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Lancaster University
Tel: +44 (0)1524 65201
Fax: +44 (0)1524 846243
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contact the Disabilities Service.
Prospectus 2012
The ISS Building - Lancaster University
NOTES: Alternative cover design: B
Photos, on front and back of the new Lancaster University ISS Building.
Size: 148mm x 210mm
Photos, on front and back of the new Lancaster University ISS Building
(Photos by Gwen Ainsworth, Lancaster University).
If you’re thinking of studying at Lancaster
University you may have been attracted by
our collegiate system. As a student at
Lancaster you will be a member of one of the
great colleges of the university and with it
gain your own community of students and
staff. College life is centred around your
residences, porter’s lodges and social spaces,
as well as providing a healthy dose of college
rivalry. Lancaster is one of the best campus
Universities in the UK.
Lancaster University is also renowned for its
academic reputation and the student
experience that Lancaster has to offer is
difficult to match as well. At Lancaster we
believe that your time spent at university
should be so much more than just getting a
Making the right choice for your studies and
selecting a quality institution are essential
steps whatever your personal aspirations are
when you graduate. You need to choose the
right course at the university that best suits
your needs.
We are one of the top universities in the UK
and offer a range of innovative, flexible and
attractive programmes which span the Arts,
Business, Medical, Science, Technology,
Social Sciences and Management areas.
Many of our programmes include an
opportunity to spend some time studying
abroad. Our students also have the
opportunity to compete for scholarship
places on our 3 week Summer School at one
of China’s leading universities.
Michael Payne
LUSU President 2008-2010
The flexibility of our courses, and of our
institution in general – enable you to develop
both yourself and the subject you study. Our
location offers flexibility too – with easy
reach to cities, coast, mountains and lakes.
The campus has a reputation for being one
of the safest in the UK and has its own
thriving community based around nine col-
leges. Lancaster is an increasingly popular
choice of university amongst students from
all over the country. We educate our students
to be problem solvers and once you
graduate, you’ll find that your Lancaster
degree is held in high regard by potential
Professor Paul Wellings
Our Union, in conjunction with the
University, offers an enormous range of
opportunities to enhance you personal skills
and make the most of your time here. With
over 100 sports clubs and societies, a highly
qualified welfare and academic advice
centre, a nationally respected volunteering
unit and a strong network of student
representatives your time at Lancaster is likely
to be action packed and unforgettable.
I hope that this has provided some insight
into what it’s like to study here, and should
you want any further information on the
student experience please don’t hesitate to
contact me.
I look forward to welcoming you to our
Page 4 Page 5
Arts and Social Sciences
Management School
Health and Medicine
Science and Technology
Life at Lancaster
A global University 5
World-class research and teaching 6
Success and innovation 7
Postgraduate study options 9
Learning, training and study 11
Employability and employment 13
Your support networks 14
Campus life 16
Accommodation 21
International students 23
Fees 212
Funding and Awards 213
Living Costs and Budgeting 215
Applying to Lancaster 216
Travel Details and Maps 217
General Index 221
Index of Taught Courses 222
Why Lancaster?
l A UK top 10 university for research
l A Collegiate University
– joining one of Lancaster’s 9 residential
colleges means you’ll gain the additional
support of a close community
l A world class university
– ranked 162 in The Times Higher Education
QS World University Rankings 2009
l A UK top 10 University for Business
– Lancaster University Management School
consistently ranked in The Times Top 10
l An ideal environment for study
– a picturesque campus environment close
to the small city of Lancaster and within 40
minutes’ travel of the world famous Lake
l Guaranteed on-campus accommodation
– for all overseas international students
l A University focused on your career
– Lancaster graduates go on to a wide
range of great careers all over the world
l The safest university city in the UK
– The Good University Guide 2009
Page 188 Page 189
A level—History/History and Politics: A level
AAB + AS level C in one other subject. History and
Sociology: A level ABB + AS level C in one other
subject. Department cannot accept 2 AS levels in
place of a third A level.
A levels in applied Subjects and mixed Portfolios
Grades required will be similar to those for
candidates taking academic A and AS qualifications.
International Baccalaureate—36 points, with at
least a 6 in Higher level History.
Scottish Qualifications—Advanced Higher
AA (including History) + Higher ABB in three
other subjects.
Cambridge Pre-u—D3 D3 M2
welsh Baccalaureate—See page 197
overseas Qualifications—See page 198
access courses—Access to HE Diploma
(QAA-recognised) including appropriate subjects
with distinction grades in level 3 units. Candidates
must meet essential subject requirements.
General Studies/critical thinking—Offers
normally exclude General Studies. Critical Thinking
normally accepted to AS level only.
Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac,
dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urnaed at
nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis.
Gap year—Applications for deferred entry
Interviews—We interview in only a few, special
Open Days—All offers accompanied by an
invitation to attend a Departmental Open Day
in February, March or April.
Admissions—+44 (0)24 7652 3723
Dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras at
odio. Morbi gravida rutrum erat. Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. Cras eu arcu id tellus tristique adipisc-
ing. Aenean non quam non risus pharetra iaculis.
Donec rutrum. Duis luctus nibh vestibulum sem.
Vestibulum vitae erat. Sed nec dui. Mauris hendrerit
Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellen-
tesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque
metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida
nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede
quis arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla.
Sed semper ante at ante. Maecenas quis libero. Ut
felis eros, sollicitudin ut, interdum vitae, bibendum
id, odio. Vestibulum accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla
pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam
tincidunt aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat.
Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et,
leo. Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie
nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin
bibendum mauris vitae nisi. Donec suscipit vene-
natis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci
euismod aliquet. Vestibulum sed sem quis est
laoreet ultrices. Quisque in ipsum. Sed libero massa,
facilisis non, placerat ornare, pharetra commodo,
est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, arcu
adipiscing vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa,
in molestie neque ante et lacus. Vestibulum ante
ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nislenean facilisis
Vivamus perspective
Phasellus congue, felis nec aliquet pulvinar, nibh
libero pharetra tortor, id lobortis eros elit a urna. In-
teger velit arcu, vestibulum nec, posuere a, tristique
ut, lorem. Cras placerat, neque eget posuere lacinia,
orci felis tincidunt felis, at tincidunt sapien nunc et
metus. Duis tellus mi, semper vulputate, bibendum
id, sodales eget, nisi. Nullam nec tortor sit amet mi
imperdiet interdum. Aliquam nonummy tortor et
metus. Sed dapibus bibendum sem. Ut felis. Sed vel
massa. Nulla gravida mauris at diam. Nullam justo.
Suspendisse et nibh ac massa aliquet fermentum.
Fusce ultrices, sem eu pharetra volutpat, metus nisl
placerat elit, et eleifend velit tellus at magna. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient
montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut dictum neque at
Curabitur faucibus ante sed leo. Donec porttitor,
lacus in venenatis lobortis, neque mauris varius
nunc, id fermentum massa metus et leo. Aliquam
erat volutpat. Quisque laoreet mi a justo. Mauris ve-
nenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus
orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cur-
abitur tempor mauris ut pede. Fusce adipiscing
mauris quis eros. Sed eu mi. Vestibulum consequat
pellentesque dolor. Sed nonummy. Donec ut tortor.
Malesuada sed, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Morbi congue convallis nulla. Cras sed lectus. Nunc
porta. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin sem-
per dolor nec purus. Sed tincidunt metus sed lacus.
lum felis. Vivamus tempus, nisl at condimentum ul-
trices, urna nulla placerat ligula, nec venenatis nisl
libero sed mauris. Morbi aliquet consectetuer nisi.
Donec adipiscing. Ut ipsum. Nullam eros leo, euis-
mod a, ornare nec, luctus et, nunc. Praesent nec
odio ac felis varius sagittis.
Cras tortor purus, egestas in, nonummy sit amet,
malesuada viverra, quam. Sed vulputate eleifend
tellus. Duis risus ante, tempor eget, aliquam ac,
porta id, enim. Aliquam volutpat cursus magna. Sus-
pendisse nisi. Nullam non dolorincludes considera-
tion of academic potentialinterest in History.
Sed, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
ucaS: Vl13 Ba/hiSoc
Proin leo nibh, convallis non, pretium nec, euismod
sed, metus. Suspendisse pede augue, posuere et,
imperdiet non, pretium at, ipsum. Morbi quis pede.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque iac-
ulis, ligula sit amet aliquet sodales, risus dui iaculis
elit, nec sollicitudin dui tellus et ipsum. Fusce
eleifend. Duis interdum feugiat dui. Vivamus ligula
risus, eleifend vitae, fringilla eget, convallis vitae,
erat. Phasellus elementum, libero eleifend sagittis
lacinia, purus dolor fermentum lacus, at con-
sectetuer velit turpis at sapien. Etiam nec velit ac
lorem eleifend fermentum. Cras pellentesque, dui
nec volutpat facilisis, pede erat rhoncus eros, id
pharetra tortor arcu eu neque. Etiam tortor eros,
porttitor nec, faucibus eget, mollis id, nunc. Nulla a
tortor. Suspendisse a massa. Nunc lacinia. Nullam
commodo dictum erat. Cum sociis natoque penati-
bus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. In viverra nonummy pede. Curabitur
orci metus, auctor convallis, placerat eget, porta a,
investment in excess of £300m
in new college, residential and
social facilities, teaching spaces
and new research facilities....
continued investment £420m to 2017
Page 108 Page 109
“Phasellus congue, felis nec aliquet pulvinar, nibh
libero pharetra tortor, id lobortis eros elit a urna.
tique ut, lorem. Cras placerat, neque eget lacinia,
orci felis tincidunt felis, at tincidunt sapien nunc
et metus. Duis tellus mi, semper lam nec tortor sit
amet mi imperdiet interdum. Aliquam nonummy
tortor et metus. Sed dapibus bibendum sem. Ut
felis. Sed vel massa. Nulla gravida mauris at diam.
Nullam justo. Suspendisse et nibh ac massa
quet fermentum.”
Steve Bradley
Health Research
The Department of Health Research is strongly
committed to excellence in research and teach-
ing. Our wide-ranging teaching is kept up to date
by our staff’s engagement in cutting-edge histor-
ical research. Small-group tutorials, which ensure
active discussion among you and your tutors, are
at the heart of our approach. It is no surprise
therefore that we achieve excellent ratings in
both research and teaching, and score highly in
the National Student Survey. All this makes the
study of History at Lancaster University an
exciting and rewarding choice.
We offer an unusually wide selection of subjects
to study, ranging from the medieval period to the
present, and covering different countries, themes
and critical approaches to the study of history.
You can become a specialist or, through the
numerous combined degrees available, build
your History and History-related units into
something much broader. In addition, we
administer consortial courses in Medieval and
Renaissance Studies, Modern European History,
and Social History.
Health Research 87
BA Hons V100 BA/Hist
Medieval and Renaissance Studies 89
BA Hons V125 BA/MedvRS
Modern European History 92
English Literature and History 94
BA Hons QV31 BA/EngLHis
French Studies and History (4 yrs) 96
BA Hons RV11 BA/FrH
German Studies and History (4 yrs) 98
BA Hons RV21 BA/GerH
History, Philosophy and Politics 101
History and International Relations 104
BA Hons VL12 BA/HisIR
French Studies and History (4 yrs) 106
BA Hons RV11 BA/FrH
German Studies and History (4 yrs) 108
BA Hons RV21 BA/GerH
History, Philosophy and Politics 111
History and International Relations 114
BA Hons VL12 BA/HisIR
Bowland College
Cartmel College
The County
Furness College
Fylde College
Grizedale College
Lonsdale College
Pendle College
“I think the collegiate system
is one of the best aspects of
the university and have
found it very supportive
and loads of fun.”
immediate circle of friends
Ceremonies and Events Office
Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YW
T: 01524 592190
Graduation: Your Guide
Summer 2010
Information and
Registration Form
On the Day
Arrival and Parking
Please aim to arrive on campus two hours
before your ceremony. Parking restrictions
are lifted on Graduation day which means
that you can park for free in any marked
space on campus. Parking will be at a
premium so arrive in plenty of time.
Limited disabled parking is available in John
Creed and Bowland Avenue. If you or your
guests have mobility difficulties and these
spaces are unavailable, you may find it
helpful to drop off close to the Great Hall
and park elsewhere on campus. A map
showing ramped routes around campus is
available at:
Collect your robes
Robes will be available for collection from
the George Fox Building at the following
times. We suggest you allow at least ten
minutes to walk to the Great Hall:
Ceremony Robe Collection
time from
10 a.m./11 a.m. 8 a.m.
12 noon 9.30 a.m.
3 p.m. 11 a.m.
5 p.m. 1 p.m.
Robe return by:
7.00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
6 p.m. Wednesday, Friday
Arrive at the Great Hall and
proceed to your Lining up venue
You need to arrive at the Great Hall one
hour before your ceremony. Guests will
be ushered to their seats and you should
proceed straight away to your lining up
venue so we can put you into the correct
order for the ceremony. When we send
you your tickets, we will include details of
where you will be lining up.
Leave your handbags with your guests as
you cannot bring them into the hall with
Ceremony Protocols
Ladies graduating should wear hats
throughout the ceremony; gentlemen
should wear hats to process in and out of
the Hall and leave them under their seat
during the ceremony.
Please be considerate of other guests;
although we do permit guests to take
photographs during the ceremony, we ask
that you are careful not to disturb the view
of those around you and that you remain
seated at all times. Video cameras are not
permitted in the Hall.
After your Ceremony
College group photographs will take
place near the Great Hall and you will be
directed there after your ceremony.
Graduation Timetable
FST Faculty of Science & Technology
SHM School of Health and Medicine
LUMS Lancaster University Management School
FASS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
*Please note:
Monday 13 July
11 a.m. University of Cumbria Ceremony 1
(Faculty of Education)
3 p.m. Edge Hill University Ceremony 1
(Faculty of Education)
5 p.m. Edge Hill University Ceremony 2
(Faculty of Education)
Accrington & Rossendale College
Furness College, Barrow
Tuesday 14 July
10 a.m. University of Cumbria Ceremony 2
(Health & Education)
12 noon Lancaster University Furness 1
3 p.m. University of Cumbria Ceremony 3 (BSSS, Arts)
5 p.m. Lancaster University Furness 2 (FST)
Wednesday 15 July
10 a.m. Lancaster University Lonsdale
12 noon Lancaster University Bowland
3 p.m. Lancaster University Cartmel
Thursday 16 July
10 a.m. Lancaster University Pendle 1 (FASS, LUMS, SHM)
12 noon Lancaster University Fylde
3 p.m. Lancaster University Pendle 2 (FST)
County 1 (FST, LUMS, SHM)
5 p.m. Lancaster University County 2 (FASS)
Friday 17 July
10 a.m. Edge Hill University Ceremony 3
(Arts & Sciences)
12 noon Edge Hill University Ceremony 4
(Arts & Sciences)
3 p.m. Edge Hill University Ceremony 5
(Arts & Sciences)
We have great pleasure in inviting you to
attend Lancaster University’s Graduation
Ceremonies which will take place in the
Great Hall of the University from Monday
13 to Friday 17 July 2009.
In this guide you will find everything you
need to know about how to register to
attend your ceremony, order your guest
tickets and information about what will
happen on the day. Lancaster University’s
Graduation Ceremonies have an excellent
reputation for being enjoyable and
memorable occasions. To make the most
of your special day and to ensure everything
runs smoothly, please read this guide carefully
and use the checklist to help you plan.
