approach is cost effective but is

systems. These systems enable us to locate

ineffective for whole house coverage.


Cables are installed to connect different

equipment’s, nurses, doctors and patients in


a hospital [2]. Furthermore these systems














environment. With a right UWB solution



Internet traffic from multiple users in a


equipment’s, employees and visitors.

home can be routed to single broadband
connection. UWB enable devices can be
connected in

an ad-hoc manner


Bluetooth to share contents. For example a
camera can be connected to a printer directly
to print pictures; MP3 player can be
connected to another MP3 player and shared

Sensor Networks
Wireless sensor networks are an
important area of communication. Sensor
networks have many applications, like




factory automation etc. Sensor networks are
operated under many constraints such as



performance and cost. In many applications
sensor size is also considered to be smaller.
UWB use pulse transmission, with very low
energy consumption. This property enables
us to design very simple transmitters and
thus long time battery operated devices.
These sensors can be used in locating



A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

Finally, the speed of the digital back-end

The Future of Radar

equipment handling the radar raw data will
need to

In the future, we can expect to




combine radar and infrared (or other)

increase i.e. through parallel processing in
order to handle data rates as needed for high
resolution radar operating modes.[12]

systems[11]. This will make it possible to
combine the benefits of the different types






weaknesses [11].
Military onboard radar systems will

1. Merrill I. Skolnik,1990, Radar

be increasingly confronted with the stealth

Handbook, Second Edition McGraw-

characteristics of advanced aircraft. The







Merrill I. Skolnik,1990, Radar

requirements imposed on aircraft must be

Handbook, Second Edition McGraw-

solved (i.e. planes should exhibit stealth

Hill, Chapter 7

properties while not revealing their position
through the use of onboard radar). One
possibility involves the use of a bistatic
radar system with a separate illuminator and
only a receiver on-board the aircraft.
In the future, radar antennas will in
many cases no longer exist as discrete
elements with suitable radomes. Instead,
they will be integrated into the geometrical
structure of the aircraft, ship or other
platform that contains them. The next
generation of AESA radars used on-board
aircraft will have more than one fixed array
in order to be able to handle greater spatial

10. Silent Sentry.Passive Surveillance

A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building

12. radar-technology-looks-to-thefuture.html


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Seminar Report on UWB FM -CW RADAR