Most importantly, make sure you reply by
the deadline of 27 March 2009 to tell us
whether or not you are planning to attend.
You should expect to hear from us again
in early June when we will send you your
allocation of guest tickets and further
information for you and your guests. If you
do not hear from us then, please contact
the office to check your registration has
been processed.
Dear Graduand,
You are receiving this guide because you
are expected to graduate and it is important
that you complete the registration process
even if you are as yet unsure of the
outcome of your course.
If you are a graduand of one of our
associated institutions (Edge Hill University,
University of Cumbria, Accrington and
Rossendale College or Furness College,
Barrow) please look out for specific infor-
mation for you.
You will find lots of helpful and detailed
information on our website which should
answer any questions you may have: www. Any further
queries should be directed to our email
We look forward to welcoming you and
your guests to Lancaster University in July.
Best Wishes,
The Ceremonies Team
Checklist Page 2
Further Information Page 4
Useful Telephone Numbers Page 5
Graduation Timetable Page 7
On the Day Page 8
Registration form Page 9
Robes Page 11
Photography Page 12
University of Cumbria: Timetable & Reception Page 14
Edge Hill University Timetable Page XX
DVD Sales Page XX
Commemorative Jewellery Page XX
Graduation Day Lunch (Lancaster Students only) Page XX
Cras blandit vulputate enim Page XX
Phasellus sodales volutpat quam Page XX
Etiam pretium metus quis nisl Page XX
Morbi consequat neque euismod ligula Page XX
Duis accumsan mattis velit Page XX
Praesent vitae Page XX
Felis vestibulum risus tincidunt Page XX
Ultricessit amet justo Page 52
2010 Contents
Summer 2009
Essential Information and Registration Form
Graduation: Your Guide
Graduation: Your Guide
Summer 2011
Essential Information and Registration Details
monies and Events Office
Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YW
T: 01524 592190
Summer 2010
Information and
Registration Form
Graduation: Your Guide
Ceremonies and Events Office
Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YW
T: 01524 592190
Check the date and time of your ceremony
(page 7)
Register to attend your ceremony and
request your guest tickets:
Deadline: 27 March 2009
Lancaster University Students:
Register online at https://www.cisinfo.lancs.
Students of Associated Institutions:
Complete and return the Registration Form
(page 9).
Two tickets are guaranteed for those who
apply by the stated deadline. Additional
tickets are allocated, if available, on a first
come, first served basis. Our ceremonies are
very busy and in most cases extra tickets will
not be available. Extra guests should go to
the Live Video Link in Lancaster University
Management School (see page 4).
Book your robes with official robe-makers,
J.Wippell & Co Ltd (page 11)
Please ensure you have placed your
order before the end of June.
You must wear full academic dress to attend
your ceremony. Normal wear under robes is
a suit and tie for men and a plain dress or
skirt/trouser suit for women.
Clear all outstanding debts to your
Deadline: 15 May 2009
If you are in debt you cannot graduate;
if you are in any doubt check your
financial clearance.
Lancaster University: 01524 592050
Edge Hill University: 01695 584792
University of Cumbria: 01524
Arrange accommodation (if required)
On campus:
Off campus:
Make your lunch arrangements
Lancaster University students will be
contacted by their Colleges with details of
their celebrations. For details of the Gradu-
ation Day Lunch see page 22.
For details of the University of Cumbria’s
reception, see page 14.
Further Information
Access Requirements
If you or any of your guests use a wheelchair,
have mobility difficulties or have any other
requirements, please let us know so that
we can make appropriate arrangements
for you at your ceremony. You can either
indicate this when you register to attend or
contact Jane Purcell to discuss arrangements
on 01524 592190.
Lancaster University Students:
Your certificate can be collected on the
day from the George Fox Building or, if
you prefer, it will be sent out to your home
address in August. Any enquiries regard-
ing certificates should be directed to your
Student Registry.
Students of Associated Institutions: Your
certificates will be posted from your own
institution’s Student Registry after your
All students:
Please make sure you notify your Student
Registry of any changes of address.
Accommodation on Campus
01524 592444
Catering on Campus
01525 592444
Catering: University of Cumbria
01524 384237
Ceremonies Office:
Lancaster University
01524 592190
01524 594464
DVD Orders
01524 593984
Financial Clearance:
Lancaster University
01524 592050
Financial Clearance:
Edge Hill University
01695 584792
Financial Clearance:
University of Cumbria
01524 384217/384309
Official Photographers
01524 592533
Robes J Wippell & Co
01392 254234
Student Administration
University of Cumbria
01524 384237
Student Registry Edge Hill University
01695 584432
Student Registry Lancaster University
01524 592140
Graduation is a family occasion and children
are welcome to attend the ceremony.
Children under five may sit on a guest’s
knee; children older than five will require a
normal guest ticket.
If you are bringing children who may not
be able to sit quietly through the ceremony,
which lasts about an hour, we ask that you
be prepared to leave the auditorium. You
might prefer to take young children to the
Live Video Link Screen where the
atmosphere is more informal.
If you would like to arrange childcare (from
3 months to 7 years), please book in advance
by contacting the pre-school Centre on
01524 594464.
Live Video Link Screen
If you have extra guests without tickets,
every ceremony will be transmitted live to
Lancaster University Management School
Lecture Theatres. No tickets are required
and the atmosphere is informal and
celebratory. The venue is fully accessible.
The ceremonies will also be broadcast live
via Lancaster University’s website.
Useful Telephone
On the Day
Arrival and ParkingPlease arrive on campus five hours before your
ceremony. You will be required to show an
admittance card and will be directed by parking
Your robesYour graduation robes will be ordered for you by
GDGWI and will be available for collection from
10 January or on the day from the Programme
Office. The hire fee will be confirmed to you in
December and must be paid when you collect
your robes. Please return your robe to the Programme Office by 1900 hrs at the latest.
You must wear full academic dress to attend your ceremony. Normal
wear under robes is a suit and tie for men and a plain dress or
skirt/trouser suit for women.Before the CeremonyA rehearsal will take place at 12 noon. Please ensure you attend so you know what to do
during the ceremony. An official photographer has been appointed to take photographs.
Portrait photographs will be available in the Sports Centre foyer.
The CeremonyThe venue will be open for seating one hour before the ceremony. We ask that you
and your guests be seated twenty minutes before the ceremony. Guests will be
ushered to their seats and you should proceed immediately to the registration desk
for further instructions.
Leave your handbags with your guests as you cannot bring them into the
hall with you.
After the CeremonyGroup Photography will take place immediately after the ceremony and you will be
directed by the ushers. High Tea will be served to all guests in the Dining Hall from
6.15 p.m.
Ceremony ProtocolsGraduandsGraduating students should wear hats throughout the ceremony.
To ensure everyone enjoys the ceremony, please be considerate of other guests.
We ask that you are careful not to disturb the view of those around you and that you
remain seated at all times unless otherwise instructed. Video cameras and
flash photography are not permitted. Please turn off all mobile phones.
Goenka FinalA5 5page_Layout 1 07/03/2011 11:16 Page 4
Register by e-mail to attend your ceremony
and request your guest tickets at
Deadline: 29 November 2010
Please provide the following information:
Your nameYour Student ID
The number of tickets you would like (up to a maximum of four)
Two tickets are guaranteed for those who apply by the stated deadline.
Additional tickets, if available, are allocated on a first-come, first-served
Clear all outstanding dues to your institution
Deadline: 29 November 2010
If you are in debt you cannot graduate; if you are in any doubt check with
Mr Kailash Goel: +91 124 3315900
Further Information
Access Requirements
If you or any of your guests use a wheelchair, have mobility difficulties or have any
other requirements, please let us know so that we can make appropriate arrangements
for you at your ceremony. You can either indicate this when you register to attend or
contact Mr Kumar Kaushik : +91 124 3315900.
Your certificate will be available for collection
from Mr Kumar Kaushik : +91 124 3315900
on or after your ceremony day, by you or your
authorised representative.
ChildrenGraduation is a formal occasion and we regret
that children under 10 may not attend the
ceremony. Each guest requires a guest ticket.
Goenka FinalA5 5page_Layout 1 07/03/2011 11:16 Page 3
Ceremonies Office
(Lancaster University)
Tel: 00 44 1524 592190
Programme Office
(GD Goenka World Institute)
Mr Kumar Kaushik
Tel: +91 124 3315900
Financial Clearance
Mr Kailash Goel
Tel: +91 124 3315900
Mr Kumar Kaushik
Tel: +91 124 3315900
Mr Kumar Kaushik
Tel: +91 124 3315900
Goenka FinalA5 5page_Layout 1 07/03/2011 11:16 Page 5
Ceremonies and Events Office
Lancaster University
Graduation Brochures and Guides
Guaranteed on-campus
A safe, friendly campus
Community atmosphere
with 9 different colleges
Dedicated International
Student Advisory Service
Easy access by air, road
and rail
4+8 week English for
Academic Purposes (EAP)
pre-sessional courses
Accounting and Finance
Communications Systems
Contemporary Arts
Educational Research
English and Creative
Environmental Science
Linguistics and English
Management and
Mathematics and
Politics and
International Relations
Religious Studies
Social Sciences
Lancaster is ranked in the
UK top 10 for research
One of only two 6* rated
Management Schools in the U.K.
LUMS is consistently rated
number 1 in England for
student satisfaction
World Class Research Centres
in Environmental Science,
Information Technology, Maths
and Statistics, Physics and
Recognised to be one of
the world's top 100 in Social
Lancaster is a campus
University with guaranteed
on-campus accommodation
Over 1500 international
students from over 100
different countries. Total
student population is
approximately 11,000.
The International Office
Lancaster University
Design for Roller banner displays (800mm x 2145mm)
Guaranteed on-campus accommodation
A safe, friendly campus environment
Community atmosphere with 9 different colleges
Dedicated International Student Advisory Service
Easy access by air, road and rail
4+8 week English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
pre-sessional courses available
Accounting and Finance
Communications Systems
Contemporary Arts
Educational Research
English and Creative
Environmental Science
Linguistics and English
Management and
Mathematics and
Politics and
International Relations
Religious Studies
Social Sciences
Lancaster is ranked in the UK top 10 for research
One of only two 6* rated Management Schools
in the U.K.
LUMS is consistently rated number 1 in England
for student satisfaction
World Class Research Centres in Environmental
Science, Information Technology, Maths and
Statistics, Physics and Psychology
Recognised to be one of the world's top 100
in Social Sciences
Lancaster is a campus University with guaranteed
on-campus accommodation
Over 1500 international students from over 100
different countries. Total student population is
approximately 11,000.
The International Office
Lancaster University
Design for Roller banner displays (800mm x 2145mm)
Conversations between Art and Science
Jane Rushton & Crispin Halsall
Conversations between Art and Science
Jane Rushton & Crispin Halsall
Conversations between Art and Science
Jane Rushton & Crispin Halsall
Arctic Dialogues.indd 2-3 15/12/2010 09:57
‘ If we look at their processes, rather than their end products, science and
art share so many ways of proceeding: observation, structured speculation,
visualization, exploitation of analogy and metaphor, experimental testing, and
the presentation of a remade experience in particular styles.. In these shared
features, the visual very often has a central role.’ 1
The exhibition and catalogue Arctic Dialogues is a response to a period of field-work on the Arctic island of
Spitzbergen in the Svalbard Archipelago, in which artist Jane Rushton joined atmospheric scientist Crispin Halsall,
and research assistant Gary Codling, during February 2009. Significant contributions come from anthropologist.
Griet Scheldeman, who joined in the conversation back in Lancaster, and visual artist Sarah Casey.
Martin Kemp, Visualizations The Nature Book of Art and Science, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 2000, p.4.
JR Experimentation and risk-taking are central to my process; images are ‘found’ through testing, manipulating, and
saying ‘what if?’What part does experimentation play in your scientific process?
CH Experimentation in science is often based on a ‘hunch’ and then refined as a hypothesis, to be tested through
observations.There is a risk, particularly with field based science, that the number of variables (some of which may not have
been considered) confound the experiment, or bias the observations in some way.
JR When we were in Longyearbyen, the light was extraordinary and it has impacted hugely on my sense of the place,
and found its way into my visual responses, which are either monochrome or of limited palette. Can you say something
about the significance of light in your project?
CH Light is an important factor in our work. Light penetration of surface snow layers can influence contaminant fate. In Polar
twilight, the period just before Polar sunrise, light intensity is low and the contaminant profile in surface snow may be quite
different compared to the profile observed after sunrise.
JR We have both spoken about the notion of attention to detail, and for me that reflects both a way of seeing, and a
way of working, in that I try and remain responsive to subtleties and variations in what I see and what I do.
CH As analytical chemists, attention to detail in our methods gives us the precision and accuracy in our
measurements required to understand pollution processes in this unique environment.
Snow sampling, Svalbard
4 5
Again, subtle variations in physical parameters such as air temperature or stratification within a snowpack can have a large
influence on how chemical pollutants behave.
JR In the work I have made, and as a recurring concern throughout my practice, is the paradox between macro and
micro; how the work can be interpreted in terms of either, and makes reference to both. Does the notion of macro/
micro enter into your thoughts?
CH Different types of snow in the same snowpack often have very different properties e.g. densities, surface area and
particle loadings. By examining these ‘micro’ features then an often bigger picture emerges. For example, a snow layer
enriched in particulate matter will effectively hold onto chemical pollutants until the end of the winter season, unlike a
‘particle free’ layer, where the pollutants are much more mobile.
JR The field period that we spent together allowed me to observe and absorb something of your processes and
methods, which have undoubtedly influenced some of my own working methods. I’d be interested to know if my
presence had any impact on your experience there?
CH Having you, as an art researcher, with us opened our eyes!We could appreciate the subtle features in the landscape,
which, perhaps, we may not have noticed, and this helped influence our choice of study sites.
Residual Traces , 2009
30 x 30 cm
Filter papers and filtration residues
6 7
Detail from Topography III, 2010
4 x 20 x 20 cm
Graphite pencil, watercolour, gesso,
and ink on Indian paper
Topography II, 2010
20 x 20 cm
Graphite pencil, gesso, and ink
on Indian paper
12 13
Given that these works are based on fieldwork carried out before the Polar sunrise, metaphors of darkness and
apparition might be more apt for describing these works; works which have emerged through an intuitive process: one
of sensing, of searching. For instance, Mapscape II is made by feeling her way across the vast white expanse of the page,
sensitive to these specificities of her experiences in the cold blue-white landscape that is Svalbard; a meditation on
remembered sights, sounds, feel of the landscape. According to Rushton, this work is as much about mapping herself as
the landscape.
So, returning to the history of drawing and empirical observation, it becomes clear that a definition of ‘observation’
which reflects merely the ocular is insufficient for these works.‘Observation’ as deployed by Rushton emerges as
something more experiential, phenomenological: being mediated by the body, and the scientific methodologies through
which she experiences it.The body as filter; her practice and process as filter; a situated knowledge. (Donna Haraway
Feminist Studies,Vol 14 1988, 575-599).
Thus this exhibition does not aspire to describe or illustrate the activities of the scientist, nor does it appropriate their
techniques wholesale. Instead, an eclectic borrowing and combination of materials, processes, technologies and aesthetics
are combined in the work with sensuous embodied knowledge of the landscape to make an elegant response to that
environment, not only the polar environment, but the professional environments of scientific and artistic study.
Detail of Mapscape II, 2010
Full size, 60 x 45 cm
Pencil on paper
Mapscape I, 2009
20 x 20 cm
Graphite suspension and pencil
on paper
10 1122
Lancaster Institute for Contemporary Arts (LICA)
Lancaster University
A5 Landscape Brochure
Parish profile for
St Thomas’s Church Lancaster.
Our church building stands in the
heart of the city centre, surrounded
by pubs, fast food outlets, and close
to the police station and
Magistrates’ courts. The parish is
small, with a population of around
6000 and includes traditional semi-
detached houses and Victorian
terraced housing, the latter much
occupied by students. The only
significant ethnic diversity within the
parish comes from the student
population. Unemployment rates in
the local wards are below the
regional average.
Our parish and city.
Lancaster is a small and vibrant city
with a population of 47,000 out of
the wider district total of 143,500,
which includes the seaside town of
Morecambe, the port of Heysham
and rural villages stretching towards
the Cumbria and Yorkshire borders.
The city has many historic buildings,
including a magnificent castle with a
Century keep, and is home to
two universities: Lancaster University
and the main campus of the
University of Cumbria. As a
university city, Lancaster has a
thriving pub/club scene and
theatres, cinemas and museums,
which enrich its cultural life. It has
many good primary schools and one
of them, Bowerham county primary,
is within the parish. The very well-
regarded Ripley St. Thomas C of E
High School is a short walk away.
Ripley has its own chaplain and we
have strong links with many aspects
of the school’s life and witness. The
incumbent is a foundation governor
and two church representatives are
members of its governing body.
Lancaster also has two single sex
grammar schools with outstanding
academic records.
The Royal Lancaster Infirmary is five
minutes walk from the church and
we provide several members of the
lay chaplaincy team there. The city is
also home to two prisons, one
housed in part of the castle, the
other a purpose-built Young
Offender Institution. Lancaster
enjoys excellent communications,
being on the West Coast Main rail
line and having two M6 junctions.
We welcome many visitors because
we are very close to holiday
destinations, including the
Lancashire coast, the Lake District
and Yorkshire Dales National Parks.
St Thomas’s is one of six Anglican churches serving the historic city of
Lancaster. Since the church was created over 150 years ago it has been
an evangelical beacon, light and salt in the life of the city.
Congregational profiles
The 2009 congregational census
made in October can be summarised
as follows, including double counts
for those who attend twice on a
Sunday. The numbers are the total
across all services in a week:
The main church building is on the
corner of Penny Street and Marton
Street. It was designed by Edmund
Sharp and consecrated on the 14th
June 1841. Over the years various
changes have been made to the
building including the addition of a
spire. During the mid 1970s the
internals were re-ordered to make
the building better suited to
contemporary worship and, in
particular, more family friendly with
carpets and a sound-proof entrance
lounge. Few would describe the
church as an architectural gem, but
it has listed status, reflecting its
Victorian heritage.
About 10 years ago, the wooden
pews were removed and replaced
with comfortable, moveable seats.
This enables the seating layout to be
changed to suit different types of
worship as well as other uses such
as the holiday club and festival
times. The heating system was
renewed about 5 years ago and is in
good order. Our most recent project
has been the refurbishment of the
church kitchen, rear lounge and
toilets with facilities for those with
Church Centre
In 1980 we bought a derelict school
sited adjacent to the main building
on Marton Street. Years previously, it
had been St Thomas’s Girls Secondary
School but had fallen into ruin
following the creation of the mixed
Ripley St Thomas’s School about a
mile away. About £100,000 was
raised through two gift days and we
set about rebuilding what was
derelict and restoring what could be
restored, mainly using the talents of
the congregation. This created a
building that was originally intended
to house a residential community
upstairs and church facilities
The building was dedicated by the
Bishop of Blackburn on the 24th
October 1984. Its usage has changed
over the years. The upstairs is now
used for Church offices, meeting
rooms and a prayer room. Some local
Christian organisations also use office
space there.
Downstairs there is a large
meeting room and a craft
aid shop that has promoted
fair trade for over 25 years.
After over quarter of a century of
constant use, the Centre is looking
rather shabby and needs attention.
As a first stage we are refurbishing
the kitchen, using money donated for
that purpose.
Pre-school buildings
and car park
The church also owns some
additional land behind the church.
This consists of a prefabricated
building used for the pre school
centre and a car park used by the
congregation on Sundays and for
other weekday meetings.
The pre-school building has a
delightful atmosphere created by
artistic members of our community
and, though a prefab, meets all
OFSTED standards.
The vicarage is a large, 5-
bedroomed, stone built, terraced
house on four levels just outside the
parish boundary on Belle Vue
Terrace, close to the A6. It has a
lounge, dining room, kitchen diner,
a separate modern kitchen, study
and toilet downstairs. Outside there
are split level garden areas and a
garage with rear access. The
vicarage is within easy walking
distance of the other church
The last quinquennial inspection was
carried out in June 2007, and work
was identified to an approximate
value of £76,000 + VAT of which
about £45,000 relates to internal
repairs and redecoration.
We feel we have good working
relationships with other local
churches. We are a part of “Churches
Together in Lancashire”, which seeks
the most effective ways of showing
God’s love to the locality. It encourages
us to share in events that are
occurring in our churches as well as
St Tees, making the local body of
Christ more visible.
Our very popular Holiday Club and
weekly evening youth events are well
attended by the children and youth of
other Lancaster churches. The church
is sometimes used for inter-church
prayer celebrations or when smaller
churches need a larger place to hold
special events. The Church Centre
enjoys similar use by others and is
also used for the Christmas shelter
run by Lancaster Homeless Action.
We value the support of the Bishop of
Lancaster and agree with his view that
there may be greater scope for more
cooperation with other Anglican clergy
in the city. Each of the churches has a
Mission Action Plan and stronger links
may make us all more effective in our
outreach. In addition, our clergy and
other church leaders representing the
area’s evangelical community meet for
prayer and support about 6 times a year.
The church has links with New Wine
and a number of members of the
church community attend New Wine
summer conferences including some
serving in team and leadership roles.
Profile of Congregation
Greatest weekly attendance: 611
Average weekly attendance: 538
Least weekly attendance: 487
The next figure shows the changing numbers in broad age groups over
the last 10 years. The recent decline in those aged 16 or over is mainly
due to a drop in student numbers attending services.
Regulars <16
Regulars 16+
Electoral roll
Further analysis of the 2009 census data shows the age profile to be
fairly well-balanced.
St Tees Attendances 1998 to 2009
Profile of Congregation by age group
Our facilities
16-2416 24
Links with other
To be a loving and welcoming community that
enables all ages to grow and develop as God’s
To be an active evangelistic community, willing to
explore imaginative and effective ways of reaching
those who don’t yet know Christ.
To be a prayerful community led by the Holy Spirit
in all we do.
To be a sending church, training and equipping the
next generation to be salt and light.
We are praying for a man or woman who is
comfortable with our broad vision for the church:
Someone with a deep personal faith who takes
joy in sharing that with others.
A gifted bible teacher and communicator, able
to show the relevance of scripture to
contemporary life.
Someone open to the work of the Holy Spirit
who is comfortable with spiritual gifts and able
to sensitively encourage their use.
A servant leader with proven ability both to
lead and mentor the staff team and to
recognise, mobilise and develop gifts and
ministries in all members of the church across all
age groups.
Someone committed to the authority of
scripture in all matters of faith and conduct.
A gifted pastor able to support and develop our
pastoral ministry and build our life as the body
of Christ.
Summaries of our income and expenditure are shown below. More details can be found in the 2009 Annual report.
Church expenditure summary
Church income summary
We have tried to paint an honest picture of our current
church life for potential applicants. The interregnum is
proving an exciting and challenging time for us as we
seek prayerfully to understand God’s vision for how we
move on. We trust that whomever He is calling will
relish the opportunity of helping to shape our response
to that vision.
We may not know the specifics of what that will mean
in practice. We are aware it may be risky and
uncomfortable at times but we want to be a church
that is unafraid to renew its vision and adapt itself to
the changes in the needs of those who are part of its
community, within and beyond the church walls
Our vision for the future -
a work in progress
Other expend
Mission support fund
Parish share
Our next incumbent
Other income
Tax Recovered
Congregational giving
Distribution of PCC income Distribution of PCC expenditure
St. Thomas’s, known affectionately
as St. Tees, is an active Christian
community that draws people
from the Lancaster district and
aims to support them spiritually in
their daily lives. We aim to present
one another mature in Christ and
open to the work of the Holy
Spirit. We strive to be relevant to
contemporary life whilst
remaining faithful to our
evangelical tradition. Perhaps the
best way to understand this is to
take a guided tour of what goes
on, since this helps to illustrate our
values, ambitions and limitations.
We take corporate worship,
celebration and teaching seriously,
especially when the congregations
gather on Sundays. The 10:30 am
service combines elements of
Anglican liturgy with a measured
informality to make it accessible to
all, using digital technology where
appropriate. Contemporary worship
songs are an important element of
our worship, some written by
members of the fellowship, and we
are blessed with talented musicians
and worship leaders, led by Martin
Walmsley. The 10:30 service has, in
effect, been full for several years,
with too few spare seats to make it
easy for newcomers to feel
Life in our Church
Corporate worship, celebration and teaching
“Worshipping God together and at
home, we serve and proclaim Jesus
wherever we are.”
Worshipping God
together and at home,
we serve and proclaim
Jesus wherever we are.
St Thomas's
A Women’s group meets monthly in
a local café for coffee and chat and
there is also a Book group which
meets in a member’s home. Both of
these events are open to non-church
members. There is also a Men’s
group that from time to time
organises events.
The Oasis team is active in planning
and organising a range of events for
women which nurture and care for
them. There is also a team that
organises regular social events that
have included Salsa and Bollywood
evenings and music events to which
people can invite friends and
A small but dedicated team meets
each week to make beautiful flower
arrangements that really help make
the church a pleasing place within
which to worship. We are also
fortunate to have talented designers
who produce lovely banners for the
Pastoral support
Obviously, the clergy are a crucial
part of pastoral care in St Tees.
However, most people receive basic
pastoral support through the house
group network, though there are
people whose needs cannot easily
be met by that route. The pastoral
team provides the next level of
support, making home visits, taking
communion to the housebound and
offering prayer and counsel as
appropriate. The pastoral links team
also arranges to meet people who
are new to the congregation and
wish to know more about life at St
Tees, helping them settle into the
life of the church. As part of this,
the team attempts to find suitable
house groups for those who would
like to join one.
St Tees Angels organises practical
support, such as cooking, basic DIY
and help with those parts of life that
we all take for granted when
everything is running well, but for
which we need help in difficult
No church can survive without
prayer and, as well as prayer in the
main services and small groups, we
have a quiet prayer room. Whilst
Alpha courses are in progress there
is a parallel prayer meeting to
support the spiritual battle in which
the Alpha team is engaged. Our
confidential prayer chains quickly
pass important prayer requests
through a network of intercessors.
There are also occasional prayer
concerts in which we link to other
There is an authorised prayer
ministry team that offers prayer and
personal ministry during and at the
end of Sunday services as required.
Prayer support is also available
through the house group and
pastoral support networks.
In the words of a current worship
song, many members of the
congregation think that ‘there must
be more than this’ and there is a
growing realisation that we may
have neglected our corporate prayer
life in recent years. During the
interregnum we are meeting
monthly for corporate prayer and
there does seem to be an appetite
for more. It is hard to see how we
can do more than just survive if we
neglect this part of our life together.
It should be clear by now that St Tees runs on the
energy, gifts and time of its people. To support this,
we employ paid staff, some of whom form the staff
team that meets regularly to pray and consider
what God is saying to the church.
We have two church wardens, Tony Bell and Sandie
Lane-Dixon and an active PCC.
In addition the church is grateful for the time and
talents of three lay readers, four pastoral auxiliaries
and several retired, though active, clergy.
Core ministries Staff, lay readers and retired clergy
Rev Saju Muthalaly
Curate in chargeIan McGrath
Youth Pastor
Sarah Evans
Assistant Youth Pastor
(Children) & Events
Dave Cumming
Anne Mansley
PA to Vicar
(Part-time, five half days)
Martin Walmsley
Director of Music
(Part-time, three days)
Terry Legg
Cleaning and Maintenance
Dave Bowers
Cleaning and Maintenance
Naomi Shrine
Student Intern
We regard our children’s and young
people’s work as a central part of
our community and were delighted
to be told by the diocese that we are
officially a child-friendly church, being
awarded this accolade in 2008.
We have a full-time Youth Pastor,
Ian McGrath, and a Children’s
worker, Sarah Evans. Ian and Sarah
see their job as leading, supporting
and encouraging the teams
engaged in this work.
Rock Solid
Rock Solid is a chance for young
people aged 11 to 14 to let their
hair down each Monday. They meet
new friends and find out more
about what it means to follow Jesus.
It is running as a Youth Alpha course
during the current term (January to
Easter 2010).
Fusion is our group for 8 to 11 year
olds, which meets Thursdays in the
Church Centre allowing the young
people to play games, to chat, to
chill and to learn more about God
and their relationship with him.
Reson8 is a group for young people
aged approximately 14 to 18 and it
also meets every Thursday, rotating
around several homes connected
with the church. It tackles spiritual
issues of concern to the age group.
Fuel is a popular social group for
young people ages 15 to 18, which
meets each Friday, usually in the
Church Centre.
Judah is a music group for children
and young people and meets on
Friday evenings.
Other Children’s events
During the Easter holidays we run a
Holiday Club for 5 to 11 year olds,
taking over most of the church
buildings for this and culminating in
an action-packed Sunday morning
service. Even more people squash
into the main church building for
this and usually stay for a burger
In addition to Holiday Club we run a
number of other children’s events
including an alternative Halloween
event, a puppet nativity and a
Summer fun day.
We run a pre-school each morning
and two afternoons for 2-5 year olds.
OFSTED inspections have been very
positive and the pre-school is very
popular with local parents as well as
with church families. We aim to
provide a loving and supportive
atmosphere for young children and
their parents. We are fortunate to
have trained pre-school staff in the
church and, also, artists who have
decorated the rooms to make them
delightful places for young children.
Evangelism through the pre-school is
very low-key, aiming to build
friendships and trust, though there
may be scope for more overt
Little Fishes
Unlike the pre-school, the Little Fishes
group is for parents and toddlers,
allowing the children to play together
whilst the parents, mainly mums,
have chance to enjoy some adult
conversation and to share good and
bad times together. It meets on
Wednesday mornings in the Church
Extra Time
Extra Time is a group aged 50 and
above who meet approximately
fortnightly to share fellowship and
take part in other activities. The
group organises a programme of
events, speakers and activities and, as
the name suggests, aims to
encourage those of more senior years
to see themselves as useful servants
in the kingdom of God, rather than
as those who are pensioned off. In
addition there is another group,
Dayspring, which links with
representatives of 5 local churches,
and is a group who meet regularly
for prayer and fellowship.
We have run adult Alpha courses
twice a year for many years and a
steady trickle of people either come
to faith through them or return to
faith after years away. Despite their
fruitfulness it has been a
struggle, in recent years,
to find appropriate
people to run the course
and to lead groups. The
people attending are
usually a mixed bunch, some with no
Christian background at all, others
already well-versed but seeking a
personal faith. A few of the Ark
regulars attend from time to time.
We have started to use post-Alpha
courses as an engine to create new
house groups, though not everyone
attending an Alpha course wishes to
continue in this way.
We also run youth Alpha courses
and these, too, have been fruitful
and work alongside our other youth
work. This year, Naomi Shrine, our
intern is running a student Alpha in
a local pub.