  • 1. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building radar situated outside but in the vicinity of the first wall. After modeling the propagation through various walls and Abstract quantifying the backscattering by the human Today world is going very fast in body, an analysis of the technical terms of technology, and triggering to latest considerations which aims at defining the technologies, technologies radar design is presented. Finally ultra evolved far back is detecting humans, the wideband (UWB) frequency modulated detection of human beings is done in various continuous ways like Imaging Techniques, Sensing proposed, designed, and implemented. The Techniques, both the imaging and sensing FM-CW Radar with an extended frequency techniques will work when the human is in sweep form 0.5 to 8 GHz is presented it has front of the equipment or the machine, the been applied to the TTW human detection. disadvantage of the imaging and sensing Some representative trials show that this techniques can’t detect humans behind the radar is able to localize and track moving obstacle, this disadvantage evolved to detect people behind a wall in real time. This human beings behind the walls or obstacles Radar will enable large stand-off distance this can be achieved using RADAR. We capabilities and in depth building detection. one of the know that Radar is conventional and commercial equipment that had been serving wave (FMCW) radar is 1. INTRODUCTION for different purposes in different ways, the Here we assess human detection through working nature of radar helped to improve the wall using UWB (Ultra Wide Band) the security more by introducing the latest radars, we know that radar stands for radio technology i.e, through the wall human detection and ranging, i.e, using RADAR we detection. can find the Range, Direction and angle of The technology through-the-wall (TTW) radar demonstrator for the the object, radar uses electromagnetic waves that are transmitted by the transmitter into the air to detect the object or reflecting detection and the localization of people in a material, the reflected echo signal from the room (in a no cooperative way) with the object must be in the direction of the Receiver to find the range, there are 1
  • 2. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building different types of radars have been developed for different applications which distracts rescuers from locations where living people can still be found [1]. Due to the ability of electromagnetic waves The detection of humans hidden by walls to penetrate through typical building or rubble, trapped in buildings on fire or materials and its significant (in order of avalanche victims are of interest for rescue, centimeters) spatial resolution, UWB radar surveillance and security operations. The is considered as preferred tool for detection problem of rescuing people from beneath the and localization of people. Detection of collapsed buildings does not have an human beings with radars is based on ultimate technical solution that would movement detection – respiratory motions guarantee efficient detection and localization and movement of body parts. These motions of victims. The main techniques used are: cause Cameras with long optical fibers that are amplitude and periodic differences in time- injected into the holes or fissures in the of-arrival of scattered pulses from the target, collapsed buildings (the usability of such which are result of periodic movements of devices and their efficiency depend on the the chest area of the target [2]. structure of collapsed building and besides, Typical radar applications are listed here to when the victim is detected it is difficult in give an idea of the huge importance of the most cases to determine its actual radar in our world. position). Sledge hammers are used to give a Surveillance signal to potential victims, and rescuers with Military and civil air traffic control, ground- microphones are waiting for hearing the based, airborne, surface coastal, response (obvious limitation of this method satellitebased is that unconscious people cannot be Searching and tracking detected. Localization of victims is a Military target searching and tracking problem as well). Search dogs are deployed Fire control in the disaster area. They detect presence of Provides information (mainly target victims efficiently by smell, but information azimuth, elevation, range and velocity) to a about their actual positions or quantity firecontrol cannot be indicated. Moreover, dog is likely system to indicate the presence of dead person Navigation changes in frequency, phase, 2
  • 3. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building Satellite, air, maritime, terrestrial navigation countries all around the world. It addresses Automotive the ability to see behind walls in order to Collision warning, adaptive cruise control detect, count, and localize people inside a (ACC), collision avoidance building. We would like to remain at large Level measurements stand off distances (5-10 or even 50 m) if For monitoring liquids, distances, etc. possible, according to the allowed emitted Proximity fuses power. TTW Radars utilize frequencies Military use: Guided weapon systems ranging from UHF to S band in order to require a proximity fuse to trigger the have better wall penetration for any kind of explosive wall. It is further more recommended to use warhead ultrawideband (UWB) modulations in order Altimeter to achieve range resolution for human Aircraft or spacecraft altimeters for civil and localization