Student ministry
Until a few years ago, many
students from the universities
attended services at St Tees and got
involved with other ministries.
Student numbers started to drop a
few years ago, even though the
universities were expanding. One
reason for this is that other
Lancaster churches set out their
stalls to attract students and have
done so. Though we have never
been a student church as such,
rather a church that happily
supports and encourages students,
we could perhaps do more. A
couple of years ago, Peter Guinness
and his wife started “After Hours”,
which meets after the 6:15 service
and focuses on issues of importance
to 16 to 30 year olds. This year our
student intern, Naomi Shrine, is
working part-time for St Tees with
After Hours and further developing
links to students.
Mid-week activities for young people Other activities
Phasellus congue, felis nec aliquet pulvinar, nibh libero pharetra
tortor, id lobortis eros elit a urna. Integer velit arcu, vestibulum
nec, posuere a, tristique ut, lorem. Cras placerat, neque eget
posuere lacinia, orci felis tincidunt felis, at tincidunt sapien nunc
et metus. Duis tellus mi, semper vulputate, bibendum id, sodales
eget, nisi. Nullam nec tortor sit amet mi imperdiet interdum.
Aliquam nonummy tortor et metus. Sed dapibus bibendum sem.
Ut felis. Sed vel massa. Nulla gravida mauris at diam. Nullam
justo. Suspendisse et nibh ac massa aliquet fermentum. Fusce ultrices, sem eu
pharetra volutpat, metus nisl placerat elit, et eleifend velit tellus at magna. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut
dictum neque at ligula.
Curabitur faucibus ante sed leo. Donec porttitor, lacus in venenatis lobortis, neque
mauris varius nunc, id fermentum massa metus et leo. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Quisque laoreet mi a justo. Mauris venenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in
faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur tempor mauris ut
pede. Fusce adipiscing mauris quis eros. Sed eu mi. Vestibulum consequat
pellentesque dolor. Sed nonummy. Donec ut tortor.
Mauris euismod molestie magna. Donec nisi. Phasellus faucibus molestie leo. Mauris
odio neque, malesuada ac, bibendum nec, feugiat sed, eros. Vestibulum mauris
risus, sodales sed, cursus at, lacinia id, pede. Donec diam velit, nonummy in, dictum
vel, lacinia id, nisl. Aenean facilisis. Vivamus imperdiet enim eget leo. In scelerisque
suscipit enim. Proin porttitor orci id lacus.
Morbi fringilla scelerisque velit. Cras justo turpis, pretium a, tempus ut, dictum eget,
urna. Cras vulputate dui sit amet est feugiat pretium. Suspendisse a purus nec tortor
tristique venenatis. Sed porttitor hendrerit augue. Fusce leo. Sed vel tortor eget justo
aliquet ultrices. Cras ut augue et risus dictum tempus. Etiam arcu mauris, commodo
eget, ornare quis, malesuada sed, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Proin in velit id leo condimentum ornare.
Dio neque, malesuada ac, bibendum nec, feugiat sed, eros. Vestibulum mauris risus,
sodales sed, cursus at, lacinia id, pede. Donec diam velit, nonummy in, dictum vel,
lacinia id, nisl. Aenean facilisis. Vivamus imperdiet enim eget leo. In scelerisque nunc
et metus. Duis tellus mi, semper vulputate, bibendum id, sodales eget, nisi. Nullam
nec tortor sit amet mi imperdiet interdum. Aliquam nonummy tortor et metus. Sed
dapibus bibendum sem. Ut felis. Sed vel massa. Nulla gravida mauris at diam. Nullam
justo. Suspendisse et nibh ac massa aliquet fermentum. Fusce ultrices, sem eu
pharetra volutpat, metus nisl placerat elit, et eleifend velit tellus at magna. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut
dictum neque at ligula.
Curabitur faucibus ante sed leo. Donec porttitor, lacus in venenatis lobortis, neque
mauris varius nunc, id fermentum massa metus et leo. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Quisque laoreet mi a justo. Mauris venenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in
faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur tempor mauris ut
pede. Fusce adipiscing mauris quis eros. Sed eu mi. Vestibulum consequat
pellentesque dolor. Sed nonummy. Donec ut tortor.
Mauris euismod molestie magna. Donec nisi. Phasellus faucibus molestie leo. Mauris
vel, lacinia id, nisl. Aenean facilisis. Vivamus imperdiet enim eget leo. In scelerisque
suscipit enim. Proin porttitor orci id lacus.
Morbi fringilla scelerisque velit. Cras justo turpis, pretium a, tempus ut, dictum eget,
urna. Cras vulputate dui sit amet est feugiat pretium.
tristique venenatis. Sed porttitor hendrerit augue. Fusce leo. Sed vel tortor eget justo
aliquet ultrices. Cras ut augue et risus dictum tempus. Etiam arcu mauris, commodo
eget, ornare quis, malesuada sed, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Proin in velit id leo condimentum ornare.
Mauris sed libero id
metus faucibus viverra.
Pellentesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum.
Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida
nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu
tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at
ante. Maecenas quis libero. Ut felis eros, sollicitudin ut,
interdum vitae, bibendum id, odio. Vestibulum accumsan.
Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis
diam tincidunt aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl
lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent erat.
Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia
nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris
vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit.
Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod
aliquet. Vestibulum sed sem
quis est laoreet ultrices.
Quisque in ipsum. Sed libero massa, facilisis non,
placerat ornare, pharetra commodo, est. Donec suscipit
egestas libero. Duis facilisis, arcu adipiscing vulputate
congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie neque ante et
lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus
et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget pede. Phasellus
lacinia, leo vel
congue vehicula,
dolor ligula lacinia
justo, quismauris.
Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellentesque
quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus massa,
ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et
neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt
ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at ante.
Maecenas quis libero. Ut felis eros, sollicitudin ut,
interdum vitae, bibendum id, odio. Vestibulum
accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus.
Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt aliquam. Nam
tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo.
Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae nisi. Donec
suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci
Quisque in ipsum. Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare,
pharetra commodo, est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis,
arcu adipiscing vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie
neque ante et lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci
luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget pede. Phasellus
lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor dapibus
et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed at
nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis.
Nunc feugiat leo non urna consequat porta.
Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo.
Aliquam elit. Ut varius. Proin pharetra, est
tristique suscipit tristique, eros pede iaculis
lectus, nec sollicitudin eros odio eget ligula.
Pellentesque placerat.
Mauris sed libero
Pellentesque quis
Quisque metus mas
gravida nec, ipsum.
pede quis arcu tinc
nulla. Sed semper an
Ut felis eros, sollicitud
id, odio. Vestibulum
pede. Nam non lacu
tincidunt aliquam. N
Donec nisl lacus, tem
leo. Praesent erat. Su
ullamcorper at, phare
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae
venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tris
aliquet. Vestibulum sed sem quis est laoreet ultrices
Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare, p
est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, a
vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie
et lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus o
et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget pede.
lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia
convallis ipsum urna id neque. Donec a urna. Phas
Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac,
Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed at nisi a velit po
Aliquam iaculis. Nunc feugiat leo non urna consequ
Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo. Aliquam
Proin pharetra, est tristique suscipit tristique, eros pe
nec sollicitudin eros odio eget ligula.
Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellentesque quis elit.
Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec,
varius ut, gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede
quis arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante
at ante. Maecenas quis libero. Ut felis eros, sollicitudin ut,
interdum vitae, bibendum id, odio. Vestibulum accumsan. Integer
ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt aliquam.
Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut,
vehicula et, leo. Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec,
ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia
nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris
vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique
orci euismod aliquet. Vestibulum sed sem quis est laoreet ultrices. Quisque in
ipsum. Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare, pharetra
commodo, est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, arcu
adipiscing vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie
neque ante et lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus
orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget pede.
Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia
justo, quis convallis ipsum urna id neque. Donec a urna.
Phasellus non mauris. Morbi magna diam, euismod eget,
ultricies ac, dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna.
Sed at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. Nunc
feugiat leo non urna consequat porta.
Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo. Aliquam elit. Ut
varius. Proin pharetra, est tristique suscipit tristique, eros
pede iaculis lectus, nec sollicitudin eros odio eget ligula.
Pellentesque placerat. Maecenas vitae justo. Cras porttitor
auctor nunc. Praesent cursus posuere tellus. Fusce eu tortor
vitae enim placerat posuere. Duis dapibus viverra lorem. Duis
sapien odio, eleifend nec.
auris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra.
Pellentesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum.
Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida
nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu
tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at ut,
interdum vitae, bibendum id, odio. Vestibulum
accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non
lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt
aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl
lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent
erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec,
ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad
litora torquent per conubia
nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.
Proin bibendum mauris vitae nisi.
Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut
non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod aliquet.
Vestibulum sed sem quis est laoreet ultrices. Quisque in
ipsum. Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare,
pharetra commodo, est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, arcu adipiscing
vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie neque ante et lacus. Vestibulum
ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget
pede. Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia justo, quis
convallis ipsum urna id neque. Donec a urna. Phasellus non mauris. Morbi magna
diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac, dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna.
Sed at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. Nunc feugiat leo non urna
consequat porta.
Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo. Aliquam elit. Ut
varius. Proin pharetra, est tristique suscipit tristique, eros pede
placerat. Maecenas vitae justo. Cras porttitor posuere. Duis
dapibus viverra lorem. Duis sapien odio, eleifend nec.
Mauris pulvinar, mauris non semper accumsan, leo sapien eleifend odio, ut
consequat dui diam id sem. Mauris facilisis, purus molestie suscipit fringilla, velit
quam rhoncus magna, eget pellentesque ipsum metus a lorem. Nunc at arcu in orci
feugiat dictum. Ut velit erat, aliquam sed, bibendum ut, vehicula a, libero. Morbi
tincidunt eros nec leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Morbi consectetuer pede vel sem. Praesent mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et
magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dui. Quisque convallis
nisi. Curabitur convallis. Donec gravida. Donec suscipit tortor at neque. Nulla arcu
urna, ornare eu, mollis quis, scelerisque et, massa. In a orci.
Curabitur ipsum augue, malesuada iaculis, vulputate ac, euismod ac, risus. Quisque
ornare, mi id tincidunt egestas, odio quam auctor diam, non pulvinar diam lacus nec
sapien. In porttitor leo vitae lorem. Fusce venenatis ante id pede luctus egestas. Nam
lacinia tempor metus. Maecenas nec odio. Nullam commodo, pede a ultricies
tincidunt, diam elit lobortis orci, ut lacinia erat neque vitae magna. Morbi nibh
tellus, ornare sed, sodales non, pellentesque in, diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean placerat
nisi sed felis. Etiam id neque. Suspendisse volutpat ligula in metus. Proin sollicitudin
cursus eros. Fusce viverra. Aliquam lacinia feugiat elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet metus sit amet nisi lobortis pharetra.
Nulla eget pede vel libero porta congue. Vivamus tellus mauris, molestie vel,
accumsan vel, pulvinar et, nisi. Nulla aliquet mauris blandit elit. Mauris dapibus.
Nunc posuere. Aliquam a tortor egestas lacus commodo gravida. Aliquam molestie
turpis ut urna. Phasellus adipiscing magna in nunc. Nunc interdum. Suspendisse nec
sapien. Nam sed pede. In nonummy diam a diam. Duis at turpis. Pellentesque
consectetuer. Pellentesque vehicula dolor eget lacus. Donec ut magna eu arcu
faucibus tempus. Aliquam placerat. Nulla vitae nibh. Ut enim velit, elementum eget,
imperdiet eget, condimentum ut, lacus. Mauris ornare auctor libero.
turpis ut urna. Phasellus adipiscing magna in nunc. Nunc interdum. Suspendisse nec
feugiat dictum. Ut velit erat, aliquam sed, bibendum ut, vehicula a, libero. Morbi
tincidunt eros nec leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
sapien. Nam sed pede. In nonummy diam a diam. Duis at turpis. Pellentesque et,
facilisis vitae, rutrum eu, lorem. Curabitur blandit urna ac leo.
Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus
viverra. Pellentesque quis elit.
Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus
massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut,
gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque.
Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt
ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed
semper ante at accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede.
Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt
aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl
lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent
erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at,
pharetra non, nisl.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia
nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris
vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit.
Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod aliquet.
Vestibulum sed pede. Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue
vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia justo, quis convallis ipsum
urna id neque. Donec a urna. Phasellus non mauris.
Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac,
dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed
at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. Nunc
feugiat leo non urna consequat porta.
Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit
amet leo. Aliquam elit. Ut varius.
Proin pharetra, est tristique
suscipit tristique, eros pede iaculis
lectus, nec sollicitudin eros odio
eget ligula.
Mauris pulvinar, mauris non semper accumsan, leo sapien eleifend odio, ut
consequat dui diam id sem. Mauris facilisis, purus molestie suscipit fringilla, velit
quam rhoncus magna, eget pellentesque ipsum metus a lorem. Nunc at arcu in orci
feugiat dictum. Ut velit erat, aliquam sed, bibendum ut, vehicula a, libero. Morbi
tincidunt eros nec leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Morbi consectetuer pede vel sem. Praesent mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et
magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dui. Quisque convallis
nisi. Curabitur convallis. Donec gravida. Donec suscipit tortor at neque. Nulla arcu
urna, ornare eu, mollis quis, scelerisque et, massa. In a orci.
Curabitur ipsum augue, malesuada iaculis, vulputate ac, euismod ac, risus. Quisque
ornare, mi id tincidunt egestas, odio quam auctor diam, non pulvinar diam lacus nec
sapien. In porttitor leo vitae lorem. Fusce venenatis ante id pede luctus egestas. Nam
lacinia tempor metus. Maecenas nec odio. Nullam commodo, pede a ultricies
tincidunt, diam elit lobortis orci, ut lacinia erat neque vitae magna. Morbi nibh
tellus, ornare sed, sodales non, pellentesque in, diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean placerat
nisi sed felis. Etiam id neque. Suspendisse volutpat ligula in metus. Proin sollicitudin
cursus eros. Fusce viverra. Aliquam lacinia feugiat elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet metus sit amet nisi lobortis pharetra.
Nulla eget pede vel libero porta congue. Vivamus tellus mauris, molestie vel,
accumsan vel, pulvinar et, nisi. Nulla aliquet mauris blandit elit. Mauris dapibus.
Nunc posuere. Aliquam a tortor egestas lacus commodo gravida. Aliquam molestie
turpis ut urna. Phasellus adipiscing magna in nunc. Nunc interdum. Suspendisse nec
sapien. Nam sed pede. In nonummy diam a diam. Duis at turpis. Pellentesque
consectetuer. Pellentesque vehicula dolor eget lacus. Donec ut magna eu arcu
faucibus tempus. Aliquam placerat. Nulla vitae nibh. Ut enim velit, elementum eget,
imperdiet eget, condimentum ut, lacus. Mauris ornare auctor libero.
turpis ut urna. Phasellus adipiscing magna in nunc. Nunc interdum. Suspendisse nec
feugiat dictum. Ut velit erat, aliquam sed, bibendum ut, vehicula a, libero. Morbi
tincidunt eros nec leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
sapien. Nam sed pede. In nonummy diam a diam. Duis at turpis. Pellentesque et,
facilisis vitae, rutrum eu, lorem. Curabitur blandit urna ac leo.
Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus
viverra. Pellentesque quis elit.
Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus
massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut,
gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque.
Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt
ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed
semper ante at accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede.
Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt
aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl
lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent
erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at,
pharetra non, nisl.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia
nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris
vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit.
Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod aliquet.
Vestibulum sed pede. Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue
vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia justo, quis convallis ipsum
urna id neque. Donec a urna. Phasellus non mauris.
Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac,
dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed
at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. Nunc
feugiat leo non urna consequat porta.
Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit
amet leo. Aliquam elit. Ut varius.
Proin pharetra, est tristique
suscipit tristique, eros pede iaculis
lectus, nec sollicitudin eros odio
eget ligula.
The Library,
Lancaster University
The Hesketh Exhibition,
Concertina leaflet/brochure

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  • 1. Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YW Tel: +44 (0)1524 65201 Fax: +44 (0)1524 846243 Parts of this prospectus can be made available on audio cassette on request for people with visual impairments. For more information please contact the Disabilities Service. Undergraduate Prospectus 2012 Entry2012LancasterUniversityUndergraduateProspectusLANCRL14 The ISS Building - Lancaster University NOTES: Alternative cover design: B Photos, on front and back of the new Lancaster University ISS Building. Size: 148mm x 210mm NOTES: Photos, on front and back of the new Lancaster University ISS Building (Photos by Gwen Ainsworth, Lancaster University).
  • 2. If you’re thinking of studying at Lancaster University you may have been attracted by our collegiate system. As a student at Lancaster you will be a member of one of the great colleges of the university and with it gain your own community of students and staff. College life is centred around your residences, porter’s lodges and social spaces, as well as providing a healthy dose of college rivalry. Lancaster is one of the best campus Universities in the UK. Lancaster University is also renowned for its academic reputation and the student experience that Lancaster has to offer is difficult to match as well. At Lancaster we believe that your time spent at university should be so much more than just getting a degree. Making the right choice for your studies and selecting a quality institution are essential steps whatever your personal aspirations are when you graduate. You need to choose the right course at the university that best suits your needs. We are one of the top universities in the UK and offer a range of innovative, flexible and attractive programmes which span the Arts, Business, Medical, Science, Technology, Social Sciences and Management areas. Many of our programmes include an opportunity to spend some time studying abroad. Our students also have the opportunity to compete for scholarship places on our 3 week Summer School at one of China’s leading universities. Michael Payne LUSU President 2008-2010 The flexibility of our courses, and of our institution in general – enable you to develop both yourself and the subject you study. Our location offers flexibility too – with easy reach to cities, coast, mountains and lakes. The campus has a reputation for being one of the safest in the UK and has its own thriving community based around nine col- leges. Lancaster is an increasingly popular choice of university amongst students from all over the country. We educate our students to be problem solvers and once you graduate, you’ll find that your Lancaster degree is held in high regard by potential employers. Professor Paul Wellings Vice-Chancellor Our Union, in conjunction with the University, offers an enormous range of opportunities to enhance you personal skills and make the most of your time here. With over 100 sports clubs and societies, a highly qualified welfare and academic advice centre, a nationally respected volunteering unit and a strong network of student representatives your time at Lancaster is likely to be action packed and unforgettable. I hope that this has provided some insight into what it’s like to study here, and should you want any further information on the student experience please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to welcoming you to our University. Welcome Page 4 Page 5
  • 3. ArtsandSocialSciences Arts and Social Sciences 29-95 Management School 142-184 Health and Medicine 146-141 Science and Technology 96-145 ScienceandTechnologyManagementSchoolHealthandMedicine Life at Lancaster A global University 5 World-class research and teaching 6 Success and innovation 7 Postgraduate study options 9 Learning, training and study 11 resources Employability and employment 13 Your support networks 14 Campus life 16 Accommodation 21 International students 23 Essential Information Fees 212 Funding and Awards 213 Living Costs and Budgeting 215 Applying to Lancaster 216 Travel Details and Maps 217 General Index 221 Index of Taught Courses 222
  • 4. Why Lancaster? l A UK top 10 university for research l A Collegiate University – joining one of Lancaster’s 9 residential colleges means you’ll gain the additional support of a close community l A world class university – ranked 162 in The Times Higher Education QS World University Rankings 2009 l A UK top 10 University for Business – Lancaster University Management School consistently ranked in The Times Top 10 (2008) l An ideal environment for study – a picturesque campus environment close to the small city of Lancaster and within 40 minutes’ travel of the world famous Lake District l Guaranteed on-campus accommodation – for all overseas international students l A University focused on your career – Lancaster graduates go on to a wide range of great careers all over the world l The safest university city in the UK – The Good University Guide 2009
  • 5. Page 188 Page 189 History TYPICAL OFFERS A level—History/History and Politics: A level AAB + AS level C in one other subject. History and Sociology: A level ABB + AS level C in one other subject. Department cannot accept 2 AS levels in place of a third A level. A levels in applied Subjects and mixed Portfolios Grades required will be similar to those for candidates taking academic A and AS qualifications. International Baccalaureate—36 points, with at least a 6 in Higher level History. Scottish Qualifications—Advanced Higher AA (including History) + Higher ABB in three other subjects. Cambridge Pre-u—D3 D3 M2 welsh Baccalaureate—See page 197 overseas Qualifications—See page 198 access courses—Access to HE Diploma (QAA-recognised) including appropriate subjects with distinction grades in level 3 units. Candidates must meet essential subject requirements. General Studies/critical thinking—Offers normally exclude General Studies. Critical Thinking normally accepted to AS level only. ESSENTIAL SUBJECTS Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac, dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urnaed at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. FURTHER INFORMATION Gap year—Applications for deferred entry welcomed. Interviews—We interview in only a few, special cases. Open Days—All offers accompanied by an invitation to attend a Departmental Open Day in February, March or April. Admissions—+44 (0)24 7652 3723 E-mail— STUDYING HISTORY AT LANCASTER Dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras at odio. Morbi gravida rutrum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras eu arcu id tellus tristique adipisc- ing. Aenean non quam non risus pharetra iaculis. Donec rutrum. Duis luctus nibh vestibulum sem. Vestibulum vitae erat. Sed nec dui. Mauris hendrerit ante. Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellen- tesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at ante. Maecenas quis libero. Ut felis eros, sollicitudin ut, interdum vitae, bibendum id, odio. Vestibulum accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl. HISTORY AND YOUR FUTURE Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae nisi. Donec suscipit vene- natis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod aliquet. Vestibulum sed sem quis est laoreet ultrices. Quisque in ipsum. Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare, pharetra commodo, est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, arcu adipiscing vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie neque ante et lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus. HISTORY Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nislenean facilisis Vivamus perspective Phasellus congue, felis nec aliquet pulvinar, nibh libero pharetra tortor, id lobortis eros elit a urna. In- teger velit arcu, vestibulum nec, posuere a, tristique ut, lorem. Cras placerat, neque eget posuere lacinia, orci felis tincidunt felis, at tincidunt sapien nunc et metus. Duis tellus mi, semper vulputate, bibendum id, sodales eget, nisi. Nullam nec tortor sit amet mi imperdiet interdum. Aliquam nonummy tortor et metus. Sed dapibus bibendum sem. Ut felis. Sed vel massa. Nulla gravida mauris at diam. Nullam justo. Suspendisse et nibh ac massa aliquet fermentum. Fusce ultrices, sem eu pharetra volutpat, metus nisl placerat elit, et eleifend velit tellus at magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut dictum neque at ligula. Curabitur faucibus ante sed leo. Donec porttitor, lacus in venenatis lobortis, neque mauris varius nunc, id fermentum massa metus et leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque laoreet mi a justo. Mauris ve- nenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cur- abitur tempor mauris ut pede. Fusce adipiscing mauris quis eros. Sed eu mi. Vestibulum consequat pellentesque dolor. Sed nonummy. Donec ut tortor. HISTORY AND POLITICS Malesuada sed, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, perspective Morbi congue convallis nulla. Cras sed lectus. Nunc porta. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin sem- per dolor nec purus. Sed tincidunt metus sed lacus. lum felis. Vivamus tempus, nisl at condimentum ul- trices, urna nulla placerat ligula, nec venenatis nisl libero sed mauris. Morbi aliquet consectetuer nisi. Donec adipiscing. Ut ipsum. Nullam eros leo, euis- mod a, ornare nec, luctus et, nunc. Praesent nec odio ac felis varius sagittis. Cras tortor purus, egestas in, nonummy sit amet, malesuada viverra, quam. Sed vulputate eleifend tellus. Duis risus ante, tempor eget, aliquam ac, porta id, enim. Aliquam volutpat cursus magna. Sus- pendisse nisi. Nullam non dolorincludes considera- tion of academic potentialinterest in History. HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY Sed, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ucaS: Vl13 Ba/hiSoc Proin leo nibh, convallis non, pretium nec, euismod sed, metus. Suspendisse pede augue, posuere et, imperdiet non, pretium at, ipsum. Morbi quis pede. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque iac- ulis, ligula sit amet aliquet sodales, risus dui iaculis elit, nec sollicitudin dui tellus et ipsum. Fusce eleifend. Duis interdum feugiat dui. Vivamus ligula risus, eleifend vitae, fringilla eget, convallis vitae, erat. Phasellus elementum, libero eleifend sagittis lacinia, purus dolor fermentum lacus, at con- sectetuer velit turpis at sapien. Etiam nec velit ac lorem eleifend fermentum. Cras pellentesque, dui nec volutpat facilisis, pede erat rhoncus eros, id pharetra tortor arcu eu neque. Etiam tortor eros, porttitor nec, faucibus eget, mollis id, nunc. Nulla a tortor. Suspendisse a massa. Nunc lacinia. Nullam commodo dictum erat. Cum sociis natoque penati- bus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In viverra nonummy pede. Curabitur orci metus, auctor convallis, placerat eget, porta a, nibh.
  • 6. investment in excess of £300m in new college, residential and social facilities, teaching spaces and new research facilities.... continued investment £420m to 2017
  • 7. HEALTH RESEARCH Page 108 Page 109 “Phasellus congue, felis nec aliquet pulvinar, nibh libero pharetra tortor, id lobortis eros elit a urna. tique ut, lorem. Cras placerat, neque eget lacinia, orci felis tincidunt felis, at tincidunt sapien nunc et metus. Duis tellus mi, semper lam nec tortor sit amet mi imperdiet interdum. Aliquam nonummy tortor et metus. Sed dapibus bibendum sem. Ut felis. Sed vel massa. Nulla gravida mauris at diam. Nullam justo. Suspendisse et nibh ac massa quet fermentum.” Steve Bradley Health Research HealthResearch The Department of Health Research is strongly committed to excellence in research and teach- ing. Our wide-ranging teaching is kept up to date by our staff’s engagement in cutting-edge histor- ical research. Small-group tutorials, which ensure active discussion among you and your tutors, are at the heart of our approach. It is no surprise therefore that we achieve excellent ratings in both research and teaching, and score highly in the National Student Survey. All this makes the study of History at Lancaster University an exciting and rewarding choice. We offer an unusually wide selection of subjects to study, ranging from the medieval period to the present, and covering different countries, themes and critical approaches to the study of history. You can become a specialist or, through the numerous combined degrees available, build your History and History-related units into something much broader. In addition, we administer consortial courses in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Modern European History, and Social History. DEGREES Health Research 87 BA Hons V100 BA/Hist Medieval and Renaissance Studies 89 BA Hons V125 BA/MedvRS Modern European History 92 BA Hons VV12 BA/MEH COMBINED DEGREES English Literature and History 94 BA Hons QV31 BA/EngLHis French Studies and History (4 yrs) 96 BA Hons RV11 BA/FrH German Studies and History (4 yrs) 98 BA Hons RV21 BA/GerH History, Philosophy and Politics 101 BA Hons VOLO BA/HiPhiP History and International Relations 104 BA Hons VL12 BA/HisIR French Studies and History (4 yrs) 106 BA Hons RV11 BA/FrH German Studies and History (4 yrs) 108 BA Hons RV21 BA/GerH History, Philosophy and Politics 111 BA Hons VOLO BA/HiPhiP History and International Relations 114 BA Hons VL12 BA/HisIR HealthResearch
  • 8. Bowland College Cartmel College The County College Furness College Fylde College Grizedale College Lonsdale College Pendle College “I think the collegiate system is one of the best aspects of the university and have found it very supportive and loads of fun.” “ ” Colleges immediate circle of friends
  • 9. Ceremonies and Events Office Lancaster University Lancaster, LA1 4YW T: 01524 592190 E: W: 1020 Graduation: Your Guide Summer 2010 Essential Information and Registration Form On the Day Arrival and Parking Please aim to arrive on campus two hours before your ceremony. Parking restrictions are lifted on Graduation day which means that you can park for free in any marked space on campus. Parking will be at a premium so arrive in plenty of time. Limited disabled parking is available in John Creed and Bowland Avenue. If you or your guests have mobility difficulties and these spaces are unavailable, you may find it helpful to drop off close to the Great Hall and park elsewhere on campus. A map showing ramped routes around campus is available at: ages/access.pdf Collect your robes Robes will be available for collection from the George Fox Building at the following times. We suggest you allow at least ten minutes to walk to the Great Hall: Ceremony Robe Collection time from 10 a.m./11 a.m. 8 a.m. 12 noon 9.30 a.m. 3 p.m. 11 a.m. 5 p.m. 1 p.m. Robe return by: 7.00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 6 p.m. Wednesday, Friday 2010 Arrive at the Great Hall and proceed to your Lining up venue You need to arrive at the Great Hall one hour before your ceremony. Guests will be ushered to their seats and you should proceed straight away to your lining up venue so we can put you into the correct order for the ceremony. When we send you your tickets, we will include details of where you will be lining up. Leave your handbags with your guests as you cannot bring them into the hall with you. Ceremony Protocols Graduands Ladies graduating should wear hats throughout the ceremony; gentlemen should wear hats to process in and out of the Hall and leave them under their seat during the ceremony. Guests Please be considerate of other guests; although we do permit guests to take photographs during the ceremony, we ask that you are careful not to disturb the view of those around you and that you remain seated at all times. Video cameras are not permitted in the Hall.  After your Ceremony College group photographs will take place near the Great Hall and you will be directed there after your ceremony. 98 2010 Graduation Timetable FST Faculty of Science & Technology SHM School of Health and Medicine LUMS Lancaster University Management School FASS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences *Please note: 76 Monday 13 July 11 a.m. University of Cumbria Ceremony 1 (Faculty of Education) 3 p.m. Edge Hill University Ceremony 1 (Faculty of Education) 5 p.m. Edge Hill University Ceremony 2 (Faculty of Education) Accrington & Rossendale College Furness College, Barrow Tuesday 14 July 10 a.m. University of Cumbria Ceremony 2 (Health & Education) 12 noon Lancaster University Furness 1 (FASS, LUMS, SHM*) 3 p.m. University of Cumbria Ceremony 3 (BSSS, Arts) 5 p.m. Lancaster University Furness 2 (FST) Grizedale Wednesday 15 July 10 a.m. Lancaster University Lonsdale 12 noon Lancaster University Bowland 3 p.m. Lancaster University Cartmel Thursday 16 July 10 a.m. Lancaster University Pendle 1 (FASS, LUMS, SHM) 12 noon Lancaster University Fylde 3 p.m. Lancaster University Pendle 2 (FST) County 1 (FST, LUMS, SHM) 5 p.m. Lancaster University County 2 (FASS) Friday 17 July 10 a.m. Edge Hill University Ceremony 3 (Arts & Sciences) 12 noon Edge Hill University Ceremony 4 (Arts & Sciences) 3 p.m. Edge Hill University Ceremony 5 (Arts & Sciences) We have great pleasure in inviting you to attend Lancaster University’s Graduation Ceremonies which will take place in the Great Hall of the University from Monday 13 to Friday 17 July 2009. In this guide you will find everything you need to know about how to register to attend your ceremony, order your guest tickets and information about what will happen on the day. Lancaster University’s Graduation Ceremonies have an excellent reputation for being enjoyable and memorable occasions. To make the most of your special day and to ensure everything runs smoothly, please read this guide carefully and use the checklist to help you plan. Most importantly, make sure you reply by the deadline of 27 March 2009 to tell us whether or not you are planning to attend. You should expect to hear from us again in early June when we will send you your allocation of guest tickets and further information for you and your guests. If you do not hear from us then, please contact the office to check your registration has been processed. Dear Graduand, You are receiving this guide because you are expected to graduate and it is important that you complete the registration process even if you are as yet unsure of the outcome of your course. If you are a graduand of one of our associated institutions (Edge Hill University, University of Cumbria, Accrington and Rossendale College or Furness College, Barrow) please look out for specific infor- mation for you. You will find lots of helpful and detailed information on our website which should answer any questions you may have: www. Any further queries should be directed to our email address: We look forward to welcoming you and your guests to Lancaster University in July. 1 Best Wishes, The Ceremonies Team Checklist Page 2 Further Information Page 4 Useful Telephone Numbers Page 5 Graduation Timetable Page 7 On the Day Page 8 Registration form Page 9 Robes Page 11 Photography Page 12 University of Cumbria: Timetable & Reception Page 14 Edge Hill University Timetable Page XX DVD Sales Page XX Commemorative Jewellery Page XX Graduation Day Lunch (Lancaster Students only) Page XX Cras blandit vulputate enim Page XX Phasellus sodales volutpat quam Page XX Etiam pretium metus quis nisl Page XX Morbi consequat neque euismod ligula Page XX Duis accumsan mattis velit Page XX Praesent vitae Page XX Felis vestibulum risus tincidunt Page XX Ultricessit amet justo Page 52 2010 Contents Summer 2009 Essential Information and Registration Form Graduation: Your Guide Graduation: Your Guide Summer 2011 Essential Information and Registration Details monies and Events Office Lancaster University Lancaster, LA1 4YW T: 01524 592190