military use propogation Terrain avoidance (TTW) Airborne military use electromagnetic “vision” behind walls in Secondary radar order to detect, count, and localise people Transponder in target responds with coded inside a building. Considering one by one reply signal these three objectives: detect, count, and Weather localise, it is possible to situate our work Storm avoidance, wind shear warning, among the various researches that are weather mapping ongoing in the TTW radar field.In order to Space detect one or more persons in a room, it is Military earth surveillance, ground mapping, necessary to take into account the fact that and exploration of space environment these people move. In fact, the radar return Security coming from the human body is not high Hidden weapon detection, military earth surveillance Through and to channel. radar deal with indoor Through-the-wall technique addresses enough compared to the backscattering of the indoor environment to ensure detection. The Wall (TTW) human detection using radar is a relatively new topic that has been investigated in many So that, Doppler effect has been used historically to detect motion through walls [1]. Nevertheless, Doppler radar has also 3
  • 4. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building some drawbacks. The first one is its high considerations which aims at defining the sensitivity to all kinds of motions bringing best radar design. And finally, Sections 5 false alarms. The second one is that target and 6 present the radar implementation and localisation and Doppler filtering seems a trial of people detection and localization incompatible. This is why emphasis was through a wall. made on imaging radar with the ability to count and localise targets.Small TTW radars based on the technology of UWB pulses appeared since the 2000s. The famous ones So many radars have been developed to detect ranges of any distinct object, the various radars are by 1. Pulsed Doppler radar CAMERO. There is no publication about 2. Continous wave radar them in the open literature. Besides, some 3. FM-CW radar radar and signal processing specialized 4. MTI Radar laboratories 5. Phased Array Radar are Radarvision and have then studied Xaver UWB radar imaging or SAR imaging applied to through- 6. Synthetic Aperture Radar wall vision [2, 3].The work presented here 7. Bi Static and Multi Static radar gives the last advances from our laboratory 8. Passive Radar in the “see-through” radar topic. It aims at 9. Multimode Radar giving a global approach of the TTW radar detection. It shows step by step the design process after radar modelling: from theoretical background to radar realization followed by experimental assessment. In Section 2, the through-the-wall propagation physics has been studied by simulation and also assessed by measurements. Then, in Section 3, the backscattering strength of the human body is quantified in an anechoic chamber with various people under test. Section 4 is centred on an analysis of technical 4
  • 5. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building penetrating, foliage penetrating; ’ultra high frequency’ Long-range air traffic control and surveillance; 'L' for 'long' L 1–2 GHz 15 cm to 30 cm S 2–4 GHz 7.5 cm to 15 cm Terminal air traffic control, longrange weather, marine radar; 'S' for 'short' C 4–8 GHz 3.75 cm to 7.5 cm Satellite transponders; a compromise (hence 'C') between X and S bands; weather radar X 8 – 12 GHz 2.5 cm to 3.75 cm Missile guidance, marine radar, weather, mediumresolution mapping and ground surveillance; in the USA the narrow range 10.525 GHz ± 25 MHz is used for airport radar. Named X band 2. Literature Survey Before moving into the different types of radars used for different applications, let’s check the radar frequencies, Bands, Wavelengths and its applications. 2.1. Radar Frequencies, - Bands, Wavelength and Applications Ban d HF Frequen cy Wavelen gth Application 3-30 Mhz 10m100m Coastal radar systems, over-thehorizon (OTH) radars; ’high frequency’ ’P’ for ’previous’, applied retrospectivel y to early radar systems Very long range (e.g. ballistic missile early warning), ground P 30 to 300 Mhz 1m to 10 m UH F 3001000Mh z 0.3-1m 5
  • 6. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building because the frequency was kept secret during World War 2. KU 12 – 18 GHz 1.67 cm to 2.5 cm Highresolution mapping, satellite altimetry; frequency just under K band (hence 'u') trigger cameras that take pictures of license plates of carsrunning red lights, operates at 34.300 ± 0.100 GHz Ka 18 – 27 GHz 27 – 40 GHz 1.11 – 1.67 cm 0.75 cm to 1.11 cm K band is used by meteorologis ts for detecting clouds and by police for detecting speeding motorists. K band radar guns operate at 24.150 ± 0.100 GHz. Automotive radar uses 24 – 26 GHz. Mapping, short range, airport surveillance; frequency just above K band (hence 'a'); photo radar, used to 40 – 300 GHz 1 mm to 7.5 mm Q 40 – 60 GHz 5 mm to 7.5 mm V K Mm 50 – 75 GHz 4 mm to 6 mm Very strongly absorbed by the atmosphere W 75 – 110 GHz 2.7 mm to 4 mm 76 GHz LRR and 79 GHz SRR automotive Millimeter band, subdivided as below. The letter designators appear to be random, and the frequency ranges dependent on waveguide size. Multiple letters are assigned to these bands by different groups Used for military communicati ons 6
  • 7. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building radar, highresolution meteorologic al observation and imaging delay between the transmitted and received signal the distance to the plane can be calculated. Additional information can be gained from the frequency shift of the received signal, which is proportional to the speed of the plane. Receiving a signal of sufficient power by an adequate power to noise ratio is the biggest 2.2. Radar Equation The acronym RADAR stands for Radio Detection And Ranging. Figure 1 shows the basic principle. challenge of radar systems. The so called .Radar Equation. gives hints on the power relations within the system as indicated in Figure1. The Radar Equation delivers the received power Pr as result. According to the Radar Equation following independent parameters determine the received power Pr. Pt: The power transmitted by the antenna, dimension is dBm. Numeric examples : 63 dBm for real world Radar applications, 13 dBm for laboratory tests G: Gain of the transmitting antenna, dimension in dBi. The parameter determines how much the radiation beam of the antenna is focused toward the direction of the target. Numeric examples are 12 dBi for a BiQuad antenna and 70 dBi for a highly focusing parabolic antenna. Figure 1: Basic principle of Radar and its parameters σ is An electromagnetic wave of power Pt is transmitted to a flying object, for example to a plane and is partly reflected back to the antenna The wavelength of the transmitted signal, dimension in meter. The wavelength can be directly calculated from the frequency. Numeric examples: 0.03 m for a with the receiving power Pr. From the time 7
  • 8. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building 10 GHz signal and 0.12 m for a 2.54 GHz signal Parame Abbrevi ter ation Value Value , Exam Radar cross section, RCS, is a virtual area Exam ple 2 representing the intensity of the reflection. Uni ple 1 Not all of the radiated power is reflected Transm back to transmitting antenna, as indicated by itted the small waves close to the plane in Figure power 1. The .Sigma. ( ) of the objects determines Gain of the virtual area of the reflecting object transmi (plane) from which all of the incoming t radiation energy is reflected back to the antenna antenna. The dimension is square meter, Wavele .m2. in short. Practical examples are 12 m2 t Pt 63 13 dB m G 28 12 dBi  (f) 0.03 0.12 m( ngth (10*1 (2.5*1 Hz) for a commercial plane, 1 m2 for a person or (freque 09) 09) 0.01 m2 for a bird. Refer to [18], page 6665 ncy)  12 0,3 m2 R 8114 5 m Pr 1 17.4* pW for further Radar examples. cross section R: Distance between the transmitting Distanc antenna and the reflecting object. Dimension e in m. Numeric examples are 8000 m for real world applications or 5 m for laboratory Receive conditions. It has to be stressed that this d parameter reduces the result, i.e. the power, received signal by the power of 4, with the linear effect that far distant objects are providing Receive only a small amount of received power. d 103 Prlog -90 -48 dB m power, Table 1: Parameters of Radar Equitation and two examples logarith mic 8
  • 9. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building example 1 the received reflected power of Example 1 shows a a real world example, example 1 is almost 50 dB lower than the derived from [Pozar], example 2 shows a received signal of example 2. The reason is radar application which can be realized the smaller wavelength lambda which under laboratory conditions for example affects the result by a power of 2 and in an anechoic chamber. especially the bigger distance R of example 1 which affects the result by a power of 4. Example 1 read in clear text : A radar Small wavelengths, i.e. high frequencies are transmitting antenna with gain of 28 dBi is aimed for in most radar systems, especially transmitting an electromagnetic wave at 10 in antenna arrays, because of the resulting GHz with a power of 63 dBm to a plane in a small antenna size. It is obvious also, that in distance of about 8000 m. The plane has a radar technology one has to deal with very radar cross section of 12 m2 . By means of small receiving power especially for far the Radar Equation the received power back distant objects. at the antenna is calculated to -90 dBm. 2.3. Common Radar types for Example 2 read in clear text: In a radar test Common Applications laboratory implemented in an anechoic chamber a test transmitter provides 13 dBm to a matched antenna of 12 dBi with a 2.3.1.Simple Pulse (Range) and Pulse Doppler (Speed/Range)Radar frequency of 2.5 GHz. The reflecting object with a cross section of 0.3 m2 is located in 5 m distance from the transmitting antenna. According to the Radar Equation the test receiver is going to receive a reflected signal of -48 dBm. When comparing example 1 to example 2 we can conclude that despite much bigger Basic principle of a simple pulse radar system transmitting power, better transmit antenna gain and bigger radar cross section in 9