  • 10. Summer 2010 Essential Information and Registration Form Graduation: Your Guide 2010 Ceremonies and Events Office Lancaster University Lancaster, LA1 4YW T: 01524 592190 E: W: Check the date and time of your ceremony (page 7) Register to attend your ceremony and request your guest tickets: Deadline: 27 March 2009 Lancaster University Students: Register online at https://www.cisinfo.lancs. Students of Associated Institutions: Complete and return the Registration Form (page 9). Two tickets are guaranteed for those who apply by the stated deadline. Additional tickets are allocated, if available, on a first come, first served basis. Our ceremonies are very busy and in most cases extra tickets will not be available. Extra guests should go to the Live Video Link in Lancaster University Management School (see page 4). Book your robes with official robe-makers, J.Wippell & Co Ltd (page 11) Please ensure you have placed your order before the end of June. You must wear full academic dress to attend your ceremony. Normal wear under robes is a suit and tie for men and a plain dress or skirt/trouser suit for women. Checklist Clear all outstanding debts to your institution Deadline: 15 May 2009 If you are in debt you cannot graduate; if you are in any doubt check your financial clearance. Lancaster University: 01524 592050 Edge Hill University: 01695 584792 University of Cumbria: 01524 384217/384309 Arrange accommodation (if required) On campus: graduation/graduation-form.html Off campus: ic-lancaster Make your lunch arrangements Lancaster University students will be contacted by their Colleges with details of their celebrations. For details of the Gradu- ation Day Lunch see page 22. For details of the University of Cumbria’s reception, see page 14. 3 2010 2 Further Information Access Requirements If you or any of your guests use a wheelchair, have mobility difficulties or have any other requirements, please let us know so that we can make appropriate arrangements for you at your ceremony. You can either indicate this when you register to attend or contact Jane Purcell to discuss arrangements on 01524 592190. Certificates Lancaster University Students: Your certificate can be collected on the day from the George Fox Building or, if you prefer, it will be sent out to your home address in August. Any enquiries regard- ing certificates should be directed to your Student Registry. Students of Associated Institutions: Your certificates will be posted from your own institution’s Student Registry after your graduation. All students: Please make sure you notify your Student Registry of any changes of address. Accommodation on Campus 01524 592444 Catering on Campus 01525 592444 Catering: University of Cumbria 01524 384237 Ceremonies Office: Lancaster University 01524 592190 Childcare 01524 594464 DVD Orders 01524 593984 Financial Clearance: Lancaster University 01524 592050 Financial Clearance: Edge Hill University 01695 584792 Financial Clearance: University of Cumbria 01524 384217/384309 Official Photographers 01524 592533 Robes J Wippell & Co 01392 254234 Student Administration University of Cumbria 01524 384237 Student Registry Edge Hill University 01695 584432 Student Registry Lancaster University 01524 592140 Children Graduation is a family occasion and children are welcome to attend the ceremony. Children under five may sit on a guest’s knee; children older than five will require a normal guest ticket. If you are bringing children who may not be able to sit quietly through the ceremony, which lasts about an hour, we ask that you be prepared to leave the auditorium. You might prefer to take young children to the Live Video Link Screen where the atmosphere is more informal. If you would like to arrange childcare (from 3 months to 7 years), please book in advance by contacting the pre-school Centre on 01524 594464. Live Video Link Screen If you have extra guests without tickets, every ceremony will be transmitted live to Lancaster University Management School Lecture Theatres. No tickets are required and the atmosphere is informal and celebratory. The venue is fully accessible. The ceremonies will also be broadcast live via Lancaster University’s website. Useful Telephone Numbers 2010 54 On the Day Arrival and ParkingPlease arrive on campus five hours before your ceremony. You will be required to show an admittance card and will be directed by parking marshals. Your robesYour graduation robes will be ordered for you by GDGWI and will be available for collection from 10 January or on the day from the Programme Office. The hire fee will be confirmed to you in December and must be paid when you collect your robes. Please return your robe to the Programme Office by 1900 hrs at the latest. You must wear full academic dress to attend your ceremony. Normal wear under robes is a suit and tie for men and a plain dress or skirt/trouser suit for women.Before the CeremonyA rehearsal will take place at 12 noon. Please ensure you attend so you know what to do during the ceremony. An official photographer has been appointed to take photographs. Portrait photographs will be available in the Sports Centre foyer. The CeremonyThe venue will be open for seating one hour before the ceremony. We ask that you and your guests be seated twenty minutes before the ceremony. Guests will be ushered to their seats and you should proceed immediately to the registration desk for further instructions. Leave your handbags with your guests as you cannot bring them into the hall with you. After the CeremonyGroup Photography will take place immediately after the ceremony and you will be directed by the ushers. High Tea will be served to all guests in the Dining Hall from 6.15 p.m. Ceremony ProtocolsGraduandsGraduating students should wear hats throughout the ceremony. Guests To ensure everyone enjoys the ceremony, please be considerate of other guests. We ask that you are careful not to disturb the view of those around you and that you remain seated at all times unless otherwise instructed. Video cameras and flash photography are not permitted. Please turn off all mobile phones. Goenka FinalA5 5page_Layout 1 07/03/2011 11:16 Page 4 Register by e-mail to attend your ceremony and request your guest tickets at Deadline: 29 November 2010 Please provide the following information: Your nameYour Student ID The number of tickets you would like (up to a maximum of four) Two tickets are guaranteed for those who apply by the stated deadline. Additional tickets, if available, are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis Clear all outstanding dues to your institution Deadline: 29 November 2010 If you are in debt you cannot graduate; if you are in any doubt check with Mr Kailash Goel: +91 124 3315900 Further Information Access Requirements If you or any of your guests use a wheelchair, have mobility difficulties or have any other requirements, please let us know so that we can make appropriate arrangements for you at your ceremony. You can either indicate this when you register to attend or contact Mr Kumar Kaushik : +91 124 3315900. Certificates Your certificate will be available for collection from Mr Kumar Kaushik : +91 124 3315900 on or after your ceremony day, by you or your authorised representative. ChildrenGraduation is a formal occasion and we regret that children under 10 may not attend the ceremony. Each guest requires a guest ticket. 1. 2. Checklist Goenka FinalA5 5page_Layout 1 07/03/2011 11:16 Page 3 Ceremonies Office (Lancaster University) Tel: 00 44 1524 592190 Programme Office (GD Goenka World Institute) Mr Kumar Kaushik Tel: +91 124 3315900 Financial Clearance Mr Kailash Goel Tel: +91 124 3315900 Photography Mr Kumar Kaushik Tel: +91 124 3315900 Robes Mr Kumar Kaushik Tel: +91 124 3315900 Contacts Goenka FinalA5 5page_Layout 1 07/03/2011 11:16 Page 5 T E L E V I S I O N Graduation T E L E V I S I O N Graduation T E L E V I S I O N Graduation T E L E V I S I O N Graduation Ceremonies and Events Office Lancaster University Graduation Brochures and Guides
  • 11. M8 A7 M6 A74(M) M 1 M1 M40 M5 M6 M6 M62 Lake District S C O T L A N D E N G L A N D W A L E S E I R E N. IRELAND Birmingham LiverpoolDublin Belfast M6 Manchester Edinburgh LONDON A1 A1 Guaranteed on-campus accommodation A safe, friendly campus environment Community atmosphere with 9 different colleges Dedicated International Student Advisory Service Easy access by air, road and rail 4+8 week English for Academic Purposes (EAP) pre-sessional courses available • • • • • • Accounting and Finance Biological/Biomedical Science Engineering/ Communications Systems Computing Contemporary Arts Economics Educational Research English and Creative Writing Environmental Science Law Linguistics and English Language Management and Business Marketing Mathematics and Statistics MBA Politics and International Relations Psychology Religious Studies Social Sciences Lancaster is ranked in the UK top 10 for research One of only two 6* rated Management Schools in the U.K. LUMS is consistently rated number 1 in England for student satisfaction World Class Research Centres in Environmental Science, Information Technology, Maths and Statistics, Physics and Psychology Recognised to be one of the world's top 100 in Social Sciences Lancaster is a campus University with guaranteed on-campus accommodation Over 1500 international students from over 100 different countries. Total student population is approximately 11,000. • • • • • • • The International Office Lancaster University Design for Roller banner displays (800mm x 2145mm)
  • 12. Guaranteed on-campus accommodation A safe, friendly campus environment Community atmosphere with 9 different colleges Dedicated International Student Advisory Service Easy access by air, road and rail 4+8 week English for Academic Purposes (EAP) pre-sessional courses available Accounting and Finance Biological/Biomedical Science Engineering/ Communications Systems Computing Contemporary Arts Economics Educational Research English and Creative Writing Environmental Science Law Linguistics and English Language Management and Business Marketing Mathematics and Statistics MBA Politics and International Relations Psychology Religious Studies Social Sciences M8 A7 M6 A74(M) M 1 M1 M40 M5 M6 M6 M62 Lake District S C O T L A N D E N G L A N D W A L E S E I R E N. IRELAND Birmingham LiverpoolDublin Belfast M6 Manchester Edinburgh LONDON A1 A1 LANCASTER Lancaster is ranked in the UK top 10 for research One of only two 6* rated Management Schools in the U.K. LUMS is consistently rated number 1 in England for student satisfaction World Class Research Centres in Environmental Science, Information Technology, Maths and Statistics, Physics and Psychology Recognised to be one of the world's top 100 in Social Sciences Lancaster is a campus University with guaranteed on-campus accommodation Over 1500 international students from over 100 different countries. Total student population is approximately 11,000. The International Office Lancaster University Design for Roller banner displays (800mm x 2145mm)
  • 13. ARCTIC DIALOGUES Conversations between Art and Science Jane Rushton & Crispin Halsall ARCTIC DIALOGUES Conversations between Art and Science Jane Rushton & Crispin Halsall ARCTIC DIALOGUES Conversations between Art and Science Jane Rushton & Crispin Halsall Arctic Dialogues.indd 2-3 15/12/2010 09:57 ‘ If we look at their processes, rather than their end products, science and art share so many ways of proceeding: observation, structured speculation, visualization, exploitation of analogy and metaphor, experimental testing, and the presentation of a remade experience in particular styles.. In these shared features, the visual very often has a central role.’ 1 The exhibition and catalogue Arctic Dialogues is a response to a period of field-work on the Arctic island of Spitzbergen in the Svalbard Archipelago, in which artist Jane Rushton joined atmospheric scientist Crispin Halsall, and research assistant Gary Codling, during February 2009. Significant contributions come from anthropologist. Griet Scheldeman, who joined in the conversation back in Lancaster, and visual artist Sarah Casey. 1 Martin Kemp, Visualizations The Nature Book of Art and Science, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 2000, p.4. 1 Conversations JR Experimentation and risk-taking are central to my process; images are ‘found’ through testing, manipulating, and saying ‘what if?’What part does experimentation play in your scientific process? CH Experimentation in science is often based on a ‘hunch’ and then refined as a hypothesis, to be tested through observations.There is a risk, particularly with field based science, that the number of variables (some of which may not have been considered) confound the experiment, or bias the observations in some way. JR When we were in Longyearbyen, the light was extraordinary and it has impacted hugely on my sense of the place, and found its way into my visual responses, which are either monochrome or of limited palette. Can you say something about the significance of light in your project? CH Light is an important factor in our work. Light penetration of surface snow layers can influence contaminant fate. In Polar twilight, the period just before Polar sunrise, light intensity is low and the contaminant profile in surface snow may be quite different compared to the profile observed after sunrise. JR We have both spoken about the notion of attention to detail, and for me that reflects both a way of seeing, and a way of working, in that I try and remain responsive to subtleties and variations in what I see and what I do. CH As analytical chemists, attention to detail in our methods gives us the precision and accuracy in our measurements required to understand pollution processes in this unique environment. Snow sampling, Svalbard 4 5 Again, subtle variations in physical parameters such as air temperature or stratification within a snowpack can have a large influence on how chemical pollutants behave. JR In the work I have made, and as a recurring concern throughout my practice, is the paradox between macro and micro; how the work can be interpreted in terms of either, and makes reference to both. Does the notion of macro/ micro enter into your thoughts? CH Different types of snow in the same snowpack often have very different properties e.g. densities, surface area and particle loadings. By examining these ‘micro’ features then an often bigger picture emerges. For example, a snow layer enriched in particulate matter will effectively hold onto chemical pollutants until the end of the winter season, unlike a ‘particle free’ layer, where the pollutants are much more mobile. JR The field period that we spent together allowed me to observe and absorb something of your processes and methods, which have undoubtedly influenced some of my own working methods. I’d be interested to know if my presence had any impact on your experience there? CH Having you, as an art researcher, with us opened our eyes!We could appreciate the subtle features in the landscape, which, perhaps, we may not have noticed, and this helped influence our choice of study sites. Residual Traces , 2009 30 x 30 cm Filter papers and filtration residues 6 7 Detail from Topography III, 2010 4 x 20 x 20 cm Graphite pencil, watercolour, gesso, and ink on Indian paper Topography II, 2010 20 x 20 cm Graphite pencil, gesso, and ink on Indian paper 12 13 Given that these works are based on fieldwork carried out before the Polar sunrise, metaphors of darkness and apparition might be more apt for describing these works; works which have emerged through an intuitive process: one of sensing, of searching. For instance, Mapscape II is made by feeling her way across the vast white expanse of the page, sensitive to these specificities of her experiences in the cold blue-white landscape that is Svalbard; a meditation on remembered sights, sounds, feel of the landscape. According to Rushton, this work is as much about mapping herself as the landscape. So, returning to the history of drawing and empirical observation, it becomes clear that a definition of ‘observation’ which reflects merely the ocular is insufficient for these works.‘Observation’ as deployed by Rushton emerges as something more experiential, phenomenological: being mediated by the body, and the scientific methodologies through which she experiences it.The body as filter; her practice and process as filter; a situated knowledge. (Donna Haraway Feminist Studies,Vol 14 1988, 575-599). Thus this exhibition does not aspire to describe or illustrate the activities of the scientist, nor does it appropriate their techniques wholesale. Instead, an eclectic borrowing and combination of materials, processes, technologies and aesthetics are combined in the work with sensuous embodied knowledge of the landscape to make an elegant response to that environment, not only the polar environment, but the professional environments of scientific and artistic study. Detail of Mapscape II, 2010 Full size, 60 x 45 cm Pencil on paper Mapscape I, 2009 20 x 20 cm Graphite suspension and pencil on paper 10 1122 Lancaster Institute for Contemporary Arts (LICA) Lancaster University A5 Landscape Brochure