  • 10. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building A simple pulse radar system only provides receiver, peak power, frequency stability, range (plus direction) information for a phase noise of the LO and all of the pulse target based parameters. on the timing difference between the The AGC circuit of the receiver transmitted and received pulse. It is not protects the radar from overload conditions possible to due to nearby collocated radars or jamming determine the speed. The pulse width counter measures. The attack and decay time determines the range resolution. of the AGC circuit can be varied based on the operational mode of the radar. Since the roundtrip of a radar signals travels approximately 150 meters per microsecond, it is important to measure the response of the AGC for both amplitude and phase response when subject to different overload signal conditions. The measured response time will dictate the minimum detection range of the radar. Pulse Doppler radar Direction information with azimuth angle determination in a radar system with a rotary antenna The direction information (azimuth angle) is determined from the time instant of the receive pulse with reference to the instantaneous radiation direction of the rotating antenna. measurements on The important (non-coherent) radar equipment of this sort are the range accuracy and resolution, AGC settling time for the A pulse Doppler radar also provides radial speed information about the target in addition to range information (and direction information). In case of coherent operation of the radar transmitter and receiver, speed information can be derived from the pulseto-pulse phase variations. I/Q demodulators are normally used. The latest pulse Doppler radar systems normally use different pulse repetition frequencies (PRF) ranging from 10
  • 11. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building several hundred Hz up to 500 kHz in order to clarify any possible range and Doppler  result in added noise contribution uncertainty. ambiguities. More advanced pulse Doppler radar systems also " use "staggered PRF, i.e. the PRF changes on an ongoing basis to get  Reference (or timebase) clock stability. rid of range ambiguity and reduce clutter as well. Important criteria for achieving good  Jitter or uncertainty due to the performance in pulse Doppler radar systems measurement point of the rising edge include very low phase noise in the LO, low of receiver noise and low I/Q gain phase interpolation or signals that have mismatch (to avoid "false target indication") changing in addition to the measurement parameters uncertainty. the signal edges . rising impact edge this listed above. When measuring the pulse-topulse performance of a radar transmitter, it  Overshoot and preshoot of the rising is important to understand the variables that and falling edges . any ringing on the can the rising and falling edges can impact measurement system for accurate Doppler the measurement points adversely on measurements: a pulse to pulse basis. It is important impact the uncertainty of that the measurement point, or the  Signal-to-noise ratio of the signal the better the signal to noise ratio of uncertainty are sufficiently far  away in time from the leading and the signal, the lower  the average set of measurement points, due to noise contribution. falling edges of a pulse. Applying a Gaussien filter to smooth the impact of the rising and falling edges can  Bandwidth of the signal - the reduce this phenomena and is often bandwidth of the IF acquisition implemented system must be sufficient to measurement system of a radar  accurately represent the risetime of in the Doppler receiver. the pulsed signal, however too much bandwidth can 11
  • 12. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building  Time between measured signals . due detecting slow changes in the received field to the PRI of the measured signal, strength due to variable the close-in phase noise of the interference conditions that may exist. measurement system needs to be considered due to the integration time at lower offset frequencies. Radar speed traps operated by the police use this same technology. Camera systems take a picture if a certain speed is  The same variables can also contribute to the uncertainty in the exceeded at a specified distance from the target. signal generator when testing the receiver circuit and Doppler measurement accuracy. Continuous Wave (CW) Radar: A continuous wave (CW) radar system with a constant frequency can be used to measure speed.However, it does not provide any range (distance) information. A signal at a certain frequency is transmitted via an antenna. It is then reflected by the target (e.g. a car) with a certain Doppler frequency shift. This means that the signal’s Mobile traffic monitoring radar reflection is received on a slightly different MultaRadar CD - Mobile speed radar for speed frequency. By comparing the transmitted enforcement from Jenoptic frequency with the received frequency, we can determine the speed (but not the range). Here, a typical application is radar for There are also military applications: CW radars are also used for target monitoring traffic. illumination. This is a straightforward Radar motion sensors are based on the same application: The radar beam is kept on target principle, but they must also be capable of by linking it to a target tracking radar. The 12
  • 13. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building reflection from the target is then used by an due to the lack of atiming reference. antiaircraft missile to home in on the target. However, it is possible to generate a timing CW radars are somewhat hard to detect. reference Accordingly, they are classified as low- stationary objects using what is known as probability-of intercept radars. "frequency-modulated for measuring the continuous rangeof wave" (FMCW) radar. This method involves CW radars lend themselves well to transmitting a signal whose frequency detecting low-flying aircraft that attempt to changes periodically. When an echo signal overcome an enemy’s air defense by is received, it will have a delay offset like in "hugging the ground". Pulsed radar has pulse radar. The range can be determined by difficulties between comparing the frequency. It is possible to ground clutter and low-flying aircraft. CW transmit complicated frequency patterns radar can close this gap because it is blind to (like in noise radar) with the periodic slow-moving can repetition occurring at most at a time in pinpoint the direction where something is which no ambiguous echoes are expected. going on. This information is relayed to co- However, in the simplest case basic ramp or located pulse radar for further analysis and triangular modulation is used, which of action. [7] course will only have a relatively small in discriminating ground clutter and The disadvantage of CW radar is that unambiguous measurement range. it cannot detect the Range due to Narrow Bandwidth of the transmitted signal, to measure the range we are moving forward to the Frequency modulated transmitted signal, which can be used to find the range of ay distinct object. FM-CW Radar ( Frequency Modulated – Continuous Wave) The disadvantage of CW radar systems is that they cannot measure range 13
  • 14. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building Basic principle of FMCW radar. The target’s velocity is calculated based on the measured delay  t between the transmit signal and the received signal, whereas the frequency offset  gives the f offset vs. the transmitted frequency which is proportional to their speed (e.g. in linear FM radar). range In pulse radar systems, the pulses This type of range measurement is reflected by moving objects have a variable used, for example, in aircraft to measure phase from pulse to pulse referenced to the altitude (radio altimeter) or in ground phase of the transmitted pulses. tracking radar to ensure a constant altitude above ground. One benefit compared to pulse radar is that measurement results are provided continuously (as opposed to the timing grid of the pulse used commercially for measuring distances other ways, e.g. level Technology repetition frequency). FMCW radar is also commonly in 3. UWB RADAR indicators. Automotive radar is in most cases FMCW Ultra Wideband technology has been an extremely evolving technology because of its appealing characteristics like achieving high data rates, more capacity as compared to narrowband systems, and co-existence radar too with the existing narrowband wireless Moving-Target Identification (MTI) technologies. A signal is categorized as UWB if its bandwidth is very large with Radar respect to its center frequency. That results The idea behind MTI radar is to suppress reflected signals from stationary and slow-moving objects such as buildings, mountains, waves, clouds, etc. (clutter) and thus obtain an indication of moving targets such as aircraft and other flying objects. Here, the Doppler effect is exploited, since signals reflected by targets moving radially with respect to the radar system exhibit an that the fractional bandwidth should be very high. The FCC defines UWB as a signal with either a fractional bandwidth of 20% of the center frequency or 500 MHz (when the center frequency is above 6 GHz). The formula proposed by the FCC commission for calculating the fractional bandwidth is [3, 4]: Where fH represents the upper frequency of the -10 dB emission limit and 14
  • 15. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building fL represents the lower frequency limit of frequencies. Impulse radios operating in the the -10dB emission limit highly populated frequency range below a few gigahertz must contend with a variety of UWB is based on the generation of very interfering signals. They must also guarantee short duration pulses of the order of that they do not interfere with the narrow- picoseconds. The information of each bit in band radio systems operating in dedicated the binary sequence is transferred using one bands. These requirements necessitate the or more pulses by code repetition. This use use of spread spectrum techniques. A means of number of pulses increases the robustness of spreading the spectrum of the ultra- in In wideband pulses is to employ time hopping UWBcommunications there is no carrier with data modulation accomplished by used and hence all the references are made additional pulse position modulation at the with respect to the center frequency. In Ultra rate of many pulses per data symbol. The wideband communications, a signal with a use of signals with gigahertz bandwidth much larger bandwidth is transmitted with a means that multipath is resolvable down to reduced This path differential delays on the order of approach has a potential to produce signal nanoseconds or less i.e. down to path length which has higher immunity to interference differentials on the order of foot or less. This effects and improved time of arrival significantly reduces fading effects even in resolution. Ultra wide band communications indoor environments. The advantages of employ the technique of impulse radio. UWB Impulse radio communicates with the help systems are [3]: the transmission power of spectral each bit. density. over conventional narrowband of base band pulses of very short duration of the order of nanoseconds, thereby spreading  Large Instantaneous bandwidth that the energy of the signal from dc to few enables fine time resolution for gigahertz. The fact that the impulse radio network time system operates in the lowest possible frequency band that supports its wide transmission bandwidth means that this  distribution, precision location capability, or use as a radar.  Short duration pulses that provide radio has the best chance of penetrating robust objects which become opaque at higher performance in dense multipath 15