  • 14. Parish profile for St Thomas’s Church Lancaster. Our church building stands in the heart of the city centre, surrounded by pubs, fast food outlets, and close to the police station and Magistrates’ courts. The parish is small, with a population of around 6000 and includes traditional semi- detached houses and Victorian terraced housing, the latter much occupied by students. The only significant ethnic diversity within the parish comes from the student population. Unemployment rates in the local wards are below the regional average. Our parish and city. Lancaster is a small and vibrant city with a population of 47,000 out of the wider district total of 143,500, which includes the seaside town of Morecambe, the port of Heysham and rural villages stretching towards the Cumbria and Yorkshire borders. The city has many historic buildings, including a magnificent castle with a 12th Century keep, and is home to two universities: Lancaster University and the main campus of the University of Cumbria. As a university city, Lancaster has a thriving pub/club scene and theatres, cinemas and museums, which enrich its cultural life. It has many good primary schools and one of them, Bowerham county primary, is within the parish. The very well- regarded Ripley St. Thomas C of E High School is a short walk away. Ripley has its own chaplain and we have strong links with many aspects of the school’s life and witness. The incumbent is a foundation governor and two church representatives are members of its governing body. Lancaster also has two single sex grammar schools with outstanding academic records. The Royal Lancaster Infirmary is five minutes walk from the church and we provide several members of the lay chaplaincy team there. The city is also home to two prisons, one housed in part of the castle, the other a purpose-built Young Offender Institution. Lancaster enjoys excellent communications, being on the West Coast Main rail line and having two M6 junctions. We welcome many visitors because we are very close to holiday destinations, including the Lancashire coast, the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks. St Thomas’s is one of six Anglican churches serving the historic city of Lancaster. Since the church was created over 150 years ago it has been an evangelical beacon, light and salt in the life of the city. 1 1110 Congregational profiles The 2009 congregational census made in October can be summarised as follows, including double counts for those who attend twice on a Sunday. The numbers are the total across all services in a week: The main church building is on the corner of Penny Street and Marton Street. It was designed by Edmund Sharp and consecrated on the 14th June 1841. Over the years various changes have been made to the building including the addition of a spire. During the mid 1970s the internals were re-ordered to make the building better suited to contemporary worship and, in particular, more family friendly with carpets and a sound-proof entrance lounge. Few would describe the church as an architectural gem, but it has listed status, reflecting its Victorian heritage. About 10 years ago, the wooden pews were removed and replaced with comfortable, moveable seats. This enables the seating layout to be changed to suit different types of worship as well as other uses such as the holiday club and festival times. The heating system was renewed about 5 years ago and is in good order. Our most recent project has been the refurbishment of the church kitchen, rear lounge and toilets with facilities for those with disabilities. Church Centre In 1980 we bought a derelict school sited adjacent to the main building on Marton Street. Years previously, it had been St Thomas’s Girls Secondary School but had fallen into ruin following the creation of the mixed Ripley St Thomas’s School about a mile away. About £100,000 was raised through two gift days and we set about rebuilding what was derelict and restoring what could be restored, mainly using the talents of the congregation. This created a building that was originally intended to house a residential community upstairs and church facilities downstairs. The building was dedicated by the Bishop of Blackburn on the 24th October 1984. Its usage has changed over the years. The upstairs is now used for Church offices, meeting rooms and a prayer room. Some local Christian organisations also use office space there. Downstairs there is a large meeting room and a craft aid shop that has promoted fair trade for over 25 years. After over quarter of a century of constant use, the Centre is looking rather shabby and needs attention. As a first stage we are refurbishing the kitchen, using money donated for that purpose. Pre-school buildings and car park The church also owns some additional land behind the church. This consists of a prefabricated building used for the pre school centre and a car park used by the congregation on Sundays and for other weekday meetings. The pre-school building has a delightful atmosphere created by artistic members of our community and, though a prefab, meets all OFSTED standards. Vicarage The vicarage is a large, 5- bedroomed, stone built, terraced house on four levels just outside the parish boundary on Belle Vue Terrace, close to the A6. It has a lounge, dining room, kitchen diner, a separate modern kitchen, study and toilet downstairs. Outside there are split level garden areas and a garage with rear access. The vicarage is within easy walking distance of the other church buildings. Quinquennial inspection The last quinquennial inspection was carried out in June 2007, and work was identified to an approximate value of £76,000 + VAT of which about £45,000 relates to internal repairs and redecoration. We feel we have good working relationships with other local churches. We are a part of “Churches Together in Lancashire”, which seeks the most effective ways of showing God’s love to the locality. It encourages us to share in events that are occurring in our churches as well as St Tees, making the local body of Christ more visible. Our very popular Holiday Club and weekly evening youth events are well attended by the children and youth of other Lancaster churches. The church is sometimes used for inter-church prayer celebrations or when smaller churches need a larger place to hold special events. The Church Centre enjoys similar use by others and is also used for the Christmas shelter run by Lancaster Homeless Action. We value the support of the Bishop of Lancaster and agree with his view that there may be greater scope for more cooperation with other Anglican clergy in the city. Each of the churches has a Mission Action Plan and stronger links may make us all more effective in our outreach. In addition, our clergy and other church leaders representing the area’s evangelical community meet for prayer and support about 6 times a year. The church has links with New Wine and a number of members of the church community attend New Wine summer conferences including some serving in team and leadership roles. Profile of Congregation Greatest weekly attendance: 611 Average weekly attendance: 538 Least weekly attendance: 487 The next figure shows the changing numbers in broad age groups over the last 10 years. The recent decline in those aged 16 or over is mainly due to a drop in student numbers attending services. 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Regulars <16 Regulars 16+ Electoral roll 200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998 S Further analysis of the 2009 census data shows the age profile to be fairly well-balanced. St Tees Attendances 1998 to 2009 Profile of Congregation by age group Our facilities 1sarluegR 1stenduSt +61 +61 61srotisiV s61erdnU nusrotisiV +6 s 61erdn 0-15 16-2416 24 25-39 40-54 55-69 70+ Links with other churches 12 To be a loving and welcoming community that enables all ages to grow and develop as God’s people. To be an active evangelistic community, willing to explore imaginative and effective ways of reaching those who don’t yet know Christ. To be a prayerful community led by the Holy Spirit in all we do. To be a sending church, training and equipping the next generation to be salt and light. We are praying for a man or woman who is comfortable with our broad vision for the church: Someone with a deep personal faith who takes joy in sharing that with others. A gifted bible teacher and communicator, able to show the relevance of scripture to contemporary life. Someone open to the work of the Holy Spirit who is comfortable with spiritual gifts and able to sensitively encourage their use. A servant leader with proven ability both to lead and mentor the staff team and to recognise, mobilise and develop gifts and ministries in all members of the church across all age groups. Someone committed to the authority of scripture in all matters of faith and conduct. A gifted pastor able to support and develop our pastoral ministry and build our life as the body of Christ. Finances Summaries of our income and expenditure are shown below. More details can be found in the 2009 Annual report. Church expenditure summary Church income summary We have tried to paint an honest picture of our current church life for potential applicants. The interregnum is proving an exciting and challenging time for us as we seek prayerfully to understand God’s vision for how we move on. We trust that whomever He is calling will relish the opportunity of helping to shape our response to that vision. We may not know the specifics of what that will mean in practice. We are aware it may be risky and uncomfortable at times but we want to be a church that is unafraid to renew its vision and adapt itself to the changes in the needs of those who are part of its community, within and beyond the church walls Our vision for the future - a work in progress • • • • • • APPENDIXFinally 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 2010 budget 2009 budget 2009 actual 2008 actual D 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 2010 budget 2009 budget 2009 actual 2008 actual D Other expend Mission support fund Wages Parish share 2 Our next incumbent Other income Tax Recovered Congregational giving 2 Distribution of PCC income Distribution of PCC expenditure 32 St. Thomas’s, known affectionately as St. Tees, is an active Christian community that draws people from the Lancaster district and aims to support them spiritually in their daily lives. We aim to present one another mature in Christ and open to the work of the Holy Spirit. We strive to be relevant to contemporary life whilst remaining faithful to our evangelical tradition. Perhaps the best way to understand this is to take a guided tour of what goes on, since this helps to illustrate our values, ambitions and limitations. We take corporate worship, celebration and teaching seriously, especially when the congregations gather on Sundays. The 10:30 am service combines elements of Anglican liturgy with a measured informality to make it accessible to all, using digital technology where appropriate. Contemporary worship songs are an important element of our worship, some written by members of the fellowship, and we are blessed with talented musicians and worship leaders, led by Martin Walmsley. The 10:30 service has, in effect, been full for several years, with too few spare seats to make it easy for newcomers to feel comfortable. Life in our Church Corporate worship, celebration and teaching “Worshipping God together and at home, we serve and proclaim Jesus wherever we are.” Worshipping God together and at home, we serve and proclaim Jesus wherever we are. Lancaster Parish profile St Thomas's 98 A Women’s group meets monthly in a local café for coffee and chat and there is also a Book group which meets in a member’s home. Both of these events are open to non-church members. There is also a Men’s group that from time to time organises events. The Oasis team is active in planning and organising a range of events for women which nurture and care for them. There is also a team that organises regular social events that have included Salsa and Bollywood evenings and music events to which people can invite friends and neighbours. A small but dedicated team meets each week to make beautiful flower arrangements that really help make the church a pleasing place within which to worship. We are also fortunate to have talented designers who produce lovely banners for the church. Pastoral support Obviously, the clergy are a crucial part of pastoral care in St Tees. However, most people receive basic pastoral support through the house group network, though there are people whose needs cannot easily be met by that route. The pastoral team provides the next level of support, making home visits, taking communion to the housebound and offering prayer and counsel as appropriate. The pastoral links team also arranges to meet people who are new to the congregation and wish to know more about life at St Tees, helping them settle into the life of the church. As part of this, the team attempts to find suitable house groups for those who would like to join one. St Tees Angels organises practical support, such as cooking, basic DIY and help with those parts of life that we all take for granted when everything is running well, but for which we need help in difficult times. Prayer No church can survive without prayer and, as well as prayer in the main services and small groups, we have a quiet prayer room. Whilst Alpha courses are in progress there is a parallel prayer meeting to support the spiritual battle in which the Alpha team is engaged. Our confidential prayer chains quickly pass important prayer requests through a network of intercessors. There are also occasional prayer concerts in which we link to other churches. There is an authorised prayer ministry team that offers prayer and personal ministry during and at the end of Sunday services as required. Prayer support is also available through the house group and pastoral support networks. In the words of a current worship song, many members of the congregation think that ‘there must be more than this’ and there is a growing realisation that we may have neglected our corporate prayer life in recent years. During the interregnum we are meeting monthly for corporate prayer and there does seem to be an appetite for more. It is hard to see how we can do more than just survive if we neglect this part of our life together. It should be clear by now that St Tees runs on the energy, gifts and time of its people. To support this, we employ paid staff, some of whom form the staff team that meets regularly to pray and consider what God is saying to the church. We have two church wardens, Tony Bell and Sandie Lane-Dixon and an active PCC. In addition the church is grateful for the time and talents of three lay readers, four pastoral auxiliaries and several retired, though active, clergy. Core ministries Staff, lay readers and retired clergy Rev Saju Muthalaly Curate in chargeIan McGrath Youth Pastor Sarah Evans Assistant Youth Pastor (Children) & Events Co-ordinator Dave Cumming Administrator Anne Mansley PA to Vicar (Part-time, five half days) Martin Walmsley Director of Music (Part-time, three days) Terry Legg Cleaning and Maintenance (Part-time) Dave Bowers Cleaning and Maintenance (Part-time) Naomi Shrine Student Intern 76 We regard our children’s and young people’s work as a central part of our community and were delighted to be told by the diocese that we are officially a child-friendly church, being awarded this accolade in 2008. We have a full-time Youth Pastor, Ian McGrath, and a Children’s worker, Sarah Evans. Ian and Sarah see their job as leading, supporting and encouraging the teams engaged in this work. Rock Solid Rock Solid is a chance for young people aged 11 to 14 to let their hair down each Monday. They meet new friends and find out more about what it means to follow Jesus. It is running as a Youth Alpha course during the current term (January to Easter 2010). Fusion Fusion is our group for 8 to 11 year olds, which meets Thursdays in the Church Centre allowing the young people to play games, to chat, to chill and to learn more about God and their relationship with him. Reson8 Reson8 is a group for young people aged approximately 14 to 18 and it also meets every Thursday, rotating around several homes connected with the church. It tackles spiritual issues of concern to the age group. Fuel Fuel is a popular social group for young people ages 15 to 18, which meets each Friday, usually in the Church Centre. Judah Judah is a music group for children and young people and meets on Friday evenings. Other Children’s events During the Easter holidays we run a Holiday Club for 5 to 11 year olds, taking over most of the church buildings for this and culminating in an action-packed Sunday morning service. Even more people squash into the main church building for this and usually stay for a burger lunch. In addition to Holiday Club we run a number of other children’s events including an alternative Halloween event, a puppet nativity and a Summer fun day. Pre-school We run a pre-school each morning and two afternoons for 2-5 year olds. OFSTED inspections have been very positive and the pre-school is very popular with local parents as well as with church families. We aim to provide a loving and supportive atmosphere for young children and their parents. We are fortunate to have trained pre-school staff in the church and, also, artists who have decorated the rooms to make them delightful places for young children. Evangelism through the pre-school is very low-key, aiming to build friendships and trust, though there may be scope for more overt outreach. Little Fishes Unlike the pre-school, the Little Fishes group is for parents and toddlers, allowing the children to play together whilst the parents, mainly mums, have chance to enjoy some adult conversation and to share good and bad times together. It meets on Wednesday mornings in the Church Centre. Extra Time Extra Time is a group aged 50 and above who meet approximately fortnightly to share fellowship and take part in other activities. The group organises a programme of events, speakers and activities and, as the name suggests, aims to encourage those of more senior years to see themselves as useful servants in the kingdom of God, rather than as those who are pensioned off. In addition there is another group, Dayspring, which links with representatives of 5 local churches, and is a group who meet regularly for prayer and fellowship. Alpha We have run adult Alpha courses twice a year for many years and a steady trickle of people either come to faith through them or return to faith after years away. Despite their fruitfulness it has been a struggle, in recent years, to find appropriate people to run the course and to lead groups. The people attending are usually a mixed bunch, some with no Christian background at all, others already well-versed but seeking a personal faith. A few of the Ark regulars attend from time to time. We have started to use post-Alpha courses as an engine to create new house groups, though not everyone attending an Alpha course wishes to continue in this way. We also run youth Alpha courses and these, too, have been fruitful and work alongside our other youth work. This year, Naomi Shrine, our intern is running a student Alpha in a local pub. Student ministry Until a few years ago, many students from the universities attended services at St Tees and got involved with other ministries. Student numbers started to drop a few years ago, even though the universities were expanding. One reason for this is that other Lancaster churches set out their stalls to attract students and have done so. Though we have never been a student church as such, rather a church that happily supports and encourages students, we could perhaps do more. A couple of years ago, Peter Guinness and his wife started “After Hours”, which meets after the 6:15 service and focuses on issues of importance to 16 to 30 year olds. This year our student intern, Naomi Shrine, is working part-time for St Tees with After Hours and further developing links to students. Mid-week activities for young people Other activities