  • 16. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building  environments by exploiting more resolvable paths.  Low power spectral density that allows coexistence with existing users and has a  Low Probability of Intercept (LPI).  Data rate may be traded for power spectral density and multipath performance 3.1Salient Features of Ultrawideband Radars Maximum range and data rate of different wireless technologies 3.1.1 High Data rate Low power consumption UWB can handle more bandwidthintensive applications like streaming video, than either 802.11 or Bluetooth because it can send data at much faster rates. UWB technology has a data rate of roughly 100 Mbps, with speeds up to 500 Mbps, This compares with maximum speeds of 11 Mbps for 802.11b (often referred to as Wi-Fi) which is the technology currently used in most wireless LANs; and 54 Mbps for 802.11a, which is Wi-Fi at 5MHz. Bluetooth UWB transmits short impulses constantly instead of transmitting modulated waves continuously like most narrowband systems do. UWB chipsets do not require Radio Frequency (RF) to Intermediate Frequency (IF) conversion, local oscillators, mixers, and other filters. Due to low power consumption,battery-powered devices like cameras and cell phones can use in UWB [3]. has a data rate of about1Mbps. Interference Immunity Due to low power and high frequency transmission, USB’s aggregate 16
  • 17. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building interference is “undetected” by narrowband technologies receivers. Its power spectral density is at or demodulatecomplex below narrowband thermal noise floor. This waveforms. In UWB, Due to the absence of gives rise to the potential that UWB systems Carrier, the transceiver structure may be can coexist with narrowband radio systems very simple. The techniques for generating operating in the same spectrum without UWB signals have existed for more than causing undue interference [3]. three Decades. Recent advances in silicon modulate and analog carrier process and switching speeds make UWB system as low-cost. Also home UWB wireless devices do not need transmitting High Security power amplifier. This is a great advantage Since UWB systems operate below over narrowband architectures that require the noise floor, they are inherently covertand amplifiers with significant power back off to extremely difficult for unintended users to support high-order modulation waveforms detect [3]. for high data rates [3]. Reasonable Range Large Channel Capacity IEEE 802.15.3a Study Group defined 10 meters as the minimum range at speed 100Mbps However, UWB can go further. The Philips Company has used its Digital Light Processor (DLP) technology in UWB device so it can operate beyond 45 feet at 50 Mbps for four DVD screens [3]. The capacity of a channel can be express as the amount of data bits transmission/second. Since, UWB signals have several gigahertz of bandwidth available that can produce very high data rate even in gigabits/second. The high data rate capability of UWB can be best understood Low Complexity, Low Cost by examining the Shannon’s famous capacity equation: The most attractive of UWB’s advantages are of low system complexity and cost. Traditional carrier based = log!(1 + ! !) (1.4) 17
  • 18. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building Where C is the channel capacity in dynamically trade-off high-data throughput bits/second, B is the channel bandwidth in for range [6]. Hz, S is the signal power and N is the noise power. This equation tells us that the Application of UWB capacity of a channel grows linearly with the Wireless technology is playing now bandwidth W, but only logarithmically with the signal power S. Since the UWB channel has an 19 abundance of bandwidth, it can trade some of the bandwidth against reduced signal power and interference from other sources. Thus, from Shannon’s equation we can see that UWB systems have a great potential for high capacity wireless communications [7]. main role in our daily lives. In recent years, demand of higher quality and faster delivery of data is increasing day by day. The need of more speed and quality brought up many wireless solutions communication. standards for The short family rang of (IEEE802.11), Wi-Fi Zigbee (IEEE802.15.4) and the recent standard 802.15.3, which are used for wireless local Resistance to Jamming The UWB spectrum covers a huge range of frequencies. That’s why, UWB signals are relatively resistant to jamming, because it is not possible to jam every frequency in the UWB spectrum at a time. Therefore, there are a lot of frequency range available even in case of some frequencies are jammed. area networks (WLAN) and wireless personal area networks (WPAN), can’t meet the demands of applications that needs much higher data rate. UWB connection function as cable replacement with date rate more than 100 Mbps. Applications of UWB can be categorized in following section. Imaging Systems UWB was firstly used by military purpose to identify the buried installations. In imaging system emission of UWB is used Scalability as illuminator similar to radar pulse. The receiver receives the signal and the output is UWB systems are very flexible processed using complex time and because their common architecture is frequency functions to differentiate between software re-definable so that it can materials at varying distance. The lower part 18
  • 19. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building of radio spectrum < 1 GHz have ability to criminals hidden in shelters. These radars penetrate the ground and solid surfaces. This are able to measure the patient’s cardiac and property makes UWB a best choice for breathing activity in hospitals as well as at detection of buried objects and public home [21]. security and protection organizations. Home Networks UWB plays an important role in medical imagine and human body analysis. Now a day’s ultra wideband radars are used for heart treatment. All of inner body parts of human being can be imaged by adjusting In a home environment, variety of devices are operating such as DVD players, HDTVs, STBs, Personal video recorders, MP3 players , digital cameras, camcorders and others. The current popular usage of the emitting pulse power [21]. home networking is sharing date from PC to PC and from PCs to peripherals. Customers Radar Systems are demanding multiplayer gaming and In early days military used UWB video distributions in home network. These technology in radar system to detect the all devices are connected using wires to object in high-density media like ground, ice share contents at high speed. UWB is a wire and air targets. Research and studies in this replacement area found, radar can be used everywhere bandwidth more than 100 Mbps. These all where we need sensing of moving objects. devices can be connected in a home network Radar systems can be installed in vehicle to to share multimedia, printers, scanners and avoid accident during driving and parking. etc. UWB can connect a plasma display or UWB radars can be used in guarding HDTV to a DVD or STB without using any systems detect cable. UWB also enables multiple streaming unauthorized entrance into the territory. to multiple devices simultaneously, that These radars can be used to find objects or allows viewing same or different content on peoples in collapsed buildings by detecting multiples devices. For example, movie the movement of person; but in case person content can be shared on different display is not moving, it can still be detected by devices in different rooms [1] [3]. The home heart Police networks are directly connected to a department can use such radars to find broadband through a residential gateway. as beat alarm and sensors thorax to beats. technology provides high 19
  • 20. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building This approach is cost effective but is systems. These systems enable us to locate ineffective for whole house coverage. and Cables are installed to connect different equipment’s, nurses, doctors and patients in devices a hospital [2]. Furthermore these systems with Internet in a home track be objects used in including factories facilities, environment. With a right UWB solution can to Internet traffic from multiple users in a track equipment’s, employees and visitors. home can be routed to single broadband connection. UWB enable devices can be connected in an ad-hoc manner like Bluetooth to share contents. For example a camera can be connected to a printer directly to print pictures; MP3 player can be connected to another MP3 player and shared music. Sensor Networks Wireless sensor networks are an important area of communication. Sensor networks have many applications, like building control, surveillance, medical, factory automation etc. Sensor networks are operated under many constraints such as energy consumption, communication performance and cost. In many applications sensor size is also considered to be smaller. UWB use pulse transmission, with very low energy consumption. This property enables us to design very simple transmitters and thus long time battery operated devices. These sensors can be used in locating hospitals, tracking and communication 20
  • 21. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building 21
  • 22. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building Finally, the speed of the digital back-end The Future of Radar Developments equipment handling the radar raw data will need to In the future, we can expect to encounter multisensory systems that combine radar and infrared (or other) increase i.e. through parallel processing in order to handle data rates as needed for high resolution radar operating modes.[12] systems[11]. This will make it possible to combine the benefits of the different types of systems while suppressing REFERENCES certain weaknesses [11]. Military onboard radar systems will 1. Merrill I. Skolnik,1990, Radar be increasingly confronted with the stealth Handbook, Second Edition McGraw- characteristics of advanced aircraft. The Hill contradiction between the different 2. Merrill I. Skolnik,1990, Radar requirements imposed on aircraft must be Handbook, Second Edition McGraw- solved (i.e. planes should exhibit stealth Hill, Chapter 7 properties while not revealing their position through the use of onboard radar). One possibility involves the use of a bistatic radar system with a separate illuminator and only a receiver on-board the aircraft. In the future, radar antennas will in many cases no longer exist as discrete elements with suitable radomes. Instead, they will be integrated into the geometrical structure of the aircraft, ship or other platform that contains them. The next generation of AESA radars used on-board aircraft will have more than one fixed array in order to be able to handle greater spatial angles. 3. html 4. tml 5. c_Aperture_Radar 6. le/vorlesung07-08/SAR.pdf 7. y/A743807 8. es/raq43f463831e0b7 9. TATIC/index.html 10. Silent Sentry.Passive Surveillance 22
  • 23. A Study of UWB FM-CW Radar for the Detection of Human Beings in Motion Inside a Building 11. 12. radar-technology-looks-to-thefuture.html 13. nas/an17.en.html 23