  • 15. Phasellus congue, felis nec aliquet pulvinar, nibh libero pharetra tortor, id lobortis eros elit a urna. Integer velit arcu, vestibulum nec, posuere a, tristique ut, lorem. Cras placerat, neque eget posuere lacinia, orci felis tincidunt felis, at tincidunt sapien nunc et metus. Duis tellus mi, semper vulputate, bibendum id, sodales eget, nisi. Nullam nec tortor sit amet mi imperdiet interdum. Aliquam nonummy tortor et metus. Sed dapibus bibendum sem. Ut felis. Sed vel massa. Nulla gravida mauris at diam. Nullam justo. Suspendisse et nibh ac massa aliquet fermentum. Fusce ultrices, sem eu pharetra volutpat, metus nisl placerat elit, et eleifend velit tellus at magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut dictum neque at ligula. Curabitur faucibus ante sed leo. Donec porttitor, lacus in venenatis lobortis, neque mauris varius nunc, id fermentum massa metus et leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque laoreet mi a justo. Mauris venenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur tempor mauris ut pede. Fusce adipiscing mauris quis eros. Sed eu mi. Vestibulum consequat pellentesque dolor. Sed nonummy. Donec ut tortor. Mauris euismod molestie magna. Donec nisi. Phasellus faucibus molestie leo. Mauris odio neque, malesuada ac, bibendum nec, feugiat sed, eros. Vestibulum mauris risus, sodales sed, cursus at, lacinia id, pede. Donec diam velit, nonummy in, dictum vel, lacinia id, nisl. Aenean facilisis. Vivamus imperdiet enim eget leo. In scelerisque suscipit enim. Proin porttitor orci id lacus. Morbi fringilla scelerisque velit. Cras justo turpis, pretium a, tempus ut, dictum eget, urna. Cras vulputate dui sit amet est feugiat pretium. Suspendisse a purus nec tortor tristique venenatis. Sed porttitor hendrerit augue. Fusce leo. Sed vel tortor eget justo aliquet ultrices. Cras ut augue et risus dictum tempus. Etiam arcu mauris, commodo eget, ornare quis, malesuada sed, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin in velit id leo condimentum ornare. Dio neque, malesuada ac, bibendum nec, feugiat sed, eros. Vestibulum mauris risus, sodales sed, cursus at, lacinia id, pede. Donec diam velit, nonummy in, dictum vel, lacinia id, nisl. Aenean facilisis. Vivamus imperdiet enim eget leo. In scelerisque nunc et metus. Duis tellus mi, semper vulputate, bibendum id, sodales eget, nisi. Nullam nec tortor sit amet mi imperdiet interdum. Aliquam nonummy tortor et metus. Sed dapibus bibendum sem. Ut felis. Sed vel massa. Nulla gravida mauris at diam. Nullam justo. Suspendisse et nibh ac massa aliquet fermentum. Fusce ultrices, sem eu pharetra volutpat, metus nisl placerat elit, et eleifend velit tellus at magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut dictum neque at ligula. Curabitur faucibus ante sed leo. Donec porttitor, lacus in venenatis lobortis, neque mauris varius nunc, id fermentum massa metus et leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque laoreet mi a justo. Mauris venenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur tempor mauris ut pede. Fusce adipiscing mauris quis eros. Sed eu mi. Vestibulum consequat pellentesque dolor. Sed nonummy. Donec ut tortor. Mauris euismod molestie magna. Donec nisi. Phasellus faucibus molestie leo. Mauris vel, lacinia id, nisl. Aenean facilisis. Vivamus imperdiet enim eget leo. In scelerisque suscipit enim. Proin porttitor orci id lacus. Morbi fringilla scelerisque velit. Cras justo turpis, pretium a, tempus ut, dictum eget, urna. Cras vulputate dui sit amet est feugiat pretium. tristique venenatis. Sed porttitor hendrerit augue. Fusce leo. Sed vel tortor eget justo aliquet ultrices. Cras ut augue et risus dictum tempus. Etiam arcu mauris, commodo eget, ornare quis, malesuada sed, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin in velit id leo condimentum ornare. Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellentesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at ante. Maecenas quis libero. Ut felis eros, sollicitudin ut, interdum vitae, bibendum id, odio. Vestibulum accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod aliquet. Vestibulum sed sem quis est laoreet ultrices. Quisque in ipsum. Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare, pharetra commodo, est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, arcu adipiscing vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie neque ante et lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget pede. Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia justo, quismauris. Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellentesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at ante. Maecenas quis libero. Ut felis eros, sollicitudin ut, interdum vitae, bibendum id, odio. Vestibulum accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci Quisque in ipsum. Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare, pharetra commodo, est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, arcu adipiscing vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie neque ante et lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget pede. Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. Nunc feugiat leo non urna consequat porta. Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo. Aliquam elit. Ut varius. Proin pharetra, est tristique suscipit tristique, eros pede iaculis lectus, nec sollicitudin eros odio eget ligula. Pellentesque placerat. Mauris sed libero Pellentesque quis Quisque metus mas gravida nec, ipsum. pede quis arcu tinc nulla. Sed semper an Ut felis eros, sollicitud id, odio. Vestibulum pede. Nam non lacu tincidunt aliquam. N Donec nisl lacus, tem leo. Praesent erat. Su ullamcorper at, phare Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tris aliquet. Vestibulum sed sem quis est laoreet ultrices Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare, p est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, a vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie et lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus o et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget pede. lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia convallis ipsum urna id neque. Donec a urna. Phas Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac, Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed at nisi a velit po Aliquam iaculis. Nunc feugiat leo non urna consequ Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo. Aliquam Proin pharetra, est tristique suscipit tristique, eros pe nec sollicitudin eros odio eget ligula. Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellentesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at ante. Maecenas quis libero. Ut felis eros, sollicitudin ut, interdum vitae, bibendum id, odio. Vestibulum accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod aliquet. Vestibulum sed sem quis est laoreet ultrices. Quisque in ipsum. Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare, pharetra commodo, est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, arcu adipiscing vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie neque ante et lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget pede. Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia justo, quis convallis ipsum urna id neque. Donec a urna. Phasellus non mauris. Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac, dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. Nunc feugiat leo non urna consequat porta. Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo. Aliquam elit. Ut varius. Proin pharetra, est tristique suscipit tristique, eros pede iaculis lectus, nec sollicitudin eros odio eget ligula. Pellentesque placerat. Maecenas vitae justo. Cras porttitor auctor nunc. Praesent cursus posuere tellus. Fusce eu tortor vitae enim placerat posuere. Duis dapibus viverra lorem. Duis sapien odio, eleifend nec. auris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellentesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at ut, interdum vitae, bibendum id, odio. Vestibulum accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod aliquet. Vestibulum sed sem quis est laoreet ultrices. Quisque in ipsum. Sed libero massa, facilisis non, placerat ornare, pharetra commodo, est. Donec suscipit egestas libero. Duis facilisis, arcu adipiscing vulputate congue, arcu nisl porta massa, in molestie neque ante et lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eget pede. Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia justo, quis convallis ipsum urna id neque. Donec a urna. Phasellus non mauris. Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac, dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. Nunc feugiat leo non urna consequat porta. Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo. Aliquam elit. Ut varius. Proin pharetra, est tristique suscipit tristique, eros pede placerat. Maecenas vitae justo. Cras porttitor posuere. Duis dapibus viverra lorem. Duis sapien odio, eleifend nec. Mauris pulvinar, mauris non semper accumsan, leo sapien eleifend odio, ut consequat dui diam id sem. Mauris facilisis, purus molestie suscipit fringilla, velit quam rhoncus magna, eget pellentesque ipsum metus a lorem. Nunc at arcu in orci feugiat dictum. Ut velit erat, aliquam sed, bibendum ut, vehicula a, libero. Morbi tincidunt eros nec leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi consectetuer pede vel sem. Praesent mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dui. Quisque convallis nisi. Curabitur convallis. Donec gravida. Donec suscipit tortor at neque. Nulla arcu urna, ornare eu, mollis quis, scelerisque et, massa. In a orci. Curabitur ipsum augue, malesuada iaculis, vulputate ac, euismod ac, risus. Quisque ornare, mi id tincidunt egestas, odio quam auctor diam, non pulvinar diam lacus nec sapien. In porttitor leo vitae lorem. Fusce venenatis ante id pede luctus egestas. Nam lacinia tempor metus. Maecenas nec odio. Nullam commodo, pede a ultricies tincidunt, diam elit lobortis orci, ut lacinia erat neque vitae magna. Morbi nibh tellus, ornare sed, sodales non, pellentesque in, diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean placerat nisi sed felis. Etiam id neque. Suspendisse volutpat ligula in metus. Proin sollicitudin cursus eros. Fusce viverra. Aliquam lacinia feugiat elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet metus sit amet nisi lobortis pharetra. Nulla eget pede vel libero porta congue. Vivamus tellus mauris, molestie vel, accumsan vel, pulvinar et, nisi. Nulla aliquet mauris blandit elit. Mauris dapibus. Nunc posuere. Aliquam a tortor egestas lacus commodo gravida. Aliquam molestie turpis ut urna. Phasellus adipiscing magna in nunc. Nunc interdum. Suspendisse nec sapien. Nam sed pede. In nonummy diam a diam. Duis at turpis. Pellentesque consectetuer. Pellentesque vehicula dolor eget lacus. Donec ut magna eu arcu faucibus tempus. Aliquam placerat. Nulla vitae nibh. Ut enim velit, elementum eget, imperdiet eget, condimentum ut, lacus. Mauris ornare auctor libero. turpis ut urna. Phasellus adipiscing magna in nunc. Nunc interdum. Suspendisse nec feugiat dictum. Ut velit erat, aliquam sed, bibendum ut, vehicula a, libero. Morbi tincidunt eros nec leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. sapien. Nam sed pede. In nonummy diam a diam. Duis at turpis. Pellentesque et, facilisis vitae, rutrum eu, lorem. Curabitur blandit urna ac leo. Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellentesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod aliquet. Vestibulum sed pede. Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia justo, quis convallis ipsum urna id neque. Donec a urna. Phasellus non mauris. Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac, dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. Nunc feugiat leo non urna consequat porta. Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo. Aliquam elit. Ut varius. Proin pharetra, est tristique suscipit tristique, eros pede iaculis lectus, nec sollicitudin eros odio eget ligula. Mauris pulvinar, mauris non semper accumsan, leo sapien eleifend odio, ut consequat dui diam id sem. Mauris facilisis, purus molestie suscipit fringilla, velit quam rhoncus magna, eget pellentesque ipsum metus a lorem. Nunc at arcu in orci feugiat dictum. Ut velit erat, aliquam sed, bibendum ut, vehicula a, libero. Morbi tincidunt eros nec leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi consectetuer pede vel sem. Praesent mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dui. Quisque convallis nisi. Curabitur convallis. Donec gravida. Donec suscipit tortor at neque. Nulla arcu urna, ornare eu, mollis quis, scelerisque et, massa. In a orci. Curabitur ipsum augue, malesuada iaculis, vulputate ac, euismod ac, risus. Quisque ornare, mi id tincidunt egestas, odio quam auctor diam, non pulvinar diam lacus nec sapien. In porttitor leo vitae lorem. Fusce venenatis ante id pede luctus egestas. Nam lacinia tempor metus. Maecenas nec odio. Nullam commodo, pede a ultricies tincidunt, diam elit lobortis orci, ut lacinia erat neque vitae magna. Morbi nibh tellus, ornare sed, sodales non, pellentesque in, diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean placerat nisi sed felis. Etiam id neque. Suspendisse volutpat ligula in metus. Proin sollicitudin cursus eros. Fusce viverra. Aliquam lacinia feugiat elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet metus sit amet nisi lobortis pharetra. Nulla eget pede vel libero porta congue. Vivamus tellus mauris, molestie vel, accumsan vel, pulvinar et, nisi. Nulla aliquet mauris blandit elit. Mauris dapibus. Nunc posuere. Aliquam a tortor egestas lacus commodo gravida. Aliquam molestie turpis ut urna. Phasellus adipiscing magna in nunc. Nunc interdum. Suspendisse nec sapien. Nam sed pede. In nonummy diam a diam. Duis at turpis. Pellentesque consectetuer. Pellentesque vehicula dolor eget lacus. Donec ut magna eu arcu faucibus tempus. Aliquam placerat. Nulla vitae nibh. Ut enim velit, elementum eget, imperdiet eget, condimentum ut, lacus. Mauris ornare auctor libero. turpis ut urna. Phasellus adipiscing magna in nunc. Nunc interdum. Suspendisse nec feugiat dictum. Ut velit erat, aliquam sed, bibendum ut, vehicula a, libero. Morbi tincidunt eros nec leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. sapien. Nam sed pede. In nonummy diam a diam. Duis at turpis. Pellentesque et, facilisis vitae, rutrum eu, lorem. Curabitur blandit urna ac leo. Mauris sed libero id metus faucibus viverra. Pellentesque quis elit. Vestibulum vestibulum. Quisque metus massa, ullamcorper nec, varius ut, gravida nec, ipsum. Etiam et neque. Etiam tincidunt pede quis arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Praesent et nulla. Sed semper ante at accumsan. Integer ac sem. Nulla pede. Nam non lacus. Nullam eu dolor quis diam tincidunt aliquam. Nam tristique sollicitudin erat. Donec nisl lacus, tempus ac, semper ut, vehicula et, leo. Praesent erat. Suspendisse mi arcu, molestie nec, ullamcorper at, pharetra non, nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin bibendum mauris vitae nisi. Donec suscipit venenatis sapien. Ut non velit. Cras in sapien tristique orci euismod aliquet. Vestibulum sed pede. Phasellus lacinia, leo vel congue vehicula, dolor ligula lacinia justo, quis convallis ipsum urna id neque. Donec a urna. Phasellus non mauris. Morbi magna diam, euismod eget, ultricies ac, dapibus et, felis. Quisque blandit tortor at urna. Sed at nisi a velit posuere laoreet. Aliquam iaculis. Nunc feugiat leo non urna consequat porta. Fusce luctus scelerisque est. In sit amet leo. Aliquam elit. Ut varius. Proin pharetra, est tristique suscipit tristique, eros pede iaculis lectus, nec sollicitudin eros odio eget ligula. The Library, Lancaster University The Hesketh Exhibition, Concertina leaflet/brochure